@ImagineChristianity 23 сағат бұрын
This video is some of the worst exegesis of Scripture on this topic I’ve ever heard. We enter the body of Christ the moment we repent and believe, not when we’re baptized in the Holy Spirit which is a distinctly separate event. Cessationism is the most evil and destructive heresy of our time!
@angelevelynizquierdo3522 Күн бұрын
Jesus would've told his disciples to pray in the name of his Mother but he didn't. He said it clearly, He's the Only Way!!!
@Jason-o5s Күн бұрын
Cheer~~~marry again😊
@HOWBAZARY 2 күн бұрын
Free will is a lie. The Trinity is a lie. GOD is one. Jesus said, "I AM." Jesus Christ, does the quickening. Man has no chance or choice.
@bethr8756 2 күн бұрын
Well the truth is Santa Claus definitely distracts from the true meaning of Christmas.
@BelievingSkeptics 2 күн бұрын
This comment section is the reason I have a problem with Legalism in the church. Ephesians 2:8 stats that we are saved by grace not works let any man shall boast in the presence of the lord. God does not care what you wear he cares what you believe, in the times of the apostles they didn’t wear suits and ties but worshiped to the point of death. In our time the pastors and church leaders exalt themselves over God by dressing in suits and ties but their hearts are far from God the majority of members in legalistic churches use the Bible as a tool to exalt themselves rather then a tool to save the lost. I myself went to a legalistic church were women couldn’t wear pants (which is not biblical) and all it did was separate our sisters from the true grace and love of our lord. For every person in the comment section that typed “ you dress your best for God” that shows u don’t understand grace, you believe that your works can justify you that by exalting yourself you can be better or more justified then someone else and it that sense you are wrong. Let Gods people come to God however they are and let God himself transform them. God bless
@guitarnotator 2 күн бұрын
Amen I'm keeping the bag! I just want to be invisible and my current back is causing the world to keep making comments.
@carlamarie8776 5 күн бұрын
He said context is important, but then didn’t use the context around the verse to explain it. Paul’s reasoning is not from the customs and cultures of that day, but of creation in Genesis. Paul does say decide for yourself v13. As for the angels it is only going to be assumption using scripture- eg you could say the angels are watching and they are under authority, just as the women is under the authority of their individual husbands and their husbands (&them) under the authority of Christ, based on order of creation and reason for creation given in Genesis. Etc This man has made reasonable inferences of what the verse may mean - taken slightly out of its context. I haven’t yet come across any one who has explained this section of scripture well. It is a difficult part of scripture to tackle. Well done for trying when most don’t.
@NeilKearns-m5f 5 күн бұрын
Because of the angels should be part of the following sentence. So verse 11 becomes Nevertheless, because of the angels, neither woman without man nor man without woman. In 1 Cor 11:2-16 Paul is giving us his authoritative interpretation of Genesis 1 "image of God" and Genesis 2 the creation of woman out of man. The image of God entails the 2 stage creation of Adam, as a man and then woman out of him. This is what Paul is referring to with "man is the ..glory of God" and "woman is the glory of man". Together they complete Adam as the image of God. Now, the reference to angels is from Psalm 8 which is a creation psalm outlining the order of creation and all reality. The order throughout all reality from top to bottom is an hierarchical order in Psalm 8. Paul is using the Psalm 8 hierarchical order of reality as a grid when he discusses Gen 1 and 2. His argument and conclusion is that man is the head of woman. However, he knows that Psalm 8 only mentions mankind. It does not delineate mankind into man and woman as Gen 2 does. So, verse 11 nevertheless, because of the angels, ie because in psalm 8, netther woman without man nor man without woman. So it is 😢 Paul saying he recognises Psalm 8 does not mention man andcwoman. The next verse, verse 12, then explains why it is okay for Psalm 8 to just mention mankind. Verse 12 for, in the Lord, just as woman out of man, so also man through woman. Woman out of man is a repetition of what Paul said earlier from Gen 2. In the Lord, is telling us that Christ is the creator of man and woman as detailed in Gen 2. Just as Christ is the creator of the fact that every man is born from a woman. The two things together tells us that Christ had made us, man and woman, to be in this together, albeit with different tasks. Just as verse 11 has said that the psalmist expresses us being together as mankind. Now, how do we know that "in the Lord" refers to Christ as our creator. We know it because back in chapter 8:6 of 1 corinthians it told us that "one Lord, Jesus Christ through whom are all things...". That this is what "in the Lord" is referring to is confirmed by the last part of 1 cor 11:12c "and all things out of God (presumably God the Father)" which is the same as what was said about God the Father in 1 cor 8:6 "one God the Father out of whom all things". So 1 cor 11 including the issue of covering or not covering one head and including verse 3 about headship of woman and man and Christ, is all about examining and applying 1 Cor 8:6 regarding the eternal relationship of God the Father to Christ Jesus the Lord. So, 1 cor 11:3 sums up the application of the hierarchical order of reality grid of Psalm 8 to man and woman, and to Christ and man, and to God the Father and Christ thd Lord. All 3 are hierarchical relationships. All 3 image the other just like Gen 2 shows us how the building of woman out of man makes Adam the image of God.
