Napoleon: When a Masterpiece Fails
What makes a king?
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4 жыл бұрын
@dannykeith7997 6 сағат бұрын
Although I love both, book John is a way better character than show Jon
@666deadman1988 7 сағат бұрын
A philosophy I've tried to embrace as I've got older is that the less energy you spend on things you can't change, the more energy you have for the things you can.
@LastHussar1812 9 сағат бұрын
For God, King and Country isn’t an “old lie”… Have some respect for what these young men gave their lives for. This is an old, fine world that you know very little about.
@phnml8440 11 сағат бұрын
I know it is not a huge part in this video but i honestly think they f ed up the endling of this film. In the book „Im Westen nichts Neues“ which is the original german name the endling goes something like this: He fell in October 1918 on a day that was so silent on the whole front that the warlog contianed only one sentence „nothing to report on the west side“. Or in german „Im Westen sei nichts Neues zu melden“. It is literally the sentence that gives the film its name and its such an important concept taught to every single student in germany which is that there is nothing less important in modern warfare than the individual.
@cliffsnriffs 21 сағат бұрын
The Art of Dying helped me become an Electrical Engineer. And yes. It was worth suffering for.
@cliffsnriffs 21 сағат бұрын
The Art of not giving a F is The Art of Dying. Bruce Lee said it. Also Gojira’s most powerful song is The Art of Dying. Extreme Metal for the Soul.
@joju5849 Күн бұрын
I think the scene that really got me in All Quiet on the western front was when the protagonist’s buddy killed himself with a fork because he didn’t want to live as a cripple. You never even see it coming, one moment there’s a guy you know and like for a brief chunk of your life, then he’s gone, just like that.
@BigChunkOfFuckOffCunt77 Күн бұрын
How about if you never served in the military you just shut the fuck up about the military... and stay in your own goddamn lane. 🖕🖕🖕🖕
@justinzallar798 2 күн бұрын
Mike Judge is truly a visionary in his work.
@Zaborovnik 2 күн бұрын
Why no one has made a movie where most of the film time a hero lives his ordinary life full of live and in the last five minutes dies at war like a background character, leaving audience dead inside.
@coolishollywood 2 күн бұрын
So many beautiful souls here. Thank you for the positivity!
@user-uh2rd7pv3l 2 күн бұрын
Check out "Johnny got his gun", maybe the only anti-war film ever made.
@Nonyobiz 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for your effort in analyzing this piece of Art.
@MP15aug 3 күн бұрын
Happiness means not comparing yourself to others.
@The4No 3 күн бұрын
I wish you had added "but we have lost the way".
@jonmustang 4 күн бұрын
10:20 Mark Manson is wrong. Renunciation of the world is an option, but it typically is only appealing to those who feel a spiritual calling to know reality and themselves at any cost. Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc - the spiritual path is for those who no longer desire the world, do not desire becoming anything, and have seen the mortal world of impermanence and sickness, old age, and death to be unsatisfactory.
@MatthewGhirardi 4 күн бұрын
Jackie Chan did say to not totally copy him
@nomis2496 4 күн бұрын
good movie, too bad they completely fcked the original story up
@Undefined14 4 күн бұрын
I'm thirty years old and I have never once in my life had a positive experience as a result of stepping outside my comfort zone. I'm hyper realistic. I cannot fake confidence. The confidence I do have is built entirely out of competency. Learning new skills is within my comfort zone. Applying skills I do not have is not. I'm not quite sure what my point is. I guess the point is that I have a worldview that works for me. I think preachy stuff like this has negatively influenced me and made it take longer to reach a degree of self understanding.
@brianjensen1308 5 күн бұрын
Making a movie where heroes like Muhammed Ali says he dont want to go to war. Could be a anti war movie.
