Help Rosary Come Alive Examples
April 30, 2024
9 ай бұрын
Advent Reflection
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@luxveritas9324 15 сағат бұрын
Amazing nuns - I wish to be more like you
@caramelfrappuccino234 Күн бұрын
@deborahtofflemire7727 Күн бұрын
I need prayer here in Canada . Life is not happy in my personal . Why o God so many men are like little children . Not good.
@caramelfrappuccino234 Күн бұрын
@ringokidd387 Күн бұрын
@@deborahtofflemire7727 🙏🙏🙏 Prayers for You!
@ringokidd387 Күн бұрын
Dear Sisters it has been a real Blessed honor to PRAY with Y'all! Ringo Ciccone at your Service!
@ringokidd387 Күн бұрын
Missionaries of the Mothers of The Holy Eucharist... Im Honored to PRAY with Y'all!
@ringokidd387 Күн бұрын
Give Glory to GOD, In All Matters and At All Times! PRAY The Holy Rosary Daily!
@ringokidd387 Күн бұрын
Hail Mary Full of Grace The LORD Is with Thee Blessed Are Thou Amongst Women and Blessed Is The Fruit of Thy Womb JESUS Holy Mary Mother of GOD Pray for us Sinners Now and at The Hour of Our death AMEN!!!
@ringokidd387 Күн бұрын
Our Father,Who art in Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name,Thy Kingdom Come ,Thy Will Be Done,On Earth As it is in Heaven give Us this Day Our Daily Bread and Forgive Us of Our Trespasses as We Forgive Those who have Trespassed Against us and Lead us Not into Temptation But Deliver Us From Every evil... For Thine Is The Kingdom and The Power and the Glory are yours My LORD Now and Forever! AMEN!!!
@SophiaBelle87 3 күн бұрын
What is the title and author of that book that you have there?
@julie2250 4 күн бұрын
I want to focus on Jesus and devote to Mama Mary, But I don't know it's kinda messy , like my mind is having a hard time focusing 😢 what should I do? I have these urge to confess first.. Though I am troubled and messy God is so Good to me Always.
@BobMarley-sr8re 4 күн бұрын
My daughter Sophie had a healthy baby boy 2day,not trying and just let our lady take control, no worries I'm so glad I found this channel
@GineBabunu 6 күн бұрын
hello sister
@gail4721 6 күн бұрын
I’m 80 I go to the NO Mass and it is very very reverant. ❤🇨🇦.
@LillianGarner-u7v 7 күн бұрын
AVE MARIA sisters,i commented on a video on your site.i said thats the look mother Mary gives me when i come using friends phone to send message to you.please say a prayer for my son as he is a fransican friar up in Dundee Scotland and he takes some more vows on the 2nd of February.ill never forget you sister or the other sisters ever.and even though i might be going through tough not going to ever give up on myself.and even though it might just be a hail Mary or a our father that does incomprehensible damage to satan and his minions as they know im not going to give up on myself.everyone get yourself a catholic American express card in the form of a rosary and never leave home without it.other cards are available but they charge a terrible interest rate.may all the blessings and prayers and respect to you sister.hail Mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb JESUS.holy mother please watch of the sister and the others.ave maria sister Steve Holt
@carlosbenavides1566 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for prayers i pray for the sister s
@caramelfrappuccino234 8 күн бұрын
@DefendourMother 14 күн бұрын
Thank you, sisters, for not bashing Medjugorje. Sadly, the priests at the Fatima Center felt the need to do a podcast mocking Medjugorje in a most evil, sinister way. These men - guided by Satan - believe they represent God.
@SumiOccult 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for your wisdom, Madre. 🙏🙏🙏
@catherineholmes2254 15 күн бұрын
Thank you MOME Sisters♥️🙏🏻🌹🕯🕊🩸
@paulDL007 15 күн бұрын
So beautiful ❤ +
@jeanettemarsden5136 16 күн бұрын
Thank you❤
@arleneananca8396 16 күн бұрын
Where is the other sister?
@missionariesOME33 15 күн бұрын
She is here. We had Cenacle together today. We have many things going on so haven't been able to make as many videos together, but hope to soon.
