Trying to move to Italy 🏠 Pt. 1
The Problem With Cats In Bali
The Problem With Plastic Surgery
Finding a Like-Minded Partner
@tiakennedy1681 3 минут бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@tiakennedy1681 Сағат бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@tiakennedy1681 Сағат бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@wfhalsey1 3 сағат бұрын
As my fiancee and i get closer to buying our single family home, he talks more and more about making sure we get LVP floors because we have three cats and they are very hard on our veneer hardwood floors. He feels that even actual hardwood floors won't stand up to their claws just from every day playing. Does anyone have ideas or thoughts in this based on experience? I really dont want unnatural materials in my home, but i feel i will lose this "battle."
@marielle2066 20 сағат бұрын
Hello Saga, It’s lovely to see you so happy. Perhaps I missed something, but can I ask you why you and your husband are moving to Italy rather than staying in Sweden?
@kellahwatkins8724 21 сағат бұрын
air conditioner is a definite necessity if you live in a hot climate !!! it actually can save lives - you are a tad out of touch dear- fake eyelashes and nails have been around for decades! I will not watch your channel again- you are very out of touch with the real world.
@jan-erikjanson1995 Күн бұрын
Hej, where did you move to?
@judyhorstmann6332 Күн бұрын
Huh? I wash our blankets/quilts weekly.
@fwebster6226 Күн бұрын
Kiwi here and don’t know anyone that doesn’t use a duvet without a cover??? I know that some hotels are like this but they use three sheets on beds - bottom, under duvet and also to cover duvet.
@jillv4006 Күн бұрын
I get that you think it’s disgusting to use a blanket because they don’t get washed as often as sheets but that’s why we use a top sheet in my country…to separate our bodies from the blankets. Plus a sheet tends to make you not get as hot in the night. I do like your idea of separate bedding however.
@sebastianwapniarski2077 Күн бұрын
Polish here. Sleeping in fresh cotton duvet covers prepared for me by my grandmother when I slept over at her place was like a paradise experience when I was a kid. Ahhhh.... just heaven.
@kellahwatkins8724 Күн бұрын
I buy medical necessities off Amazon as I am poor and it saves me money . And books on occasion. But I get they are not the best choice . When you are on a budget you do what is best for your wallet .
@holzmann- 2 күн бұрын
Nine good reasons, but none good enouzgh :)
@yaninaka5021 2 күн бұрын
I found it really hard to get her point, as she was covering lots of different topics at once, and I don't see the connection between them. So what exactly was she trying to say in answer to the 1st question?
@Life_with_Lissett 2 күн бұрын
@89taklung 2 күн бұрын
Thisxhas NOTHING to do with autistic! This is a child in the middle of their will-developement phase! Any healthy child will do that really, except if ypu basically train them to not do that.
@dimutech 2 күн бұрын
As an English person (grown up to mind their p's and q's) living in Sweden, if I ask someone for something or to help I always say tack.
@Veruska75 Күн бұрын
Honestly, I don’t know what she meant with that, maybe just that there is no exact translation of ”please” to swedish. That doesn’t mean people aren’t just as polite. I’ve taught my kids to always say ”skulle jag kunna…” instead of ”jag vill ha” or even worse ”Ge…”. For example ”Skulle jag kunna få mera mat?” That is polite in itself, and my kids better säg ”tack”, lol! If they forget sometimes at home it’s ”och vad säger man…?” 😂
@xenaflatout 2 күн бұрын
🤣Im born swedish and it was so fun to listening to you because all swedish are not not all Swedes are and do not act the same. Thank you for this video. 🙃
@lorihiggins6478 2 күн бұрын
Omg I need top & bottom sheets ALWAYS! I change my bedding every few days
@emmettoransky5088 2 күн бұрын
@SagaJohanna Regarding the race thing, ppl already have the common sense you do, that isn't the problem. The bank doesn't ask your race. Instead, Institutions like the bank, hospitals, etc will just assume based on how you look, or ignore you and put you down in a box they feel you should be, And without showing/telling you right away even if you ask to make sure. You might find out by seeing it on Dr papers, later down the line And yes it does affect the medical care or lack of, that you get. As well as what loans/opportunities you get access to or not. So when you say do how the Swedish do, regarding race, in America we do NOT have that luxury.
