@grew 3 минут бұрын
@jackydebosard8297 5 минут бұрын
Shalom! Dear Brethren, we Charismatic Jewish ✡ confirm what the Apostle John wrote (John 19:30);" When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said;" It is finished " and bowing His head, He yielded up His Spirit. No, no more need of animals sacrifice, Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for our transgressions. Animal sacrifices are insufficient - For the law having a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things,( Hebrews 10:1-4), can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls (red heffer), and goats could take away sins. Our Lord Jesus Christ, answered to the Pharisees and Saducees;" If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words..."( John 5:46-47). In Hebrews 10:19-22), it's written;" Go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts, fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water...". Let's praise our Lord. Amen 🙏
@samuelhuerta8477 7 минут бұрын
Why do Christians say that Joshua is Jesus.
@Einoidmilvada 14 минут бұрын
I don't know how Rabbi Tovia can tolerate these garbage people. I know his heart is bleeding from the inside, but he's acting professionally from the outside. God bless you.
@edwardpayne4385 14 минут бұрын
And Paul spoke of people just like you, when he said, "Professing to by wise they became fools" and what you do not understand is that you can never understand scriptures both old and new testament, you can learn some, but scriptures are spiritually decerned, so you can sit and discuss all day until Jesus returns and still not have understanding because if you had understanding you most definitely would have long ago received Jesus into your hearts for the forgiveness of your sins. And you would have the fulness of the very Spirit that give you understanding, but not to worry, if you are a Jewish person there is always hope for you.
@Carnivoracious-rm8tl 16 минут бұрын
Avoiding appealing to Rabbi Singer's human ego, which I'm quite certain by now that he would dismiss, I'll only say this: Though I attended an Orthodox synagogue from the age of 10 through bar mitzvah, rarely did I ever hear my rabbi, the shammas, or any of the (quite learned) teachers take the time to explain fully what Tanach is saying to us, especially we young students. I am grateful to have encountered Rabbi Tovia Singer in my lifetime. I realize now that I was MUCH smarter than I ever considered myself...actually I thought very little of my grasp of information, especially ideas that weren't so clear to a young boy growing up in the 60's and 70's. Thanks in part to Rabbi Singer, I no longer view myself as a religious dummy. :) Had he been my teacher back then, I pretty sure that I would have followed Tanach (and Talmud) much more fervently. Thank you.
@ericgamble9153 19 минут бұрын
Wow, perfect timing. Was just reading Part 3 in your book, & listening to the corresponding audio on the website, & this is the best conclusion.
@edwardpayne4385 22 минут бұрын
Paul being the last ,but in my view one of the greatest of the apostles and why the unsaved Jewish people do not like about Paul is that he puts Jews and gentiles in the same place. the Jews were chosen of God , but what were they chosen for because it is nothing that the Jews did that made them find favor with God, because the Jewish people were disobedient from the start, 10 times wanting to return to Egypt that angered God so much none of that generation entered the promised land except Joshua and Caleb. Gods covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his descendants was not for the Jewish people alone, the very chosen people were chosen to be a vessel for God to bring salvation to all mankind through, or salvation would have been for israel alone and once Israel was established as a nation God really had no more use for the other nations of the world and perfect the the Jewish people to become a perfect sinless people to Himself alone. the Jewish people were created by god to give His perfect law not only for Israel to follow but by sinning against the very perfect law that God gave to Moses they Jews could see just how sinful they were but also how sinful all mankind was, according to their failure to live by the law without sinning against it. And this is what many Jewish people hated Paul for because Paul says that according to sin and sinfulness bot Jews and gentiles are alike and because both Jews and gentiles are alike they both need the very same salvation to make then right before God. As Paul says, "If you say that you are a Jew and that you brag that God gave to you the law, do you sin against the law, because if you being a Jew sin against the law as the gentiles do then according to sin, both Jews and gentiles become brothers of sin against Gods law and against God himself" So if both Jews and gentile are alike in sin then they both must have the same salvation to set them free from sin that so easily controls man. that why Paul said, "apart from the law I was alive, then came the perfect law and it killed me, because I found that instead of doing the very things the perfect law said I must do, I ended up committing the very sin that I did not want to do", proving that all mankind has a sinful nature that is always in opposition to Gods perfect law. and if you are a unsaved Jew I can guaranty