You-tube Stock Channels
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Stocks Vs. CEOs
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LLC Stock Account Liability
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Le Sage & Ether
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Galaxy with No Dark Mater
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Micrometers: just a rant
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Micrometers Vs. Mathmaticians
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Free Will and Super determinism
Checking a Big Battery
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Gravity, Not Giving Up
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Pond Drainage Soos Vineyards
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Politicians Guide to Lying
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Watching Smoke
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Photons don't cancel
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From Waves to Evil
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Rocks Aren't Real
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Buying Tracks
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Velocity Syphon
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Gate Vs. Drunks gate looses
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Ether to vortex wave
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Ether Faster Than c
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@rogerscottcathey 11 күн бұрын
Have read anything by Cark F. Krafft? You might find it interesting and illuminating.
@mateo801 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video
@3dentertainment301 5 ай бұрын
Guys kind of a idiot
@damienodonohue1327 5 ай бұрын
What is the engine actually in?
@martinsoos 5 ай бұрын
47-thousand-pound excavator. Brand is Bantum.
@polathasann58 Жыл бұрын
Selamın aleyküm dostum hodrolik direksiyon pompasinin usteki borumu basinc olur alttakimi
@jaz314gaming2 Жыл бұрын
Hi Sir, I was wondering if you were able to get a part number off the suction hose that goes from the reservoir to the pump, or if you knew where to find another one online?
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
Solid steel lines are custom made at hydraulic shops. If you have a small hole in one, take it off, blow air through it, wipe the outside of the pipe down with soap and water, use a welder and weld a ring or three around the hole to carbonize the oil on the inside, and when the pipe stops smoking, weld over the hole. If crushed, you can cut off the bad part, clean the pipe, cut an equivalent length, put the pipe back on the tractor and tack weld it, take it back off and take it to a professional welder. Taking the entire tractor to the hydraulic shop will give you the best result.
@SuerteDelMolinoFarm Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@ASTAROTH13666 Жыл бұрын
Hello I have bought 550,year 83. I am new to them and just wanted to lnow a few things about it since i have no manuel. Does the hidraulic fluid lubricate the whole system like the breaks,gearbox etc or for each compotent theres different oil to be used? Do you fill hidraulic fluid only in the hid.tank and the pump moves it all to the system or theres other caps on the traktor where the hidro.fluid goes separately? What hidro fluid it needs or is it just about any hidro fluid that can be used on it?also what kind of engine oil should be used on it?
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
The engine oil is the easiest to answer. You want 10-W30 in the winter with a new engine, add 10 to the 30 if it is a hot summer and another 10 if the engine is old and smoking a bit. Same with hydraulic, use 45 if you are near the equator and 32 anywhere else. Most any tractor with a shuttle clutch uses hydraulic-transmission oil with the 1960 John Deer running 32 in transmission and the Massy Fergason running 90 but I put 62 in my Massy. I put 45 hydraulic-transmission oil in my Ford 555 shuttle clutch reservoir under the steering wheel but another 555 might need a different oil. Gear shift, use 90 weight (no synthetic) gear oil in all gear shifts unless otherwise specified.
@2jack1234 Жыл бұрын
Where did you find the rebuild kit for that cylinder? Can you please share a link if you got it online? Thank you
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
I took it into Pertex Hydraulics with the hoses, they have three people there that are better at it than I am, though I wouldn't say that about any other company in Greensboro. I drive it along the side of a mountain, and it is very important that my steering doesn't go out on me. I have bought rebuild kits through Amazon and private companies that I found through Google search.
