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2 ай бұрын
John Talks Weaponised Nostalgia
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Watergate - Manny Man Does History
@user-vm6qx2mx5z 5 сағат бұрын
The Arabs from Palestine were Muslims who originated in Arabia, and they are not natives of the land, the Jews were before and then Christians together, the Arabs have no religious or historical connection to the land, Jews to Judea and Arabs to Arabia
@jckistan Күн бұрын
I remember a while back seeing something about nostalgia bait, where the point someone made was references to older media was all it had. I think it might have been Spongebob. Either way, it seems that a lot of media companies are resorting to the mindset of: "hey, remember when we were good? we just made a reference to that time! isnt that funny? we're self aware!" and it never benefits anyone! it doesnt add anything to the story, it doesnt improve the media, it just reminds viewers of what they COULD be watching
@syruskamran9054 Күн бұрын
I challenge you to have a one to one debate with me as you have made so many inaccurate claims in this video and have conveniently missed out a lot of important points that would have given this video a more balanced perspective instead of an inherently biased one.
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan Күн бұрын
I’d be interested in a conversation. Debates, particularly online debates are rarely constructive and say nothing about certain perspectives, and more about someone’s ability to debate.
@ZackyDaley 2 күн бұрын
Kamala is the worst vice president of all time lol
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan Күн бұрын
Aaron Burr, sir?
@maas1208 2 күн бұрын
Excellent Video
@queenofredania6076 2 күн бұрын
so this is a pro palestine propaganda?....I was hoping for a neutral who could openly say...both sides are crazy becuase it pro palestine also should have seen it from the start as you are wearing their flag dispite disclaimers
@queenofredania6076 2 күн бұрын
the fact that you're wearing their flag boo you're suppose to be making reports not make people take sides for propaganda reasons the last part had me disappointed the world is already divided just report and not make people take side becuase both sides are FOOQED
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan 2 күн бұрын
Dude, it’s my channel. I can say what I want! Also, thanks for spotting the Palestine colours ;) The Israeli regime and Hamas are both crazy, but it’s not just Hamas being wiped out in Gaza right now.
@queenofredania6076 2 күн бұрын
@@JohnDRuddyMannyMan that is where we agree its you channel and that you hate hamas....I also dont agree with the IDF but that dont mean I have to guilt trip the isrealis.....both palestinians and israeli are victims of their own selfish choices but I also dont blame them becuase the really did f them up
@crash100 3 күн бұрын
Great work❤
@eldadmarbach2288 3 күн бұрын
You introduced the Palestinian narrative after 1920! And not the truth! You presented one side at a time, in the period before the establishment of the state you did not mention what was happening in Israel (which included a civil war between the Arabs and Jews). And the fact that the Jews did agree to the partition and the Arabs did not. In addition, you did not mention that in World War II there was an agreement between the Arabs and the British that the British would give the Arabs a large Arab state (the size and territory of the Muslim Empire - one of them), and in World War II most of the Arabs in Israel decided to go over to the side of the Netzaim (only about 1000 offered the Jews help in case the Netzaim arrived ), including that their leader met with Hitler. You also forgot to mention that during all these years there were still terrorist attacks (even before the rockets), and you did it as if the Jews only wanted to kill the Palestinians (who have no connection to Canaan - they only came to Israel during the Islamic conquests), since the establishment of the state, you have followed the Palestinian narrative, the shooting of The Israeli missiles and bombs are designed to destroy the Hamas rocket array, which is still firing rockets (which means it is still active despite all the damage), all military deployments over the years were in response to terrorist attacks. In addition to calling Gaza an open air prison is a lie, they have a crossing with Egypt through which they can leave Gaza, (and they do it from time to time). In addition, in times of peace there are many workers who come from the Palestinian territories to earn money in Israel, only when there are many terrorist attacks there or during war the quota is reduced (there is a limit because they also occasionally carry out terrorist attacks and murder their boss). Another thing is that when