The Blind Leading The Blind
2 ай бұрын
Not All "Works" Are The Same
@777Witness 2 сағат бұрын
Dear brothers and sisters, Please pray for me. For about 15 years I have been struggling with debilitating sickness that's made my life unberable. I am in my mid 30s and would love to still have strength to serve my Savior and Lord. By the stripes of Jesus I have been healed. Thank you all 🙏🏻 Please also pray that God grants me strength to go through this valley with humility and thankfulness. Please also pray that the fire of Holy Spirit would be with me. God bless you all, precious ones ❤
@andrevisser7542 2 күн бұрын
To me this is a much better translation... J ude 1:4 Y L T98 [4] for there did come in unobserved certain men, long ago having been written beforehand to this judgment, impious, the grace of our God perverting to lasciviousness, and our only Master, God, and Lord - Jesus Christ - denying, Then we see who exactly saved Israel out of Egypt... J ude 1:5 Y L T98 [5] and to remind you I intend, you knowing once this, that the Lord, a people out of the land of Egypt having saved, again those who did not believe did destroy;
@myvaccineisjesus 2 күн бұрын
I agree with you. If you base your English translation on the Byzantine Greek manuscripts, the best rendering would probably be “our only Master, God and Lord, Jesus Christ.” Amen. Thanks for checking out the video, and for commenting.
@andrevisser7542 2 күн бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus, for those who understand who Jesus really is, this is the correct translation. Problem is many don't understand how the one Yehovah reveal Himself to us. Thanks for teaching truth. Blessings.
@mamajan99 6 күн бұрын
When a pile of dust was formed into the shape of man it was just a lifeless, thoughtless pile of dust until God breathed into it the "breath of life". When Adam's last breath left his body he returned to that lifeless, thoughtless pile of dust. "From dust you are and to dust you will return." "When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his thoughts perish." Ps 146:4 "Dust to Dust." But thanks to Jesus, we have hope of a resurrection to life: "Happy and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ" Rev 20:6
@myvaccineisjesus 5 күн бұрын
Too bad your arrogant Scriptural ignorance and your mistaken trust in the heretical and blasphemous teachings of wicked false prophets, wolves in sheep’s clothing, makes Lord Jesus, the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life, a liar with what He teaches in Luke 16:19-31, John 2:19-22, and John 10:17-18. Too bad it also makes the author of Hebrews a liar with what is taught in Hebrews 11-12, especially 11:40, 12:1 and 12:23. Too bad it makes St. Paul a liar with what he teaches in Ephesians 4:8-10. Too bad it makes St. Peter a liar with what he teaches in 1 Peter 3:18-19. Too bad in makes St. John a liar with what he teaches in Revelation 4-6, especially 4:4, 4:10, 5:5, 5:8-10, 5:12, 5:14, and 6:9-11. NO ONE ceases to exist after they physically die. Repent.
@tabasco7915 8 күн бұрын
No hurry whatsoever on a response but I have an inquisitive question after watching a debate. My question is not relative to the content of your video but while watching I thought I would ask. That is, can it be proven/demonstrated that it was "NECESSARY" for the Jewish Messiah to be God incarnate to the Jewish people in accordance with God's eternal plan? Thus, this would be in response to non believing Jews, cults, Muslims, etc., etc.. In short, I know the incarnation was prophesied & ultimately fulfilled in Christ (thus the Messianic prophecies) but I am having a hard time being able to demonstrate the necessity of how divinity & the office of Messiah is mutually necessary according to the council of God. If you have a link that would be most appreciated.
@myvaccineisjesus 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking out the video. Regarding your question, my answer would be in order to pay for the sin debt of ALL mankind for ALL time, in order to reconcile ALL mankind and ALL Creation back to God, it was necessary for a sacrifice of INFINITE value to be made. You see this concept of sacrifice being used and accepted by God to cover sin debt from Genesis 3:21 through Genesis 4:3-7 through Genesis 8:20-21 through the rest of the Torah through the rest of the Tanakh. So, the Son of God “Himself” (as per Genesis 22:8) had to become human, to serve as the “lamb” to sacrifice Himself (again, a singular sacrifice of INFINITE worth) to cover the sin debt of ALL Creation once and for all. Now, what we need to do to receive the benefits of the Son’s “faithfulness” is have “faith” in Him as our Lord and our God, the Messiah, the Son of God, and exhibit our own “faithfulness” by doing our best to follow His commandments.
@tabasco7915 8 күн бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus Yes & Amen. Maybe I'm going in the wrong direction here but as I had previously mentioned, I was watching a debate & what you had articulated had somewhat been brought up to the Unitarian. In short, they danced around the obvious & argued that Jesus did not need to be God incarnate in order to pay the worlds sin debt (1 Jhn 2:2). After hearing that & thinking about a good rebuttal to the argument, I thought if somehow it could all be narrowed down to showing the necessity of Christ having to be divine (God/man) relative to being the Jewish Messiah even apart from the overwhelming redemptive aspects, well, that would give even a stronger biblical defence to the argument of their Arianism heresy. Don't want to take up more of your time but I will continue to work on it & thanks!
@myvaccineisjesus 8 күн бұрын
I agree. That was the point I was trying to make in my reply. To cover the sin debt of ALL CREATION, the sacrifice of a mere man (even a sinless one), or the sacrifice of a powerful angelic spirit being would NOT suffice. You would need a sacrifice of INFINITE worth, of God Himself (the person of the Son) entering Creation to become this sinless man, who would serve as the sacrifice. Btw, that’s the whole reason Abraham and Isaac were chosen to serve as the bloodline in whom the Son of God would later enter Creation. Because THAT father and THAT son were willing to do what God the Father and God the Son were later GOING to do. Take care.
@tabasco7915 8 күн бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus Maybe I'm missing something as I have been known to be a slow learner but is there a warranted way to render it all down to just the Jewish Messiah to the nation of Israel even apart from Him being the sacrificial lamb of God. That is, even the office of Jewish Messiah apart from the redemption necessities. Thus did even that require God incarnate to fill the office so to speak? Thus this would be relative to the nation of Israel being the womb of God's activity to the world. I mean the Unitarian would argue yeah the Messiah came through the Jewish blood line & was even prophesied but that don't necessitate Him being connotationally divine. I don't know if I am making since or not.
