Destiny 2 shower thoughts.
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@liamvinck8705 Күн бұрын
bro you´re using chromatic fire wrong. use it with arc soul, use and use blinding nades, you throw the nade into a group of targets, thy get jolted, you explode them with a presicion weapon, yes I know outbreak, but it´s best to use chromatic with hand cannons, because they do more damage per shot, and pulses kind of require you to hit the last shot of the burst with presicion, which is kind of hard. use fate bringer with firefly, ace, or even something like hawkmoon any hand cannon would be good, I recomend blinding nades, because they jolt and blind, and essentially if you use hawkmoon the nade and the arc soul get rid of elemental shields... the chromatic fire explotions can also make you amplified and buff your arc soul that´s why arc soul is better than lightningsurge you also don´t want to use lightningsurge cause it requires you to run into a group of enemies, and it makes it kind of awkward to hit crits if you´re too close to targets. you can change blinding explotions, and because the blinding explotions are arc damage, they create ionic traces, which feed into your nades and rift and all yoru abilities coming back. (on top of the blind, which makes enemies not shoot at you, which makes hawkmoon so much better for instance.)
@liamvinck8705 Күн бұрын
also you don´t need spark of brilliance, your chromatic fire explotion already blind.
@versusforward Күн бұрын
as much as I appreciate you doing the work to put this video together, it doesn't seem to have any particular order and there are no time markers making it pretty difficult to specifically find what weapon I want to see your ranking of.
@syleradams9747 3 күн бұрын
Revision zero 😔
@tomislavtomic7184 7 күн бұрын
I newer understand what kinda a wimps play on easy. But tbh I am not that crazy about Dark souls type of games
@finnthomas7014 10 күн бұрын
Do i hear ori soundtrack in the background
@REAPERGAMINGGR 13 күн бұрын
After hitting my teens, more than 10 years ago, i have never played a game for the first time at least at a lower than hard difficulty. The only reason i would play lower is either a second platinum playthrough OR if I'm not enjoying the game overall and just want to see it through to the end.
@regiman3980 13 күн бұрын
Grand overture
@Alexandre-4457 15 күн бұрын
witherhoard forever ===> still one of the top weapons~ xD
@Dull_Asce 18 күн бұрын
Me thinking it’d be great to return to Destiny 2 for The Final Shape, me also choosing a warlock… I fell off the map many, many, many times
@iDiamond3 19 күн бұрын
Well malfeasance didn't age well, it was always meta just people didn't know about it.
@jello3884 19 күн бұрын
“Anyways good dlc, bye” love it! 😂
@mythoclass_ 19 күн бұрын
final shape? Like the hit destiny 2 expansion ‘the final shape’ for destiny 2?
@Angelo-nicolas 19 күн бұрын
@pancakeboy8642 19 күн бұрын
No time to explain can make u the torrent lord as long as your a warlock
@ArcadianRuin 19 күн бұрын
Cerberus is actually one of my favorite auto rifles ngl, it's a solid gun, nothing terribly special
@pinovids 19 күн бұрын
i love using the sweet business... on a hunter, because having such a huge clipsize and hunters being able to reload effectively means this gun has no reload wich is fun ^^
@adsteller 19 күн бұрын
Xenophage: Dont have to aim!
@Aquatic0534 20 күн бұрын
Hush is a solar bow
@mnemic6969 20 күн бұрын
You couldnt come up with much of anything. You said the same shit for several exotics. Stop being lazy or your channel will die and rightfully so
@noahedenborg4221 22 күн бұрын
full series next stasis
@g4greed502 23 күн бұрын
I really like sixth coyote with stasis for 4 shurikens
@xenophyll7640 23 күн бұрын
Agers scepter with warlock exotic helmet Cenotaph mask is legit. Put your ultimate into agers scepter and it will reload a constant beam for a ridiculous amount of time
@LandonMetzger 25 күн бұрын
My top five fav exotics: 5: Borealis. Sniper 4: The last word: Hand Cannon 3: Le Monarque: Bow 2: Sweet Buisness Auto rifle 1: Red Death pulse rifle
@ItsyourboyPenguinboy 25 күн бұрын
3:23 **Reloads Malfeasance** Keep telling yourself that pal ❤️
@coreyz.2800 25 күн бұрын
As a scout rifle main (yea, fight me about it, I don't care) I actually LOVED the Skyburner's Oath and would main it all the time (especially whenever a Solar Burn was active) before Bungo nerfed the living daylights out of it. It's original form of "Explosive rounds on ADS and even more explode-y and aggressive tracking rounds from the hip" was highly versatile, granting respectable range/precision utility when ADS and having a useful "mini mortar/GL" to flush targets out from behind cover when hip firing. Post-nerf, however, its ADS firing mode seemed to loose a great deal of velocity in the rounds as well as being reduced to a much smaller blast radius, and hip-fire rounds not only had severe nerfing to their blast radius but also felt like they had little to no