@funfactswithprax4902 2 күн бұрын
"Hyurian" "Lalafellian"
@eternalsummer8409 2 күн бұрын
I like to think hythlo is just singing “Wee all live in a sundered submarine” to emet in the sea of stars for eternity(with Elidibus on kazoo)
@rafagd 2 күн бұрын
It's a complicated unit system that can only exist in fantasy...
@panda6907 5 күн бұрын
Whats creepier... if you use map hax, youll find that her sprit is always there...hidden underground, waiting, standing, watching you....
@pup7641 11 күн бұрын
Hi I think she's Altima and here's why. Altima is described as an advocate for arts and aesthetics. She's symmetrical. It's in line with pictomancer. The new tomestones are Allagans Tomestones of Aesthetics.
@TheRapidVengeance 12 күн бұрын
has this been removed ? i never get a box to tick desynth whole stack
@BorgWolf359 14 күн бұрын
They need to bring Gosersu's job/class into the game! It is truly awesome!
@wadeyyy 14 күн бұрын
Love your videos! This might be overstepping but I think your channel would really benefit from adding a bit of variety with your vocal inflection to prevent every sentence from ending on a downward pitch :)
@WyrmLimion 14 күн бұрын
I fully agree! I end up doing it alot to try curb my speech impediment, which happily has very much improved. But I will take this feedback into considering going forward. Ty for the support :)
@bluesrike 14 күн бұрын
Here's what's probably going to happen post-DT: -There are multiple war crimes trials were it's remnants of the Garlean Empire vs everyone they ever screwed with. -They're are stripped of their military and magitek -Garlean refugees scatter all over Eorzea, Ishgard, Ala Mhigo, etc. and become second-class citizens no matter where they go. And if they end up in the hands of any of the beastmen it's GG for them.
@drahsid2 14 күн бұрын
I think this theory makes a lot of sense, though I do have another farfetched idea: Enigmatic Maiden could be a homunculus of Valigarmanda (ala Varshahn)
@FlameWish 15 күн бұрын
This would be effectively a XIV-2. I would love if you'd indulge in theories and discussion of what Eorzea, as realm already reborn but now rebuilt, would look like and what stories would unfold across not only Aldenard, but the other continents and shards as well. :^) Gameplay/data structure wise, how would the housing, items and all that jazz from the 10-year old game transfer?
@FlameWish 15 күн бұрын
Considering the aetherial return that happened with Myths of the Realm, I would think the lore allows for Coerthas to become habitable again, albeit wintery - and Gyr Abania to be given some love and care(aesthetically and socially) - even if it it's still dusty and mountainous
@FlameWish 15 күн бұрын
The only possible ressurection is via writer's decision. :^(
@thecyberchill8907 15 күн бұрын
nhaza'a jab's eyepeice bears a resemblence to a few other eyepecies ive seen in media, but it reminds me somewhat of the evil mirror universe double of Kiva's eyepeice from megas xlr
@thecyberchill8907 15 күн бұрын
I also assumed we'd of gotten his reflection as the antaongist of the allied tribal quests for shadowbringers instead that was entirely skipped, and the allied quests for endwalker did not include him, I hope that maybe some day square ads some form of allied tribal quest or method to show his counterpart with the mask on the other eye. and maybe he reappears in dawntrail.
@thecyberchill8907 15 күн бұрын
I really like your dancer glam, keeping your onion knight helmet, but still swearing dancer stuff, is the helmet all classes?
@WyrmLimion 15 күн бұрын
The Onion Helm is all classes/jobs. I build all my glamours around it, and my ranged DPS glam is one of my favourites :)
@ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind 15 күн бұрын
As long as we do not need to make a necklace of it I am fine with whatever Ceruleum is created from. (Warcraft Battle for Azeroth reference)
@VegasRedStar 15 күн бұрын
I think she's related to Krile in some way. They made the design for both of them a similar color palette, for association, (I think,). We also know Yoshi P said Krile was important to the plot. Also: Where are Krile's parents? Do we know? Maybe they're distant relatives to Allagans in some way? I love the theory crafting. Nice work <3
@edstairs4888 16 күн бұрын
I'm also very interested in ceruleum and what story it has to tell. Since the Whalaqee people see it as sacred I wonder if there's some secret behind what it is or it's Origins and if it's similar to mako from FF7.