@myvaccineisjesus 8 күн бұрын
@tabasco7915 - I’m not sure of what you’re asking. However, the “one like a son of man” of Daniel 7:13-14 is taught by the ancient rabbis to be the “Prince [or King] Messiah.” He rides the clouds, which would prove Him divine. He sits on one of the thrones mentioned in verse 9, along with the Ancient of Days (the person of the Father). Verse 14 states He rules over all Creation, and receives worship from all Creation. All these obviously point to Him being divine, being God. Only God rides the clouds. Only God rules over all Creation. Only God receives worship from all Creation. Thus, this “one like a son of man” (which is who Lord Jesus constantly refers to Himself as being), this “Prince [or King] Messiah” is most certainly divine, is most certainly God. Not sure if that helps.
@MyNameMeansGiftFromGod 10 күн бұрын
Are you a scholar? It would be nice if this is a type of channel that handles the professing atheists the way they ought to be handled since they are God-haters. All the Christian channels that I have seen thus far always extend charity to them even though these professing atheists mock the LORD. Coming to your video. Ehrman would never make these claims with a Christian scholar.
@myvaccineisjesus 10 күн бұрын
No, I am not a scholar. But, I did show (I believe) that this “scholar” is a fool, with no real understanding of what the Bible teaches. He is willfully blind, which is sad, of course. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@eddysneyers4993 13 күн бұрын
Good video Michael .
@myvaccineisjesus 12 күн бұрын
Thanks, my friend.
@clarekuehn4372 13 күн бұрын
Before Abraham was I am is grammatically incorrect if it is NOT a reference to YHWH. What an idiot, of Ehrman and O'Connor! Ill will, spiritual hardness of heart and mind.
@chasewatts3159 13 күн бұрын
Always enjoy the new videos. Keep them coming.
@myvaccineisjesus 13 күн бұрын
Chase! Nice hearing from you. I’m happy to see you enjoy this stuff. Glory to God! I just heard you’re on the way to Japan. Wow!
@chasewatts3159 13 күн бұрын
Yes sir! We will catch up soon. You have been a light on my journey through developing a great relationship with God. I really do appreciate you for that. Keep up with the content.
@allandahma4825 13 күн бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@AlecMajerison 13 күн бұрын
Glory to Jesus Christ☦️
@myvaccineisjesus 12 күн бұрын
@keith86ify 19 күн бұрын
It's amazing to me that people don't understand the Trinity when every single one of us are both one person and three different people simultaneously. You ever have a argument with yourself? Everyone has. That right there proves the duality of man. We are two individuals existing as one. But you can also observe the argument you're having with yourself. And develop an opinion that is unique from the other two. This third person decides which you makes the better point. This third person is your conscience, or if you're evil then your lack of conscience. Yahweh and Jesus is the left and right side of God's mind and the holy Spirit is God's conscience. And all three of them share the same lens of reality that allows them to know each other's mind, making them one.
@myvaccineisjesus 19 күн бұрын
Interesting way of looking at it. I see your point. Thanks for sharing that perspective. God bless.
@questor5189 17 күн бұрын
@@keith86ify a better way is to demonstrate a Triune God is to show how man is made in God's image. The Apostle Paul refers to the natural man as having spirit, soul, and body. Yet there remains another way, more accurate than even the previous: Man is made in the image of the Divine. Man has a breath. Man inhales and exhales. Man has a mind. A word or words are first conceived in the mind; they become reality when spoken or written. Comparatively, YHWH has a breath, Ruach, which becomes that omnipresent spirit of the Divine; YHWH conceives his Word in his mind, which in turn becomes an omnipotent manifestation when spoken; and the Bible tells us that all things were made or created through Christ, the Word of God, YHWH. All three have eminence; but YHWH takes the Preeminence over the Spirit and the Word. This concept is revealed in the Sanctuary. The Most High assumes his designated place in the Most Holy Place. The Spirit assumes it's place in the oil and flame of the Seven Golden Candlestick in the Holy Place; and the Word assumes his position in the Holy Place alongside the Candlestick, and is the very essence of the Table of the Shewbread.
@openeyes-b1f 19 күн бұрын
this is very poor argumentation, which just has a look of meaningful and linguistic. I imagine if Jesus would talk this way with few fishermen and farmers accompanied him. First three years of his service he would spend only on explaining them grammar. I'm not JW and I disagree with many of their concepts, but this above is out of true explanation. Why? First of all, there are different Interlinias and different manuscripts. In majority of Greek manuscripts you wouldn't find any punctuation at all, not even spaces between words consists all of Cap letters, in others - poor punctuation as real one appeared only in medieval. Secondly, these are the other English translations besides NWT making purposely splitting Rom 9:5 into two sentences by the meaning: CJB, CEV, GNT, TLB, NABRE, NLV, RSV. Please find an Interlinia with so to say 'poor punctuation' where you find period after word 'Christ in flesh': Moreover, Paul in this letter and his many other letters repeatedly glorified Father as God, why would he change his mind one time in one verse, if the subject was not even focused on this issue? Read Rom 1:25, 11:36. Jesus himself was refusing accusation from Jews if he would call himself Gold (Read John 10). This issue was clearly brought up by Jesus to his desiples, read Mathew 16:13-17! Do you believe Jesus himself? Or you prefer to replace his words by an artificial pagan creed? You quote Revelation as a warning. Don't you think it refers to you as well? Obviously, based on the facts above, unscrupulous translators went the tendentious way following their religious views rather than by the context of the Bible, message by Paul and common sense by deliberately selecting translation at their choice.
@auh2o148 20 күн бұрын
Yes, Israel already had the concept of the duality of YHWH. "Hear O' Israel, YHWH your ELohim is One YHWH." Moses was representing The Father, and Aaron was The Son - as his Mouthpiece/Word.
@myvaccineisjesus 19 күн бұрын
Amen, great point. Thanks for checking out the video, and for sharing this perspective. God bless.
@gregorycarbajal9125 20 күн бұрын
Heavy video! I subscribed, look forward to future videos
@myvaccineisjesus 19 күн бұрын
I appreciate that. Thanks for checking out the video. I’m happy you found it edifying.