tracking/homing capabilities whatsoever. So basically they reduced it form a true "Exotic" to "it's a stock Solar scout rifle with sucky hip fire, and "anti-barrier" rounds that only work on one specific type of cannon fodder-tier enemy." So now my "exotic primary" of choice is Graviton Lance because it is beastly at clearing mobs and just kinda seems to "feel right" while running Void Warlock (which is my primary choice in class/subclass). Plus, you know, Vorpal Weapon on the Lance so that's always a plus. I am also a fan of the Thunderlord and yes, I do wonder why so few players bother with MGs. Sure, they don't have the same "burst damage" DPS as, say, a rocket but you also don't have to suffer the indignity of needing to be revived every time one of your teammates (or a random blueberry) decides that your face is their new comfort zone and they never want to leave. And, like the Graviton, Thunderlord is beastly for clearing mobs, especially those particularly irritating ones that Bungie seems to be increasingly scripting to show up multiple times during literally every single boss fight. I mean, I get that they're there to give players a chance to recoup special and heavy ammo mid-fight but still, does there have to be so many of them? Maybe it wasn't in the game at the time this video was made but I notice you didn't mention Touch of Malice. Again, because I prefer scout rifles and frankly I just love the look of the thing I really want to get my hands on this one again. Very disappointed that I never got it to drop in D1 until shortly before (or maybe just after) the game was mothballed in favor of D2 and by the time they recycled the raid for D2 I had essentially quit the game entirely. Now I'm sorta dipping my toes into it from time to time, catching up on old expansions after they went on sale for like $2-3 a piece (which is about all they're actually worth to be honest), but it's been so long I don't have a "raid crew" any more to even attempt to chase the ToM anymore and really I don't even know if I remember enough about that raid to not be a "100% carried" member of the team these days.
@Zilborg 25 күн бұрын
Now do it again
@Devo_not_the_band 26 күн бұрын
I know it's a meme, and that I'm 6 months late, but I'd like to bring up The Manticore with Lion Rampant! For some reason the AI are too dumb to accurately hit you mid-air with Manticore already and Lion makes it even funnier. Great with Offensive Bulwark + Controlled Demolition.
@thewarlocksupreme 27 күн бұрын
Malfesence got buffed and got a catalyst that gives it vorpal. And outbreak is now craftable with rewind rounds.
@davestrider2766 28 күн бұрын
Not at gunpoint lol, I just genuinly love skyburner's oath. (Titan)
@Theblueblurrr 29 күн бұрын
I spam dragons breath. Entirely way too much.
@SmilingCityMap-js1sj 29 күн бұрын
"Lucky pants are not will never be meta"
@iainkambic1039452 29 күн бұрын
Jotun, I say ding every time I shoot it
@SuperArppis Ай бұрын
You are right about Hawkmoon.
@hasanhakimov7005 Ай бұрын
Who has done this themselves please tell us how it feels. How much dopamine did you get after you claimed all the bounties
@NobodyYouKnow941 Ай бұрын
Halo 3 had the best difficulty modes.
@hvsxtactical7170 Ай бұрын
Khvostov: you are correct
@BeneficentWabit Ай бұрын
Graviton Lance *is* good imo. The new(?) rework with the catalyst and the chain explosions / seeking projectiles is quite potent with Nezarec's sin. For those who don't know, with Nezarec's sin, void kills of any type increase ability regen - I had tons of fun with this combo in Onslaught.
@evolvedfan7660 Ай бұрын
Sunshot isn't kinetic though...
@lfyoung Ай бұрын
My favorite two weapons are thorn and thorn 😃😂😃
@Saavykaas Ай бұрын
I use Graviton Lance because it makes my subwoofer go bwoom
@Raze394 Ай бұрын
7:49 Well, well, well.
@SmartThis Ай бұрын
Good video idea! Make one for final shape
@noahedenborg4221 Ай бұрын
Aaaaand there’s lost signal also the chaperon looks like a hand cannon witha big as barrel or alucards guns
@brianhemenway5191 Ай бұрын
brooooo you cant do legeal like that it has decent precision damage and it feels really good, i managed to wipe a gambit team twice as the invader
@ItsyourboyPenguinboy Ай бұрын
0:19 the double primary slander 😭😭😭 Double Primary works hella in PVP when you don’t have the Reflexes to Shotgun the ass that swung round the corner with a Quicksilver Storm and when you aren’t petty enough to learn the zero brain-celled “slide and pull”
@tonsofguns8455 Ай бұрын
Jötun is my favourite toaster
@thequestbro Ай бұрын
Skyburner's Oath is a BOLTER from 40k and that is why it's top slot.
@xxsuperstarstxx9773 Ай бұрын
I use salvations grip because stasis go brrt.
@unkillablegrim3505 Ай бұрын
ha i hate lucky pants i dont use exotics
@el_androi1203 Ай бұрын
Sleeping on Galanor. The way it lets you spam supers in higher tier content is insane, although, if I'm playing that content I'd rather have the invisibility spam of gyrfalcon or the infinite suspends with 6th coyote.