Jordan controlled the West Bank the Palestinians asked for independence! It didn't go so well for them. The First Lebanon War, it was in cooperation with the "South Lebanon Army" against Hizbullah who conquered South Lebanon and is still the one who rules there. The Six Day War started because of intelligence information (their armies were sitting on the border) that the Arab armies intended to start another war, and as a result Israel decided instead of waiting to launch a pre-emptive attack and destroy the Egyptian Air Force (the strongest in the region). And that you claim that Israel is committing genocide is like saying that Hamas wants peace (which is not true). The claim that the Israeli attacks do not help to rescue the abductees is not related, the attacks were intended, along with the ground attack, to destroy Hamas, which is holding the hostages, and thus had the idea that they would succeed in rescuing them (and indeed they succeeded in rescuing some in a military operation) but Hamas simply kills them, and therefore there is an argument that it does not help and owe a deal. It is also important to note that Hamas used the hospitals and its fighters have a so-called stomach, the government there (Hamas) is the one who has to say, my people are suffering, I have to surrender and return the kidnapped, but they only make the conditions more difficult and not really flexible, they hope that opinions like the one you presented Here they will make Israel surrender to Hamas! And not the other way around! (For them, the IDF withdrawing is a victory)! Israel is not trying to kill the Palestinians (the Palestinian authorities often count Hamas also as civilian casualties or lie in the numbers, they recently changed the numbers to half of the previous ones!), but this is an area built up by fighting against Hamas who is fighting a guerilla war with civilian clothes, in a dense, difficult area To prevent harm to civilians completely, there were also two-sided shooting on the side of the IDF, do you think we wanted that?!, Hamas actively uses populated places and prevents civilians from evacuating to create more civilian casualties. Until the current war there was a military procedure called "tap on the roof" - that is, before attacking a building with bombs (90-100% of the time between wars) they drop a bomb that makes a lot of noise but does no damage to warn the residents that they need to evacuate, and then after a sufficient amount of time they attack the the structure. Only because of what Hamas did it was decided to be more aggressive and cancel this procedure. What you wrote here (after the establishment of Israel) is misleading, and calling it history is the summary of the Palestinians as they want it and not the truth.
@yasinjafari9695 3 күн бұрын
Hi, as sb who has lived in multiple Islamic countries I would like to point out that islamophobia doesn't exist. A phobi is an irrational fear of sth, and fearing a religion as dangerous and violent as Islam is the most rational thing to do. Thanks for the great video.
@hendrik6995 3 күн бұрын
This is extremely one sided.
@lolothe2nd 3 күн бұрын
You completely ignored that the British till the arab revolt was intended to gice the arabs Jordan as a Palestinian state
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan 3 күн бұрын
Aw how generous of that empire on the far side of Europe…
@lolothe2nd Күн бұрын
@@JohnDRuddyMannyMan yeah very... But the arabs wanted the river to the sea
@comicbookorigin2221 3 күн бұрын
Most of the Jews who live in Israel today speak Hebrew, a Semitic language, a biblical language, which it states is from a family of Arabic.
@comicbookorigin2221 3 күн бұрын
Jews from Arab countries do not live a good life in Arab countries if they were second-class citizens Huzatz, who are you making the claim that Jews who formed the Zionist movement were only Ashkenazim, this is also a lie because already in the first years it was driven by Mizrachi (religious Zionism)
@lizmontes20091 4 күн бұрын
3:34 intros
@arburch763 5 күн бұрын
This is painfully biased and cherry-picked... I'm not an Israeli apologist or someone who thinks they are free from criticism, but your characterization of the conflict leaves so much out that it effectively absolves the Palestinians of any blame. No mention of the pogroms committed by the Palestinians in the 1920s and 1930s, no mention of Palestinian nationalist roots having ties with the Nazis, no mention of the "3 No's", no mention of what lead to/instigated the 1967 War (it wasn't because of blocking the Suez Canal), no mention of the wave of suicide bombing that prompted the blockade of Gaza, no mention of the Palestinians REPEATEDLY (several times since the 1930s) being offered their own state and THEM rejecting it... I could probably go on, but this is just off the top of my head.