@enterBJ40 Жыл бұрын
Hi. Could you please share your experience with this model? What your opinion on it ? Knowing it's an old machine. Thanks in advance
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
The Ford 555 is a 3-cylinder about 64hp and this one came with a backhoe attached. The 555 was a turning point in the 1970's and made a benchmark for all to follow. That said it is 50 years old and falling apart. The front-end loader beats anything out today with the same hp and if you find one expect to be fixing it the entire time you own it, and it is worth the work. It doesn't cut through sandstone well, but for ditches and other things it is tops. If you are buying new, I wouldn't recommend a John deer or Kabuto. New john deer's are designed to fail every three years and Kabuto is too small and only two sizes of their tractors match the front loader size to the tractor. For a backhoe, size matters, if it's not 14K pounds (about 6 metric tons) it just doesn't have the ass to do any real work. Case and JCB seam to have the best out, but Cat will fool you every once in a while. PS, my neighbor had a 12K pound mini excavator and a skid steer and ran circles around nearly anything a backhoe can do.
@enterBJ40 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your detailed answer.
@steveday6246 Жыл бұрын
lotta good info here!
@leonhardtkristensen4093 Жыл бұрын
I believe there is proof enough that the placebo effect exist. You could say that it was predetermined in the neuons that that should happend. I believe in free will and if we take it to the atomic level I think it is about to be well enough proven that it is impossible to say where a particle (I actually believe particle are more like standing waves) is until you meassure it. I also believe we have some kind of mental power that can alter this. The brain is full of electricity and there by electric waves so I se no reason that there couldn't be a feed back.
@leonhardtkristensen4093 Жыл бұрын
First I must saythat you shouldn't worry about if people say you should learn more physics before you make theories. If you learn too much you easily get stuck in the "learned" way of thinking. I am like you I dabble in ideas without knowing too much. I am an electronic engineer but have basically allways worked as a technician. I have been a professional fixer. One of the skilles I develloped as a fixer was that I notice things. And one of the things I have noticed is that Photons (when being radio transmissions) can be hrisontally, vertically or spin(like helix) polariced. The spin polaritasion can be left or right and the receiving antenna must spin the same way. I was just wundering if that knowledge could help you. In regards to your postulations then Iwill currently have to sid on the fence. I would have to go through the video a fev times to grasp it all Keep up the work though. If you come to a dead end and find out it is all garbage - well that has value too.
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
The helix antenna requires a "same direction" twist for both the sender and receiver, and 2.5 turns works the best if I remember correctly. The problem that I came across was that in order to polarize; the photon and electron would need to be timed or changing distance slightly would change the polarization orientation. The upside, timing would solve gravity.
@paulvorster1553 Жыл бұрын
I hope you can help me. I have an old 50 massey front load tractor. I recently took the hydraulic pump off and cleaned it as you did. After putting it back and driving the tractor I realized that the pump and the cylinder became extremely hot 🔥. I have no idea why. Please if you can assist it would be much appreciated
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
Clogs usually happen at oil filters and good systems have two filters, a screen and a paper filter. some are on the return line from the actuator to the tank and some from the tank to the pump. Heating is caused from the pump over working, usually from filters, but clogs at the intakes or inside of the pump, at the intakes or inside the actuator, or even from steel pipes that have been pinched from hitting something, are the main causes of heating. You shood note that hydraulics for the front loader and the steering are two different systems. For steering, you are looking for the pump, it usually has a plug on top to add steering oil. The filters are inside the pump and the pump must be taken apart while still on the tractor to change the filters. heating from steering usually comes from low oil level or clogged filters.
@paulvorster1553 Жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos much appreciated. I will change the filter then. I tried to clean it with diesel but I guess that didn't work. I will take a look at the pipes as well and see if their are any damage. If I don't come right I will give you a shout out again. Thanks again.
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
@@paulvorster1553 If it is the front loader you are having trouble with,
@oneplaneteer1708 Жыл бұрын
How would your work be affected if you thought of the em wave as two dimensional?