that you are sinning against Gods law today, and everyday, because the very purpose of the law was to show man just how great a sinner he is and because of this sin is under condemnation of eternal damnation. the law more than served it's very purpose because the very good the Paul wanted to do in obedience to every law, was the very thing he could not do, because of his sinful nature Paul sinned against the very law that was suppose to give us eternal life. This is the very reason no man born of man and women can never be the Saviour and the eternal king to sit eternally upon the throne of David. God so fashioned His perfect law to be against the sinful nature of man and so if you have sinned in the very slightest of the law you have sinned against the entire law, because in Gods eternity who all things are eternal noy the slightest stain or smudge of sin will be in it, because the very slightest of stain of sin or a smudge of sin dirties everything. There is no little white sin, it is all filthy dirty, and not one man born of woman and man cannot live without sinning in some way against Gods perfect law. This is why God raised up a people of His Own making to use to bring salvation to, not only the Jews, but to the gentiles as well, because we have established and know that both Jews and gentile are all under the curse of sin. Of course it is great if you are born a Jew, just look at all the very great men in the Torah and to be a people that God is bringing salvation to all mankind is a great honor. Me as a gentile am saved from sin, set free from sin being set free from the law, because today I am governed by the Holy Spirit and by the very fruits of the Spirit there is no law. So there is no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ because it is by His same Spirit that we are set free from sin, that Jews who still try to please God by keeping the law cannot help but fail on a daily basis. The law of the Spirit has set me free from the law of the flesh, and no man can ever please God by trying to please Him by keeping His law because that very law will continue to lock you deeper into the sin that you do not want to do but cannot help but do. So God because He so loved and had mercy and compassion on His creation, knowing that we are just created beings and helpless to the will of the enemy of our souls, who uses that very law to condemn man. God took of Himself and put it by His eternal power into Mary, for the virgin to be with child, to be born a man, free from the inherited sinful nature of man. God Himself left His throne and came to earth and became the only perfect sacrifice by nailing Himself to the cross, and He put to death sin in Hid body that dies, but His Spirit did not die, because just before death, Jesus by His eternal power rose up out of His body of flesh, then He waited until His body died. And all the sin of the world that was poured into His body during that 3 hrs of darkness while He was on the cross was put to death in that body. Then once His body was taken down and put in the tomb Jewish by his Spirit entered the tomb and by His Spirit brought His body back to life but now free from the sin that had died in it. and is the reason Jesus was seen in His flesh, He was flesh and Spirit, but He did not need His heart to pump blood or even His breath to breath, because it is the Spirit that give life and this same Spirit give us eternal life whenever we ask Jesus who took our sins into His body and put that sin to death, now give eternal life to all who receives Him. That's why I love Paul, he makes it so simple! this is why I love my God to the deepest, widest, highest level because of what He did for me, He set me free from my sin and has given me eternal life in Him and this is exactly what I expect from a God of such eternal love.
@guardian100 24 минут бұрын
Muslims hold Mary in higher esteem than even most Catholics, but he would never dare go down that road.
@nancycorbin7317 25 минут бұрын
What about the group thats slinging chickens ?
@jeffersontebouwa9494 Сағат бұрын
isiah 53 is actually clear its singular nothing plural about that, Jesus is the messiah, a stubborn rabbi should just read it properly and see history, as historians have it in document, thats why historians and schorlars have the same argument, please read history that even backs that truth from the bible, the bible tells us in the days that will come even the jews will understand that Jesus is the true messiah
@haw1948 Сағат бұрын
Yasher Koach!
@tiberiusblue6961 Сағат бұрын
Your a blessing Rabbi May the lord bless you and your family ameen
@tiberiusblue6961 Сағат бұрын
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman ben Leah HaCohen have a Refuah Shelemah B'Karov, Amen.! May Hashem grant him a complete recovery and grant him so much needed health very soon.! All the best Rabbi
@azukarzuchastux8066 Сағат бұрын
“‘It shall come about on that day,’ declares the LORD of hosts, ‘that I will break his yoke from off their neck and will tear off their bonds; and strangers will no longer make them their slaves. But they shall serve the LORD their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.'” Jeremiah 30:9 (NASB The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. Genesis 49:10 (NASB)
@abdulsaboorraza6691 Сағат бұрын
May Allah bless your father with health, guidance and wealth.
