Classic Dragoons Gameplay in FFXIV...
16 сағат бұрын
Best Dungeon Pack in Dawntrail Dungeons?...
The New Best Town in FFXIV...
14 күн бұрын
Kanima Shows Gatekeeping in FFXIV...
@TarossBlackburn Сағат бұрын
Yoshi-P has brought this up before. Take a closer look at the Alexander raids. The first tier was rather nice. The second somehow... easier. Seemingly 'people' had complained about the difficuilty of the first tier so they toned it down. Naturally, that brought with it people once again complaining it was too easy. So the third tier was harder again. To paraphrase him during a liveletter "You say it's too hard, we make it easier. You say it's too easy, we make it harder. We're not listening to you anymore" (of course, the latter with lots of laughing and smiles but the message is there) Endwalkers general difficuilty is to thank to the vocal groups clamoring that things need to be simpler and a bit of an overreach of the team to 'homogenize' challenges. Their big push to make everyone able to do pretty much all of the content 'solo'. So we ended up with "In, stack, out, spread" for pretty much every fight. I am all FOR this new development. Sure, the Barreltenders "My attack is actually bigger! GOTCHA!" is annoying. But even if you're watching KZbin on another screen it shouldn't get you twice... Those Lariat combo attacks are specially annoying to me as melee, but as for which side of the arena it picks, you MUST have been sleeping for the last 99 levels if you don't know that they usually mix up left and right things like that. It'll get you once when you're on autopilot but afterwards you pay attention. And how much different is donut or line AoE announcement in that second fight from Barbariccia? A trial you must have done as part of the MSQ progression between expansions? Nah, I may not be a savage raider and EX trials might be as high as I can go due to static and real life incompatibilities. But this IS the kind of 'just a bit more than falling asleep on the job' challenge I like. And I am hoping there are enough of us to be loud enough to show the development team they should stay this course.
@LunatoTsukiyo 2 сағат бұрын
the normal raids are really easy. everything is clearly telegraphed and apart from the things that will hit you once and you get it (if you have a brain) like the floor breaking in m1 and m4. stuff is shown in animations or in cast names.
@JayRhea 3 сағат бұрын
The difficulty complaints can only be partly be attributed to the content itself. I see it as more of a fault of the player base, or rather the player base that complained to the point that the developers homogenized everything. Even Yoshi-P acknowledges that they veered away from normal content that wasn't autopilot and stated that they'd be going back to normal content that actually presents a challenge. And that also brings up the fact that what people think is difficult is just challenging, which are too different things. Savages are difficult. Ultimates are difficult. This normal is return to form from someone that has been playing since ARR dropped. These are the types of players that would have dropped off from the game way back in the day when things were on content and weren't going into dungeons/trials/raids over geared and over leveled as they do now from ARR - EW these days.
@ExtraLexical 3 сағат бұрын
The point about getting Origenics in leveling roulette hit me so true since it's literally what happened to me yesterday. Usually I main healer or RDM so I can usually carry people through with constant resses and good MP management, but I was leveling GNB so that wasn't on the cards. Took us almost 30 mins to clear the first boss because the healer and one of the DPS players just couldn't understand the mechanics and kept dying.
@ExoditeDragon 3 сағат бұрын
I was there for the bees that spawned with Demon Wall in Amdapor Keep. Nothing DT has thrown at us in normal content compares.
@OmegaEnvych 4 сағат бұрын
The complaints that content is too hard are from people whom I despise - tanks in Expert that don't know what mitigations are, white mages that don't use Cure 3 or Tetragrammaton, Sages that don't put Kardia on Tank, dragoons that don't use positionals or at least True North, etc. etc. I may not tried some jobs, like revamped Astro and may not know if DRK is bad or not, but one thing is still here - if you know how to play game, content won't be too hard. I don't get people not realising that Honey B. Lovely bees mechanic is not random at all and depends on player positioning - I don't consider myself being top-tier player - It took me months of prog and good team to clear UWU and I haven't cleared most of the Savage raids and I still figured that mechanic on my first go - it was like "oh, they go on pattern, it's gonna be boring... OH WAIT, NOW THEY GO ON TETHER?! Ok, let's fuckin' go!" Also, normal content isn't even that hard - final boss doesn't even have obligatory Tank LB3 moment - on my first go only me and other tank were left at roughly 40% of boss 2nd phase and we cleared it. I died multiple times during content and that's totally fine.