@Florkl 5 күн бұрын
I think the idea of making an anti-X piece of art (such as anti-war) is often doomed to fail because if it has a level of popularity, it means it appeals to a demographic, and if you portray X honestly, even from a negative lens, you’ll still be showing off those aspects that appeal to someone. People have different values, so a movie that shows the brutality and casual death of war will not be a deterrent to someone who finds the idea of camaraderie valuable, and is okay with dying young to live a life they value.
@dra2521 5 күн бұрын
All Quiet on the Western Front would have been another failed anti war film if the main character has survived the final battle. His death was critical to the narrative. There is no glory or justification to be had in wars fought for rich elites. There is only death.
@fireflightthestar 5 күн бұрын
A lot of Hayao Miazaki's works come to mind during the discussion of anti-war films
@olegb7863 5 күн бұрын
Therefore old Soviet film "Come and see" done better job at being anti-war film by putting viewer into tramendous feeling of fear
@karentorres9319 5 күн бұрын
Attack on Titan has good anti war elements
@LeonardGarcia-yn2ej 5 күн бұрын
@seans5489 5 күн бұрын
Screw that printer, not letting it go.
@vincentmarotta9800 5 күн бұрын
I disagree with the basic concept of "You'll drive yourself crazy trying to attain something either impossible, or unhealthy to sacrifice for." I believe humanity should strive to do the following, and the "secret" to existence and "purpose" will slowly manifest naturally: 1. Become very good at something that is important. If you have enough foresight and patience, you might find that something also makes you happy. 2. Do something that is a total waste of time, but you genuinely enjoy. This is effectively a pointless hobby. If you can make money off that hobby, then do it, but don't let it guide the hobby. Share your hobby on Instagram and KZbin. If you get even 20 views, cool. It wasn't the point in the first place. 3. Understand that growth to refine a process should be enjoyed, not a chore. If you can't justify refining a process, then it's probably not for you. 4. Listen to other peoples' story. Even if they offer nothing of value. Often times, people will unexpectedly say something that you've never considered, and it'll help you grow as well. Make note of their story and name in a journal. Share with someone you care for. 5. Work to mentor others, so they can grow beyond you. It's the closest thing a person can do other than have and raise a child.
@jswatch9270 6 күн бұрын
Happy 30th anniversary to Disney's THE LION KING (1994)
@remoosecode7558 6 күн бұрын
5:40 trying to suggest that the two sides are in any way comparable is bizarre. One side industrialised the slaughter of millions of innocents, and the other side did not.
@Based_Gigachad_001 6 күн бұрын
"Anti-war" is just pretentious garbage.
@cinemaipswich4636 6 күн бұрын
Who is the example of masculinity that you would bring to your son? What movie star? What social media influencer? I can think of none.
@charliechuckles2195 7 күн бұрын
Soldiers heart, shell shock, battle fatigue, combat induced Post traumatic stress disorder
@StanLoona-sg4fm 7 күн бұрын
You sound Dutch 😂 love the video btw
@filozofiiia 7 күн бұрын
Great Dictator is another great and timeless movie. The dictators will die but humanity will survive, "the power that was taken from the people will return to the people". Thank you for this film!
@MariaMartinez-researcher 7 күн бұрын
The Deerhunter's Russian roulette scene has been criticized as non-historical. I read somewhere that veterans approved on it because, "that's how war feels like."
@chancetrombley3114 8 күн бұрын
Anybody else think that walle was heavily inspired by fallout? Buynlarge=vault tec?
@motorcitymangababe 9 күн бұрын
Strangely enough i feel like "legends of the fall" is a good anti war film. The war is brief, but all we see of it is how the youngest brother dies a cruel, pointless death that amounted to nothing but the devastation of his family in the fallout, especially his brother that witnessed it. Samuel didnt die for any reason other than living up to his father's spurned glory. Its pitiful in the truest since.