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
EM waves are two dimensional from a vector point of view or even if we have a charge stuck on a two-dimensional plane. How is that for a bulshit answer. We can describe the effects of magnetic fields with math and hence not understanding what median the wave is moving through or even the properties of the wave. I think it would be easier to start with the properties of an electron and try to understand its frequency and phase change due to acceleration. And when I say phase change, I am assuming that electrons beside each other line up and synchronize with one another in a giant lattice that gets further and further out of synchronization with distance. I am also assuming that electron forces counter out in a large enough degree that it allows electrons to absorb photons, change frequency, and as they move, send ripple patterns through the matrix of electrons with resistance in free space of cores. Or at least, it is the only explanation I can come up with for "lines of force" that put iron filings in line patterns. So, a three D matrix inside a three-D matrix like looking through two picket fences as you are moving down a road. Only with math can I see it in two dimensions.
@oneplaneteer1708 Жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos So in the depictions of a photon waveform you have many wave crests and troughs. It seems to me that could be seen as the 2+1d view of it but that the 2d would just be two perpendicular vectors so the while traveling is a wave but once its intersection with/absorbtion by another, effectively 2d object, would be a 1d position. This isn't yet a well ruminated idea for me.
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
@@oneplaneteer1708 The purpose of finding a diameter of light for me was to determine what it could travel through at any set wavelength. The failure of that outcome and the idea that "if it was easy then it would have been found by now", both play a determining role in the conclusion that the system was even more complicated than I wanted to deal with. When I was 16, I concluded that I wanted to be a programmer because it was too complicated to be solved by math equations at the time, I didn't know that it would be too complicate for computers at even today's processing rates. So, two vortexes moving at the speed of light with opposite spins actually trace out a triple helix because just as the electron has spin up force or a spin down force, two vortexes that have locked together, step sideways and while twisting, create a third helical line of force. I couldn't find an equation for an ark length for a catenary back when I was teaching in the ASU Math lab, and it didn't shock me since I had always found math to be lacking. When I want to see something, I close my eyes.
@oneplaneteer1708 Жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos okay. I'll ask someone dumber.
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
@@oneplaneteer1708 I think you were talking to someone dumber, I re read your question. The depiction that I drew is the same depiction given to me in a graduate physics course at NC state "physics color and light". It depicts the magnetic wave front of a photon passing buy magnetic sensors. It is not depicting a photon. One, I did not pass that class, two the math was too hard for me, and three, as I pointed out to the professor, and he agreed that both the depiction and the equation did not have spin and photons have spin. sorry, long day.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
Add "New Money". His first videos 2018 seem to be the best. Value investing requires 1) Good Management; 2) no competition; 3) continuous growth; 4) debt less than cash on hand; 5) *****stock price less than half book value ***** 6) P/E to be around 3 to 5 for ZERO growth companies, 10 to 20 for high growth companies and if over 20 it better be earning 30%/year or better.
@dennisford2000 2 жыл бұрын
And it will run cold at idle
@dennisford2000 2 жыл бұрын
40 w oil
@truthseeker2275 2 жыл бұрын
Epistemology does not supervene ontology.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
I see no difference between justified belief and opinion. Why would someone have an opinion if it wasn't a justified belief. As for ontology, it is nothing more than mapping large sets and computer programming does that the best if you can program. I am at a loss as to how either deals with action vs. reaction and the root of action. Nice words to pull up though, I had to look them up.
@johndowe7003 2 жыл бұрын
If your tractor is overheating after that amount of light work your radiator probably needs to be rodded. Lotta junk tends to build up in these older machines and cooling em gets difficult. Or drop down a gear. There's no way in hell a 75hp tractor should overheat running a 10ft mower . Ya have to have some hidden problems with the tractor.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
I was running it hard on 14-inch-deep grass and it is near rebuild time.
@johndowe7003 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos hmm yeah that's really odd to have no power like that. Usually you can mow up to 6ft tall in first.or second gear all day
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
I was in 3rd, and I agree that the radiator needs work. However, farming is about pushing equipment as far as you can push it. I also can't keep new equipment on the property, it gets stolen. Theft rings, I have experienced, usually involve sheriff deputies, so if you don't live there, have cameras, and keep your equipment near your house, you will be paying more for tractors than both the farm and you make. I will also note that since I put a bull in with the diesel and told all the deputies in the aria that I keep multiple dear cameras on property all the small thefts have stopped.
