Keith Hunter on the Scott Watson Appeal
We Have to Stop Killing Babies
19 сағат бұрын
@gordoncooke6785 17 минут бұрын
Plonker plunk, no problem with ramming a tractor into parlament, hypocrite 😮😢😢
@robertbaird4822 38 минут бұрын
Wouldn't believe a word this tamiti prick says ,NOTHING BUT A SNEAKY MAORI CON MAM
@deanwitt7903 39 минут бұрын
Hunter needs to get his head out of the clouds . I once also thought Watson was innocent however I learned Watson had a very dark opinion of women , he drew pictures and a map in prison calling woman bitch slaves , he had the smart and hopes houses drawn with what he describes as the killing fields around it . His friends said he could be a total nutter , was always pulling knives on people , the night at the lodge numerous witnesses said Watson was fixated on women and making sexual remarks . He had also raped a woman in the north island at knife point a while before this . Who scrubs and re paints their boat out at sea ? There was no mystery man , never was it was Watson unshaven and then returning clean shaven most they way through the night . Who goes out to a function then goes away again to shave hours and hours latter ? Ian wishart has been the only journalist to get his hands on the police files on this case . He proves everything hunter said to be wrong . For anyone interested read the book elementary and make your own mind up . Wishart admits the police made mistakes in the case but there’s no doubt they got the right guy . I believe Watson should rot in prison .most of Watsons supporters are conspiracy theorists who hate the police .
@user-cu1mn9gt2o 47 минут бұрын
Words fail me, DISGRACEFUL!!!!!, I fear it's another James Whakaruru, 😢
@kuruki213 54 минут бұрын
In what world can someone not voted for by 95% of the country be acting PM?. A white one.
@patriceking9583 59 минут бұрын
Don’t be deceived. These Maori are planted in all govt departments and universities and they are all connected by blood or marriage. They conspire together and cover for each other. They look after their own and are not for all Maori
@greatwhite9428 Сағат бұрын
Mitchell...just another useless police minster
@allaboutstress361 Сағат бұрын
If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and sounds like a duck it’s corruption.
@deanwitt7903 23 минут бұрын
Watson had a fascination with knives , he raped a woman at knife point , his mates described him as a lunatic most the time and said he hated women , he drew a picture from prison calling women bitch slaves drew a map and had labeled an area as the killing fields , he had the hope and smarts houses on it . His family home was bugged by the cops and his mother was herd saying derogatory statements about the missing couple so clearly she was also unhinged . He had a long history with the police for knife crime and violence . So yes you are correct , if it walks and quacks like a duck it’s simply a duck .!
@luke2648 Сағат бұрын
Hear hear
@Troyper-lu3jz Сағат бұрын
Te pati maori are frauds but Brian Tamaki? Hes nothing different. I dont care if he says the right things.
@arirahall6918 Сағат бұрын
Unbelievable confirmation bias going on around Brian Tamaki on this platform. NZ Herald 29th Aug 2023 Brian Tamaki Disruption Campaign: Brian claims to ‘receive insight from “the Spirit World” for his campaign. He wants to “break the countries political institutions apart” and be a “weapon of mass disruption”. Now put those words in Te Pati’s Māori’s mouth and feel OUTRAGED.
@markbeauchamp3192 Сағат бұрын
The truth shall set you free
@namk2022 Сағат бұрын
I have seen this over and over again while working in Waikato. An underbelly of Māori violence against their children. It’s intergenerational. And people are more concerned about being called racist than acknowledging the problem within the Māori culture.