@D1900fas 20 күн бұрын
Vaccine is Jesus? Sounds like another political "fake" Christian
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
Does believing and following Lord Jesus protect you from sin, evil, temptation, judgment and eventual wrath and damnation? I would say it certainly does. Regarding being “political” - is Lord Jesus your King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God of Gods, your authority, your ruler? Do you bend the knee to Him? Do your declare His name? Are you a sheep to Him? I would certainly answer in the affirmative to all these points. Btw, my videos are ALL focused on Scriptural discussion. Do you believe Holy Scripture is inspired by God, infallible and without true contradiction? I certainly do. So… if YOU are actually a “real” Christian, maybe you should apologize.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
A fool who fashions his theology based on Israel's theology of their idolatry. Even the Israelites who called their singular calf in the plural referred to YHWH in the singular showing that they Knew YHWH was ONE and not multiple persons.
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
Multiple OT verses would beg to differ. Like Genesis 1:26. And Genesis 3:22. And Genesis 11:7. And Genesis 19:24. And numerous other verses in the Torah and remainder of the Tanakh. I won’t bother wasting time with a rude name-caller such as yourself sharing any more of them. If you would bother studying, you would find there were MANY Israelites and Jews prior to the Christian era who understood that the singular YHWH was indeed multi-personal.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
@myvaccineisjesus I'm familiar with all the verses. Your mistake is thinking God is referring to only himself when he says "let us" and "in our image" and "as one of us". Where did you get that he is referring to only himself? The other parts of the bible that specify that he is only One disagree with that assessment.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
@myvaccineisjesus Genesis 19:24 doesn't even use plural phraseology, so not sure what you're getting at with that one. YHWH speaks in the third person all the time.
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
Sorry, but ONLY God made anything. No angelic spirit beings assisted Him in creating. And, yet He speaks in plural in Genesis 1:26. No point continuing this. You’re rude, and enjoying insulting. Thus, I have no interest interacting with someone such as yourself.
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
Genesis 19:24 has one YHWH on Earth (the one who appeared as a man accompanied by two angelic spirit beings and interacted with Abraham in Genesis 18) calling down fire and brimstone from a distinct YHWH out of the Heavens. Obviously, you refuse to accept what this verse is clearly implying. Btw, Jeremiah 50:40 and Amos 4:11 validate what I am suggesting. with YHWH referring to “God” who performed this as if that “God” was in some way distinct from Him. So much more proof of all this. None of which you will accept, of course. Therefore, let’s just end it here.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
When speaking of their idolatry they use plural pronouns such as "these" and plural verbs so this shows they are referring to a multiple of persons. Yet when they refer to the One true God ALL the pronouns and verbs are SINGULAR! This PROVES the opposite! It proves that YHWH is one and not multiple. You who walk in darkness pervert the truth; fashioning God to the likeness of Israel's idolatry.
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
Oh really. Maybe just check out Isaiah 54:5 which states in the Hebrew “your husbands” (plural form of BAAL) and “your makers” (plural form of ASAH) when referring to the singular YHWH. So, you’re proven wrong right there. Or maybe even Daniel 7:18;22;25;27 where the “saints of the Most High” are mentioned - again, PLURAL form of ELYON being used. So, it should actually read “saints of the Highest Ones.” Wrong again. Here, btw, obviously referring to the Ancient of Days of verses 9-10 and the Son of Man of verses 13-14. Do you note the Son of Man is riding clouds, sits on a throne along with the Ancient of Days to rule over Creation (per verse 9), and receives PELACH (worship only due to God) from all Creation (per verse 14)? Sorry, but that Son of Man is obviously divine, acting like God, and being worshipped like God. I won’t bother sharing or explaining any more to someone like yourself. Obviously, believe what you want.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
@myvaccineisjesus Isaiah in the Hebrew is in the singular. Did you miss the pronoune where it says "YHWH is HIS name" singular. Your wrong here. It's all in the singular.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
@myvaccineisjesus Daniel 7 is written in Aramaic, so there are no Hebrew plurals here. Did you study Aramaic?
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
It says HUSBANDS and MAKERS (both plural participles). And, yes, YHWH and the verb are both SINGULAR. That’s the whole point though. How and why is YHWH singular in some way, yet plural in another way? Please go check the Lexicons for yourself to see that I’m speaking truth here. But, hey, you’re free to deny what I’m showing.
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
@myvaccineisjesus I never claimed that the Son of Man isn't devine or to be worshipped. Where did you get that? That was random. I said God is ONE not multiple. Yeshua himself is God the Father and in him dwells ALL the FULNESS of the Godhead BODILY Colossians 2:9
@yoshiperspectives4880 20 күн бұрын
Fools. You suppose God is multiple because of Israel's idolatry. By the Bible we know that God is One and any worship Israel did of multiple was Idolatry. You who hate the light will always dwell in darkness.
@logan3152 21 күн бұрын
just when you thought apologetics could not get dumber
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your brilliant open and shut refutation of all my Scriptural points.
@logan3152 20 күн бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus much obliged
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
You’re funny. My point was sarcastic since you didn’t even mention any of my points. Regardless, take care.
@logan3152 20 күн бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus you are the sharpest of crayons
@myvaccineisjesus 20 күн бұрын
Ok, now you’re just being an immature jerk. Goodbye
@venuscraig748 21 күн бұрын
yes multi personal, from the left column, totaling 3 binah. gevurah/ hod from 3different world. they have a system of 10, that is not the trinity as you know it. the confusion was established by writiing the nt to muddle understanding of torah. but it is accessible for you to study if you desire to understand the mind of torah.
@Satish-p3b 21 күн бұрын
Calf or cow, please stop eating calf or cow!!! Plural, singular, singular , plural!!! What is this??? What Egypt, what this!! What your God and singular and plural!! Not interesting!! Our likeness and this likeness !! One God and three word this and word that!!! My head is spinning!!! 7:23 God’s simple interpretation!! There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity, There is only one Religion, the religion of Love, There is only one Language, the language of the heart, There is only One God, He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient!! --Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba- SIMPLE
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
So, the INFINITE God who created an AMAZINGLY COMPLICATED and INCREDIBLY EXPANSIVE universe must be SIMPLE? Got it. Btw, God being love proves the point. Love is relational. For the eternal God to be love for all eternity, that eternal God must be eternally multi-personal. SIMPLE! P.S. It’s pretty obvious you don’t understand the Hebrew Bible. You don’t understand the Genesis 1:1-2 and Genesis 1:26 references. You don’t understand the “Word of God” vs “Angel of the LORD” vs “Spirit of God” references. A good idea before commenting on something is first to know what is even being discussed. And, something being “interesting” or not is totally subjective. Maybe I don’t find anything you say or anything Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says to be interesting. Would my personal opinion on the two of you being totally “uninteresting” to me actually prove anything one way or another? I feel like having a burger….