@LMBrown3900 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like the PTO shaft could use a little TLC and some grease. Nice video though.
@DavidSmith-fr1uz 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder how hard it would be to find a belt for that bush hog?
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
belts. There is more than one. And a lot easier and cheaper than finding a gearbox. I only paid $700 for the thing, "run it till you break it." This way when I go out to buy one that's over 5K I will have a better understanding of what to blow huge sums of money on. I would rather regret a cheap purchase.
@samkelomalandelatsabedze7220 2 жыл бұрын
Please fully operate it
@schmetterling4477 2 жыл бұрын
Photons are energy values. Energy is a property of physical systems, just like color is a property of visible objects. Energy doesn't have a size any more than "red" does. We teach this in high school, by the way... most students aren't paying attention. Only very few are stupid enough to make a video about it, though. ;-)
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
So, I will assume that you believe that there are no particles smaller than an atom. I can't tell you that you are wrong, but I can still disagree. However, when you die and go to heaven, I want to be there to watch you explain to God how he can and can't build the universe.
@schmetterling4477 2 жыл бұрын
​@@martinsoos I don't believe anything. There is simply no evidence for particles. If you want something "hard" that's "small", a nucleon would be a much better bet. It would, of course, still be an ontological mistake, but at least it would break down at the GeV rather than the 10eV scale. The problem most people are running into with modern physics is really one of education. I don't think we are doing a good job of telling students in high school what we actually know about the structure of the world. We are still pretending that it's better to teach a failed 19th century atomistic model than to tell them that at the end of the day all we can ever know about are (sometimes quantized) energy, momentum and angular momentum exchanges. In a sense we are already dishonest at the 12th grade level. If your remember high school physics, we make our students do exercises in momentum and energy transfer of the kind "An object with 1kg mass hits a resting objects of 9kg mass at 1m/s in a completely inelastic collision. Calculate the velocity of both objects.". Instead of "object" we could say "system" and instead of 1m/s we could specify the momentum of the moving system. Then it would become a completely "abstract" momentum conservation problem without the unnecessary specification that "the systems" are individual "solid objects" and that the forces between them are contact forces that they won't be able to calculate to begin with. The student could learn to apply the concept to e.g. gravitational interactions like the fly-by of a space probe near a planet to pick up angular momentum (and reach solar escape velocity) just as well as to billiard balls or car collisions. Once we are talking microscopic matter and radiation the "solid" structure goes out the window entirely and all there is left are the properties of energy, momentum, angular momentum and charges. Only god knows how your mind jumps from this trivial K-12 stuff to the donkey ventriloquator. :-)
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
@@schmetterling4477 I am only doing a thought experiment. The odds of it being correct is very small. And it ends with the premise that the smallest object would not have any other parts than itself and hence, no spin. It started with 1/2(mu)(frequency)^2(A)^2(V)=h(frequency) that being the formula for amplitude that actually fits for finding the amplitude of a photon. And when I say fits, it is real dicey putting in the Bohr radius and 21mm wavelength for hydrogen. And the dam thin is, I was able to get the same number to 12 dismal places with water and the frequency of the microwave oven. And then those numbers fit to nothing unless I really go off the deep end. Where I am going with this takes more computing power than anything we have even if we apply manifolds.
@schmetterling4477 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos Thought would have been good, indeed. ;-)
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
Add "Hype Stonks" to the list. It is advanced day trading on ***growth stocks*** with some value investment sprinkled in and failures are also listed so we can actually learn something. I would still not advise it to be your first channel to watch, a bit advanced. I am still looking for a channel that goes over what out of the 150 to 200 pages of the 10K reports are important to find.