@AshimSuna 6 күн бұрын
Through grace alone, through faith alone we have been saved. ❤
@IllanaKilian 6 күн бұрын
Hey, since i started reading the Bible and i pray i started to change i get coldl chills i feel a warm heat all over me even when im sleeping i get this warm heat in my body everything is different around me.
@seekaloft 6 күн бұрын
You have the right to not vote at all because God is not a Democrat nor Republican. The good news is not Gospel + political affiliation. We are ambassadors for Christ. Politics is tied only to earthly kingdoms. We must remember FIRST that our kingdom and citizenship are in heaven. However, as a Christian you can vote Democrat with a clear conscience. Democrats are pro-choice (and not pro-abortion) just like God because God does not force morality on people but instead honors people's choices (independent of whether the choices are right or wrong). On the other hand, many can't see how Christians can be Republicans who support a convicted sexual predator and pathological liar who is totally opposite of Christ whom they profess to serve. Some say that God can use an evil leader but the Old Testament shows that after God uses the evil leader he punishes and even destroys the evil leader and followers. The bible does say who you should vote for. You should vote for someone who will give you a "tranquil and quiet life full of godliness and dignity". (1Tim 2:1-2) Who can that be? It is someone who is the most Christ-like. Not one that is the least evil. Why? Because integrity and character matters (by their fruits you shall know them) and policies don't matter as much because most candidates once elected don't follow their party, platform, and promised policies.
@HomemakerDaze 7 күн бұрын
I am always dressed my best for church. What i want to work on more is dressing well the rest of the time too lol
@kevinmac8629 8 күн бұрын
Protestants base their whole faith on not being Catholic. It's totally reactionary.
@rasraetc 8 күн бұрын
Fruits have seeds. So it isn’t a salad. lol. It’s a simple statement. Eat from the trees
@rasraetc 8 күн бұрын
Fruitarian. Frugivores
@alastairhopkins245 8 күн бұрын
An Alter Call could be trying to force people through the wardrobe when it is only a wardrobe. (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe).
@muralikrishnan4104 3 күн бұрын
If u love souls then altar call is not wrong.if u never care than altar call is not important
@JohnMikhail-q8f 8 күн бұрын
Can a believer who are divorced can remarry. Answer is depends why divorced. If the spouse cheated on them then yes but for any other reasons like unhappy marriage no you cannot divorce.
@randallreif8542 9 күн бұрын
Ha ha ha, wrong, 1 Corinthians 11: 3 Christ is the head of man. How does man show that? The man keeps his head uncovered. Man is the head of the household, the head of his wife. How does the woman show that her husband is the head? She covers her head. Paul appeals to Genesis and creation. Does not sound like it was culture. Was culture having the man have his head uncovered???? When did Paul ever need to adjust scripture due to culture???
@douglasswatts9448 10 күн бұрын
So, give me some NT verses that speak of Christians violently defending themselves, either by example or command. He doesn't say in this text, "Don't take vengeance," he says, "do not resist". Look the word up. It means oppose or fight against. Do some reading of early Christian writers. They clearly understood this passage as it was written and didn't try to explain it away. Also, you said two or three times that Jesus said "don't be a pacifist." He did not!
@GODISTRUTH77 11 күн бұрын
Idc what anyone says. This guy is wrong. It literally says in the Bible that there are 3 tomgues. Paul literally says "a language only God knows". This guy said it. I speak in tongues. I prayed and asked God for it. After Derek Prince taught me how to. It says tongues is edify yourself. Then theres the one for the church where someone else to interpret to edify the church and the other is for non believers. This guy doesn't speak in tongues. Many who dont will bash it. Especially because in the Bible it literally states there are two baptisms the one of water which saves you and the one of the spirit. Which is when you speak in tongues. Now just because you dont speak in tongues doesn't mean you aren't saved. Idk where ppl get that from either. But any believer can speak in tongues if they pray and ask. I suggest ppl go watch Derek Prince. If you have any real discernment you can tell something is off with this guy. Not saying hes evil. But like majority of Christians today. There's some demonic oppression going on. The church is filled with spirits today. Lot of false teachings and doctrines. It goes back to 1500 AD. That's another story.
