@edo599 5 сағат бұрын
this needs to be shown on every TV across the world and shown in every electronics store on every TV.
@ciccioiona4591 8 сағат бұрын
Hypatia was Roman
@NwaHp3 9 сағат бұрын
Not a mobile in sight, this is when learning took place...todays youngsters are just interested in how many people like there content...I'd go back to the 80's in a minute! Carl was an absolute legend!
@Cheese_Boi1986 11 сағат бұрын
Rats are not a good example as they are amazing parents and will happily adopt pups from other litters
@merakettin 11 сағат бұрын
19:30 looks like @SteveMould 's steel balls representing heat treated metals.
@norecordingsoftware3309 13 сағат бұрын
Oo get slow mo guys in there
@miahsbrokengarage 13 сағат бұрын
Rodney is such an amazing person. We're lucky to have him in our world.
@ShaneSathar 14 сағат бұрын
They won't because we have energy, vibration, frequency, and emotions A computer doesn't have emotions or vibration Just energy, frequency, and tasks Your mind is conscious because we were created by a creator. Hence, we are creating We can, however, play a vital role in influencing our tech to be more positive than negative Because most things of creation can have a positive and negative We need to be careful what we create and, more importantly, why and for what use If it doesn't benefit us or the planet What's the use
@ShinyKuma0 14 сағат бұрын
Bro made a Fortnite back bling
@HardWayback 14 сағат бұрын
How does one obtain this
@MOAON_AABE 14 сағат бұрын
I love this guy, what's his name ?
@Nousinvisibles 15 сағат бұрын
Following Dr Curran on LinkedIn and experiencing such really horrible things has left me a bit in shock, along with most of the other nonsense you experience every day with the Scandinavians and Swiss, this is definitely up there as one of the most distressing experiences of my life. I think it must be bad luck, I would have never envisaged such a negative experience but it demonstrates very well the opportunistic and predatory nature of the British, that they are willing to bully and beat down a person who needs support because there is no one to care if she dies. If I had known how negative this experience would be, I would have never followed this man, I genuinely feel like an idiot like what have I done to myself again but this is very typical of when you live in a German society, the incentives are such, I will always get into bad relationships, jobs etc where this type of predatory and abusive behavior is enabled and perpetuated, it is only possible due to people like Dr Curran because I will probably unconsciously trust someone from the UK and not have the same kind of safeguards as perhaps with other Europeans
@harshidkabariya7910 15 сағат бұрын
Angel ring
@everydaysunset4761 15 сағат бұрын
Should sell it as toy
@serge8085 15 сағат бұрын
If the line can fit only 3 towels, what happens then?
@Tehseen-z8g 15 сағат бұрын
Comparison makes world run🤫
@EverHappyDude 16 сағат бұрын
WHO dislikes Interstellar⁉️ Who⁉️
@matthewsabal81 17 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately, the original prototype was destroyed when it was taken to a frat party in an effort to pick up chicks !
@enlongchiou 17 сағат бұрын
((8.753/8.45)-1)/((A/A1)-1)=2*105 : dynamic space time in vacuum ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4=2pi*g*m^2=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L : solution of GR field equation at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5 can produce photon at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5=299792458[meter/second][u=4pi*10^-7, p=8.85418782*10^-12] by r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) : Einstein's random photon electric effect prevent continuous ultraviolet catastrophe of electron in Atom by electron decay shrink proton radius fro pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter to 8.753*10^-16 meter, (8.809/8.45)^3*ch=126.25 Gev[1.602*10^-19/c^2] : Higgs boson by muon decay shrink pl to 8.45*10^-16 meter, (6.674103388/6.661181)^2*0.001161409725=0.00116592026 : anomalous muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511] magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor for QCD of Yang-Mills gauge field oscillating with QED of Yang-Mills gauge field 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036)=e+/ch : Schwinger's weak QED for anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from positron e+=ch/2pi*137.036=k*e^2=me*(c/137.036)^2*A=e- of Dirac's quantum field can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=En*L at Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2 deduce weak force pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5 unite strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28 with EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[9.10938356*10^-31 kg][me*c^2=0.511 mev[1.602*10^-19]] in hydrogen Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter], deduce 85.73% ratio between muon, electron decay from strong force by 100-85.73=14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.4980143))=128.4980143/3^2 deduce A1/A=128.4980143/128.51991 : oscillation of Atom radius cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe Dynamic space time in motion, deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*9me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=128.51991*A1/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23 due to dynamic space time from oscillation between QCD, QED of Yang-Mills gauge field, m/pm=1.3*10^19 is mass gap of QCD[pm/me=1836.1527 is mass gap of QED], g=6.661181*10^-11 gravitational constant due to red shift effect compare g=6.674103388*10^-11 at Planck scale l=1.616231*10^-35 meter where m=(ch/2pi*g)^0.5=2.176466*10^-8 kg, at proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2 strong force g(p) give proton pm mass and positive charge unit e=1.602176634*10^-19=16*g*pm*c^2, Maxwell EM wave can be by potential energy of positron in magnetic field e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 oscillating with momentum energy of electron in electrical field in vacuum ch=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)=2pi*g*m^2=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4 unified field of Einstein.
@Jupiter8Boy64 18 сағат бұрын
Fascinating, thank you a lot.
@steviejd5803 18 сағат бұрын
An excellent lecture.
@kostyapolykova9879 19 сағат бұрын
We have galaxies at home
@user-gj1wz5dw3n 21 сағат бұрын
What a loser, crying about two white males winning the Nobel Prize. He sounds like an idiot.