@hypestonks7083 2 жыл бұрын
Hi @SoosV, You forgot to mention Hype Stonks on your list of KZbin finance channels. Just dropped another video. 😃 Thanks for subscribing
@raymondn6821 2 жыл бұрын
😅 Pᵣₒmₒˢᵐ
@منيرالوريفي-ل3ب 2 жыл бұрын
نطلب من المهندس ان يشرح لنا جرار 185
@jphickory522 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the straight style talk
@YawnGod 2 жыл бұрын
The Cosmic Horror is real.
@YawnGod 2 жыл бұрын
"The 18th century papal prohibition on usury meant that it was a sin to charge interest on a money loan. As set forth by Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century, because money was invented to be an intermediary in exchange for goods, it is unjust to charge a fee to someone after giving them money." The Stock Market is the road to Hell paved with and laden with signs of good intentions. Thermodynamics is not evil. It is a tool which shows what is evil and what isn't.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
The stock market is where jerks and thieves can legally steel money from greedy and fearful fools. It is also a place to vote on companies that are bringing something to society. I agree with your thoughts 100%. I stayed out of stocks until I found companies to vote for; with my money.
@YawnGod 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos But it is not your money. Do you not read what is written on the bank notes?
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
@@YawnGod It's not my car, it's not my house, it's not my land. If you don't believe me then stop paying taxes. I am a Sheppard of what others will receive when I pass away.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
Since we can accelerate electrons and protons to near the speed of light, it would be safe to say that whatever is the cause of gravity has no effect on electrons and protons individually.
@SirNoobz_Alot 2 жыл бұрын
That's not what my teacher said
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
When have you ever listened to you teachers?
@YawnGod 2 жыл бұрын
Well, either he finally found himself, or he is dead. Long live metabolism.
@ricktrojacek9890 2 жыл бұрын
I have a MF 165 with the same steering system. On the steering cylinder, the pin that holds the hydraulic cylinder shaft in place has me puzzled. It has no retaining clip above it as your tractor does, it's just there and I cannot figure how to remove it to get the hydraulic cylinder out. I see no set screw, C clip, etc. The pin sits about a 1/2 inch down into the hole with no way to extract it. I wonder if it's sheared off the top or something, but it looks nice, cleanly machined, not sheared. Any ideas?
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
As a machinist of 30 years, I can tell you there are a lot of hack jobs done to tractors, having done many myself. If we are talking about the small shaft of the hydraulic cylinder, then it is just as likely that someone dropped a pin in just to hold it and found out that they couldn't get it out again and sold the problem to someone else. First, look for the other possible problem, an engineer decided to do something fancy like a cross pin or a set screw to hold it in, meaning that there will be a way to push the pin out from the bottom. If not, then it is the hand drill that can be used. Use a punch with a single point on the front to indent a starting point for the drill. You can wrap paper around the front to better center the punch in the hole. Use a small split point drill first. I am assuming that if it was just a pin laying around the shop that it wasn't hardened to the point that a drill won't go through. If it rounds off the front of your punch, then you may have to drill from the bottom with a 1/4-inch drill or slightly larger and use a small rod to push out the pin. Else, finish up with a larger drill on top and use a round spiral EZ-out (for getting out broken bolts) by hammering it in and twisting as you hopefully pull it out. You want pressure on the cylinder when drilling and no pressure on the cylinder when pulling it out.