@julianmontoya428 2 сағат бұрын
Learn from rabbi tovia singer! Ignore my comments, i desire to worship and praise God! And i desire to learn and obey the holy commandments from God! I hope and pray to be in the hand and heart of God! But i truly need God to provide for me! While the rabbi tovia singer comes from a holy bloodline, and he know who God is ! He knows the torah and tanakh, and he studied the new testament! Learn from the rabbi! Also spread the videos of the rabbi to others! ... and always call upon God! Always humble yourself to God! And have faith and trust that God is God!
@marym11 2 сағат бұрын
Shalom yes you are right Hashem wants all Jews to live in Israel ✡️ all Jews will go home to Israel in the end and there eyes will be opened and will see Yeshua come down to Jerusalem to save Israel ✡️ for ever and the gentiles will be grafted in to Israel 🕎
@hrvatskinoahid1048 Сағат бұрын
Gentiles will stop worshiping your idol.
@wapperjaw8282 2 сағат бұрын
@Christ_Inspiring .... for some reason I can't make a reply to you so I have to make a new post The Greek *ἐγώ εἰμι* translated “I am” is not a claim to being God! First, get off that pedestal you place yourself on! *You haven't done a thing but dig in the same stupid hole ... all you're doing is making the hole bigger! You still have not addressed any of the contradictions that you cause. Especially your response concerning 1 Corinthians 8:5,6 makes not a bit of sense and has been thrown out due to the fact it makes no sense with English and the Greek. You still have the contradiction that states only the Father is God! Trinity dogma destroyed! Your ridiculous replies concerning 1 Corinthians 8:5, 6 shows how your confused and you have no idea how to react so you create a straw man argument is the best that you can do! And again all you do is rattle of scripture like it means the Trinity. Even the Catholic encyclopedia admits the Trinity was revealed after the first century. Which now you have a problem with Gal 1:8, 9. John 8:58 is not Jesus claiming to be God and he was addressing a question about his age not his identity! I am is nothing more than an idiom not a claim to be God. Judas said ... ἐγώ εἰμι Mt 26: 25 Is Judas Claiming to be God? Gabriel said ... Εγώ εἰμι Luke 1:19 Gabriel is representing God as a messenger for God does it make Gabriel God. John the Baptizer said ... εἰμὶ ἐγὼ John 1:27; John 3:28 John the Baptizer Claiming to be God? Peter said ... ἐγώ εἰμι Acts 10:21 Is Peter Claiming to be God? Paul said ... Εγώ εἰμι Acts 22:3; 26:29 Is Paul Claiming to be God? Paul said ... ἐγώ εἰμι Acts 26:29 You have more contradictions to deal with ... *John 13:1-3* it speaks soon that Jesus will be executed ... it states nothing concerning Jesus identity plus Bible prophecy does not state that God Almighty will sacrifice himself for mankind. And a God-man would not work as a sacrifice! Adam was not part of a Trinity God, he was not God, he was not a God-Man. Jesus is called the Son of Man for a reason! *John 17* Jesus is in prayer speaking to himself or to his Father??? The Glory that Jesus has is the Glory that his Father gave him. It does not say the Jesus has the same Glory as his Father! Also to note in Jesus prayer *John 17:20-23* Jesus gave glory to his Followers. *By your understanding they too must be God Gee another contradiction! He also states that he and his Father are "one" again using the same Greek word "eis". And that they all may be "one". Gee another contradiction, by your understanding of "eis" translated "one" is the Trinity are they all and future followers part of the Trinity??? Keep digging that hole! *John 3:12-13;* again has nothing to do with Jesus identity ... why are you just rattling off scripture? *John 2:19-20* again has nothing to do with Jesus identity. Jesus shows us he takes responsibility for his future resurrection as we all should. *Acts 2:24* whom *God raised up,* having loosed the pangs of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.” *John 14:9-14* again has nothing to do with the Trinity all it means is Jesus is united with the same goal of his Father just as Jesus followers are united with the same goal. Verse 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” So again by your understanding Jesus being in the Father is the Trinity