YouTube Has A Serious Problem....
12 сағат бұрын
Just Something To Tell You....
14 күн бұрын
The Moment Of Realization...
@wellplayed8332 2 сағат бұрын
That 3rd person is a playable camera ?
@AndiKoehn 2 сағат бұрын
The fact that most worlds and saves are broken anyway after a couple dozen ingame days makes it almost pointless to work towards any real endgame stuff. You'll loose it anyway sooner or later. Darkness Falls story and bosses were pretty neat, if you actually made it that far and the game didn't break before you got there.
@engineeringtheapocalypse 3 сағат бұрын
Can wholeheartedly agree with what you said. You might add a PvP system that is actually fun to play to what the game is lacking - something a bit like the system in Rust..
@Trener_Artem 4 сағат бұрын
we need some bosses or something like that.
@ruychavez6242 4 сағат бұрын
The game should be called: 100 days to leave game.
@theguru143 4 сағат бұрын
My gaming group totally agrees. Once you hit somewhere between lvl 50 - 80 (for us) it becomes completely boring. You have all the best weapons and armor, your base is finished, your horde base is OP and, almost overnight, you suddenly feel bored. At that point you have to choose between an overhaul mod or just move to another game
@Dulex321 5 сағат бұрын
I been playing on pc for 2 years and played 7days to die for 1 year on pc. I can’t wait for the console release! I hope it’s spilt screen so I can play with my younger brother! Thanks for the news ❤️🙏
@LuvShiramine 5 сағат бұрын
tier 6 and giving horde nights qol and a difficulty update, with new mechanics and ai changes easy
@patrickvanloo5206 5 сағат бұрын
Its nice to see a new version. Still i will not buy it bq for me the most important thing is not in the new 1.0 version of the game and the reason wy i dit buy the ps4 version. The local coop split screen. Unless the put this option back in , i stick to the old version.
@TheFoxWolfInc 5 сағат бұрын
Hey the 25th is better then getting told a it’s gonna be released in July but no date. So I’m happy even if it get pushed back or
@ticadionne9439 6 сағат бұрын
What I do is each time I play, I give myself a new goal... Lol I play till I complete it.....
@hillbillypb1522 6 сағат бұрын
agree 100 percent. There needs to be a conclusion for a play through. I can make it about 30 in game days before I start getting board and start over or move to something else for awhile.
@lho10101 7 сағат бұрын
I agree about the need for an endgame. All they’ve done so far is to stretch out the mid game by limiting quest rewards and the number of quests you can do. They also increase crafting costs and times. Basically they built in a bunch of artificial drags on progression that tend to make the game feel grindy.
@lecuistotdepzbiensur1298 8 сағат бұрын
another big problem is that it's a game for baby; survival side" barely inexistant, difficulty, most player play at best bellow warrior, whithout feral sence.It's a good arcade game for quick fun that it.
@lecuistotdepzbiensur1298 8 сағат бұрын
They was before, ,not a lot will remember but they jugernaut zombie, npc, a radioactive city.
@unknownmanufacturer2669 8 сағат бұрын
Yea I feel yea there there's no storie line or true quests but then again it's a sandbox game that only has lore as a backstory with nothing else it's still a great game just a huge missed opportunity on making a true one of a kind
@therealblackout3659 9 сағат бұрын
I'm not impressed by the skill system updates in 1.0. Having to get skill books rather than being able to skill up through leveling (recipe access) is brutal for my play style. I'm shocked more people aren't complaining about it.
@Henry0870 9 сағат бұрын
I'm still a "console peasant" (can't for the new console version to drop). I tend to get bored after 40 to 50 days (I play 120 minute days) I feel (on the Alpha 15 console version) the early days are the most fun, or at least the most challenging. Like you said, once I got my base set up, got my farmplots going, things tend to get a bit repetitive. Don't really need to loot every single POI, as good on most stuff.