@collenjets123 4 сағат бұрын
I am fucking IN LOVE with the more engaging normal content. The Trials, Raids, and dungeons have been the best they've ever been. I've always avoided savage and extremes because of how drastic a difficulty spike it from normal, but i hope with this the gap is closed a bit more and i can finally jump in without too much of a problem
@elvistrentin 7 сағат бұрын
Those people who complain about the difficulty deserve to play another game that focuses on role-playing. For the first time since SB, ffxiv is moving towards adult content with some difficulty and this whiny generation is trying to ruin the experience of those who want to raid and not play housewives. People who are finding it very difficult can continue playing normal dungeons and trials, collecting branches, painting clothes and chatting with friends. Stop crying and leave the game to those who have at least 25 IQ to play. It's funny when a person goes on the forum to cry about the difficulty of a normal content. I think it's the most shameful thing anyone can do in their life. It's basically saying to yourself: I failed, I'm a failure, I have no ability to learn the sum of 1 + 1. Come on...
@Darkwind13 Күн бұрын
Story skips should only be available for alt characters that are linked to accounts that have cleared content milestones like each expansion. If you buy a game and pay for a subscription to skip out on the main selling point you're an absolute moron with no right or reason to be playing the game.
@newbielolgaga Күн бұрын
based take. story is like 10% of the game lmao, you won't miss much. So many good point to skipping both job and story: You get to play with friends who are already max level and you can have fun playing with them on the most recent content. And even after skipping, the game has a new game + system that allows you to replay the story. So you can play endgame already and still play the story whenver you want. Also, leveling a job from 0 to like ~70 takes foreever, and you won't even learn how to play it. Just boost a job, go on a dummy and train your rotation, and thats it. The game is easy enough so that people can do that lmao
@gamingrigz5856 2 күн бұрын
Lemme just buy this game known for its incredible world building and story telling and just skip all that...seems like a good choice.
@airget 2 күн бұрын
In terms of story, yes this could have been a good starting point for players however given the nature of the content it's an awful starting point for new players. The dungeons/trials/raids require knowledge of the game which is not something you'll get if you pick it up at 90 and try to start with 7.0, you'll have a bad time and most likely stop playing because of how much you are getting curb-stomped. If they want to have a new jumping point they have to figure out how to teach players the mechanism behind mechanics so they aren't blindly running into content with no idea as to what they are suppose to do.
@kanimaxiv 2 күн бұрын
That's why I specifically said that its only story skip, kind of like buying story skip and not job boost.. They'll have to level on their own but doing combat content with choices like dungeon grind, PoTD, etc are more interesting to non-story enjoyers and they learn mechanism of the game through dungeons.. Story never actually teach any mechanics anyway. I agree with you though that if you just pick up at level 90, you'll be entirely clueless, get curb-stomped and quit because getting curb-stomped is not fun. That's why job boost is a no go but story skip is need in my opinion.
@bigtimetimmyjim6486 2 күн бұрын
If I story skipped and then did the full DT experience, I would think that the story I missed was similarly half-baked and contrived, which would be a real shame.
@kanimaxiv 2 күн бұрын
It would be but a lot of people probably would say the same for base ARR.. And you can always go back with NG+ to experience it anyway.. The feature is more aimed towards people that don't care about story and want the combat, raids, etc which is a lot of people.. But the moment they noticed that they need to spend 2-3 digit hours just skipping story, they just gave up.
@tank_dempsey 2 күн бұрын
As someone who got to heavensward like, 3 years ago, stopped playing, and came back recently, I don’t think skips should be incentivized at all. Apart from how good the story is, it gives you ample time to get a feeling for how to play your class. In the last like 2 weeks I’ve went from heavensward to the end of base shadowbringers, and I’ve never been more in love with the game. While I get some people aren’t interested in the story, there’s a lot of other MMOs out there for those people. It’s the core foundation of the game and I think providing a story skip would lead to any new players coming in being way more likely to drop the game way sooner. Edit: I get what you mean about recommending the game to new players, but if you are recommending the most story driven mmo on the market to someone, you should be aware if they will care about the story or not. 200 hours in an mmo is nothing as we all know lol
@kanimaxiv 2 күн бұрын
I get your point but I disagree that story is a core foundation of the game.. Story is at least 9/10 and I'm a story enjoyer myself but if the story were to be removed, there are a lot of other great aspects of the game that a lot of people can enjoy.. Skips shouldn't be incentivized but the option should be there imo. My point is that we would have more players in the game, with their own respective enjoyment on specific content type. Your argument of "they're more likely to drop the game way sooner" is invalid because when they heard about 200 hours story, they didn't even bother playing..
@tank_dempsey 2 күн бұрын
@@kanimaxiv I mean you can disagree, but I think in this scenario you are just wrong if you say the story isn’t a core foundation of the game. And you can say my argument is invalid but that doesn’t make it so lol. There’s already a free trial. From a pure numbers standpoint there are substantially more casual players than not (both current player base and potential new players) and most of those players will be more heavily impacted by story than anything else. Yes new players are important but if you lose almost every new player you get within a couple days or weeks what would it matter? That is my point
@NewAnderL 3 күн бұрын
Imagine skip everything and the only new thing you got is the dogshit story of Dawntrail...not a good starting point...