@CurlyEm 16 күн бұрын
Thank you Sister I’m always reminding myself that both Blessed Mother Mary the Virgin who embodied all Virtues so perfectly and Mary Magdalene both were at the foot of the cross supporting him in his fulfilling of scripture . So I guess we can say that no matter where we have been or done as long as we make the necessary changes and repent we will be accepted by Our Lord Jesus✝️🙏
@ChristisKing97 16 күн бұрын
Love the Channel so much. You sisters have inspired me to grow closer to Jesus and Mary and embrace Catholic life
@missionariesOME33 16 күн бұрын
Amen! Thank you :).
@caramelfrappuccino234 16 күн бұрын
@juliesines3859 16 күн бұрын
Thank you sister's for your pod casts and your encouraging word's of hope for us who were "sucked in " by the liar but found our way back thanks to all of you and the Chaplet of divine mercy. God Bless you all ❤🙏
@tomchaperon1081 16 күн бұрын
Thank you sister may St Anthony of the desert pray for us👍👼🙏💒
@John13. 17 күн бұрын
Maranatha 🙏🌹🕊🛐
@Gail33-77 17 күн бұрын
Thank you sisters 💙
@aponytale4820 17 күн бұрын
Keyword: pamper. I am 46 dealimg with young people. And their minds are lazy because of the pampering.
@Paul-d8o1z 17 күн бұрын
Saint Mary pray 🙏 for.
@thuyvu7986 17 күн бұрын
Please pray for my daughter, Sam, to be come back to the Catholic faith, and to be healed totally and be open to God’s plans for her life, thank you
@Paul-d8o1z 17 күн бұрын
When I am not scheduled to work on Saturday I attend daily mass and confession. I
@robertkoong4301 21 күн бұрын
In my darkest hour I cried out to Jesus and He showed me that I was to go to Mary. I did my consecration to Mary (via Heralds of the Gospel). I can testify to the graces and protection I received from Her (dispenser of the graces of God). I’m amazed everyday.
@lindaberman2818 21 күн бұрын
Thank you for this program you have brought some levity to this idea of Rad Trad Latin Mass vs. Novus Ordo. I was raised with the Latin mass. I was 13-15 when Vatican II came in. We just accepted the change as the authority of the church. There were a few extremes in some some liberal interpretations in the Novus Ordo mass but I have really felt many are very reverent and see no errors. However, it seems lately on KZbin some of the Rad Trad podcasts make you feel like attending a Novus Ordo mass is a serious sin and that the Latin mass is the only true mass.. they say that Communion has to be kneeling at the Communion rail and on the tongue or another serious sin occurs. If a parish has taken out the communion rail the only way to receive Holy Communion is standing. I have received Holy Communion both ways in the Novus Ordo mass on the tongue standing and kneeling and in the hand choosing what the norm is in that parish. I know that we have the right to receive on the tongue or properly in the hand. Example is if there is a line going forward to the priest I won’t abruptly kneel down in front of the standing priest and attempt to receive Holy Communion on my tongue causing a possible problem. Yes there is confusion as to which is the ‘right’ mass or the ‘wrong’ mass to attend. I’m glad you have addressed this issue in such a kind loving way. God bless you both. I pray for for you each night before my Divine Mercy picture for special graces!
@pamlambert5138 22 күн бұрын
Thanksgiving for all, God Bless you , sisters ❤
@caramelfrappuccino234 22 күн бұрын
@cgdesrochers 22 күн бұрын
Beautiful uplifting Cenacle with our Precious Lord Jesus and Our Most Holy Mother Mary!