@bretteumont657 21 күн бұрын
The idol was a calf or a bull because that is the zodiac age they were in
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not. But, that has nothing to do with the main point of the video. Take care.
@Z3nHolEminD 20 күн бұрын
Heifer ( baby of the Bovidae family ) Cow ( mommy , sissy and grandma ) Bull ( daddy , grown male specimen of the Bovidae family )
@d.b.2812 21 күн бұрын
Not Israelites. After 400 years in Egypt they are many generations removed.
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Well, since the Bible still refers to them as Israelites, I’ll go with that. Thanks.
@Net_Observer 21 күн бұрын
Excellent video!
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking it out, and for leaving your positive comment. God bless!
@user-di8gh5fw6d 21 күн бұрын
Check out holy koolaid, Aronra, Dr Jay smith etc 👀🐑.
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
So, “Holy Koolaid” and “Aronra” prove me wrong about what I showed in this video? If so, please share their brilliance on this subject. Thanks. Because we all know that no one is more brilliant than the one who believes NOTHING made EVERYTHING. And, I wonder where our consciousness even comes from? You know… that ability that allows us to discuss such things in a rational, logical, cogent manner, attempting to get to the TRUTH regarding these overarching immaterial questions. I wonder how our randomly created “monkey brains” even have the ability to come to any trustworthy conclusion on the matter? I also wonder, according to your view of reality, does immaterial TRUTH even exist? Btw, how does “Dr. Jay Smith” fit into that lovely list of brainiacs of yours?
@travisshaffer552 21 күн бұрын
Have you noticed that in the story of Sodom in Genesis, that the Lord rained down fire from the Lord in Heaven. Two persons, both called Lord
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Amen, Genesis 19:24. One LORD on Earth (the person of the Son, who appeared as a man, accompanied by two angelic spirit beings also appearing as men, who interacted with Abraham in Genesis 18) calling down fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah, from a second LORD (the person of the Father) out of Heaven.
@travisshaffer552 21 күн бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus exactly! I’m surrounded by modalists who just believe in one person who has different “modes” Thanks for letting the Bible just say what it says without trying to impose your own human bias on the text.
@travisshaffer552 21 күн бұрын
Very good! The be bible is full of this concept
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Amen, it surely is. Thanks for checking out the video, and for sharing your thoughts. God bless.
@cristinabutasimon9159 21 күн бұрын
Aside of grammatical analysis, the Israelites have made a calf bc they reverted to the god/gods they worshiped before YHWH, the one/ones from the Age of Taurus, hence a calf. ( Hindus still consider cows to be holy) Seems plausible when later, in the Age of Aries, ancient Egyptian avenues were flanked by dozens statues of rams . After spending 400 years in Egypt, where there were a dozen gods/Anunnaki, I think it is normal to use the plural, like a family of gods, which they were, see also Greek mythology were all gods are related. We say he is a Johnson, referring to 1 person, but we have the whole family in mind. The grammar of modern English is very different than ancient Hebrew Grammar. The very way of thinking and communicating is different. I don't think it has anything to do with a multi-personal god, or the trinity you are probably implying.
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
So, that is your explanation for why the SINGULAR calf is described as representing a PLURALITY of entities? Well, just like you think what I am saying and implying is incorect, I likewise think what you are saying and implying is incorrect. Btw, where’s your proof the Israelites had ceased worshipping YHWH while in Egypt? We DO know it was Moses who informed them of this name of His. Also, where’s your proof the Israelites believed an Egyptian god (or gods) was (or were) the one (or ones) who lead them out of Egypt. This seems to not even make sense. Wouldn’t the Egyptian god or gods want the Israelites to stay in Egypt or return to Egypt? Also, where in Egyptian mythology or Greek mythology was ONE god actually more than one god? Obviously, our own personal opinions on the matter mean nothing. Your opinion has no more worth than mine, and vice versa. Others can make up their own minds, based on what Scripture teaches. Thanks for checking out the video, and for sharing your distinct perspective. Take care.
@questor5189 21 күн бұрын
Precisely. YHWH is one. YHWH has a breath or spirit. YHWH has a word, conceived, then spoken. Notwithstanding, why a Molten Calf? What did the Calf represent or symbolize to the Ancient Israelites upon their departure from a Polytheistic Egypt? Were calves sacrificed unto YHWH in the wilderness? If so, why?
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking out the video, and for commenting. We do see calves being sacrificed by the Israelites to YHWH in the wilderness, starting in Leviticus 1.
@peterasdf4143 21 күн бұрын
Mana is psilocybe cubensis. It was growing on the cow dung and keeping the Israelites alive in the wilderness. They were told the mana was from god. Naturally they built an idol of the poop machine that was producing the mana.
@gavinpeek7781 21 күн бұрын
It's an interesting supposition that you make, ignoring that the verses you read from are translated from three different documents, the E,J, and P manuscripts. It also shows that you have not explored or understand the connection of the Hebrew texts to their earlier counterparts from which they were drawn in babylon. Elohim, which does not mean God, because there is no word in Hebrew, that means God is a transliteration of the word anaquim which is a transliteration of the word anunnaki. You're also clearly ignoring all of the evidence in the old testament, where yahweh says he will destroy the other elohim or that he wasn't even the chief Elohim, which fell to the one known as El elyon of which Yahweh was one of his sons. The plurality of that word is not allegorical or symbolic, but very, very literal. The issue always comes in when people try to interpret instead of translate, sense, translation limits the reader to the nature of the word and the manuscript and does not allow for personal or abstract interpretations such as the one given in this video.
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
The point of the video has NOTHING to do with anything you are bringing up. The POINT was that the idol was a SINGULAR calf, BUT this SINGULAR calf is described as representing MULTIPLE “Elohim” - which WAS interpreted as “God” vs “gods” by the Second Temple Jewish scribes who compiled the LXX. Sorry, but I’ll trust the knowledge, expertise and understanding regarding the ancient languages and overall theology of THOSE Second Temple era Jewish scribes over yours or any modern-day naysaying supposed “expert.” THAT (the singular calf representing multiple “Elohim”) was the point that YOU “clearly ignored.” Btw, I’d LOVE to see your “proof” for your claims that: 1) in the OT, YHWH wasn’t the chief ELOHIM; 2) that “EL ELYON” was the chief ELOHIM; and 3) YHWH was “one of the sons of EL ELYON.” Hopefully, you can provide this “proof.” Now, your claim is beyond ridiculous since EL ELYOWN (“God Most High”) is just another name for YHWH when used in Genesis 14:18-20;22, Psalm 57:2, Psalm 78:35, and Psalm 78:56. In fact, Genesis 14:22 even says YHWH EL ELYOWN as a singular figure. Additionally, Psalm 7:17, Psalm 47:2, Psalm 83:18 and Psalm 97:9 refer to YHWH ELYOWN, all as a singular figure. So, sorry, but you OBVIOUSLY don’t know what you’re talking about. Regardless, thanks for sharing your thoughts, even though we disagree. Take care.
