Get Signed Now! | Finish More Music
Is Your Music AUTHENTIC?
2 жыл бұрын
Trust YOUR Creative Process
2 жыл бұрын
@DEATHLESSBeats24 13 күн бұрын
Short, concise and to the point!
@ivanpenarendon1075 26 күн бұрын
Gold video thanks u
@bryanromero7206 Ай бұрын
All in this together, love her mindset and music. Keep the bangers coming, Mha Iri!! 🔥
@HowardCharlesUK 2 ай бұрын
I've previously spent far too long mixing tracks. They don't get much better, and sometimes actually get worse.
@paulc7798 2 ай бұрын
Very enjoyable watch. Wise words from both of you. Could you tell me why Tony has taken your course? Cheers.
@BilboHaggins 3 ай бұрын
Imagine being the person who actually made Heaven Scent. Guy is a genius, simple as that
@Hypnos_Official1 3 ай бұрын
thank you
@marcwest833 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your personal story Keith, it must have been quite difficult to relive all those emotions amd feelings again. That's courage right there. You and Ana truly are a credit to the music/teaching coaching community (along with the FMM team obviosuly) and I really appreciate you taking the time to share such a personal part of your life with us. Thank you 🙏
@vectorkade 3 ай бұрын
Thank you guys for doing this. Been a fan of Machinedrum over 10 years and so great to hear him drop these gems!
@truman90 3 ай бұрын
No fancy bla bla , thank you
@offbeat270 3 ай бұрын
Whats the different to a normal sidechain`?
@dedicated2house 4 ай бұрын
@CapersJr716 4 ай бұрын
The new studio look fabulous!!!!!!!👍
@nsjx 4 ай бұрын
My god man,...what a Journey to the ancient "underworld" you have encountered. You have come "up" from "below" w Great new insight. TRIUMPHANT Very Happy for you and all those near,... because We are orbiting bodies within greater systems which have Real effect upon one another. I just want to add my own expience i had a few yrs ago with temp symptoms of tinitus-like ringing. in My situation this turned out to be based on high levels of stress (i was placing on myself) just after i lost my cat family. i was really broken about it and i got ringing in the ear and to make matters worse ha,...a case of "belt rose" (a very strange but not uncommon thing). aside from that i just want to add one more thing. from an outsider's perspective ,listening intently to your amazing story, somethibg RINGS like the old bells in the village here. you are so so very fortunate to have a STELLAR Support structure around you. you have definitely fought one hell of a battle with the mirror but i am almost convinced that this Support around you has been a Huge element in the recovery. i know many who suffer from DEEP debilitating depression do Not have this kind of Loving support so they are often left to fight their own demons or forced to go the drug route. people in orbit around you Weren't about to let you fall. it is a huge thing actually. i know You know this, but i am just saying that Support from any gentle hand or voice can do so very much to Heal or at least provide a form of security. having kindred Spirits or several... can do so much to save somone even if one may not realize this at the Time. I'm not in the group anymore but i still intend to catch the coming podcasts. oh,... i forgot,... in the case of you, help so many artists realize their ambitions. this makes You their Support... all is connected. Take care PS: AWESOME stinger on this vid's closing. Huge and important. One might even say "Golden" 👍
@MikeRenouf 4 ай бұрын
Super happy to hear youve made a full recovery - and looking forward to seeing what the future holds for you and the team. 👍
@Arturoalexzander 4 ай бұрын
straight to it.
@josipvulic5471 4 ай бұрын
This message goes to 11!
@ChazHealth 4 ай бұрын
It’s been years since I heard your voice on the podcast, so serendipitous that I tuned in in recent weeks. I’ve always considered your goldstar underrated trait-and you have so many you bring to the world, Keith-is the authenticity you bring to everything you do, past, present, future. Even deep in the darkest places that brilliant mind can go, your authentic self lights the way for everything good and right about who you are to inform how you climb the ladder out and bring your guidance & help to not one, but thousands of creative humans across the globe over the years. Like it or not, we all instinctively prepare for a court of law that is our daily life, the curves it throws at us. We prep for the questions that will be asked as best we can by thinking about how we might approach the answers to message how we feel to other humans. You are amazing how you navigate that dynamic to find every bit of good & positivity to be found. In the face of that, the prosecution is lit up for what it is: not logical, not fact driven, an emotional construct that you can strip the power from. You’re a treasure, a gift to the world with who you are, not just everything you’ve done for others. Thanks, buddy - be well, I’ll be listening for part 3, and wishing all the best to you and Ana and the FMM team. Chaz
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Chaz! Soooo good to hear from you buddy :-) And wow, what a beautiful, articulate, kind and supportive message. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I hope you are well and loving life. I really appreciate you. Much love!