@emyywolf 2 күн бұрын
The problem is that people treat babies as puppies. They don’t understand that they grow into adult humans. 😂
@Bella0480 3 күн бұрын
I am 43 never marred nor wanted or have kids. I never wanted them as long as I could remember and i didn’t care. So i figured, probably not smart to make myself have one. Then everyone states you will die alone. Having a child doesn’t guarantee you won’t die alone. Also, many people have kids and then pawn them off or kick them out at 15. My parents were great and I think you have to really want to be one
@gamagoon6387 3 күн бұрын
I am still waiting from 2022 to be seen so not been diagnosed yet even though all other professionals have said so and now I've had my kid's taken off me an I'm being treated as mental intill I'm diagnosed my kid's both have autism and they was happy with me now they split my kid's up because nobody can handle them together and because when they took my kid's I got grabbed and punch a bloke they tried send me jail I've never touched my kid's I took them in to protect them from there mum I because I'm big there mum made stuff up about me they believe it and now it affecting not just me mentally but my children to they just want live at home with me .
@chacadavez9115 3 күн бұрын
Mental health, pressure, sleeplessness, competition, dissatisfaction few but strong words to convice me not to have a child. I've seen one perfect example, someone i know, despite of having a lovely family, ended up depressed, divorced and psychological challenging. The kids seeing that everyday becomes traumatic for them. Poor kids they have to be in this situation. So kids... Its a no for me.
@marksw5499 3 күн бұрын
Great video. I find Sweden and other Scandinavian countries to be quite fascinating. There is a lot that we can learn from their societies and how they do things.
@KitParker24 4 күн бұрын
I’m from nz and I don’t know anyone here who sleeps with only a duvet inner without cover. Yuck! I have bottom sheet , top sheet ( optional but I prefer) duvet inner in duvet outer ( washed weekly )
@Europa1749 4 күн бұрын
Let them make decisions. They love that. I would say "Do you want to go to bed at 8:00 or 8:30?" It worked so well because the ball was in his court.
@zhiqiry 4 күн бұрын
@you.are.enchanted 4 күн бұрын
Looking at you and your beautiful natural skin and appearance is incredibly refreshing 💗
@LawsOfMoses 4 күн бұрын
I conceived accidentally with my children- although my first daughter partner didn’t last, the child from my second partner now husband, and me have absolutely improved in our relationship. Our bond has grown over the years, we were unprepared, had no money, didn’t know anything about birthing, nutrition or anything else you mentioned and we raise our children just fine- in fact, working in mental health, the clients I encounter who constantly dwell on their own diagnoses and all the problems related to self instead of serving others and giving, are the most unhappy people I know. Postpartum depression is common but also very short term, some of these videos and content about mental health are not only misleading they are outright wrong.
@LawsOfMoses 4 күн бұрын
I mean this in the nicest way, lol, but your husband sounds like the guy with the white hair/hunched back in Rocky Horror Picture Show 😂
@user-hu4we8vi9w 4 күн бұрын
my mom everyday since when I was too young like 7 or 6 she always says she will kill herself until now but now I feel more she meant it , I am trying to let her go to the therapist but they never listen to me I tried to be her therrapist but I couldn't I am still 19 and I am afraid to wake up someday and I found her did it
@rjaydriskill 5 күн бұрын
This is a deep and detailed interview. Thank you for all you do helping people, Saga.
@soumiabenrochd1396 5 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for this video. The environment is falling apart and so many of us are still focused on appearances. We should rethink our priorities before we are obliged to. 🙏
@FHIPrincePeter 5 күн бұрын
No 1,you can't afford them? There seems to be an inverse relationship to being able to afford children and having children. Hence the developing world have a higher birth rate. Still this is dark corner of the internet where the narcissism is real.
@natanelnahmias8606 5 күн бұрын
Your video has left me pondering deeply about the course of history and the impact it has had on science and society. As an engineer who is passionate about science, I often wonder how the world might have evolved differently if certain pivotal changes hadn't occurred thousands of years ago. One thought that arises is the role of patriarchy in shaping the trajectory of scientific progress. Would science have flourished differently in a world without patriarchal structures? And if so, what lessons can we draw from this hypothetical scenario to guide our actions today, and to raise our children ? As a parent, I'm committed to raising my children in a way that empowers them to contribute positively to society. For me, this means nurturing their curiosity, fostering a sense of empathy and inclusivity, and instilling a passion for learning and discovery. It's not about being the best in a competitive sense, but rather about embodying values that promote collaboration, understanding, and collective well-being. Thank you for sparking these thought-provoking questions.