@craigyerger203 21 күн бұрын
Using different names or titles does not signify different authors. Also, Exodus has Egyptian loan words in it specific to the era of Moses. Nevertheless, the students of the Prophets completed the Sacred Writings generations after the Prophet first put pen to paper. The writings of Moses, for example, show a pattern of having been compiled from a collection of notes, judicial rulings, case studies and prophecies kept by Moses. And those components show influence from the entire Middle East -- which is not surprising: it only makes sense to access the surrounding culture to convey a message.
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
I believe we are in agreement with what you just said, Craig. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
@peace137christ 21 күн бұрын
These wicked people always find ways to distract from the topic. None of what you said is discussed in this video. At no point did you contend with anything he pointed out yet you had a whole lot to say. The delusion is either deep or the demon upon your tongue is a liar and here to cause deception and doubt. Or your a AI bot w\ a # name along with this craig guy pulling the same scam.
@gavinpeek7781 21 күн бұрын
@@craigyerger203 it absolutely indicates different authors, since they were written in three different time periods with three different focuses. The e manuscript being the oldest. There's no possible way that they share the same author since the same author cannot live across hundreds of years
@ironman7630 21 күн бұрын
Religion... ALL religion.... is nothing but a tool of the truly evil to get the truly stupid to do their dirty work. Any honest examination of the bible, with its stolen aspects from earlier religion, its astonishing contradictions and proven false claims would reveal this. The same can be said for the Torah, the Koran, and every other religious text as well.
@דניאלהאשם 22 күн бұрын
The entire Christian narrative was constructed by the Romans.
@myvaccineisjesus 21 күн бұрын
You mean the same Romans who persecuted and murdered them for three centuries, ignoramus? Too bad even that ridiculous, easily disprovable lie doesn’t refute what I showed in this video. YHWH is EHAD, but not YACHID.
@OrthoSpartan 25 күн бұрын
Amin! The Holy Eucharist was taught, preserved, and believed in for 2000 years. May the Lord rebuke Matt Slick, and may he have his eyes opened and repent. Thank you brother. ☦️
@myvaccineisjesus 25 күн бұрын
Amen to all you say. Great having you here! Thanks for checking out the video, and for sharing your thoughts. God bless.
❤Amen brother
@myvaccineisjesus 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking out the video, and for your support. God bless.
@myvaccineisjesus U are Always giving Bible my brother. That's what all these sola scriptura believers need to hear.
@myvaccineisjesus 25 күн бұрын
Amen. The reason the Early Church taught what it taught, is that what it taught is what the Bible clearly teaches. If you read it with open eyes, unstopped ears and a humble heart.
@@myvaccineisjesus So true brother, bc the is a Apostolic book.
@@myvaccineisjesus lol I meant to say that the Bible is a Apostolic book
@eddysneyers4993 25 күн бұрын
greetings from belgium
@myvaccineisjesus 25 күн бұрын
God bless you, brother. Now I know where to find you, huh? 😆 Thanks for your continued support.
@yoan-h5s 29 күн бұрын
trust in jesus not from us,but grace from God -》 He work ( holyspirit) inside us , make us capable to belive in Jesus Believe in jesus is about salvation, And salvation 100% from God, not us, not part human work even 0,00001%..
@myvaccineisjesus 29 күн бұрын
Of course, ALL the real work is done by God. He CREATED every atom in Creation. He SUSTAINS every atom in Creation. He ENERGIES every atom in Creation. Amen. But… none of that means we don’t have freewill to choose what to do with what He created, He sustains and He energies - in terms of our own bodies, lives and personal decisions (with certain obvious limitations, as established and maintained by Him). We DO need to SEE and BELIEVE upon the Son to be saved. We DO need to be BAPTIZED (if we are able). We DO need to ACCEPT His free gift. We have the freewill to accept His free gift, and we have the freewill to reject His free gift. The free gift we NEVER earned and could never earn. This is what the Gospel clearly teaches. This is how the Early Church (established by Lord Jesus, and lead and empowered by the Holy Spirit of Truth) has always interpreted Scripture. The Scripture that THEY (not you or I, not John Calvin, not Matt Slick) compiled and protected, again lead and empowered by the Holy Spirit. If you CHOOSE to instead trust your own interpretation of Scripture and/or that of men who came 1500-1900+ years later, so be it. If you, like myself, have lived life, have experienced reality, and CHOOSE to believe that “trust” and “love” are not freewill decisions, so be it. If you CHOOSE to believe that you can’t trust a TOTALLY TRUST-WORTHY being (like God) unless God makes you trust Him, so be it. If you CHOOSE to believe that you can’t love a TOTALLY LOVABLE being (like God) unless God makes you love Him, so be it. And, I’m sure, like myself, by living life and experiencing reality, you have seen people CHOOSE (even though it doesn’t seem to make sense to us) to not trust someone who IS completely trust-worthy and to not love someone who IS completely lovable. God bless. Happy 2025!
@yoan-h5s 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for your answer, In your video many verse from scripture , yo've explain from "your perspective/ human perspective" only.. it will be contradiction with other verses. believe in jesus christ is not part of the free will or free choice, Basically , after adam .. all human "dead already" they didn't respons anything from god ( his word, jesus , holyspirit ) ... I think you mentioned already 1cor2:14. But after they "born again" , they will respons ( jesus chat wirh necidemus in john 3). Even Listening & pay attantion His word or scripture .. not human work.. Do you remember Lydia? Act 16:14 --》proof believe to christ is not our free choice not our work. and this verse not support your teaching in this video Please , youtuber not God, we are not perfect, sometimes we make an mistakes; that's normal so in here i make coment to correct your teaching base on scripture., not to "knock you down" .our purpose are growing together ,correct one another.