@benjamincampbell6885 23 сағат бұрын
And people say that magic isn't real
@WillH0724 23 сағат бұрын
A little late I realize but here my insights into what processed foods should also include … agricultural produce … the farm that grows our food. Take the humble apple as example. Over many decades we have “genetically engineered” the apple, albeit through a series of cross breeding, to give rise to apple variants that are more juicy (more sweet thus more fructose/glucose), less tart (may indicate reduction in acidic compounds like Vitamin C), coated in fungicide, herbicide and insecticide. Surely such an apple should be considered “processed” … at the very least not-natural.
@royterry8300 Күн бұрын
A brilliant man delivering an incredibly plodding narration managing to be devoid of insight
@spannungmx Күн бұрын
It might be the most pathetic discovery about the fibonacci sequence
@joetyszk33 Күн бұрын
Such a great watch, he crushed it with this presentation
@nameless-yd6ko Күн бұрын
'Time' is an illusion that exists in/as 'thought'! 'Thought' is Ego (Thought is Duality, mortality, death)! Thus we 'identify' with the presentations of the Ego (autonomous self) and buy into 'life' and 'death'. Mortality! 'Time' is not inherent in Reality other than that. Reality is Holistic, not linear; "The Laws of Nature are not rules controlling the metamorphosis of what is, into what will be (ie; Karma). They are descriptions of patterns that exist, all at once... " - Genius; the Life and Science of Richard Feynman All 'eternity' at once; Here! Now!! Holistic. Eternal doesn't mean all the moments strung together like a string of popcorn, 'time' (linear or otherwise), it means NO 'time'! No time to exist! Bye! ;)
@steviejd5803 Күн бұрын
All quantum particles act as waves.
@LindaIkuta Күн бұрын
A great talk.
@samsoundflint6208 Күн бұрын
Sadly, HTML is not coding. It is, as the name implies, is a markup language that describes the page to be rendered by the browser engine. HTML concepts are somewhat kinda sorta based on the older concepts that came from the printing industry - canvas, font, offset, margin, padding, etc etc. CSS is not coding either, it is a logical extension of HTML, adding in things that were missing (or incomplete) in the original HTML, for example, cascading (thus the name) changes made in one place over the rest. Again, no coding (though, the new parts added fairly recently, CSS3 I think, provide for naive/basic variables and pseudo-elements, ie, things that couldn't fit well into the "original" printing concepts dating as far as Gutenberg.) Meaning, learning HTML doesn't teach one how to code. It teaches one how to dynamically build and format the page using standard blocks. What one doesn't see with HTML is the DOM model, which is, IMHO, one of the absolute worst examples how NOT to approach such things, yet, here we are now, 30 years later, using the legacy we are now permanently stuck with. (as a side note, I am neither glad nor mad that the web browser "GUI" became what it is now, a humongous hodgepodge of unimaginable number of ideas, some implemented well, some okay, and some just plain terrible; it is neither here nor there, and there had been better attempts at making GUIs; however, the good news are that we kinda sorta slowly gravitating towards HTML-based unversal GUI - for better or worse). I stopped watching the rest, and I am truly sorry, but there is not that much new that I heard so far. Perhaps I should write a textbook on how not to sell naive/basic understanding for the advanced, or how not to create terrible GUI, or how the confusion between the form and the substance resulted in terrible GUIs not reflecting the data they are supposedly representing, I am not sure yet.
@aleksapetrovic3054 Күн бұрын
@RazvanMihaeanu Күн бұрын
He had an etire string of globular lightning "pearls".
@Mattlott222 Күн бұрын
mmmm doughnut
@BrandenMarshall-x4m Күн бұрын
@ssXFROSTY Күн бұрын
huh so u telling me the ocean the biggest and deepest parts of this earth was flung here by another planet 😂 hunny go grab a warm rag
@ssXFROSTY Күн бұрын
so earth could be flat😂
@fSFan333 Күн бұрын
well the function that maps the set of towels onto time is dependend of the line, so it will be a linear combination of characteristic functions, so if the line is big enough for 5 towels, it plots up to 5 towels onto 3 hour, 6 to 10 towels to 6 hours and so on. So constant is wrong, no matter how big your line is. As long as it is not infinitely big, there will always be a huge number of towels for which it is not the same value as for a small amount. The limes of towel amount against infinity will be infinite for every limited line.
@JustAnotherThisDJ Күн бұрын
I saw a fighter jet size UFO that looked and motioning exactly like this but steeper and faster 100 yards away in daylight in 2018
@jennybernd5412 Күн бұрын
I am so ticklish that I can tickle myself VERY easily.
@nikicastanić Күн бұрын
When the time is right
@Ahhelppls Күн бұрын
holy yapping
@georgschett801 Күн бұрын
@mayureshponkshe9325 Күн бұрын
Its Meruprastaara by Pingala long back than fibonacci from Bharat/India.
@Oldschool-Prada Күн бұрын
Das Glas muss mal Universum kaputt gemacht werden, würde gern mal sehen was passiert
@ken_U_seet Күн бұрын
Dan Winter knows a thing or to about such matters.. do you know what gravity is?? It’s not apples hitting you on the head lol
@sliceofbread29yrago52 Күн бұрын
CHATGBT UPDATE "The time it takes for towels to dry on the line depends on factors like the weather, humidity, and airflow, not the number of towels, as long as they are spread out and not overlapping each other. If 3 towels take 3 hours to dry, 9 towels will still take the same 3 hours, assuming there is enough space to hang them without crowding. In other words, the drying time does not change because the drying process for each towel is independent of how many towels there are, as long as each towel has enough exposure to air and sunlight.