@ricktrojacek9890 2 жыл бұрын
I was able to remove it after multiple applications of WD40, rocking it around and blowing out the debris with an air nozzle. I placed a really strong magnet above it and was able to wiggle and wobble it until there was very slight play. The magnet sucked it out. Lucky.@@martinsoos
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
@@ricktrojacek9890 Gratts, I have never been able to get that trick to work. Make sure you get a long enough rod to stick down in there or weld a smaller rod or bolt to it for the next time. Or sell it to someone you don't like. Gratts twice on that one. 🙂
@WilliamBlissPlus 2 жыл бұрын
Bullshit. A photon's k vector can be Lorentz transformed. This is how we apply a relativistic Doppler shift. We know that lateral dimensions are invariant to Lorentz transformations. This implies that all photons would have the same "width", that is, if they even have such a dimension. In general, though, from QFT we learn that photons don't seem to actually exist until they get absorbed. What propagates is the EM Field.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
You can describe people with only numbers. But people are more than just numbers. As photons are a propagation of energy. Can you tell me what the photon is propagating through, I can't? But I can make some WAGs (wild ass guesses). If I consider photons to propagate through something, have spin, have electromagnetic properties, ... I can start by asking if a photon is a two-dimensional object with its third dimension being vector velocity of c, then how big of a slit or hole can a photon of a set wavelength squeeze through. The thought experiment that I was working on said that anything with spin cannot be of a smallest single part, it must have 2 or more entities, or it cannot have spin. And the centers of the two or more entities might have a math equation that represents that distance between the two and already be in front of us. So, I would agree with bullshit; the math and hunt for equations was fun, except I was able to get the same answer from two different methods.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
@William Bliss Here is the analysis of an amateur: “A photon's k vector can be Lorentz transformed.” - Here is another truism but with added tautology: A transformer transforms via transformation. “This is how We apply a relativistic Doppler shift.” - Ling We is a psychiatrist. She doesn’t study Doppler shift, she studies OBSOFL shifts. “We know that lateral dimensions are invariant to Lorentz transformations. This implies that all photons would have the same "width", that is, if they even have such a dimension.” - Actually, it implies that the photons with the different diameters (that they do have) will appear to an observed as their diameter doesn't change remaining different. Also, Sinec We taught in high school that there is no orthogonal component of wave vector, because, by definition, k points in the direction of wave (photon) propagation. “In general, though, from QFT we learn …” - Continue learning, not there yet. Concentrate first on the process of emission of quanta. Beware that neither QFT nor DFTs can handle that. How quantum field propagate and how quanta are absorbed will be the next steps. Note, besides QFT, one must learn to use CED and QED. In the last two, ED is for... electro-dynamics. “… photons don't seem to actually exist until they get absorbed.” - Nyz Schmet Lucid-Ling calls this Idealism-Maoism and suggests to those who say such things to imagine food and be full by absorbing it. Note, "things" here are not the same as matter as shown in "Wa'ze heck a foton?" by The Science Asylum. “What propagates is the EM Field.” - Con Fucius once said: “photon is field, field is filled with dark energy, dark energy is physical vacuum, physical vacuum is string oscillation, string is not real; and yet, I got a free education in a prestigious European university and freeloaded for 25 years building the CRNN hardon collider to stiffen a neutrino detector buried one mile under ground in granite rock - that’ how you do it.” He was a nasty $200k/year member of a 1000 fizicists team that spent $15 billion of the peoples money, but never divulge that the reality does't exist, the photons are not real, and we all live in a Hamiltonian operator matrix of Higg bozos.
@schmetterling4477 Жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos Dude, photons aren't propagating at all. You were simply not paying attention in high school when they explained the photoelectric effect to you. ;-)
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
"Lorentz transformed" would imply that we don't need mirrors for telescopes. We could use the same steel mesh that is used on microwave dishes. As a photographer, I can tell you for fact that it doesn't work.