@sourceconnection5957 24 күн бұрын
This will be a bit of a weird story; But here goes; I once found a rock; I felt this Rock was alive and actually an alien; I still have it with me and its still most dear to me. When I felt it was alive and an alien from another planet; I held it; I felt responsible for the energy that was going to surround it; I felt asif it was coming alive and I needed to keep it close to my heart ; I ran up to my room in my parents house and I just held it close I held it to my chest and it was asif I was feeding it throúgh the physical touch of my chest and through the energy of my body; I was feeding it with my thoughts and feelings; THe rock felt like my CHild and I just wanted to hold it close and protect it; I felt asif I could nourish it through my thoughts and feelings; I Felt how we grew together stronger and stronger; I even feel like this to this day; But having that said; I now feel the same with Christ; After I was saved I didnt think too much of it; I have grown alot with Christ for 1 year; But recently the holy mother has become just as important in my relationship with Christ; When I think of it its so obvious that the holy mother of God should have such an important place for us as followers of Christ; She must have been so important to Christ; and she must have been such a good woman to be highly favoured; But there is so much more; For example during the wedding she came up to christ asking him to do a miracle and as I personally understand it in my meditation he was a bit anoyed but yet he did her will and it became a miracle for all to ponder; And in the same way we are to ask of God things; Maybe God has other plans or maybe in that moment Jesu represented the human side of things; He said no yet he did his mothers will like a good son should; I feel I am just starting out my pregnancy with Christ but the aspect of the mother feels just like the conception of a child; The holy spirit being the sperm and the mother the egg; and now there is a pregnancy of the christ consiousness and it can grow In and through the mother; we are saved surely through Christ but the consiousness needs to grow and in order to do that we need the mother; I hope this was helpfull for people; We are going home; Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice; GOd makes ways; That is what God does; God is willing paradise; This is what we came for; ITs happening people; AMEN HALLELUYAH WE ARE HAVING A WEDDING AND THERE WILL BE WINE ! AMen !
@rarepearl4160 25 күн бұрын
Guys since starting antidepressant for anxiety a few years ago, i lost the ability to concentrate, pls pray for me to at least be able to concentrate on the rosary and Scripture, i feel dry while praying it. Please pray for me. Besides that, I wwould love to be sitting with these nuns and listen to what they have to say <3
@connor2861 26 күн бұрын
Thank you, sisters, for this help, im a protestant, and i have struggled with sin a lot of my life. And I whole heartedly believe the holy rosary is the way to keep me living for God's will and helping me stray from sin.
@chewwalk6992 26 күн бұрын
Wonderful message 😊
@عابرالقره 27 күн бұрын
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤ بركة الأخوات القديسات العظيمات المباركات صورة الله ومثالة وعيد ميلاد سعيد وكل الايام سعيدة وسعادة مع المسيح وفي المسيح وبالمسيح
@عابرالقره 27 күн бұрын
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
@rbj6638 27 күн бұрын
Grace filled Sisters, please pray a Rosary for us who don’t know how to correct our age old practice of reciting the Rosary, esp. our elders who are in their 60s to 80s, so that their prayers may not go in vain; Another Rosary for the new generation also called GenZ etc, that God may enlighten their minds and heart to read His Word & praying the Rosary daily; thanks
@SilverCottage 28 күн бұрын
I noticed you mentioned Saint Margaret of Scotland, my 29th Great Grandmother. I loved hearing her name called out. One doesn't frequently hear it.
@SilverCottage 28 күн бұрын
I feel such a kinship with these sisters! I was raised by completely immoral Hollywood people who hated religion, and I worked in the entertainment industry, mostly at 20th Century Fox, and I wrote 9 stories for Charlies Angels, worked for a literary agency, and did all sorts of things but the industry SICKEND ME. My whole life I was interested in religion. First, I was on the flagship with L.Ron Hubbard of Scientology. Then I studied some Buddhism. Then I became a nun in a Hindu convent in the Hollywood HIlls, where I read a lot of the Catholic mystics and contemplatives and fell in love with Jesus and the Catholic Church. Many things happened, but for the last 20 years I have lived as a lay urban hermit because I am disabled and can no longer work outside the home. I offer all my pains and suffering for the reparation of my sins and the sins of others. I pray for the reunion of the Catholic Church with the Ordothox Churches of the East. AFTER I dedicated my hermit life to that vision of reunion, I discovered that I am descended from Saint Olga, equal to the apostles, a patron saint of converts - my 34th great grandmother. I will be taking Diocesan Hermit vows soon. It's so wonderful to hear your story! Bless you both. P.S. I was blessed to be in a meeting with Saint Pope John Paul II in 1987 at the Japanese Cultural Center in Los Angeles. It was so touching! The example of his suffering from his illness stayed with me for decades. Such a wonderful saint. He and my swami both spoke about ecumenical topics.
@cakesinthecity 28 күн бұрын
God bless you sisters swinging sweetly just brings me joy for a moment.
@pamlambert5138 29 күн бұрын
Thank you.. God Bless
@DivinelyGuidedCourt 29 күн бұрын
Please pray for my healing and to have complete trust in our Lord. In Jesus name I pray.
@pamlambert5138 29 күн бұрын
Appreciate you.. Thank you..God Bless❤