@myvaccineisjesus 29 күн бұрын
I KNOW I am not God. I DO NOT choose to trust my own personal Scriptural interpretations whatsoever. I DO NOT choose to trust what some modern-day man might teach me. Btw, even getting into this whole discussion actually PROVES the point that TRUST is a CHOICE. Don’t you see that? Regardless, what I do choose to trust is the Scriptural interpretations of the Early Church, the actual Holy Spirit-guided men who compiled and protected that very same Scripture. Why should I do so? Maybe study Matthew 10:40, Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:17-18, Luke 10:16, John 14:26, John 16:13, John 20:23, Acts 20:28, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 5, Ephesians 8:11-13, 1 Timothy 3:15, 1 Timothy 4:16, 2 Timothy 1:13-14, 2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 1:9, Hebrews 2:12-13, and James 5:19-20. Scripture explicitly teaches that Lord Jesus gave the Early Church (not you or I, not John Calvin, not Matt Slick) the power and authority to “bind” and “loosen” (which would obviously include establishing proper doctrine, teaching and Scriptural interpretation), lead and empowered by the Holy Spirit of Truth, and promised those Holy Spirit-lead men of God would pass this truth from generation to generation, and the “gates of Hades” would NEVER triumph over His Church. You trust OTHER men for your Scriptural interpretation, either yourself, or other men who came 1500-1900+ years later. So, we can each CHOOSE what to believe, no? What’s funny is why, if you REALLY believed what you claim to believe, would you even bother trying to correct me? If you’re right, God is MAKING me believe what I believe, just like He is MAKING you believe what you believe, no? Regardless, I do appreciate and agree with your final point. We ARE surely here to help each other, and to correct one other when necessary (as per James 5:19-20). THAT is exactly my intent when making my videos, and responding to comments such as yours. Btw, WHERE exactly are the supposed contradictions I make in my video regarding Scriptural interpretation? Please be specific. Thanks. God bless.
@yoan-h5s 29 күн бұрын
This some bible comentaries ACT16:14 (You can check it) Bengel's Gnomen Acts 16:14. Λυδία, Lydia) The name of this woman, or else her surname, which was better known than her name. The city, Thyatira, is in Lydia, as most of the cities, which also occur in the Apocalypse.-πορφυρόπωλις, a seller of purple) The women of Lydia were celebrated for the art of purple-dyeing: thence also arose their merchandise.-πόλεως, of the city) Either the native city simply, or also the commerce of the city (its staple manufacture), which Lydia was engaged in, is indicated.-σεβομένη τὸν Θεὸν, who worshipped GOD) She had imbibed some knowledge from the prophets.-διήνοιξε, opened) Διανοίγεσδαι, to be opened, is properly said of the eyes: and the heart (understanding) has eyes. Ephesians 1:18, “The eyes of your understanding (καρδίας, heart) being enlightened.” The heart is in itself closed; but it is the prerogative of GOD to open it. So 2Ma 1:4, διανοίξαι (ὁ Θεὸς) τὴν καρδίαν ὑμῶν, may God open your heart.
@yoan-h5s 29 күн бұрын
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges 14. named Lydia] This may have been her proper name, or it may only have been that by which she passed among the colonists of Philippi, being from the Lydian town of Thyatira. From inscriptions which have been found on the site of the ancient town, it is clear that dyeing was one of the staple trades of Thyatira, and it was from thence that Lydia brought over the purple which she sold in Philippi. Thyatira] On the river Lycus in Lydia. To be distinguished from the river of the same name in Phrygia on which were situated Laodicæa, Hierapolis and Colossæ, in all which places the congregations afterwards became objects of St Paul’s great affection and interest. Colossians 4:13. which worshipped God] i.e. had become a proselyte of the Jewish faith. whose heart the Lord opened] St Luke recognizes that without this the word would have made no entrance. He probably makes special mention of this here because he had previously stated that the Lord had called them to preach at Philippi. Having pointed out their work, He helps them to perform it. that she attended] She gave such heed as to be convinced of their truth. The same verb occurs Acts 8:6, and from the context both there and here we see that it implies “gave credence unto.”
@tabasco7915 Ай бұрын
Thanks for this one as it makes me think. Thus I am not Catholic nor Orthodox so I haven't studied the doctrine of Mariology out to take one side or the other. Nor have I gotten caught up in the opposing views as things as such seems to be a never ending contention within Christianity. Having said that, although I do agree with some of Matt Slick's stuff (outside of this) I don't listen to him allot. If I am not mistaken, he is an extreme Calvinist. In any case, I will continue to listen to contrasting views amongst God's people & weigh things out as much as He will enable me to do so according to scripture as I strive to be a balanced student of the word!
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Amen, we should ALL want the TRUTH wherever it may lead us. I pray that ONLY if I speak something true it is welcomed into your heart, mind and soul. If I speak something false (which would NEVER be intentional), I pray it is NOT accepted by you. God bless. Happy 2025!
@eddysneyers4993 Ай бұрын
empty vessels make the most noise only empty persons(like M. Slick K. Powers )blow themselfs up with pride . Acts 5:38-39 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. Well done Michael and William
@clarekuehn4372 Ай бұрын
👍🏻 Hope William Albrecht notices your video! Someone please send it to him!
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
William surely did a great job in that debate. It’s wonderful having people like him argue for the truth of the ancient Apostolic Church traditions. Thanks so much for checking out the video, and for leaving your gracious comment. God bless.
@shannonmoro7339 Ай бұрын
Great presentation! ……Amen to everything you stated. “God bless”
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Thanks, Shannon. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year! God bless.
@xenofonz7640 Ай бұрын
As for intercessory prayer, it is a valid act of praying on behalf of others. I'm sure Mary does that too. I'm also sure she and others in Heaven can hear our prayers. However, they are not our mediators between God the Father and us. That role is reserved only for Jesus, the one and only Begotten Son of God the Father. We are instructed in the Bible to use Jesus only as our mediator to God the Father. “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Amen. I agree with everything you state, EXCEPT… please read 1 Timothy 2:6, which finishes off the thought from the previous verse. “Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” So, it’s not necessarily that no one but Lord Jesus can function as an intermediary or intercessor between us and God - it’s that Lord Jesus is the ULTIMATE mediator because the ransom sacrifice of His physical life allows us eventually to achieve total reconciliation with God. He accomplishes this for ALL Creation (Colossians 1:20), including for Mary and for all the saints in Heaven (obviously). NO other mediator or intercessor or advocate has accomplished that, or ANYTHING like that (obviously). ONLY Lord Jesus. Thanks for checking out the video, and for commenting. God bless. Merry Christmas to you and to your loved ones.