@BarryNewman-ul6ui 2 сағат бұрын
Talk of "Mystery Ketch" with Ben and Olivia seen onboard, total rubbish, on board this "Mystery Ketch" were two people and both were clearly identified along with the vessel, the "Mystery Ketch" only existed between the ears of Guy Wallace. Why all the lies from Watson ? He never went to Erie Bay on Jan 1st, He didn't paint His boat in Erie Bay on Jan 1st, He was in Queen Charlotte sound at 10am Jan 1st heading south out from Endevour Inlet identified by several witness's one of which knew Him personally and they waved to one another, there was another male on board who was this person ? this person was painting Watsons Blade, Blade was seen in Shakespere Bay at between 12 noon and 2pm, seen in Waikawa Bay between 3pm and 4 pm, seen entering Erie Bay at 12 noon on Jan 2nd and departing around 1pm, Watson had the caretaker of Erie Bay lie along with his two children about going to Erie Bay and painting His boat there on Jan 1st, people in Erie Bay Jan 1st said no boat was there all day up to 6pm, other people at a batch in Erie Bay who arrived very late Jan 1st said no boat there on the morning of Jan 2nd, the clothes Watson wore on Dec 31st/Jan 1st have not been found the reason being of course to destroy possible trace evidence. Why would an innocent Man lie as to His movements ? the reason is simply to create a false trail as the correct one is the only one (although doubtful given the terrain) to provide anything of value to an investigation. Look at the circumstantial evidence here and forget chasing non existent Mystery Ketches or the twists and turns surrounding the hair samples, the witness statements made after talking amongst themselves creating confusion, about long hair or short hair as it really boils down to what can be open to question and the Circumstantial Evidence which compounded can be stronger than DNA. Put some thought into that other male person on board Blade at 10am on Jan 1st as i would be interested as to whether someone out there has the same notion as Myself being that Watson had an accomplice ?
@realsinisterminister 3 сағат бұрын
Being concerned about a vaccine that was lied about again and again and still has no truth to it is NOT anti-vax............its not proven and it was forced upon people you sir are a clown
@sinamumuta7910 4 сағат бұрын
The Country need Liberty, we need to cut of these organizations, Agencies, Groups, that collected funding from the Government and misused,and the Comiunities are struggling to servive,but look at people who ,created these lots of misusing the Government, they just sitting in places they rented paying by taxes payers, hard working people of New Zealanders, but they not doing anything, but they resouces by the Government, the Country was very good and clear,before people go straight to departments, they need a help,but this time well ignored,not keed to do anything but lied.
@Sequoia690 6 сағат бұрын
MANZGA - Make NZ Great Again
@Sequoia690 6 сағат бұрын
Re: Russell Norman and his ilk. Do a Reality TV show called Greens Survivor and see how long they last without all the things they keep trying to ban...
@simon-ds1vp 6 сағат бұрын
the ones chasing unicorn kisses , get their news from people that don't want NZ to succeed and prosper,,, from what I heard from an oil and gas 30 year veteran,,, we have plenty of hydrocarbon reserves on our continent of zealandia,,, but lets not forget the last government had its ass blocked by a group of world wide puppet masters, selling their version of snake oil
@Sequoia690 6 сағат бұрын
A real disgrace by so many agencies, they are all complicit in a cover up...And a further disgrace that the Police, the SFO, Electoral commission have done not a thing about any of this. Thanks for sharing Brian Tamaki
@CharlieRavioli 6 сағат бұрын
Well, I'm relieved that nowhere was the word 'whanau' used so that means the baby was not Maori. Thank God.
@dumbfoundedagain 6 сағат бұрын
Hypocrisy in total view
@dumbfoundedagain 6 сағат бұрын
Yet you think killing Palestinian babies is ok ? Wake up
@user-el1mx3bp9t 7 сағат бұрын
Brian Tamakis a crook and just wants to overpower the Maori Party lol.
@user-el1mx3bp9t 7 сағат бұрын
Brian Tamaki just wants to overpower the Maori Party Lol
@michaeltawaka762 7 сағат бұрын
Good on you Brian 👏
@cedricwaitere6501 8 сағат бұрын
Because your people never wanted a dam thing from my people truth be told
@cedricwaitere6501 8 сағат бұрын
Why don't All non Maori just be one nation of Maori
@greatwhite9428 Сағат бұрын
😂😂😂😂 no thanks
@cedricwaitere6501 8 сағат бұрын
Nothing all you Maori hating people say and do will change the current status . Unless all of you haters and evil people come to any house land or Marae to kick us out by force. And throw away or discard all reference to Maori then I dare you to try and just see what happens . Your words are fruitless now. How about you go and be Brittish and f.... off back to England and go and be one nation there
@kenmckay5578 8 сағат бұрын
Brian is right ! Between the police , agencies and other interests ,this will be covered up ,or swept under the rug . Something isnt right !