@CademanLillywhite 4 ай бұрын
Washy rides are awesome <3
@nsjx 4 ай бұрын
This what you are doing is probably a greater service to people than you may imagine. Remember when I was in FMM? Remember I hinted to you the shit I was going through having moved out of the country?... I sympathize deeply with All youxard sayingchere because This was me in THOSE days. Remember the strange music Ixwould present which was more like freeflow stuff and nothing like what others were postibg? I was literalky gasping for air just getting each of these done. Joinibg your new great invention was an effort to keep Air in My lungs after losing everything during Quantize (incl a hdd). In the early FMM days everythibg was so personal and healing. I got energy watching and and experiencibg others' syccess like Paul and Rob and the gang at the time. I KNEW success wasn't mine because of my situation at the time but your Lessons somehow sustained me(us) and kept issuing hope to break out. It was your careful teaching and my own failures to produce semi-expected results that caused those multiple drop-offs back then. I mean I was still onboard but on the sidelines. Eventually things became bad enough and the guilt of notbeibg able to do what I Thought loved (Most) and take part in tge rolling successes peers would experience weekly in reports and monthly fback tracks. I had my good runs but just Like You those were anomolies. Then maybe a couple years after leaving that fantastic talented group I finally Realized the A1 problem. I Truly never wanted in my heart of hearts to make eps or albums or even tracks on most days. I got immense joy from simply meditating with sound design and programming and enteribg in and out of streams of being in-the-zone and making music for Myself and my own sanity. I have Always loved music tech and the art of design as a hobby. I have your continued instruction the thank for Helping me ro Realize that what others desired, I possessed no desire for at all. I get A lot More pleasure Listening to and Supporting others' music than comibg back day after day to make my own creation to share. And hey, may still happen when the Time is Right (I "allow" for this). I don't kill myself anymore over it to the point where I feel defeated. But man,...I feel you (i hate saying that cliche thing)... but my man what you describe... this debilitating downward spiral... the pitch black nothingness. I finally realized what this Meant when I hit tge bottom a year orzso after i unsubbed. it was the age old Pheonix plunging into the ground NECCESSARILY!!! so that i could rise in splendour afterward (new insight). For me, one aspect of that was getting my Guilt for not "making music regularly" off my back. It was literally the anchor on my mind. I feel much much better these days. My brain always tricked me into feeling guilty about knowibg so much about sound design but not Making sculptures from it. it was the wrong Perspective, for years. Keith, i think actually man don't take this wrong,, but this is probably a Gift from the Universe (a Universe that is beyond you and me with its 'logic' and ways). I truly believe Everything is connected in that thing happen for (perhaps) Unknown and complex reasons. I sometimes ask myself if i would go back and i think hard and carefully what knowledge i would lose going back in time and finally i just keep answering no. we need to keep moving not for ourselves but for every thing. You are a HEALTHY STRONG and Well-liked dude for GOOD REASON... not just bullshit.. You know me. I dontvblow smoke. You go where you and Anna want to go and no one can fault you for it... not even your shitty dark prosecutor. You've risen from the neccessary scolding hot ash I guess the Universe wants us to experience... And yeah, it could happen again, but only because it knows we will Persevere. Take care and thanks for being real. ITS NOT a fin' Lie. It's a FUCKIN FACT. Hellos and huge hug to Anna too for being as solid a Rock as you are. It was so awesome you were doing all that together! All the best to both... there's a beautiful Horizon for folks like you guys
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to share your story. I 100% agree. You do you. More on this in Part 3 :-) I'm really happy that you have found your path and came back so much stronger. You have a huge heart my friend. Much love!
