Hey . . . [Explaining Things]
6 жыл бұрын
@NyliahWilliams 23 күн бұрын
Thank you so much nerfy for this opportunity to listen to this song again cuz I listen to this song every time I feel uncomfortable or unappreciated or a piece of me is missing
@NyliahWilliams 23 күн бұрын
I feel you applebloom I feel you
@NyliahWilliams 23 күн бұрын
I know how it feels to not have a father my father is in jail for some reason I've felt like a part of me was missing 💔 😕 😢 😔 I feel you guys I feel you
@chopytroncosooficial1933 2 ай бұрын
17:14 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@MaddentheNarrator 2 ай бұрын
Kenneth Branagh: the comet struck the Gulf of Mexico with a force of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs from the catastrophic climate changes that follow 65% of life died out it took millions of years for earth to recover and when it did the giant dinosaurs were gone never to return Me: 66 million years later this happened! 16:08
@Latios526 2 ай бұрын
Celestia and Luna are born as Alicorn in beginning, but they're not from Equestria They're from Alicorn kingdom that outside of Equestria
@Latios526 2 ай бұрын
Spike still born but born lately than canon
@stormgirl09 2 ай бұрын
this episode was really awesome! too bad so many bronies were being weird about it though..... apparently people cant just be good friends anymore....everything has to be gai now......🙄
@juanrisa945 3 ай бұрын
"Are you Discord, our current resident?" No, he's Patrick Stewart. And, yes, I know what I'm saying.
@luismiranda4358 5 ай бұрын
Hi! Two questions about two things who nothing about this episode. Umbra ponies and seeds of darkness!! An amazing and emotive series. This desserves to be reacted.
@jonnyboi1758 6 ай бұрын
Celestia and Luna are borned alicorns....Celestia and Luna was born in the alicorn land named Skyros in mlp gen5 they are not from Equestria..they were chosen to be the rulers of Equestria.....they said the birth of an alicorn is something Equestria has never seen....meaning they are not from Equestria hope you read this.....
@My_little-Reddy 8 ай бұрын
8 years agooo yooo my boy
@celsetialarchives5909 9 ай бұрын
Genuinely criminal this is basically thebonky time luna has her own song But by the void it was *p e r f e c t*
@Jessebonnie 10 ай бұрын
13:00 To be clear i'm pretty sure Scootaloo wasn't in that episode and is unaware about it, so maybe Rainbow Dash told her about it?
@ShiroDafoermica 10 ай бұрын
Little did we know
@kaylagaymon4873 11 ай бұрын
Iron Will has returned since Putting Your Hoof Down. It's nice to see Twilight's whole family again 😍😍😍🤣🤣🤣
@Godzilla5675 Жыл бұрын
I love this episode
@tnc7399 Жыл бұрын
He reminds me of my own brother so much
@evancredeur7498 Жыл бұрын
12:28 That's not a fight. That's more of a chase.
@alimollahosseini7838 Жыл бұрын
And cmc
@maverickbna Жыл бұрын
It sounds like Sven Gallup's voice was performed by Steven Magnet from S1! I just now noticed this! Cool video... :)
@Dragonessette1778 Жыл бұрын
Where'd you go
@squeebers Жыл бұрын
24:15 What is this!? HAHAHA! When you brought in that knife I lost it! 😂😂
@squeebers Жыл бұрын
This story is based on the timeless classic "Gift of the Magi." I grew up watching the Mickey Mouse version of it. Mickey and Minnie played a couple. They were poor. They each wanted to give each other a good Christmas gift. Minnie had a pocket watch on a necklace and Mickey had a harmonica. Minnie wanted to get Mickey a case for his harmonica. Mickey wanted to get Minnie a Jewelry box for her watch. Mickey traded his harmonica for the Jewelry box. Minnie traded her Watch for the harmonica case. They both ended up realizing that it's not what they give, it's what it means. Of course, since this is MLP FIM, they had to out their spin on it, and it's awesome! Also, Rarity bouncing around like Pinkie Pie will always be funny to me. I wanna see a video of Tabitha St. Germaine recording those lines. I wanna see how she did it! Also, Rarity's face when she said "PSSSD-WAH-ER!" Is priceless.
@featherpony Жыл бұрын
You seem surprised that Applejack isn't 100% Apple. That's called inbreeding.
@kelseyoconnor3951 Жыл бұрын
10:10 Spoiled Milk (dont ask. it's actually hername) bragging how she has steam rooms back at her mansion Me: Then why don't you go BACK to your mansion and do it there? No one cares about your mansion
@martinadiaz1145 Жыл бұрын
@HaileyHeath-op6ln Жыл бұрын
the theachers were learning more than the kids!
@dwangelll Жыл бұрын
It’s so sad man it always makes me cry i’m suprised Applejack or nobody else cried
@HaileyHeath-op6ln Жыл бұрын
zephers special talent is being a dick
@HaileyHeath-op6ln Жыл бұрын
personal opinion but i feel like they could have given octavia another voice
@HaileyHeath-op6ln Жыл бұрын
Can yinyl talk or not
@jofbeats11 Жыл бұрын
12:05 😂 rarity really is a pony of many talents
@trimax2978 Жыл бұрын
18:54 its pinki pie, don't question
@adamcheck4941 Жыл бұрын
Discord initially is opposed to using his imagination which in my opinion is strange being that hr must have a good imagination because that was all he had when he was imprisoned in stone for a thousand years he obviously gets into using it since by the breakup breakdown he loves the game. alsoI was afraid he was starting to become apologetic though which would have made him boring, fortunately he did not though.
@adamcheck4941 Жыл бұрын
Starting here the hate of changelings becomes and analogy for racism but you have to admit they did a lot to warrant tat hate before.since the only place they actually have been seen before was when they attacked in a canterlot wedding.
@kubranurerdem9196 Жыл бұрын
I think this episode is one of the best ones because the massage it gives is awsome."prentending to be someone you are not is a horrible idea and will make you turn into that person slowly,it will destroy your own identity"
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
Discord had nothing to do with this. But I wish he would have appeared to scare them off to protect fluttershy.
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
I love that song.
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
He looks like Mr. Rogers in that red sweater.
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
Well think about it before the cutie mark got switched. Luna had been up all night and then also doing Celestia's duties during the day. She hadn't slept in 24 hours so i don't blame her for being exhausted by the end of the day.
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
Day Breaker. She looks like Rapidash from Pokémon evolved.
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
I love Luna's song in the end of this episode it's the best out of the 4 songs.
@Snowtail07 Жыл бұрын
fun fact, Tara Strong was originally cast to be pinkie pie but the show staff felt her a better fit for Twilight Sparkles voice instead
@serenitytoepper Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I thought the same thing too. It would have been ten times crazier if Fluttershy has asks Discord to help her make things scarier for her friends.
@PrincessNightmareCozyGlow9152 Жыл бұрын
Eeeekkkk. Motsuki hate you MORE.
@saictrue9016 Жыл бұрын
Luna should song to every villain and drug addicts.