@dicomark 5 күн бұрын
Best illustration for the real situation can be seen clearly even in this, palestinian biased video. In 25:10 author claims that arab majority got only 1/3 of the land and in 25:45 we see how all other surrounding territories are already arab countries populated by arabs and how jews agreed on getting a super-tiny area that immidiately attacked by arabs. I truly hope that without Hamas, some day palestinians will stop playing "or us or they" game and leave a chance to a peaceful coexistence.
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan 5 күн бұрын
But suggesting all Arabs are just the exact same is disingenuous in itself. That’d be like kicking Polish people off their land and saying “yea, sure you can go to Russia or Ukraine or somewhere! You’re all Slavs!”
@dicomark 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for providing a great example of national uniqueness. As someone who is half Russian (Slavic) and half Jewish (Semitic), I am neither Polish nor Arab. However, due to my love of history, I can name many events that happened to the Polish people since medieval times. Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify any historical events specific to the modern Palestinians (not Arabs) before the partition plan was discussed. Perhaps I am wrong, and you can easily provide at least one historical event unique to the Palestinian arabs who lived within the current borders of Palestinian land that distinguished them from their neighbors, such as those in present-day Jordan? My advice for you is to start creating a video on this issue. Conduct your own research, and you will see by yourself that there wasn't any ethnic difference among Middle Eastern Arabs.
@dynatroniX86 5 күн бұрын
I found it odd how you mention that Israeli youth have been “radicalized” when what we see the PLO and Hamas have done in radicalizing their youth. Saying that Israel youth have been radicalized and not mentioning the much greater radicalization that happened in Palestinian Territories seems dishonest.
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan 5 күн бұрын
That’s kinda fair. A lifetime of occupation will radicalise young people. Israel’s radicalisation of the youth is much more institutionalised in what I’ve seen in my research.
@Adventurepee 6 күн бұрын
This is the first time I've come across this channel, so I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but this video is definitely not an unbiased recounting of history, and in fact seems to have a very strong bias actually. You do admit that not all the history is shared here, but it is also very alarming exactly which bits of history are cherrypicked here.
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan 5 күн бұрын
I find it alarming when people will argue over semantics and technicalities while a genocide is going on.
@Adventurepee 5 күн бұрын
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan technicalities and semantics are all that matters when recounting history. History is not how you feel or what your opinion is. It is meant to be an unbiased and neutral telling of the facts. And it is very telling that you, as a self-proclaimed historian, are using the term genocide for the current conflict, when the definition of genocide simply does not line up with Israeli actions in Gaza. If you want to be a political commentator, at least be honest with what you are doing, don't present yourself as a historian.
@izzyposen2092 6 күн бұрын
I appreciate your efforts, but quite a bit of bias against Israel still crept in. I list three examples here, but I've noticed others too. To be clear, I don't think you were ill intentioned, but I think that in such a complex topic, you didn't quite make the mark. Your pro-Palestine sentiments (which is fair enough) made you be less than scrupulous on some of the finer details of history. - You describe the mass immigration of the mizrachi Jews to israel as just them wanting to come to the new Jewish state, whereas in reality they were all forced out by violent and deadly Arab antisemitism. - You describe the settlement of Palestine as just one amongst many plans to settle Jews, such as Uganda and Madagascar, making seem as if Palestine was almost just an accident of history. In reality, there was only ever a movement to settle Jews in palestine, given that that was always seen by Jews as their ancestral homeland. Any other plans that were floated never had any widespread support. - You describe the 1st Intifada as mostly non-violent, so how do you explain the fact that 359 Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks during it? That's hardly non-violent!
@chadienlynda4076 6 күн бұрын
The whole land of Israel belongs to the Jews. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Israel, 2000 years ago as a Jew. There has never been a country known as "Palestine". Palestinians are simply Arabs from nearby countries.
@JohnDRuddyMannyMan 6 күн бұрын
I mean, no one sprung up out of the earth. Every single person is descended from someone who migrated, unless they’re from Uganda!
@tilley768 6 күн бұрын
Good doc.... trash take