@alexandreamcclure6037 11 күн бұрын
As a catholic we love and accept you and would never put you down or your faith. God bless you. Kindness always.
@jesusisunstoppable4438 11 күн бұрын
Catholicism is Satanic
@Eluzian86 11 күн бұрын
The scripture can be interpreted as there are no marriages/the state of being married or there are no marriages/no weddings. The root Greek word 'gamos' could be interpreted either way. Personally the term "to be given in marriage" sounds like it is referring to weddings, not the state of being married.Why does everyone take the interpretation that is less in line with other scriptures? In answer to the Pharisees on the subject of divorce, Christ said, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so" (Matthew 19:7-9). He says it was not God's plan for marriage to end, we did that because of disobedience to God. Christ referred back to the first marriage of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24-25). They were married before the Fall🎉🎉🎉. In the perfect created state of the world marriage wasn't meant to end. Again, in the perfect created state of the world, God said it is not good that man should be alone, which could imply it is not good for man to be single (Genesis 2:18, 20-24). Man and wife are also to treat each other as heirs together in the grace of life (1 Peter 3:7), and they are to be one flesh. Eve was literally made with a piece of Adam's flesh which says the wife and the husband are incomplete without the other. God also said, "neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 11:11-12) Did God not allow Peter to use the sealing power for marriage? Whatsoever thing was bound on earth with that power would be bound in heaven (Matthew 16:19). In my opinion, interpreting Matthew 22:30 as meaning there is no marriage as opposed to there are no weddings, basically nullifies every other scripture I shared above. Just some examples: How is it Christ said that marriage wasn't meant to end but is being ended because of sin, then he goes on to end every single marriage in the next life? How can God say it is not good for man to be alone, but it's good for man to be alone for eternity in the next life? How is it to be said that man and woman are not without each other in the Lord, but they will all be without the other in the next life? That is why I believe Matthew 22:30 must be talking about weddings, not the state of being married. God will make all things right, but if we are single by the time if the final judgment it will ultimately be due to disobedience.
@MartyMcFly1085 12 күн бұрын
These dudes are psychopaths
@robertnieten7259 12 күн бұрын
The gift of speaking in tongues is a different operation of the Holy Spirit than speaking in tongues as the first evidence that the believer has recieved the Holy Spirit and the believers private prayer language. As Paul says in 1Cor.12:1,6, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the edification of the church gathering. The believers private prayer language is for the edification of the individual believer, " He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself"(1Cor.14:4). Not all believers are given the gift of tongues but all believers speak in tongues as the initial evidence that they have recieved the Holy Spirit.( Acts ch.2,10,and ch.19).
@robertnieten7259 12 күн бұрын
In Acts ch.2 when the believers recieved the Holy Spirit and began to speak in " tongues" three times it is written that the men in the listening crowd questioned how they were hearing the believers speak in their native languages . Why is this written three times instead of just once ? Because a three time repetition of an event in the scriptures has two purposes: 1) Its' the Word directing us to the presence of an important spiritual truth. 2) To set a precedent so that the same curcumstance need not be repeated in as much detail elsewhere in scripture that it is mentioned. The important spiritual truth in Acts ch.2 is that the miracle for the men in the crowd wasn't one of the believers speaking in their individual native languages, but of the believers all speaking in one spiritual language and those in the crowd Hearing what they were saying in their individual native languages. The precedent set was that this was as a sign to unbelievers. The men in the crowd.
@lilywhite 13 күн бұрын
What If your non-christian boss is harassing you and trying to make you quit
@staceyshine247 13 күн бұрын
🧏🏽‍♀️ Saints, pray you are in the first resurrection. Rev. 20:6
@1611guy 13 күн бұрын
No… Whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth (old English, this is continual) adultery.
@emanuelkournianos7412 14 күн бұрын
JOHN THE BAPTIST leaped for joy in his mother’s womb at 6 months! The Bible says, “As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy!” Luke 1:44 This means abortion is murder, and babies cry in agony, not joy, when they are murdered in the womb! The Orthodox Church and God say abortion is murder! “The LORD says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you!” Jeremiah 1:4-5 There are extremely rare exceptions but the most common cases occur when a girl seeks to murder her baby in her womb up to even the ninth month because her irresponsible boy friend left her after they were practicing sexual immorality outside of a responsible marriage union! BUT CHRIST HAS CONQUERED DEATH, SIN, AND THE DEVIL! There is mercy for the repentant sinner and no Christian can vote for a political candidate who supports this murder of babies in the womb!