@xenofonz7640 Ай бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus Indeed Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all - as payment for our sins upon our repentance and our acceptance of Him so that we can be saved from God's coming wrath on earth as well as avoid the final death sentence passed on Judgement Day to others, and be with Him for eternity. I could say a lot more but I was focusing on the distinction between intercessory prayer and mediation.
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Amen. The mediation of Lord Jesus as per 1 Timothy 2:5-6 is surely distinct from the prayers, intercession and supplication we are to perform as per 1 Timothy 2:1. God bless, my friend. Thanks for your comments.
@xenofonz7640 Ай бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus Also note that some mistakenly believe the ransom is paid to Satan to purchase man’s freedom and release him from being enslaved to Satan. It is based on a belief that man’s spiritual condition is bondage to Satan and that the meaning of Christ’s death was to secure God’s victory over Satan. This theory has no real scriptural support and has had few supporters throughout church history. It is unbiblical in that it sees Satan, rather than God, as the one who requires that a payment be made for sin. Thus, it completely ignores the demands of God’s justice as seen throughout Scripture. It also has a higher view of Satan than it should and views him as having more power than he really does. There is no scriptural support for the idea that sinners owe anything to Satan, but throughout Scripture we see that God is the One who requires a payment for sin, which He accordingly received when Christ Jesus was sacrificed on the cross. Origen of Alexandria, Gregory of Nyssa, and Augustine of Hippo taught views in line with the standard Ransom theory. Other Church Fathers such as Gregory the Theologian vigorously denied that Christ was ransomed to Satan or any other evil power, though he does not deny that Christ was a ransom. In his Catechetical Orations, Cyril of Jerusalem suggests Christ's ransom was in fact paid to God the Father, not to Satan. All in all, the Ransom to Satan Theory is of no Biblical value for Atonement and Salvation. The Recapitulation Theory and Penal Substitution Theory together provide a complete understanding of the Atonement by Christ Jesus. Neither alone is enough to fully appreciate why Christ Jesus died on the cross. By His death on the cross our sins are imputed to Christ and in so doing He paid the penalty that we owed to God. Moreover, in return allowing true believers to receive the righteousness of Christ through the process of recapitulation.
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Great explanation there, my friend. Do you know who first supported this silly “ransom paid to Satan” nonsense? Satan was FIRST to receive a curse. To “eat” death (Genesis 3:14), and eventually to be destroyed by the God-Man (Genesis 3:15). And, what Lord Jesus accomplished ends up reconciling even Satan back to God (Colossians 1:20), in that he will finally bend the knee, declare Lord Jesus “Lord” (Philippians 2:10-11), declare blessing, honor, glory, power, and worship to both Father and Son (Revelation 5:13-14), and then enter the Outer Darkness for all eternity to accept his just reward of eternal torment (Revelation 20:10). It would be interesting to examine their flawed arguments that they thought supported such an anti-Scriptural doctrine. God bless.
Great video brother ❤📿🌹🙏🏼
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Thanks so much. I appreciate you.
Lol 😂 wow Matt just made St John into a God, with his protestant analogy. Since John can hear all the prayers from every single creature in Rev 5:13🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Oh boy Matt I guess St. John must be omnipresent then hearing all prayers. I mean this sounds just like Muslims who say God can not become incarnate. Now we Christians understand why Muslims dont believe in the Trinity. But the thing is Muslims lower & limit Gods power to say God can not become flesh, & still be God @ the same time. Muslims automatically say thats a weak God, who can be killed by his own creation. But the incarnation actually proves the complete opposite, & shows Gods true power, everything he can do. So its just like protestants who claim praying to the Saints weakens God. When it's actually the opposite effect, & glorifies God even more so. What can the body do a part from each other = 1 Corinthians chapter 12... We all work as one protestants. Lord bless u all
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
GREAT POINT regarding Revelation 5:13 (among many other great points of yours). God bless. Merry Christmas!
@myvaccineisjesus Amen brother, as a former protestant I always pray for the rest of my family to WAKE UP. It's sad to see how dangerous protestantism is. But people like Matt who follow Calvinism is even more dangerous💯💯💯
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
So true, my friend. When you separate yourself from the Church established by Lord Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit of Truth, you only end up delving deeper and deeper over time into heresy after heresy and blasphemy after blasphemy (even if unintentionally).
@@myvaccineisjesus Yes that's what I ended up realizing too, when I was a protestant believer. And that's one of the reasons why I've dedicated my whole life to study church history in depth. Plus my whole family are Protestants, & Anti-Catholics on top of that to. So I'm sure u know how that goes. Just as the Bible teaches the truth can be hidden right in front of our eyes, & still not see see it. Just like St Paul before Damascus, his own zeal blinded him. It's so sad to see all my Protestant brothers & sisters, blinded to all these man-made teachings. Then they think it's Catholics & Orthodoxs, who have man-made teachings. But all we can do is just keep on trying to wake them up. Bc we know once those scales are lifted from their eyes it's a whole new world. How Mariology turns to more Christology etc etc. So that's why I've dedicated my life to keep studying Apostolic teachings. To keep reaching out to more, & more people everyday. Especially for people who already believe in the Gospel, but still can't see the fullness of the Gospel. Maybe one day I'll have a channel like yours, & more & more people like you will keep reaching out to others as well. So the fullness of the truth can be spread as well. U do a great job here brother, never stop what you're doing. Lord bless u🙏🏼 📿🌹☦
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
The verses I always bring up include Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:17-18, John 14:26, John 16:13 and John 20:23 which teach that Lord Jesus promised His early Church would have the power and authority to make doctrine (“bind” and “loosen”), guided into ALL TRUTH by the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, I bring up Acts 20:28, 1 Timothy 3:15, 1 Timothy 4:16, 2 Timothy 1:13-14 and 2 Timothy 2:2 which teach that the early Church always had men guided by the Holy Spirit who would be taught truth by those coming before them then teach that truth to men coming after them. It’s so funny. The early Church (guided by God as above) compiled and canonized the Holy Scripture. The Protestants recognize the Church was guided by God in doing this. But then, they reject how THOSE same men interpreted the Scripture, instead trusting themselves and/or other men coming 1500-1900+ years later. This OBVIOUSLY makes no sense. I appreciate you and your input. God bless.