@9another632 9 күн бұрын
When u use AI clips in a rightfull way
@itzsuzian8531 9 күн бұрын
One of my all time favourite movies is “Grave of the fireflies” because it really paints the picture of how there is truly no winning in war. An anti-war film doesn’t have to follow soldiers, it just has to send the message that all suffer after war.
@gamertardguardian1299 9 күн бұрын
8:48 I respectfully disagree with you. 1917 is not an anti war film, it is a war action thriller. These are two completely separate movies with completely different themes, 1917 could have never been similar to All Quiet on the Western Front. The only correlating factor between the two is that they take place during WW1. 1917 made war feel suspenseful and made us feel in awe, AQWF was almost a horror film. I agree that the later is how war films should be, but 1917 wasnt really a “war” film, it was an action thriller where the setting was WW1. That doesn’t make it a bad film, but to compare it to a real war film is unfair.
@hrock2001 9 күн бұрын
All quiet on the western front is so sad, and what's makes it even sadder was the original book was Witten by a ww1 veteran and still holds up today with the brutally of war and throwing your life away
@FerroAudio 9 күн бұрын
The quote that made my life different was from Seneca: "Begin at once to live and count each separate day as a separate life." Many snall issues can be shrugged off, people all have opinions on you and have thoughts of you but they do not know you so why care? Your image is yours and you decide and make the persona that is seen as the one you feel is truely you.
@nietzschebietzsche 10 күн бұрын
Really great message and organization of this video essay. Seeking to maximize pleasure and minimize pain is too simplistic and will lead us to a point of numbness at best. What we want is to put in work and risk and suffer a bit for the things that we find are worth it. Some of those things will be material, because having a certain level of stability helps a lot, but some of those things aren't really things--connectedness, well-being, community, sense of purpose.
@L8rCloud 10 күн бұрын
I quit my job after watching this movie because it was just too real - right down to getting shocked by the door handle every morning when arriving. The irony is that it was owner of the company that suggested that I should see the film 😂 …..I also quit my job, abandoned all my possessions and walked away from a 17yr relationship to go to hiking in Europe for 6 years after seeing Ben Stiller in Secret Life of Walter Mitty. When I say walked out I mean packing my back pack after she left for work and going to the Airport without saying goodbye I’m sure she figured it out I spent my whole life as a developer trouble shooter sent out to projects that were headed for disaster and getting them across the line - I never quit a challenge in my life. …..but ‘quitting’ on the things that are purely destructive and useless is not ‘quitting’ - I looked at it as ‘letting go’ of the things that are weighing you down - removing the non-essential items from your pack so that you make that ‘final ascent’
@ngprentee 11 күн бұрын
Were those real dead guys at the end? Damn.
@millyuan 12 күн бұрын
if something needs to be said, and its said there's no more need to say it
@colonel1003 12 күн бұрын
This is probably the best video essay/analysis ever made. It assumes you are familiar with the topic in hand so it doesn’t have to spend 30 minutes up to two hours explaining every single detail, only for the last 10 minutes of the video actually providing reasoning and evidence for the statement proposed, with the last two minutes is just shilling out Patreon and social medias. Another thing that makes this analysis great compared to others is that the hook directly relates to the topic and statement proposed. Not half assed, not barely, fucking directly.
@danielcardona2714 13 күн бұрын
2:37 I think that this especially changed with the phasing out from sword and shield combat to firearms, because of course in medieval warfare and prior you could be killed by a mere stroke of bad luck but generally if you were good at swordplay and combat you had a better chance. In modern warfare with guns, bombs, and cannons, one bad step could blow your leg off and being in the wrong place at the wrong time could get you blown to bits
@boko1564 13 күн бұрын
I remember watching the end of all quiet on the western front and remembering how saddened and enraged I was seeing the protagonist getting shot literally minutes before the end of ww1 not many war movies have impacted me in that a way. I literally felt empty and soulless after watching it for a while. At first I thought it was a bad movie. but the more I thought about it, it really made me think of this is how they felt on the front lines all the time.😢