@garadak7. 9 сағат бұрын
7dtd suffers the same problem as zomboid but has similar early/mid game some sort of "raid boss" would go a long way with multiple levels of difficulty and exclusive rewards
@XPLOSIVization 9 сағат бұрын
I agree a end game goal to work towards would be nice, They could even have multiple end game goals, For instance one scenario could be... we see the Air drops so we know there are possibly country's who have not been taken over by the infection or have found a cure, The goal could be to find codes and special maps that eventually lead you to a secret underground government transport system, That is untouched by the infected and is the place that will lead to your safe escape, but you have to clear out a small section 1st that is over run by "boss" type zombies (These Zombies were the people who were planning to make their escape on the transport system but failed dew to some people being infected and then all hell broke loose) Once you clear the area you use the code to the system that unlocks the large highly reinforced security gates to let you in, once in, a cut scene plays and the credits roll
@KrzychuYea 9 сағат бұрын
My problem is that it doesn't feel like a true survival game anymore as it did before A17. It's more of a looter shooter rpg game now, feels really arcade and simplified
@paulodiaz5774 9 сағат бұрын
We have yet to meet the Duke.
@reallybadgamer 10 сағат бұрын
Totally agree about the lack of end game goal. Would be really cool if there were large goals that could be accomplished maybe every 10 days. Personally, I get totally bored around day 35-40 and rarely play past 42.
@Gladiatorpig 10 сағат бұрын
I just played now 63h with a Friend and reached now on the day 75 and i have the reached everything. He let me build a durable Horde base and now i can build a normal Base, so i do now and reached everything. Okay i can search for new POIs but its very easy, we put now the difficulty to 4 so i hope it will be harder so more dangerous and intense :D
@21Arfon21 11 сағат бұрын
There's so many small things they could do that would improve the game, sadly since I owned the game all they have done is take things out of a game that's already lacking
@LoneWolf_RO 11 сағат бұрын
Totally useless
@ReachGaming 6 сағат бұрын
@devildukitzu 11 сағат бұрын
I’m probably the outlier, but honestly I like that there is no end goal. It’s a true sandbox that allows you to craft your own goal. If/when they add a story and I beat it. Then what? Personally I’d either put it down and never play again or jus go back ignore the story and try to challenge myself with a self made goal like I was doing before
@blackthorn7298 12 сағат бұрын
The new 1.0 update definitely made the game easier. I got all the legendary gear and stopped playing even before unlocking tier 6 quests. I have decided to try Darkness Falls now, at least I heard this mod is way harder and has way more content so it wouldn`t be as boring as vanilla.
@pApA0LeGBa 12 сағат бұрын
You start a new game again. That´s what is to do. Bad for public servers, but let´s be honest here, the majority plays SP, a lot are playing in private with friends only and there it is no problem to just restart. Public servers are a minority. And a lot of them are already modded so they don´t have that problem. Or you build something huge. Story is well known to only be added very shortly before the game is finished, we know that for years. And if all planets align in a certain way while we perform a ritual at both poles, we might see bandits some day....
@LordofSorrow7 12 сағат бұрын
Yes I'd like to REACH an end game point ;)
@rubikmonat6589 12 сағат бұрын
My "finish" condition was collecting a full hazmat suit. That suit and a gyro was what I pretended I needed to get past the radiation zone at the world border. I cant even do that in 1.0 because they removed clothing.
@patrickvanloo5206 12 сағат бұрын
For me as a ps player there is one good thing in 7 days. That is the split screen mulyplayer, and then play with friend and familie and get some bets on live the longest , build the best base. Help out ore sabotage the other player , and Just have fun
@TheSMMDH 13 сағат бұрын
They should be adding up an Infinite World option.
@nephalemd3654 13 сағат бұрын
Maybe they can add some interactivity to map. POI's has icons and when completed it add check mark on it. This can be nice goal for some completionists. Or put real legendary (named?) in the game - ARPG's legendary items hunting style 😀
@HighNoone 13 сағат бұрын
Game needs unique bosses
@williammcleroy558 13 сағат бұрын
You should be able to play as a zombie that levels up and can mutate into stronger and stronger zombie types. 😂 But yeah, it would be fun to have a story and big zombie bosses.
@david-cx4gi 14 сағат бұрын
I playing with friends (3 in total), we made lika an agreement that our "end game" after which we will start from the bottom will be our base being not playable after horde
@LNDF_Shiv 14 сағат бұрын
"leaving players in an endless loop of survival without a true sense of progression or achievement ", like a real zombie apocalypse then.
@ReachGaming 13 сағат бұрын
@monkeenutz8984 14 сағат бұрын
That is exactly one of my critiques of the game. In an ideal world the devs would do that but Madmole has said that they focus on the first 4 hours of experience - someone buys the game, plays it for 4-5 hrs and never looks at it again. Their words, not mine. I really hope that with 1.0 they will change their stance on that. The graphics cant compensate for the lack of content.