so Jesus followers being in Jesus are part of the Trinity and again it now not the Trinity god. Gee more contradictions and making the hole bigger. *Not allowed to change the meaning of Firstborn 2 Tim **3:16**, 17* Firstborn means Firstborn as it does through out the Bible. Which indicates that Jesus is the eldest in Jehovah’s family of sons. The expression “the firstborn of” occurs upwards of 30 times in the Bible, and in each instance it is applied to living creatures the same meaning applies-the firstborn is part of the group. “The firstborn of Israel” is one of the sons of Israel; “the firstborn of Pharaoh” is one of Pharaoh’s family; “the firstborn of beast” are themselves animals. You can not change the meaning of word at your convenience. Ps 89 David is not and will never be Firstborn, either your firstborn or your not. Ps 89 "I also will make him my first-born, The highest of the kings of the earth." is obviously not God making David firstborn. Was David ever the highest king? NO! Was David ever the Highest of the earth? NO! Will David ever be the Highest king of the Earth? Again NO!!! David kingship is not even listed as a main power in the book of Danial. Who is going to be the Highest King of the Earth? That would be in the future and Jesus is intended to be the Highest King. David only ruled a small portion in Israel and even kings after David gained more territory than him. So Ps 89 is prophetically refers to Jesus ... God own “firstborn” in heaven, the Son who had been with him before Jehovah God created man. Heb 1:22; 2:5-9; Ezekiel 37:24, 25; Jer 23:6; 30:9; Luke 1:32; Act 5:31. *I have concluded that you don't know the scripture at all and you are unable to defend your case! You don't even bother to fix the contradictions of your case! Using straw man arguments is all you can do. You simply cannot continue tell they are fixed. And guess what they can not be fixed!!!*
@user-sj5to4sk9r 3 сағат бұрын
The spirit of the Law that does not conform to the Body of the law isa Spirit without a body thus its a Law that is dead. You cant keep Saturday on Sunday because of the so called Spirit of the law because that is not the spirit of the law that is a dead law. Law must have action and a body. This is consistant with the Christean approach to Sin where no longer does our free will and bodily actions matter in terms of repentants and we can rely on the death of a prophet for all time even without active repentance. See again spirit but no body. This is also seen in beliveing in a 2nd coming which is belief in spirit but the bdy of the 1st coming is all messed up. and with this spirit without a body approach then the entire old testament can be construed and twisted to any idea one wishes spiritually.
@user-sj5to4sk9r 3 сағат бұрын
Even if you have a true prophet since when does the old testament say that a True prophet has a right to abroghate and remove the Law and the teachings of the old testament? So then even with the ressurection of a person or even a so to speak prophet how can that even ever translate into going against even one word of the Torah?
@user-sj5to4sk9r 3 сағат бұрын
The single greatest event of human histroy was not the resurrection even if happened it was the revelation at Mt. Sinai to a whole nation!
@user-sj5to4sk9r 3 сағат бұрын
No Jews reject the idea of Heaven! Nor do jews reject the idea of hell.
@Jock1 3 сағат бұрын
Best wishes for your dad, I feel you 100%
@vinceestr 3 сағат бұрын
Hashem, thank you for your kindness and patience as we walk through this journey, this experience in life. When we finally figured it out, what we're supposed to do. all we asked for is this, let us enjoy it. ❤️‍🔥 Hashem, Rabbi Tovia singers' farther; well, we ask for a full recovery. Thank you.
@joannagrimeki7415 3 сағат бұрын
What is the meaning behind the phrase of Jesus, synagogue of satan? -John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8:19 They said, “Where is this so-called Father of yours?” Jesus said, “You’re looking right at me and you don’t see me. How do you expect to see the Father? If you knew me, you would at the same time know the Father.” - Matthew 23:27-28 You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. //What is your understanding about those verses, rabbi? How do you explain them to your followers?
