Introducing Nonna's Clean Getaway, a heartwarming KZbin channel hosted by a 52-year-old mother of three and proud grandmother, bringing you the essence of family life from vibrant Los Angeles. Join me as I tackle cleaning, yard work, and precious moments with my two dogs and two cats. With my husband's busy entertainment career, we embrace every twist in this exciting journey. Now, with a second home in Atlanta, Georgia, I am diving into new projects to transform it into a dream getaway. One day, we plan to buy a house in Italy and retire there, bringing a piece of our dream to life.
As a certified yoga instructor, I find peace in daily practice, just for the love of it. Let's bond, inspire, and enjoy life's simple joys together. Subscribe now and be a part of Nonna's Clean Getaway, where love, laughter, and a touch of adventure fill every corner.
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