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@xelatonivs8691 33 минут бұрын
Zorin OS is a good start.
@treevsy Күн бұрын
I love linux, but the amount of trouble shooting and random shit i have to fix is way higher than windows. And windows is buggy as hell at times.
@The_One_Eyed_Rouge Күн бұрын
Razer peripherals dont have linux native support, have to rely on some dude from github unfortunately. Meta Quest hardware doesn't have native support for Linux as well.
@Garfield_Minecraft Күн бұрын
I use templeOS.. btw I tried linux on virtual box just to test it out, and I find myself type "ls" and "sudo apt" on windows and realized I'm on windows I love CLI I grew up with it. I use it to compile and run code for everything. command line isn't bad. command line you actually learn just absolutely basics and you're done. just know "ls" "cd" and "sudo", now you can already done almost anything, and using terminal-based web browser is kinda silly, no any serious professional uses computer that way LOL, and gaming I only use steam I think steam can run on linux since it's wuite popular. it's a computer just different OS and kernal, but this one is open-source they(the community) definitely already find a way to do things that windows can on linux. I would like to use linux for programming but 1 big butt... compatibility problem so i'm really not sure if I should switch can't I have both? I can have both but switching between them is kinda meh
@Scopalamine071 Күн бұрын
BRUH CAN WE RUN HEAVY GAMES LIKE WUKONG / GTA 5 / RDR2 ?? etc since its an light OS
@lazyh0rse 2 күн бұрын
You missed the most important reason people ACTUALLY don't want to switch to Linux. It's the bugs, especially with new updates, there's alwasy new issues pop up occasionally that require you to manually troubleshoot it. These things completely discourage users from ever driving Linux. Android is by far the best system, not because it has many apps, but because it's unbreakable. Same for windows, I can blindly install windows update with 0 fears that it could break something on the system. The average user is not a tech-savvy. When these issues are fixed, people will automatically adopt Linux, and programs that don't want to support Linux will eventually support it. It starts with stability not ends with it.
@gruntaxeman3740 Күн бұрын
That is only related to you. Operating systems made for production are not buggy. "Android is by far the best system, not because it has many apps, but because it's unbreakable." It is Linux distro, operating system made for production like ChromeOS, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise, Suse Enterprise and also Ubuntu LTS. Ubuntu is the only one with poor QA so no need to hurry on new LTS release, just wait that bugs are fixed. "Same for windows, I can blindly install windows update with 0 fears that it could break something on the system." Windows Insider crashes all the time and requires reinstalling often, especially after updates. "When these issues are fixed" There are no real issues. It is user problem if that install some beta, preview, insider, bleeding edge, nightly build, some student bedroom project, rolling release or similar that is not meant for production.
@sergeykish 3 күн бұрын
In 2006 I've switched to Linux - installed Ubuntu with GUI, packages with GUI. Bullshit is claiming terminal is required.
@verros03 3 күн бұрын
Roblox is NOT on linux :(
@dansanger5340 3 күн бұрын
I don't get why people hate updates. I like it when my OS gets regular updates, whether it's my MacBook, my Windows machine, or my Linux Mint machine. It means somebody is working on it to fix bugs and add features.
@_Learnix 3 күн бұрын
its much less updates and moreso the format through which updates are carried forward. The way Windows conducts updates is invasive and inefficient as well as prone to breakage.