@xmazzix 4 ай бұрын
I found a lot of this very relatable. I just want you to know Keith that you did help me out of it, with your work and with your words....more than once... And it was around the same timeframe that you were going through this. I was in a rut, working a crappy mundane repetitive task job in a warehouse and in a low place... But I was able to listen to these podcasts while I worked and they lifted me....gave me enthusiasm... Direction.... A bit of hope. You got me back in the studio chair and making music every day... But it was more than just that. You got me back in touch with myself and showing up for myself, improving, disciplined...I had a purpose. Maybe the purpose of an artist is humble but it was enough for me and I was committed. When I would fall off it would be similar to what you described... Avoidance, procrastination, no motivation... Then the imposter syndrome... "Who am I to be trying to be something with music? I'm wasting my life. I'm a failure...." Down into the voice in my head generally considering me to be a POS loser and telling me on a regular. A few times when that happened, you took a few minutes on live streams or in the community to talk to me directly and help me back on to my horse. It was always an uncomfortable, forced, grind for weeks to get back on form each time but showing up in integrity to myself quieted that inner bully and as I built the habit again I'd fall back into it. Sometimes you feel like life is pointless.... That's because it is. We're hairless monkeys on a magnetic rock flying through a dark abyss with no idea how we got here... It's up to us to give life meaning. I just wanted you to know that on those days when the only thing keeping you pushing on was the possibility of preventing someone else from feeling how you did, that you were helping me out of a dark place and I've grown as a person because of it. Thank you! -Matt The Grenade
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Mazzi, This means the world to me. It really does. I wonder, if on reflection, you remember how many of our members you helped back then also. When you were struggling you were consistently contributing. Contributing to help people with their music, their mindset and to help my team and I during our enrolments. Thanks so much for sharing.
@xmazzix 4 ай бұрын
@@FinishMoreMusic Knowledge, mindset and community right? 😄 I loved every moment of working, playing and sharing with such an amazing tribe. Your members are still some of the most heartwarming and inspiring people I've been fortunate enough to know on my journey 😊
@engredu6951 4 ай бұрын
Hi Keith, Goncalo (from Denver, old FMM member) here. I am glad to hear that you are recovering and sorry that you went through all of that. Kudos for Anna for all the support and expertise in guiding you through your recover. You helped me so much in the past no only with music content but ways of expressing and share knowledge that I am here for you if I can help with anything. <3
@ArazJakalian 4 ай бұрын
@McCuban 4 ай бұрын
Fabulous to see you back in the seat, Keith!
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. Really appreciate you buddy!
@_hvsn 5 ай бұрын
It's good to see you back, I'm Brazilian and I've been following your videos for about 4 months and it's made a big difference in my workflow! Good health and may new achievements come your way!
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
That's amazing to hear! Thanks so much for commenting :-) You might already know but my wife is Brazilian. It's a second home to me.
@kabedford 5 ай бұрын
Hi Keith-I'm really sorry to hear this about what you and your family have been going through. I well believe you when you say that it was terrifying, and when you were afraid you were going mad. But I'll tell you what. There are worse things than mental illness. I'm 61, and I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was a teenager, back in the 70s. I thought my life was over. I spent months in a psychiatric hospital because I had a breakdown very similar to what you describe. I've been on medication for my illness all my life, and I visit my psychiatrist regularly, and a psychologist, too. My point is this: you can live with mental illness and have a productive, useful life. It helps to not use the word “madness”. That's, well, a bit Dickensian. In my life, there have been things I haven't been able to do. I also found out recently that I'm a high-functioning neurodivergent person, which explains why I've always felt so strange", and much else. But I'm happily married. I'm a published author. I've achieved things. I don't know what you're going to reveal in part two of your story, though you suggested it was pretty serious and dark. But if it's turned out that you have some sort of mental disorder, etc-don't let it spook you. It'll be fine. It's not the end of anything. I do admire that you came back to your podcast to talk about this stuff. People who have these issues in their lives need to be more open about them. Other people need to see that there's no shame or scandal, the way it used to be when I was a boy. Do please feel free to get in touch, if you think that might be helpful. I have a lot of experience of living with this thing. In almost all respects, it's very much like diabetes. I hope this helps. Feel free to disregard if I'm wildly off-base or inappropriate. Kind regards, Adrian
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Hey Adrian, Thanks for taking the time to write this message I really appreciate you. I love your outlook and it's no surprise to me that you have been successful. I'm really grateful for your offer of support, you have a huge heart. Thank you :-)
@all1nz 5 ай бұрын
@larkhallpaul9381 5 ай бұрын
Seriously cool tip
@nsjx 5 ай бұрын
Hey buddy, Jason here from early Quantize ffm,... just want to send a hug to you and Anna. i've never forgotten the Times and Lessons. wish we couldzall sit and have a chat over a cup of coffee. At any rate, i have Someone that i am grooming for ffm,..a good friend who has a Dream snd Drive (and an entrepreneur himself). so he'll be in touch. i'll point him to the training. i have already pointed him to some of your philosophical offerings on the channel here. BTW?! yr in TeX now? ha ha ha... my old rompin grounds. that blows my mind. Hope the weather(heat) is being kind to you ;) PLEASE Take care you two. You done so much already so be careful please. All the best
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Jason! The original FMM gangsta :-) Thanks so much for commenting and caring. You'll forever be an important part of our journey and never forgotten!