@almabove2010 5 күн бұрын
This is super interesting, so grateful for the effort that goes into your videos. Thank you so much💚
@StudSnob 5 күн бұрын
Saga seems like she was quite the baddie in her party years ngl.
@bogustavnilsson 5 күн бұрын
America dream :
@aymanghaibeh8589 5 күн бұрын
Thank you. I have a severely autistic child who does not (cannot) speak. I know he is extremely frustrated, even more than me, and I desperately want him to communicate with me. He stomps the floor and bites furniture all the time. I struggle to keep plastic and metal things out of his mouth. But he creates these things by biting them off of furniture and toys. Explaining things to him never seems to work. I've had to pull things out of his mouth many times and now he doesn't trust me. So He does it in secret. He's only 4. I'll try to treat him with more respect. I want him to trust me, but I also need to protect him to not eat anything dangerous. He hears me say "No" so many times a day.
@ytuser_3122 6 күн бұрын
I lost interest with having kids 4 years ago, but my father will not respect my decision and will not shut up about how “I was born with a dick and balls, I was meant to have kids” or encourage me to better myself for my future kids I pray to God I don’t have. That and it’ll save me so much stress over their overall health, their grades, mental state, and who will have custody over them.
@JohnPaul-158 6 күн бұрын
WOW! THIS IS A "DEEP" ONE! Thanks for sharing! I hope things are going we with you! kram
@annelewis7435 6 күн бұрын
I 100% agree that food matters, but I am wondering why you say predominately plant based? we do No gluten, dairy and No sweets and junk....but he does eat very good quality animal proteins. is that bad? I get concerned about him getting enough calories to grow
@annelewis7435 6 күн бұрын
my child is 4 --if I have lost my temper and yelled are you saying they are forever traumatized even if I have apologized? is the relationship forever ruined? he has Down syndrome, not autism but I think there could be some similarities
@liamodonovan6610 6 күн бұрын
You are always interesting saga you have intelligent video's love you're you are a great interviewer
@olgarzeszutek4346 6 күн бұрын
Source about the toxicity?
@lieberjule-ht2ie 6 күн бұрын
it sounds like you expected something that wasn't intended by the organisers ... ? tibetan teachings are normally given seperatly from the intense practice. You listen to them in a very condensed form - and it seems that such events have been rather like big fairs in tibet. And then you go to retreat for yourself, try what happens if you follow the teachings and go back to get more teachings ... I don't agree with your argument about taking what's not given or rather i see what you mean, but there is traditionally an other interpretation: if you are given meat or anything you don't like, you take it and don't demand something better - as far as I know, that is not only hth case for tibetans but also for the forrest nuns and monks. And I would have been irritated too, if i where promised vegan food and would't be able to figure out what was what. Only: does it make your mind easier, if you are ranting on about it? but thats your decision. It's about mind beeing easy so as to beeing able to be compassionate with others, that live life in a different way than you, isn't it? and about mind beeing open to all experiences that you encountre, may they be what you expect and what you didn't. You seem to have found out pretty clearly what is not your way, and now you can go on. I think that's great - it might feel that you have payed a high price and I'm sorry for that. hopefully you keep your tolerance of ambiguity, that shows in critizing the setting but not the teacher. Thats so helpful throughout live. If the other 300 or so people where happy, that seems to be their way. the Buddha says there re 84000 ways to get enlightend, and even he is not to judge. what I do: I read all the great teachers you are telling about and recomending BUT I prefer to go to teachings with smaller sanghas "in the neighborhood", so that there is a possibility to get into contact with the teacher and getting to know the sangha, asking questions. And if a teacher AND her/ his sangha makes me feel fine, I go to a short retreat, that doesn't need me to make special arrangements like being a scholar. AND if this is a good experience, then I go for a longer retreat. But thats all not very glamorous. It means retreats for example in niederbayern with teachers that don't wear robes and are earning their livelyhood in worldly professions, so they don't have to sell dharma - and are practicing what they teach. Being humble enough to be there for those who really connect with them.
@tommyjones1357 6 күн бұрын
I’ve got an old buddy who is living through his kids. Always posting photos of them on Facebook. Dude never did much with his life so I see a lot of stupidity in the name of self-sacrifice. Hopefully this dude crawls out of his bs job and builds a respectable life for himself. He isn’t even with the baby mama anymore. Very sad indeed.
@forestings 6 күн бұрын
greetings from greece ! i discovered ur channel from ur makeup free video, and it's so great to see a fellow vegan who radiates good energy ! 🐛🌼🌱🌻