@martinsoos Жыл бұрын
@@schmetterling4477 I took a graduate physics course in "light and color". Not one of the equations gave light a spin. You will find that when smart people rely on their brains for their salary that they leave out anything that they don't know.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
May be what you see is a speckle pattern formed on the retina of your eye due to reflection of coherent beam from the rough surface of the screen. The speckle pattern observed like that would depend on the angle of observation and on the diameter of pupil and roughness of the surface.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
I would rule out roughness of surface, since I see it on many different surfaces. And I think we are talking about the interference that moves as we move. You can also produce the opposite by reflecting a laser against a wall. When the light comes back to the wall behind the laser, the green dots move in the same pattern as I move the laser. Like walking by one picket fence that is behind another.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your stimulating videos. Indeed, this is a question - where the energy goes? In this particular referenced demonstration, the MIT Prof (rip) showed that the transmitted and reflected laser beams in a Michelson interferometer are in opposite phase. Ok, it's easy. The same demonstration could be done with a Fabry-Perot interferometer. So, these demonstrations provide data on transmissivity and reflectivity of the interferometers or interference filters. They do not address the question whether photons can cancel each other, since the interferometer re-directs energy flow. Utterly different is the setup in which a laser beam is split into two parts that are recombined using the mirrors. What happens in the dark lines of the interference pattern that appears in the beams intersection area? Do photons cancel each other in these dark lines and add in the bright lines? When I was taking undergrad physics courses, the professor who taught optics said that the energy flux is redistributed from the dark zones into the bright zones. But what is the mechanism that causes this re-distribution? There is no phase dependent reflection, as in the MIT demo. Did anyone perform a measurements that confirms this irradiance re-distribution? I did look and found nothing. Perhaps, this is a "trivial" question with "obvious" answer. However, in order to confirm this obvious answer one must build an experimental setup that is substantially more complex than what the MIT Prof had built. And who will fund such an experiment for verification of a simple thing that is taught in high school :)
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with taking too many physics courses is that in order to get the grade, you are required to except the answer required of you. "Energy is neither created no destroyed." Let's start with that. Every atom whether it is conductive or not is an electromagnetic system. That is the reason that I am looking at this problem more from the perspective of radio antennas but molecule size; capture, resonate, and release when requirements are met. Mostly I just don't except that a photon can be just erased from the equation.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos Totally agree, that academia kills free and independent thinking. Although, it goes beyond the education - all the overwhelming majority of research is conducted using government funding. In order to obtain this funding, you must adhere to a required way of thinking. All these are totally contrary to how majority of westerners think. And that, I think, is the main reason why ~ 80% of the graduate students of the science and engineering department of all US universities are from China and India. Back to physics - what if the photons are not cancelling each other but, rather, the electric fields of individual photons cancel each other? Same as in the sound cancellation earphones - the sound waves do not disappear, but the pressure fluctuations cancel. The sound waves "re-appear" after emerging from the area where they interfere with each other.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
This is a fascinating simple experiment. So, the "cut off" width of the gap for green light is about 1.25 micrometer. This is a bit larger than two wavelengths. What is the cutoff gap for a red and a blue laser beams?
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
There is no "cut off" gap. For one, I am assuming too many things with low probabilities, and when you add up said probabilities the odds of truth of my models are almost 0. However, as a thought experiment, it puts the center of two vortex waves at 5 X 10^-10 times its wavelength. That being the electromagnetic forces to keep these two propagating waves together extend much further out. I was able to get a green laser to get through a 1.27 micron (50 millionths of an inch) slit and no smaller. That being 1.27X10^-9meters much larger than 2.7 X10^-16. So, I would say the forces holding together a photon is vastly stronger than the forces that would allow it to travel through a magnetic tunnel. With the magnetic tunnel being the electron and proton lattice of any solid structure.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos Maybe the accuracy of your models is zero, but the measurements are the reflection of reality. A possible interpretation of your experiment is that light with 0.532 micron wavelength propagates through a gap no less than 1.25 micron, i.e. 2.3 wavelength. What is the smallest gap for the lasers with 0.4 micron and for 0.6 micron wavelengths? Btw, there is a troll that derails discussions on other channels (for example, Huygens Optics, How Big Is a Photon?). This troll could be an eccentric person or, possibly, an AI bot with an algorithm that uses high level terminology and complex concepts and integrates it into complete nonsense. The algorithm is designed to format communication in an abrasive nasty way yet to address interests or "weak" points and hook the person on a lengthy communication thread.