@WyrmLimion 16 күн бұрын
Hopefully they elaborate more upon it, as we really don't have a full grasp on its origins. Like you, I tend to treat it like Mako from VII or the equivalent of Oil IRL.
@ketsuekikumori9145 16 күн бұрын
There are some aspects of ceruleum lore that could be expanded on. Namely the differences between it and crystals. For example why, seemingly, don't the Garleans use crystals at all? Cid and the other defecting Garleans of Garland Ironworks have extensive knowledge of aetheric material properties considering the number of projects they worked on. From the large, brute force crystal- I guess you would call it aetheric manipulation contraption against primals like Garuda to small scale improvements of the warding scales. So its still surprising that Garleans haven't made more extensive use of crystals in conjunction with ceruleum. Granted, Garland Ironworks isn't exclusively made of Garleans, but much of their knowledge is still based on Garlean understandings of aetheric properties. Or what makes crystals less suitable for one application over another and vice versa. We use crystals when we craft, but never seem to use ceruleum in any of our recipes, not even as a crafting ingredient. Silver Tear Lake crystals have ceruleum mixed in with it, I'm surprised someone hasn't made use of it. Then again, maybe the two of them together are more volatile than either alone. The default answer is that it requires aetheric manipulation or that it is easier to manipulate ceruleum to the point that even a race like the Garleans can use it, but that's the cop out answer. Their extensive knowledge should be more than enough to get some benefit out of crystals. The other answer is the Garleans' pride. They may view crystal use as "barbaric technology", inferior to their ceruleum tech. Which considering their ability to match or even exceed other nations' power, it wouldn't be surprising if they do take on that view. Lastly, the two's formation. As you've said, both are aetheric in nature, but why does one form into crystals, nevermind into specific elements, while the other is a liquid that seems to be consistently unaspected. Again, how does their formation affect their properties?
@WyrmLimion 16 күн бұрын
An excellent analysis, Ketsueki! I touched a bit upon the process of Crystal formation in a previous video about Aetherial Weapons. As I understand it, Crystals are a by-product of the life cycle in the FFXIV universe, specially how the lifestream works and the flow of life and death. An example is if an adventurer is fighting and it struck down instantly, their life energy, the corporeal aether would return to the aetherial sea. A by-product of this process is the sudden release of aether from a living being who dies can manifest in the form of crystal formations. This is the reason we can often find crystal in the wake of a creatures death(aka who some mobs drop crystals). This process is best viewed in relation to the planet itself. Places where the land has been severely damaged by sudden or cataclysmic forces can cause the aether of the land that's released to undergo the same process, forming large crystal formations. This is why we see crystals all over Eorzea, a realm that's been ravaged time and time again by cataclysms. In essence, any place you see where crystals have formed was likely subject to some sort of major damage at some point.
@jojorumbles8749 16 күн бұрын
I'm willing to bet they're causing trouble in the other reflections.
@WyrmLimion 16 күн бұрын
I can see it now. Halmarut with a huge garden on another reflection, indulging in his old passion for plants and fungus. Or Pashtarot being major of a small city.
@FlameWish 17 күн бұрын
Really good to see racket as weapon! It eluded me, having conceptualized Garnet and Eiko's use of it as 'staves'; another weapon like it would be Vanille's binding rods in 13, which have always confused me: part staff, part whip and also a...fishing rod?