@charleslitherbury8600 3 сағат бұрын
I had a van load of Christians pull in my driveway today with a pamphlet for a big Christian seminar coming soon. It says, " You are invited "! I am very excited! ;) God Bless!
@Einoidmilvada 4 сағат бұрын
Beautiful lecture ❤
@lpwork6809 4 сағат бұрын
At 20:07 It is not true that lāmōw “always means ‘to them’ and never ‘to him’.” In actual fact, there are places in the Hebrew Bible where lāmōw means “to him” and not “to them”. For example: Isaiah 44:15 ESV Then it becomes fuel for a man. He takes a part of it and warms himself; he kindles a fire and bakes bread. Also he makes a god and worships it; he makes it an idol and falls down before it [lāmōw]. Genesis 9:26-27 ESV He also said, “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem; and let Canaan be his [lāmōw] servant. May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his [lāmōw] servant. So, why does Rabbi claim that “anyone familiar with Biblical Hebrew” would know otherwise? Could it be that he himself is not familiar with Biblical Hebrew? Or is he intentionally being deceptive because most people do not know Biblical Hebrew and would not know any better?
@jeannecarstens9230 4 сағат бұрын
Those who hate the Jews, know the truth and hate it - they want to take your birthright away. Thank you again Rabbi.
@valariesusan52 4 сағат бұрын
He gave up his wife his children and all holdings for her.A huge sacrifice and he will not be ashamed.venus spins backwards. The ebb to the flow.
@am47kke 4 сағат бұрын
אני צופה ומאזין רבות לרב טוביה שליט"א. למה אין תרגום לעברית?????!!!!!
@darrellhart9363 4 сағат бұрын
Sorry for your Dad's illness prayer are being said for him and your family as well.
@gideonasress7484 4 сағат бұрын
This man have nothing to offer except story, if he knows the God of Israel he would have to him about the way and the truth "CHRIST"
@edwardpayne4385 4 сағат бұрын
Every single Torah prophecy is answered in the New testament, except for the prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the New Testament and when all things are made perfect in Gods eternity, we will not be living by the Torah, but in the New Testament, and is the very reason that the Torah is growing dim in the light of the New Testament, and the Word of God will last forever but not under the sinful nature of man, but under the new covenant that is in Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life, and all things will be in the love of the Father and the Son with all things being filled with the Holy Spirit against of which there is no law.. So Jesus Christ is the end of the law and the prophets.
@edwardpayne4385 5 сағат бұрын
Professing to be wise he became a fool.
@edwardpayne4385 5 сағат бұрын
And instead of leading your Jewish brothers closer to God you are leading them further away from God, because for Jews and gentiles in Christ alone is your salvation. Because all authority in heaven and on earth is not in the Father but is in Jesus Christ alone. So the very God of the Jews has placed all things even the salvation of mankind's soul in His Son, because there is no other name in heaven or on earth by which man can be saved from his sin, and that name is Jesus Christ. In what way do you think you are pleasing to God when you still sin against the law, and if you say you do not sin against the law you make God out to be a liar, because apart from Christ all man both Jew and gentile both sin against the law. showing that both Jews and gentiles are both under condemnation because both Jews and gentiles are sinners alike and both need the same salvation. And Christ is the salvation for both Jews and gentiles for everyone who receives Him, so just as Jesus fulfilled the law, all who receives Him have also fulfilled the law in Him, because when we receive Jesus, He becomes our righteousness, because no man has a righteousness of his own that makes him sinless before God. It is Christ, that in His righteousness, we are made holy and pure before God our Father.
@sharonraffanti3632 4 сағат бұрын
Just a little oversight - HaShem gave a HUGE show of showing His presence on Mount Sinai when He spoke the 10 words to THE WHOLE NATION. No-one could deny it was Him, no-one could say they were unsure of Who gave them the commandments, the laws. HE made sure everyone saw and heard! The people were terrified and asked Him to speak to Moses only. Again He made sure the people saw He spoke to Moses. Firstly, Moses face shone so brightly, they could not look at him unless he wore a veil. Secondly, they heard His voice calling to Moses each time and they saw the cloud/pillar in front if the tent of meeting, while He spoke to Moses, and they ALL stood watching! They had NO doubt as to what was happening. Don't you think He would do the same IF He made a DIFFERENT covenant, if He CHANGED His covenant? Because His chosen nation are the ones HE chose to make His covenant with, He would definitely have given another HUGE show, making sure everyone knew and would follow. He would not have done so secrets, informing only one man! There was never any sign that HaShem spoke to JC. His face never shone, ever.