@BarryR. 9 сағат бұрын
Buy them a bottle of whiskey to keep them quiet
@mattblack9069 9 сағат бұрын
New Zealand has to, Drillo drill drill, dig dig dig dig extract extract extract minerals galore as soon and as fast as possible. Forget the Liberal degenerate Ardern destruction mandates and go for it. We can even buy a kit set oil Refinery, assemble it in New Zealand, and have it up and running within 3 years.
@karekarenz7683 9 сағат бұрын
I always wondered how two fit young people could be overpowered by one small drunk man, unless there was a firearm involved.
@user-pn5sh7pc3r 9 сағат бұрын
Great work matua
@andrewbrownlie2764 9 сағат бұрын
What really concerns me is that those two kids were seen on that ketch by numerous people and some days latter. If that is fact....these police personnel have completely failed those families. Given the fact the crown had only 2 hairs as evidence in total and even that is dubeus its likely they are worried about the ramifications of facing the public with having to admit they have likely incarcerated an innocent man for the last 25 years. Not a good look for the police either, how ever they are not responsible for their for bearers actions.
@bugmouthready529 9 сағат бұрын
How is NZ ever going to be seen as civilised and taken seriously if our society has room for tragedy like this. If we are to be savages then lets all meet in the streets and have at it
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
What about the yaught that people saw a huge yaught and 2 people on it
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
Not scot Watsons yaught
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
They were sailing off in the distance
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
I think Scott Watson is innocent and always have that I've been fascinated by the case
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
For years I think scot Watson should be innocent
@mattyallen3396 9 сағат бұрын
Pope is of the era where the CIB where as corrupt as the crooks. Olivias father had a lot to do with it as well.
@danielcox1602 9 сағат бұрын
Yep.. time and time again.. my house hold has temp custody of my nephew child, whose father put 2 of his firstborns as infants into icu and many weeks in hospital 10 years ago.. has over 200 listings on his record before the courts and most of his life at 43 in prison.. he is a crack head and a gang member.. he is still at large and one of these baby killers. He is forbidden alone with childeren. but he wants visitation to his supposed 2 year old (my nephew) even though he is not on the birth certificate.. my own sister.. fallen to crack.. where is the assistance for families going through this.. we are good people and work our jobs hard.. these other assholes never worked a day in thier lives.. and yet the system is there for them..
@CharlieRavioli 6 сағат бұрын
Bless you for your decency and heart. Protect that little boy with all your strength.
@jamie_gray 9 сағат бұрын
No one ought to be allowed to broadcast ... church bells are an instrument that is part of a traditional christian practice, and the sound travels as far as it does, it is not deliberately amplified to make sound travel further than it otherwise would. If a singer - sings a call to prayer live within a Mosque and neighbours hear it - thats fine. but broadcasting to inflict your own personal passion does not make for good neighbours. Sports grounds, Concert halls, pubs, neighbours parties etc. sound systems are designed for those inside, tho sound travels and we have all put up with some noise pollution, in diverse societies.* Generally put, the desire to broadcast to those outside a venue should be banned, we all like to be left alone and I would be just as annoyed if a sports commentary was being broadcast to my neighbourhood.
@rjh6037 9 сағат бұрын
Excuse the pun, but there’s something very fishy about this case.