@PriMate 14 сағат бұрын
Here me out: Final boss is a x2 size Mr Reach, duel welding M60s in each hand and spits pipe bombs 🙌
@ReachGaming 14 сағат бұрын
@whobedobe1 14 сағат бұрын
I have never played Minecraft to fight the ender dragon or Conan or Ark to reach any kind of end game state. For me it is more so about the journey and even with Diablo II it was the loot you got from the end game boss. I think what it could use is a story line and bigger quests and factions just giving your survival in the world some effect. Making the journey bigger not necessarily an end game.
@Desphexian 14 сағат бұрын
Have a certain amount of days (wich you could set in the options) where you have to survive and upgrade yourself up to the point you can escape, or find some rescue chopper (maybe by trader quests?) before time runs out and the place would get nuked. Maybe add it as an gamemode.
@lilsweethrtshadowbreeze5342 14 сағат бұрын
my issue is they added books to read and removed many zombies from the thing is it was supposed to be a zombie game not a reading game i tried 1.0 bored on day 3 logged have not looked back. oh and still no bandits if more books get added im afraid bandits may never come
@renzokuken1227 14 сағат бұрын
my dream is that one day they combine 7 days to die with satisfactory! At the end of the story mode you end in up space and find yourself on another planet(satisfactory) where you must harvest resources to take back to earth to rebuild it!
@vin5316 15 сағат бұрын
I think following through with what sub storyline that is already there would help greatly. Treasure maps and buried supplies that really means other survivor's were hiding thing from other people not the zombies there could be so much more to that alone. Or yes I would like to know what caused poeple to become zombies. And traders why do we have a bunch of people who like to stay held up in there compounds and trade goods with the only single person left in the world (insert sub storyline and here funpimps!) Come on it's the reason I stop playing after about day 35 I'm just done by then.
@thattassiewargamer 15 сағат бұрын
I’d like to see certain items only located in certain spots around the map rather than random, like an assault rifle can only be found at an army base and the LMG can only be found in the end loot of a really difficult army base. I’d love to see a military vehicle and an army helicopter located in specific bases around the map too that you really have to fight hard to get. Maybe trucks that can carry more loot can be found in the basement of big POI’s. Give us reason to explore the map other than just for accumulating items that we probably already have.
@maticman_ 15 сағат бұрын
Personally, I view having a goal-less game a good thing. You get to choose how you want to end it: survive until day 7,000? Max out all abilities? Destroy everything? Rebuild a city? Having an something to mark the end of a game will make you feel empty after.
@Aftab-A-Mansuri 15 сағат бұрын
That's the reason we need PVP, but when I tried raiding some bases, your mods banned me xd
@ReachGaming 15 сағат бұрын
No, they didn't ban you. I banned you. It's clear that it is a PVE server yet you go against the rules. Good riddance.
@Aftab-A-Mansuri 5 сағат бұрын
@@ReachGaming it was fun tough ngl
@Aftab-A-Mansuri 5 сағат бұрын
@@ReachGaming One thing I don't understand, please enlighten me, why were they so angry over just a game. As if their life depends on it. I mean just relax dude it's just a game if u want to kick me/take back the things I stole, just do that but why are you getting so upset over a game, it's not like your life depends on it. "By they I mean your mods". Especially that girl, she was screaming her lungs out lol. I understand being competitive but this is too much over a pvp server.
@davidroymartin 15 сағат бұрын
No! 7 is not perfect! Ugh! The f*g pimps are TROLLS! (Nothing like finding that cooking pot just after you bought one) What keeps me playing is the survival (food/water/zombies) & tower defense (best be ready every 7 days) aspect. I’ve played 128 days without dying & the game froze on 128! I’m sure that’s not a record, but it’s my best. I’m trying to see if I can beat 128. Trying to max out my level & game stage. Completionist goals like get every book, Tier 6 completion for every trader (not a thing anymore, I realize), maxing out skills & collecting the best gear. Getting all the vehicles. That kind of stuff.
@bigblack2295 16 сағат бұрын
I think you touched on a valid point. I think they should bring innovations to the game that will provide long-term gameplay. Numerous cosmetic vehicle mods, clothing and weapon mods can be added to the game, and dungeon boss battles can be added.