@kanimaxiv 2 күн бұрын
if you skip everything, you're skipping Dawntrail story anyway so it doesn't matter lol Jokes aside, a lot of players would probably say similar thing if they just do base ARR so Dawntrail might still just be cooking.. Its cooking but the stove is not on Deadge
@yamifalcon 3 күн бұрын
I do think a lot of the early story should be condensed to ease the onboarding but skipping the story outright is against this games core design.
@CL-jq1xs 3 күн бұрын
Eventually the skip must be implemented. Imagine another 4-5 expansions down the line. No matter how much you condense it wouldn't work assuming you want the story to stay coherent and be paced well. Condensing doesn't fix the issue it only delays it. At that point you are asking people to clear 10 expansions worth of incoherent and badly paced MSQ. The reason why people care about the story being a core design is because the story good. If the story is bad then it is considered bad design in people eyes.
@kanimaxiv 2 күн бұрын
I don't believe story is the game's core design because you can remove it entirely and the game would still be amazing on multiple aspects. Story is definitely one of those aspect but its the only one that is mandatory. Ultimate raids is one of the best aspect for example but only a small subset of players engage in it and these players play the game only because of ultimate raids for example. The same can be said for story. Also yeah condensing the story is a band-aid which is good but doesn't fix the whole issue. Unfortunately for a lot of potential new players, 2-3 digit hours of story even while skipping just makes them turn away from the game. And if your argument is let them leave, then that's unfortunate cuz I want more people to play this really good MMO...
@henriquengan9602 3 күн бұрын
Do you have the link?
@SPVKgameChannel 4 күн бұрын
Hey man! You are skilled in this game! Could you make a guide on how to learn boss timings in Vindictus?
@---do2qd 5 күн бұрын
Maybe he quit cuz his static i think
@havoc3478 6 күн бұрын
hey man how can I play FFXIV dawntrail if my country is not included? Im curious when you play this game so i want to play it too.. Im from Philippines BTW i hope you could help me
@wezzco_br8169 7 күн бұрын
thanks! very helpful :D
@SPVKgameChannel 8 күн бұрын
Really good video! BTW for me Kael is a most clear and understandable class with smooth movement and combat! Thx for video about Vindictus!
@tranzendent2494 8 күн бұрын
This idiot has the worst takes
@fanazador 9 күн бұрын
Two avalanche deaths, sadge
@nitrostealth6 10 күн бұрын
returning for the solo content
@mista_louie 12 күн бұрын
RPR #2 in solo dmg for no reason lol why does it have a raid buff then
@kedigiller111 12 күн бұрын
if the rewards less than %75, I won't return this shtty game
@anjoumaaka 13 күн бұрын
Honestly, this is just the cost of Dark Knight finally getting some self sustain. Anyone who thought they wouldn't lose damage in exchange is living in a fantasy world
@Kuro-sc1mg 12 күн бұрын
brainless take
@GoatOfWar 12 күн бұрын
It's still by far the lowest sustain. War not being botom dps is an absolute clownshow. Best invuln, best party mit, best sustain no dps tax? Clown job.
@Jason-ud7er 13 күн бұрын
Sorry no summoner has physical ranged mobility. Therefore it should do physical ranged dps.
@SNOZ562 13 күн бұрын
It's a dead job then. No reason to pick it over a phys ranged class, no reason to pick it over another magic ranged dps, and no reason to pick it over a better swift rez caster like RDM.
@MrTomahawk47 13 күн бұрын
@@SNOZ562 what, doing the same damage as a phys ranged and having the same utility but you also have a raise makes it a dead job? imo casters with raises should be lower than phys ranged just for the power of the raise utility, they will still be brought to prog for all level's of play unless the content releases in an overtuned state.
@maxmuller6791 13 күн бұрын
​@SNOZ562 I mean lots of jobs are borderline dead rn so one more on the pile doesn't matter
@oszaszi 12 күн бұрын
Point me to any phys ranged that has any skills they need to cast? I wouldnt mind if what you are saying is true but we still have ifrit and off summon phases where I DO need to cast... I dont cast anything with dancer or bard. Definetly dont cast with mch, but maybe I am playing a different video game...
@kennys6288 12 күн бұрын
Yes SMN has very high mobility, but it does still technically need to cast. Also, melee have basically been phys ranged for an entire xpac now with how comically large boss hitboxes have been. But we don’t see them getting punished for it.