@Jeff.jdrjr013 Ай бұрын
0:55 Haven’t watched the video yet, looking forward to it! I figured I’d add some input too! St. Peter says we become “Partakers of the Divine Nature”, 2 Peter 14, and part of that theosis I would argue would be Omniscience - by the Grace of God of course. God bless you my friend!
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Great hearing from you again, brother. Please let me know what you think of the video message when you’re done watching it. God bless! Merry Christmas!
@Jeff.jdrjr013 Ай бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus great video. I always appreciate your insights, I’ve noticed you really examine the implications of verses and take them to their conclusion (like the angels rejoicing over 1 sinner that repents for example) - or maybe I’m just slow to pick up these things 😂 Also, good point at the end how we have to be sure not to jump to the opposite conclusion just because it opposes our view, and how we must be subservient to God’s truth Either way, thanks so much. Have a blessed Christmas!
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
I’m happy you find anything I show to be edifying. We’re all here to help each other out to our best ability. We all can surely learn from one another. Thanks as always for your interest and support. God bless.
@Jeff.jdrjr013 Ай бұрын
@@tonitrua4711 and?
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
@tonitrua4711 - Again, with the childish, mocking emojis. So, what IS your point regarding 2 Peter 1:4? Yes, THIS world (the physical dimension) is surely dominated by corruption and lust. Through seeing and believing upon the Son as our Lord and our God, we can eventually escape this corrupt, lustful world to… go where? Obviously to the Heaven of Heavens, which the Church opens for us (Matthew 16:19), where we will be perfected righteous spirits (Hebrews 12:24) who can help witness for our brothers and sisters still physically alive in this world, still running the race (Hebrews 12:1). And, when we are there, we will perfectly “partake of the divine nature” (per 2 Peter 1:4 - later in the verse, which you DIDN’T mention). What does THAT mean? God is a God of love who works to help draw people on Earth to Him, wanting all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth (1 Timothy 2:4). So, if we “partake of [that] divine nature” while there in the spiritual dimension with God, I wonder if we might do our best to assist God is such an endeavor? The Great Commission, our “first works” is to spread the Gospel, teaching all men about Lord Jesus and encouraging them to get baptized, become His disciples and follow His commandments (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16). We are called to do this while physically alive in Earth. It’s pretty obvious the perfected saints in Heaven, who perfectly partake of God’s divine nature, will ALSO assist in this endeavor to their best ability, which would ONVIOUSLY include praying to God for their brothers and sisters still physically alive, still running the race in the physical dimension dominated by corruption and lust. As you can see (if you COULD see), all your mocking comments do is end up mocking your own lack of proper theological education and Scriptural understanding. Amen.
@devinmedeiros9466 Ай бұрын
Very very good job buddy 👏💪💪🙏🙏🙏🙏
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
I appreciate that. God bless. Merry Christmas!
@eddysneyers4993 Ай бұрын
thanx for doing this one Brother
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
Great hearing from you again, my friend. It was my pleasure. I had begun work on this a long while ago, and just stumbled upon it recently. So, I reorganized it a bit, and… voila. Thanks for the original idea. God bless. Merry Christmas!
@amberclark2129 Ай бұрын
This was so beautifully done…i had never heard it explained that in the passage that only the Father knows that day or hour…i had no idea that meant to declare it
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
I’m happy if that explanation was edifying to you. Please remember the SAME type of wording is used in Revelation 5:3 regarding NO ONE but the Son being able to open the book (would that mean the Father is not omnipotent?) and in Revelation 19:12 regarding NO ONE but the Son knowing the name (would that mean the Father is not omniscient?). Thanks for checking out my video, and for your gracious comment. God bless. Merry Christmas!
@tabasco7915 Ай бұрын
Mr. Apologetic, I was just having many thoughts while watching. Don't know if I can articulate them all right but I will give it a shot. Thus I would never underestimate the work of the Holy Spirit, thus His redeeming work in bringing people to a saving knowledge of the truth. Having said that, what I do know is that the Unitarians are unredeemed which means they are void of The Holy Spirit (very blind) & therefore unable to comprehend or accept what you & I know to be true about our Great God & Savior mutual to the scriptures. That is unless God removes the blinders from their eye's. As we both know, unless that happens they can only heretically interpret God's Word being void of the Ultimate & Necessary Teacher (1 Cor 2:14-16). Needless to say, they deny & reject Him. Having said that He is opening the eyes of some & bringing them out of that demonic cult. Relative to that, I just pray that He uses your content to bring many to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus both Unitarians & any unsaved folk out there. Keep hitting it out of the park Mr. Apologetic as God is greatly using you!
@tabasco7915 Ай бұрын
Just had an additional thought & I will keep it short. I have watched many of presentations where these street preachers couldn't have made the gospel any more clearer to the J.W's & yet sadly they just can't see it. All they know is to rebuttal & deny the truth. Non the less, the seed of the truth of the gospel is being planted & we know that His Word will not come back void.
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
I appreciate what you say. My purpose with these videos is threefold: 1) to provide Scripture-based arguments for other Trinitarian Christians to use in their own witnessing to JWs and other such heretics; 2) to help promote the faith of other (maybe not so learned) Trinitarian Christians, and show them that the Bible supports what the Church has always taught; and 3) to demonstrate to JWs and other such heretics who claim to believe the Bible that what Scripture actually teaches is what the Church has always taught. Making the videos also helps increase my own personal faith, and my own personal Biblical understanding. I pray I am not mislead, and surely that I never mislead another. As you correctly state, it’s ultimately between the unbeliever and the Holy Spirit. But, we are all called to do our best to help spread the Gospel of the Kingdom to the lost. Those who truly wish to see will be blessed with the truth at some point. However, those who persist in their refusal to see the truth will ultimately get their just reward for this rejection. May God have mercy on them and on all of us. God bless. Thanks again for checking out my videos, and for commenting.
@tabasco7915 Ай бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus Yes & I could say no less nor do I disagree in any way! Thus you definitely have a great platform & outreach here on Y.T.. Thus a great ministry indeed! God is greatly using you in my life to grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ & I'm sure many others as He leads them to your channel..
@tabasco7915 Ай бұрын
"Your B.B.Q.!" Love it brother, love it!
@myvaccineisjesus Ай бұрын
When “Tabasco” appreciates my “BBQ,” that must really be saying something. God bless. Merry Christmas!
@tabasco7915 Ай бұрын
@@myvaccineisjesus Back to you brother! Apricate you.