@Adam-zn9yh 5 сағат бұрын
So when the 2 angels appear to abraham and one aman is it nkt interesting how the man calls down for and brimstone, then he is called Lord which means jehovah capital L always was, prays to the Lord In heaven, david said tje Lord Sad to my Lord, proverbs 30 -4 whose his name are his sons name, yet they say we impose trinity while they impose God can't come.into his creation as we see God walking with adam in the garden, this is why jesus is called tje son of man abraham saw him jesus is tje commandment of God we are to believe the one he send and ask for the promised holy spirit and you will be saved born again and recive the spirit of truth, faith as a child is all we need,
@juditrotter5176 5 сағат бұрын
When is the Last Supper? And then what is Maundy Thursday?
@CrystilBluebird-nl7wj 5 сағат бұрын
Where in Brooklyn was this lecture?
@edwardpayne4385 5 сағат бұрын
Why stop the evangelizing, you cannot stop God and if this is of God then you are fighting His will, but if it is not then it will fizzle out and come to nothing. What would you think aggressive evangelizing and why does it upset you, their not being led away from god but being led to the very Son of God who sent His Son to die and rise again for the sins of Israel and the world. So why are you offended that God wants to give salvation for all sinners, and not just the Jewish sinners which by the law God locked up all Jews in sin under the law, but also locked up all man in sin under that same law. Showing that even though God choose Abraham the father of the Jews, God also made Abraham the father of the gentiles who received and believed God as Abraham did. Because Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness, before the law He believed in God. So now for all who believe in Gods salvation in His Son Jesus Christ who we believe in by faith then this is also credited to gentiles as righteousness. Because neither Jews or gentiles have a righteousness of their own, because God used the law to lock both Jews and gentile under sin, so both Jews and gentiles need the very same salvation to be forgiven and made righteous before god and that righteousness is in His Son who becomes our righteousness when we receive Him. So all man are made righteous in Christ who then gives us the power over sin when we receive Him. And as scriptures say, "As many as received Christ to them He gave the authority to become children of God. So becoming a child of God does not come by being a Jew, because if in being a Jew you still sin then you make yourself an enemy of God, and it is in Christ who soothed the wrath of God against man by having Gods Own wrath poured out upon Jesus, it is now in receiving Jesus that we have peace with God. In Christ alone our sins are forgiven and to reject Christ is to have Gods wrath poured out upon you because you have rejected His Son whom He sent for that we might be saved through Him. We know that no man born of a women and a man can pay for the sin of man, and is the reason God Himself came in the flesh of man to restore to Himself what Adam lost. And now because many Jews have rejected Jesus for the forgiveness of their sin and are loving for another son of David to sit upon the throne of David they will fall for and accept a false Messiah and it is sad because even being the chosen of God the Jewish people continued to serve false Gods in the past and down to today, by looking away from Christ to seek and wait for another false Messiah, when Jesus is the Messiah and King of the Jews.
@graftedacres7017 5 сағат бұрын
Refuah Shlemah!
@newdawn4439 6 сағат бұрын
@toviasinger1 Jesus is coming for you as he did for Paul. Just like Paul as Saul persecuted the church, you are also persecuting the church. Jesus by himself will arrest you
@hassanzaylai4491 6 сағат бұрын
May Allah heal your father fast, and may Allah bless you and all your family. You are a man of God. As a Muslim, how I wish (somehow) that this festering enmity between the children of Isaac and Ishmael could be removed--that peace and brotherhood could be established between them. There is no daylight between Jews and Muslims on believe and faith in the one and only true God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael!
@russrussel3947 7 сағат бұрын
23:06....The Love-Bombing... I was never truly loved as a "rebellious" Patrilineal unconditionally, just a fetish novelty impediment to the Church. Wanting to "be Jewish" was "rebelliousness" and all the other things that the Anti-Jewish NT says. Judaism has always been "illegal" under Paulinianism.