@nsjx 4 ай бұрын
@@FinishMoreMusic Likewise buddy. You're incredibly mentally strong and I hope you understand that all your students and staff want the best for a guy that has given so incredibly much over MANY years. I have never understood how you manage it all. Your muse is strong. Not surprised in the least that one of your selves was able to help the other self. Your instruction was always stellar, as evidenced by where certain artists are today, and the fact that I retained a lot of the philosophical creative gold. There have been a few times that I have directed aspiring emusicians to your philosophical stuff--the most important imho. Anyway, take care. You guys can beat whatever comes at you, I've no doubt at all.
@plasticpippo201 5 ай бұрын
thanks for sharing Keith <3
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Thank you :-)
@kevinflynn2773 5 ай бұрын
Hi Keith, Very sorry to hear about the challenges you’ve been experiencing. I’ve experienced a very similar situation as I mentioned to you before. I’m glad you’re feeling more yourself, I hope the States is treating you well 🤠 Remember, If you ever need someone to speak to feel free to reach out. Your openness about your journey is really commendable, it takes courage to be vulnerable, and it's a powerful step towards healing. Wishing you all the best, 😍 Kev
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Kev. I really appreciate your support buddy. it means the world. I hope you're well and still driving forwards with your music :-)
@ChrisSharpe101 5 ай бұрын
Aww Keith, so sorry to hear about the struggles you've been going through mate! I remember you offering me words of encouragement a couple of years ago, even though it sounds like you were in the middle of your own personal sh*tstorm at the time! That just goes to show what an absolute legend you are! Thanks for everything you do and for being so generous with your time and advice. It really is appreciated. Take care & really glad you're back ❤
@FinishMoreMusic 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Chris. I really appreciate your support and thank you so much for your kind words. Hope you're well buddy :-)
@prodbydata 5 ай бұрын
"Stepping away as if it was a dream." Very cool approach to taking a break from the initial creative burst during the early stages of a project.
@Targus28 5 ай бұрын
Polymeter but is a type of polyrhythm
@srgzbltch2249 5 ай бұрын
One of my longtime favorite producers as well.
@rafaelpastoriza8540 5 ай бұрын
@gonzo7440 5 ай бұрын
This baseline reminds me littlr bit of teknasia somebody. Very groovy like it!
@TheNanologue 6 ай бұрын
Thanks man. Why can you piss about for ever and not get a result and then someone shows you - and it just works!!? Appreciate the lesson here!
@subhamghosh8785 6 ай бұрын
I took a big 6months break from making music because of moving to different city for work. And everyday since I took a break, there is a guilt inside of me saying why I am not making music like I used to(I work 10hour shift now to support fam). When I open my brand Instagram, I see people having releases and growing, which lowkey making me more in guilt and sad from inside. It's like a big heart break feeling. And now after some months, when I try to make music, i can't make much progress. I feel like i fell down the ladder that I was climbing and everyone who was behind me got more far than me. And this feeling is taking over me and pushing me more back that I can't even make anything on the DAW. Please help. Any suggestions you can have for me to get me back on track.
@pauloribeiro9736 4 ай бұрын
Feel exactly the same
@krismelendres3266 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this content!
@radiosmith8207 7 ай бұрын
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 7 ай бұрын
So the EQ is covertly a stereo imager. You're not using it to boost frequencies.
@ErwinSchrodinger64 7 ай бұрын
John Graham has created so many hits across so many genres. There isn't anything this man can't produce. He can make incredible cinematic and dark progressive trance to riveting Nu Skool breaks. Techno, deep house, progressive breaks, downtempo... you name it... he's produced it.
@Pazaluz 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for this interview! Very valuable information and great tips for producers!
@BIONDIEST 8 ай бұрын
I wish i could just relabel the clip. i like to label everything to keep it organized and in what order. I also though recordings that i did not leave in the project would get deleted when i close the project but it appears i have dozens of recordings of terrible takes that im not using but are saved in my samples.
@zaymusical 8 ай бұрын
Thanks sir🔥🔥
@averyintelligence 8 ай бұрын
are u doing it the workshop this year again?
@itsjustarmani97 9 ай бұрын
Just seeing this 2 years after being posted and it is still clutch
@f0ggy22 9 ай бұрын
5:51 dude accidently made the bathroom at a party effect lmao
@CalamityHillMusic 35 минут бұрын
He did that on purpose. Sounds like you skipped a couple of seconds lol.
@HeberHere 9 ай бұрын
thank you so much !!!