@plebsmith9133 14 күн бұрын
First! ❤
@mementomori1868 15 күн бұрын
Bulshit only tank list
@pod155 15 күн бұрын
Nice now, go do that in Wor Qor Ex or everstep ex and see how that works out for you...😊
@jarydhoats9264 16 күн бұрын
well i appreciated the machinist guides. good luck on your endeavors
@hubachecka 16 күн бұрын
the calm elevator music seems to fit these raids :) Crazy how different they are compared to LA
@Ririten 16 күн бұрын
Man the state of this games balance, in both casual and raid content, is abysmal at the moment.
@majinbobbyhill828 16 күн бұрын
I cant read the list... where does Nin fall?
@barioth6969 16 күн бұрын
8th for solo damage, 6th for with 2 minutes and 3rd place for the usual 2 minute burst window, not bad.
@majinbobbyhill828 16 күн бұрын
@@barioth6969 Thank you for the quick response. Last one. Who is leading melee and ranged dps respectively?
@Yokai_Yuri 17 күн бұрын
It's just the warrior who make this possible, as well as the pally, the DPS aren't really needed.
@krumdark 17 күн бұрын
Lost ark is absolutely pathetic
@jimmyyy309 17 күн бұрын
wait bard is actually good this expac? First i will level samurai then bard.
@songoku6067 17 күн бұрын
Its at the bottom my boi
@TheSilverwing999 16 күн бұрын
Huh? It's near the bottom. How is that good?
@jimmyyy309 16 күн бұрын
@@TheSilverwing999 because my dear friend, it buffs the team. And still doing good damage comparable to m*chinist
@songoku6067 16 күн бұрын
​@@jimmyyy309ur looking at raid damage, in terms of dmg brd and dnc are equal if u pair a group with a bard and mch the mch is gonna dish out way more damage nothing rly changed since EW brd is same with a few new skills like mch
@KC_604 18 күн бұрын
A tip with the ff14 community dude the game is heavily story driven so people will not watch any spoiler content especially this fresh into the xpac. They are the one community that don’t play when it comes to the msq lol
@doomfanboy9413 18 күн бұрын
@thepastor329 19 күн бұрын
Imagine Casters not having rez am i right?
@Vale1k 19 күн бұрын
@majki666 19 күн бұрын
Solo Raids are the only thing that can bring me back to playing Lost Ark again.
@Assassinss77 19 күн бұрын
Agent K lives another day.
@johnspartan8187 20 күн бұрын
this game is design to do rmt,
@PeterPiper777 20 күн бұрын
Wow looks like so much fun
@markv2754 20 күн бұрын
why TF MCH at the bottom for damn near everything if its supposed to be the "selfish dps" of the ranged phys.
@Qkochan3 20 күн бұрын
because they havent known what to do with it since shadowbringers. so glad i dropped it for picto LOL no longer suffering with that job
@markv2754 20 күн бұрын
@@Qkochan3 Aye I also dropped it now for SAM, with the animation changes to gauss and ricochet along with AoE being even more dogshit then it already was I just can't anymore.
@Necrostrike 15 күн бұрын
All DPS should be doing similar RDPS regardless of buffs or not, because the buff is supposed to compensate for the lower aDPS. But we're in an age of melee supremacy where the only ranged class that is allowed to compete is BLM, and when any other ranged class creeps up to melee, the other ranged classes want to drag it back down instead of arguing that ranged should not be inferior to melee.
@zealous944 21 күн бұрын
can we just look at how well balanced this game is when the difference between 1st place and 9th place is infinitesimal. The only things you can take from this chart is redmage is still mid, blackmage isn't king anymore, and don't play ranged phys lol. Otherwise play whatever dps you find most fun.
@SNOZ562 19 күн бұрын
Nearly 20% difference in dps between RPR and MCH in full 2 minute rotation is *not* "infinitesimal". Saying to not play an entire group of jobs isn't "balanced". You have to be joking.
@Ranthalis 18 күн бұрын
@@SNOZ562 jobs are balanced against their respective roles. Melee DPS have and will continue to be always more than Ranged DPS. MCH generally always leads the personal dps of the ranged DPS role
@SNOZ562 18 күн бұрын
@Ranthalis "leads"? They are literally at the bottom. And have significantly worse buffs than other phys ranged. You dont need to explain me how roles work without even realizing that its still functionally the worse in its own role category
@cabl7787 18 күн бұрын
@@SNOZ562 MCH still does the highest single target damage out of the ranged dps, though. That's what he's supposed to do afaik
@SNOZ562 17 күн бұрын
@cabl7787 did you watch the video? It literally has the lowest dps of any phys range in 2 min rotation? So thats not true at all.
@m0o0ntecrist08 22 күн бұрын
in dawntrail they are focusing at the battle content means the mechanics and the boss and they will focus on the JOBs changes and identity in 8.0 .Yoshi p said the he will change the game step by step to not overwhelm the players with big changes he will let them adapt to the bosses in 7.0 first and after that in 8.0 makes jobs more fun to play .