@ingridleeshueling232 7 сағат бұрын
Refuah shlema to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman ben Leah HaCohen. May HaShem continue to bless you and your family. Grant you his grace and shalom.
@juditrotter5176 7 сағат бұрын
May HaShem bring a complete recovery to your Father. Thank you for your hope filled words.
@11jimbo11 7 сағат бұрын
Jesus is not your enemy. Jesus is your friend. He is your Rock. Jesus is your Salvation. Jesus is the only Way into the eternal Kingdom of God. You may disagree but Truth is always Truth. Please, Please pray to God to open your eyes, heart and mind to the Eternal Truth. I worship the God of the Jewish Scriptures. His name is Jesus.
@Raizel613 6 сағат бұрын
In Judaism, our understanding of God is rooted in our Hebrew Bible (and not the New Testament) where He is the one (singular), absolute, indivisible God (without multiple forms of “divine essence” and also, God does not have a physical form and does not incarnate as a human being) and this belief is repeated in our daily Shema prayer. "Hear, O Israel: הי our God, הי is One." (Deuteronomy 6:4). Also, *Deuteronomy 4:12:* _”הי spoke to you out of the midst of the fire; you heard the sound of the words, but saw no image, just a voice."_ On the other hand, Moshiach will be a human leader (not Divine), a descendant of King David, (Jesus was not a direct descendant of King David as he was born from a virgin. In Judaism, tribal affiliation is solely through the father.) who will bring world peace and recognition of one God. The Sanhedrin and the sacrificial system will also be restored. For us Moshiach has yet to come.
@MrBears25 5 сағат бұрын
It’s interesting you see a lot of Jews say they don’t believe in Christ but why? Muslims believe. I have a question about Psalms 51:16-19 in reference to 2 Samuel 24:25 why are those Psalms said at all?
@Raizel613 4 сағат бұрын
@@MrBears25 In Psalms 51, King David emphasizes the importance of true repentance being from the heart and having a humble spirit. He says that mere ritual offerings without genuine remorse and repentance are not what God desires. On the other hand, in 2 Samuel 24:25, King David offers sacrifices to ask for forgiveness on behalf of the entire nation of Israel. This shows that sacrifices, when done with a pure heart and for a communal purpose, can merit God's mercy. In Jewish tradition, neither sacrifice nor prayer alone is sufficient. Both require proper intention (kavanah). However, a few things to note. 1. Sacrifices were meant for unintentional sins only. For intentional sins, genuine repentance is required; this includes prayer and seeking forgiveness directly from God. 2. Since the destruction of the Second Temple, sacrifices are no longer possible, and thus, prayer and repentance have become the means of seeking atonement.
@sharonraffanti3632 4 сағат бұрын
211jimbo11 - Just a little oversight - HaShem gave a HUGE show of showing His presence on Mount Sinai when He spoke the 10 words to THE WHOLE NATION. No-one could deny it was Him, no-one could say they were unsure of Who gave them the commandments, the laws. HE made sure everyone saw and heard! The people were terrified and asked Him to speak to Moses only. Again He made sure the people saw He spoke to Moses. Firstly, Moses face shone so brightly, they could not look at him unless he wore a veil. Secondly, they heard His voice calling to Moses each time and they saw the cloud/pillar in front if the tent of meeting, while He spoke to Moses, and they ALL stood watching! They had NO doubt as to what was happening. Don't you think He would do the same IF He made a DIFFERENT covenant, if He CHANGED His covenant? Because His chosen nation are the ones HE chose to make His covenant with, He would definitely have given another HUGE show, making sure everyone knew and would follow. He would not have done so secrets, informing only one man! There was never any sign that HaShem spoke to JC. His face never shone, ever.
@DroriShmueli 2 сағат бұрын
Jesus is not our friend sorry
@chillizora 7 сағат бұрын
Ok cool where is immanuel Child with us. They keep saying it wasnt a virgin Cool not a virgin Where is the child God with us???
@water_enjoyer777 7 сағат бұрын
We need to stop hating eachothers, Judaism, Christendom and Islam pray the same God. This is why i respect both Christians and Jews.