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
... The eccentric/bot hunts only "photon" discussions by the amateurs and, thank God, ignores discussions related to goats (love it!) and any professional discussions.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
@@thorsvedenborg3456 So you consider yourself both a troll and a bot. I prefer just being a troll myself, that way I'm not limited to just being a troll during photon conversations :-)
@thorsvedenborg3456 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos Lol, I wish to be a bot, then I'd be much smarter. To be a troll requires a professional status that is much "higher" than mine. But some people who are experts in Lorentz transformation, relativistic shifts, non-existing photons, matrix operators and other Gobbledygook Science (as Sabine Hossenfelder calls it), tsuch people can be trolls. An example of a Gobbledgook physicist-troll can be found in "How Big is a Photon" youtube video by Huygens Optics - check posts by Schmetter Ling, a member of CERN and other "prestigious" institutions. I think his Blissful shadow appeared on your channel a day ago. It could be just a coincidence of writing styles. :) Going back to the reality and practical things - I'm greatly thankful for you sharing the wedge experiment results. It gave me a great material for thinking.
@shirtenvy8870 2 жыл бұрын
I see you ended up with a bunch of them last year. The coop did come in handy after all!!
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
The chickens in the city just brought in rats.
@shirtenvy8870 2 жыл бұрын
I was going to say it was somewhere in between. I would go with everything is fated but the free will allows you to pick the wrong path thereby learning more about yourself and life in general. Wisdom and knowledge is variable even if you know who you are, as you a constantly evolving being. So depending on the situations and external forces can change the way you react & also if it is a situation where your subconscious takes over you may react differently than you normally would if it not a stress situation. ie when someone almost hit my car my brain was acting from a reflex impulse at that particular moment- it was a split second thing.
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
Everything is Fated, but since we aren't Gods to know our fate, our ignorance will always give us hope. PS, turn your comments on your channel so I can tell you to make a video about that mud drink you make. Oh, wait, I just did.
@shirtenvy8870 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos lol or you could just txt,lol :)
@shirtenvy8870 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinsoos you would have really loved what I made over the weekend, arugula,purple dead nettle, henbit, some chicory and ginger :) it was my anti-pollen tonic!!
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
@@shirtenvy8870 :-)
@MRBLACK1080 2 жыл бұрын
How did you get it apart to this stage have a Ram with a crack or very bad leak but can't seem to actually remove the ram itself
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
On the ram side, I forced(bent) the metal tab that was over the pin up and pulled the pin out with pliers (you may need to turn the tractor on to release any pressure on the steering wheel). After I pulled the pin, I turned the tractor on and ran the ram all the way to the back of the cylinder. That cleared it from the hole. On the swivel arm side, I used the special pliers with stubby wire tips to pull the lock ring off, though most people just use a couple of small screwdrivers and a had full of cuss words. Now for the bad news, with all engineering there are multiple was of doing the same thing. On both my Fords, they are held in with nuts.
@SirNoobz_Alot 2 жыл бұрын
Sticks and stones broke my bones
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
You shouldn't have given you son that wooden sword and I didn't know that you made anything out of stone?
@SirNoobz_Alot 2 жыл бұрын
What you smoking
@nondumisomokoena6594 2 жыл бұрын
My steering turning sometimes
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
Hydraulic oil not getting to pump. Check filter in pump. It looks like it's in the pump where you add the steering fluid. I should do a video on it.
@hadritoys 2 жыл бұрын
@hadritoys 2 жыл бұрын
I never understood the the purpose of the that key... In micrometer box.... Thanks for the guidance... 😊😍❤️
@martinsoos 2 жыл бұрын
It's only when you have three or more Mic's that anyone starts caring. Or when 20 thousand dollars' worth of product gets returned to you. My biggest screw up was a $60k loss.
@hadritoys 2 жыл бұрын
Oh God... I have to fix my micrometer this way... 🙏👍🙌❤️😍
@hadritoys 2 жыл бұрын
Nice job sir
@m.c.4674 2 жыл бұрын
it is unfortunate that we though material causes weren't important . now we are searching for loop quantum gravity and superfluid spacetime , there is simple no way of explaining it with adding a medium (which both hypothesis have) . rather call it everything else but aether and hope that time will make people forget . luckily as long as the internet exist , people will remember .