@Thomas_Wilcoxon 15 күн бұрын
I’ve been successful in denying myself self pleasure for maybe a month now. It’s getting really hard to continue this denying of flesh. I’m starting therapy tomorrow and that’s where I feel like I’m going to want to slip up the most.
@mauriciorv228 16 күн бұрын
As a Catholic I wouldn't mind dating a protestant. I'm a optimist so while I do believe in Roman Catholic Theology, that only goes so far. As long we are baptized then we're good and if I love my girlfriend then the rest can be talked out. Agree to disagree right?
@gybx4094 16 күн бұрын
Another requirement for salvation? It seems it's never enough. I don't know what intimacy is. The Bible doesn't say anything about intimacy with God. Protestants just want to make believing and following Jesus more and more difficult with more and more requirements. It's never enough for them.
@carlLackey-qk8sd 16 күн бұрын
I think he is a little off, this is one of the many many hints back to Gen 6
@FA-God-s-Words-Matter 9 күн бұрын
A little? He is off the rails completely imagine the idea that women can incite the angels. He is making things up as he speaks.
@rosemariescott8328 16 күн бұрын
@NengiKopji 16 күн бұрын
Forgive me Lord for all my sins
@jacobpanmei3470 17 күн бұрын
Apostles were believers but they never had the power to perform miracles .what is your thought on this .....but afterbeing baptized they perform wonders and did glorify God .....
@angelahamze 17 күн бұрын
1420AH and gANJA, so.... no
@Islandbreeze777 17 күн бұрын
The Bible explicitly states the unforgivable sin is a real thing ... To blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
@filmbuff5399 17 күн бұрын
This is the reason why i came here to watch about it. Out of confusion, i don’t understand why God sought Moses in order to kill him. As i did some research, it seems like Moses was not a righteous man and that made him not worthy of God’s appointed leader for the Israelites. His sons were not circumcised. How did his wife, Zipporah know that her uncircumcised sons were the reason why God wants to kill Moses? And when Zipporah circumcised her sons, he casted the blood to Moses’ feet. There are researches that “feet” used in the bible was a Hebrew literature that indicates the male’s sex organ. So the blood was not literally casted into his feet, but to his sex organ?
@jsoaps2 17 күн бұрын
I don’t see the fruits of the spirit in me. So even if I trust and have faith in Christ to save my soul, why am I not different? Why don’t I have the Holy Spirit? Why is God silent? Why do I feel cast out? Even tho The Lord promised not to cast anyone away?
@Christdragonxzx 17 күн бұрын
Well, the flood happened. God said he found two of every kind that he wanted that is not of an evil or issues, perhaps by the Nephilim, who made sexual invites to all kind of creatures, but Adam named all of the creatures in the garden, including dinosaurs otherwise there would be no name for them and yes, they were her boards to eat the fruit of the tree of garden Overtime even the dinosaurs had to eat kind of like the lion that eats the lamb all the wolf that eats the sheep we eat and sometimes we don’t eat fruit so we cannibalize things such as we eat chicken now soon we can get our dinosaurs back maybe science if they find a egg and rest some of his DNA we might be able to bring the mighty dinosaurs back again
@greghankins547 17 күн бұрын
My heart has been flooded with the Holy Spirit in an awesome way but I still can’t speak in tongues. Ive known wonderful pastors that do not have the gift of tongues. Everyone doesn’t get the same gifts of the spirit
@dearley2318 18 күн бұрын
What if spouse married someone else? Are you then free to remarry?
@MrSimplyspoken 19 күн бұрын
@Zowerzangerz 19 күн бұрын
I’m a Protestant girl who is dating a Catholic, I pray over our relationship alot and have taken him to my church and told him about the Protestant views. And I love him and I want to see him succeed in life. Even if that means we may not be able to be eachothers marital partners, praying for everyone of my Catholic and Protestant brothers and sister who struggle with similar battles ❤️🙏
@louditalian1962 19 күн бұрын
Sex is a drive that makes us humans. If there is no drive for it then you are no different than a human battery like in the Matrix.
@Natanael-e2r 20 күн бұрын
Thanks I needed that
@Natanael-e2r 20 күн бұрын
But I’m triing