@pythnnify 3 күн бұрын
i use lfs btw
@sukiyeet4380 4 күн бұрын
The only reason i dont fully switch to linux, is because there are games that you can directly or normally install with linux I know the existence of litrus but its still annoying, and its literally the only thing stopping me I have another small reason, but its something id rather not share (its not major, but it still annoys me since because of it, i cant properly switch to linux) Ive installed arch and tried ubuntu before, but my main pc broke(using windows) i had to go and switch to windows on my laptop, made me sad cause all my progress was gone, but HAD to do it
@AR-ym4zh 4 күн бұрын
Channel name: "Learnix" Comments: are you a linux SHILL? Idk why operating system preferences cause so many insecure nerds to assert their "real man does real work, no time for tinker. I'm a big boy with 6 kids and 7 houses and 8 jobs" thing whenever someone says they have enjoyed using Linux. I'm gonna start telling people who pick up painting or second languages about how I don't paint because I have a job and I only speak English because it is good enough for my communication needs, so second languages are patently useless for serious, professional users of words. I would love to indulge a curiosity or attempt a different way, but alas I am just far too busy and important to bother with mundane exploration and experimentation. Nothing ever good comes of those activities anyhow, as we all know. In-fact, we should never step outside of our comfort zone because the moment we do we will be evicted, divorced, jobless, and spending every waking moment troubleshooting an enterprise-class Linux From Scratch configuration on a Thinkpad from 1992, until we die. I don't care at all what OS someone uses, but the laziness, insecurity, and lack of curiosity for understanding how the tools which shape a non-trivial portion of your lives, is rather striking to me. I kinda just want to know how the things around me work. I'd say its subjective interest, but is it really? Have we not heard the adage that literacy in computing, in the modern context, is just another aspect of literacy? To me not understanding how a computer works and using a computer is like not knowing how roads and cars work, but getting on the Freeway every day anyways. Can you hack it? Sure. Will it be fun or safe? Absolutely not. Whether you use Windows or Linux or Mac, if you use your computer often you should understand how it works. I would apply that to any tool or methodology you use day-to-day, and so frequently, and so intimately (banking, dating, socializing, business, work, studying, creating, playing..). There is a meditation saying, "If you feel you do not have 10 minutes in your day to meditate, you should meditate for 15 minutes a day". The point is that if you have fooled yourself into believing your life is so important and every decision you make is so crucial and time-restrictive, that any loss of productivity toward a long-term end is waste... well you just waste your whole life in aimless productivity. I think we used to just call this "lack of foresight". Use whatever OS you want, but stop coping and grasping so hard. It is rather embarassing. If you don't like learning new things that is fine. Our culture exhalts non-learning as a virtue at this point, and it has become indicitive of how our educational systems fail in producing self-regulated learners. If you feel Linux is too much of a bother, and have even a tangential connection to technology, you should go learn Linux more than anyone else. Don't relegate yourself to a poor understanding of your system, when you use it for so much important stuff. Computers are not infallible, and your ignorance to them can lead to stress. Much more stress than encountered in learning the basics of computing. If you are on Linux and think you are too good for Windows (not concerned for FLOSS reasons), you should make yourself learn Powershell and Visual Studio, since you have let your ego get in the way of your skill development. Simple stuff. Understand how things work, and don't delude yourself into thinking you are too busy and "productive" to learn things not directly applicable to your precise circumstance. Even 30 minutes a day of a fundamentally different way of doing things can change the way you solve problems or understand circumstance, forever. It may be worth your time, maybe even the time of your big house and 9 kids and 3 wives and 8 Twitch streams and 4 copies of Adobe Suite, which apparently keep some from such silly activities as exploring operating systems, just on principle, apparently.
@KiRiTO72987 5 күн бұрын
Why must you bully windows XP lol
@edenshusaku3909 5 күн бұрын
So to resume your whole video : Linux is still not good enough to play games You need to UNlearn 15 years of computer usage to comprehend how it works You still absolutely need the console, linux users just won't admit it at first. Voilà.
@iscream8963 5 күн бұрын
I recently tried switching to Linux. I tried installing Nobara 40 three times, and each time I updated my system, Plasmashell just crashed. I couldn't get it to work, so I never went back to Linux.
@wallabam 5 күн бұрын
i use arch btw
@nezunskyfire292 5 күн бұрын
This was an enjoyable Q&A.
@flamingscar5263 5 күн бұрын
Simply put, windows doesn't do anything really bad, it just does bad things, which is a major difference Only the most die hard linux user would deny that windows at its core, is a stable well running operating system The things that make windows suck are things that don't impact actually using the OS, if I hand my grandma windows 11 she won't feel like her data is being taken, probably won't notice/care about the ads, will just not notice the garbage AI features Actual core features wise, windows is great, it's all the garbage Microsoft piles on top that sucks, but that garbage doesn't interfere with using the OS for 90% of people, including myself Would I rather the data collection, ads, AI garbage, strict hardware requirements (windows 11 only) all not be there? Absolutely, but do those things really stop me from using my computer? Eh not really
@iiisaac1312 6 күн бұрын
The GUI is the computer telling you what you are allowed to do. The Terminal is you telling the computer what you want it to do.
@nedasmozuraitis5818 6 күн бұрын
Listen up linux users. The average person is not very computer literate end of story. I'll use an analogy. The average driver can barely fuel up their car, now you are telling them to change their oil, check coolant levels, point out where is the brake fluid reservoir. All of these tasks are super basic, yet seemingly impossible for the average driver. A computer is just a tool, majority of people don't have the time nor do they want to learn more about said tool in their limited spare time. Most "normies" don't live a life centered around computers. I've seen people getting confused after UI updates of programs they've used for years. The "normies" don't even know what an OS is or that you can install a different one. I had linux mint on my laptop and my co-workers straight up said to me wtf is linux. The average "normie" doesn't even know what he/she doesn't know about computers.
@iiisaac1312 6 күн бұрын
See, Linux are racist because they make it too hard to use. They need to make them easy like TV, so people in the community have good jobs. Linux are made by whites and Chinese, and they don't like it when we try to get ahead.