@WyrmLimion 16 күн бұрын
I totally forgot about Vanille using her binding rod! I think you are pretty much right, part staff, whip and fishing rod XD
@FlameWish 17 күн бұрын
Your choice of BSM as chocobo-mount based...instantly reminds me of the moogle chocobo knights in Tactics Advance. I wonder if it'd be a mounted class!
@WyrmLimion 16 күн бұрын
That takes me back....*nostalgia*
@FlameWish 17 күн бұрын
I can see a hammer tank and a dual gun ranged dps, mirroring Livia and Nero while also providing opportunity for Gaia to class change(as much as I want a mage tank and she would also fit that, I see that as a role a Rune/Mystic Knight Raha could fit. On that note, I feel Ryne having not being made a dancer postergirl for the job's expansion [Lahminn callback to Minfilia/Ascila] for the expansion to be a sorely missed opportunity ). On another note, the Roegadyn ancestral home - or a hellsguard alabathian area - could provide a stage for viking-like classes.
@WyrmLimion 16 күн бұрын
I get the feeling Aerslaent wont be far off and as you say would be the perfect time to introduce a Viking like job. I think many are fine with any job, they just want a Hammer wielder XD
@ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind 18 күн бұрын
No red eyes.
@wompoo7967 18 күн бұрын
She doesn't have red eyes... so my guess no.
@darkwolf9ball 19 күн бұрын
I said early on when I first saw solution 9 it is going to have many ties to FF9. Soul transference. In FF9 you had terra and dolls/souls. The Lifa Tree created the mist that shrouded a whole region in mist. Alexandria the kingdom being the first main city. FF9 explores the dark ages, industrial age and tech age. Garnet aka Sarah is part of a ancient summoner clan that gets wiped out and her horn removed. The lightning would me the most. The dark age, industrial and tech all their. Selene instead of a horn red eyes or something else. The town is Alexandria or at least looks like it in that one area. I think the gate will either disple the fake barrier to the tech people and phaze it into the real world or it leads to the 6th zone whatever that may be.
@iceman3317 20 күн бұрын
I don't know if Allag is directly connected to this. Unless it is the reason we end up going to Meracydia. But I think she is more related to one of the Metione sisters because she sounds like Metione. And I think these people are from one of the planets or shards that one of the sisters visited. And how Solution Nine is handled is one of the solutions that the far off planets came up with to deal with life. It is also possible that these people or at least her, might be a Mega Computer or an AI and that they would also be linked to the Fountain of Youth. Princess Salina was also part oc the Crystal Tower storyline and they gave their power to G'raha. So no I really don't think she is related to Allag, at least not in the way you are talking about.
@vindurza 20 күн бұрын
I've been thinking they're tied to ascians or maybe Mach do to the crazy airships and prominent purple colors you see during the sky pirate raids
@truthless4720 20 күн бұрын
The cubes & script have clear allagan connections (the hieroglyphs can be found in Eureka Orthos), but no such link exists in Solution Nine. They use Eorzean script and some script similar to Hangul that I haven't seen before. I think these are two separate civilizations. Doesn't stop your theory of Selina being true, but I don't think she'd be connected to Solution Nine if so. My pet theory is crown + dead eyes + piloting a magitek(ish) = Terra, who was the child of an esper. The "gold civilization" is actually espers, and they locked themselves away after "the war of the magi" - a war between the proto-allagans and solution nine, which ended with Solution Nine being timelocked (the key being clearly of allagan design and in the shape of an hourglass, indicating temporal magics, of which the allagan are known). The proto-allagans were entrusted with keeping the Niners locked away while the espers fled back to their domain through the vault-portal.
@JackDaloots 20 күн бұрын
All I know, is that if we're gonna be deep diving into Allag, we need to translate their writing.... No one's done it, and no one has proven it's impossible either....
@sadi5713 20 күн бұрын
Seeing that the other tech seems to be lightning related and the lightning doem area shrouded indarkness, it seems it is more connected to the lightning calamity which was number 2, Allag did emerge after calamity 3 which was fire if I remmember correctly.