@LOW12A 9 сағат бұрын
1 CNK 2 DWZ 3 Berry 4 Pompey 5 RTS 6 Martin 7 SJ 8 AFB 9 Egan 10 Ford 11 Capewell 12 Barnett 13 Harris 14 CHT 15 Walker 16 Nuikore 17 Jazz/Bunty/Ale etc etc
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
Why do they presume the baby is maori
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
Who says the baby was moari why do they presume this
@greatwhite9428 Сағат бұрын
It is,so sit down
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
All these babies die and no one gets prosecuted but I know the street so does a lot of people
@lastkingz7386 9 сағат бұрын
Can you just listen Shaun just shut up and listen to Tamaki ,,, your annoying butting in to much ,, goes to show a mighty crime has occurred,, for many many years , it's disgusting, ,,
@FrancescaLee-np3qr 9 сағат бұрын
So disgusting once again yuk they showed the street I know where the street is so does everyone in Te kuiti
@mattyallen3396 9 сағат бұрын
Sack the lot
@wendyross3314 9 сағат бұрын
This is not new unfortunately They have a grading system or a criteria list for acceptance they can use. Unfortunately if declined by the time the patient gets help thier condition and health is much worse so the systems they use certainly arent contibuting to preventative health measures Whats the point in putting out all prevention initiatives ( ie bowel screening) and when know a person who had atleast 3 of the risk factors stated and goes to GP then referral sent declined then referral sent again because condition stiil ongoing declined again I can certainly see why many people get to stage 3 or 4 bowel cancer by the time they see a specialist We certainly need to do better and address a persons clinical need rather than a criteria list or grading system GPs can do alot and do do alot but cant fix a cancer , do heart proccedures , replace hips , etc at thier clinics We have the patient the GP and the specialist escalation process but unfortunately the top is letting us down. I am in no way belittling the fabulous health professionals we have but a system that doesnt met the needs of its community
@magingi 9 сағат бұрын
It was my understanding, that apart from the two hairs found, that Scots boat had been well cleaned(just after new years), and there was also the issue of CD cases on Scots boat which had been cleaned meticulously, ie 'inside the cases'. Who does that? Then Scott's clothes had been destroyed or gone missing. Or how about painting the boat on new years day? When you're hungover. Then there were 'scratch marks'(finger nails) on the inside hatch, consistent with someone trying to get out; explained by the defense as being attributable to some of Scots relatives(children 'playing' on the boat). Yeah right! Some other evidence explained that Scot had made some peculiar statements(related to violence) during a drunken social interaction with friends, much earlier in the piece. Suggestive of some sort of 'issue'. It is the police's job to go off hunch's. There are times when they are wrong, but they are often right. A good poker player can bluff well(lie), but a better player can read that bluff and see through it, exposing the hand of the other irrespective of immediate tangible evidence as it were. Subtle nuances. Cues. Micro-expressions. It all adds up. Ketch? Sloop? Marginal differences. They're both boats. When people have had a few(which many had owing to new years), it's hardly surprising their memories may be a little amiss. But not substantially. A boat is a boat. Moreover, even though the identification of Scott via photos, by the key witness may have been a little off, he made the definitive choice, even if, later on he may have expressed doubts, mainly due to all the media 'suggestions' planted. Not at all dissimilar to what happened in the Peter Ellis case where 'false memories' had been allegedly planted via 'suggestive' interview techniques with the alleged child victims. The police got the right man. How or why so many of these trials end up being tried later in the media, with such spurious angles is ridiculous. David Bane comes to mind too. Though I do consider given the 'facts', Peter Ellis was innocent.
@markreynolds1112 9 сағат бұрын
so wht did he kill thm with the cd casses i herd watson was a ninja tht probaly explains it
@xtreme3minutevideos887 8 сағат бұрын
I do not know if Scott is guilty or not but with all due respect, some of the things you mention are proof of the police corruption. The police deliberately leaked to the media that the whole inside of the boat had been scrubbed clean but in court the forensic expert who examined the boat said that is incorrect. His exact words were that only 30% of the horizontal surfaces had been wiped which would be a normal wiping of the galley bench top. Also the story of Scott painting the whole boat was false and this is also in the actual footage from the court case. Only the stripe around the cabin was repainted and witnesses stated that Scott had sanded the stripe ready for painting prior to Xmas. All this actual footage from the court can be seen in the documentary "Doubt" which can be found here on KZbin. If you need any proof that police corruption can convict the wrong man, just google the case of Alan Hall where it has now been proven police altered witness statements. Same in the Teina Pora case and of course the Arthur Allen Thomas case. My witness statement about the murder of Ben and Olivia was completely changed by the police and I only found out a few years ago when I saw it in Wisharts book.