@Callum5211 6 сағат бұрын
Just some corrections: 5:31 - Not nesasarily wrong as that's the English spelling in the Japanese version, similar to how they refer to Aidios as Eidios. 5:36 - This is badly worded, when they refer to the 900% discount, they are referring to the paid gems. If you were to buy 2980 gems it would be around $49.99 so the deal is you'd get get the gems AND the SSR weapon, 10 pulls, and a SSR Claire. 6:06 - You're overexagerating this, the top up feature gives rewards over the span of three days, not to mention a lvl 1 SSR Lloyd, a bag of EXP crystals. and a bag of mira is not going to instantly beat the level your stuck on. 7:16 - Those are quartz tokens that can be traded at the quartz store. 7:51 - Or you can just level up your VIP rank which increases bag capacity as well as many other things. 8:18 - Parliment house allows you to sync characters with your active party, this allows lvl 1 units to automatically level up to the lowest leveled unit in your active team so to something like lvl 101 for free. 8:49 - Raids aren't meant to be won straight away, basically the more damage you do the more rewards you gain from it. 9:22 - Kinda misleading that you use the role training ground to show high power level dungeons when in that dungeon the game gives you maxed lvl characters to practice with. Also the dungeon exploration is related to progression of the main story, as you traverse the world map the more dungeons you unlock so of course they are going to increase in power level. 10:14 - This is far from correct, you can defeat enemies that have more than double your power level if you're smart about your team management. 13:28 - This is an extremely unfair comparison, you've just used a multibillion dollar company as an example of something they should strive for. Everything you just wished for had already been done by Akatsuki. Akatsuki was turn based, Akatsukui had a story, Akatsuki had new characters and locations. 14:21 - Northern War does this though, the game can be F2P with every character being unlockable for free. You can unlock characters at the arena house by trading arena tokens, at the trial house for trading trial tokens, at the event store for trading event currency, and by collecting 60 SR or SSR fragments which you get daily. 14:30 - If you do enough pulls you are guaranteed rewards based on the gatcha you pull from. 15:44 - You just dismissed the game that does everything you wanted a trails mobile game to do but assumed it was crap because it was made by the same company, even though the game lasted 8 years. TL;DR I think you're being too critical on a game you haven't tried to understand, it very much comes across as you had your mind made up about the game before even playing it. Is it the best game ever, far from it. But at the end of the day it was a free game that tried showcasing what North Ambria was like.
@bibitateodor6563 12 сағат бұрын
Something even funnier about the power level thing, somebody on the falcom subreddit documented their experience with the game, and one of the most damning parts about it was that they were winning 1000k power level fights while their team was at 790k just because they got a good character on the gacha. So not only is the power level indicator an arbitrary deciding factor of progression, it's only sometimes a deciding factor of progression. Avangarde stuff if i do say so myself Also holy shit, that comment about how Star Rail would be the perfect blueprint for a theoretical Trails gacha is absolutely correct. And i despise that game. Just add an EP gauge and some arts to the combat and it's basically just a simplified version of the Arts&Crafts combat system. It was right there ! But no, Teamfight Tactics with barely any tactics it is. What a shame
@random-numbers 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your sacrifice 🫡
@Ianbits 13 сағат бұрын
tell my family i went out a hero
@zenithdragon 14 сағат бұрын
Step 1: Gain rights to make a mobile game of a popular IP Step 2: The gameplay is how fast you can make purchases and how many you can make before your bank deactivates your card. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit
@Ianbits 14 сағат бұрын
Well this game was apparently a flop overseas so at least some amount of faith in humanity is restored
@nightmoon5589 16 сағат бұрын
Great video! I am here to shill for my favorite gacha: Limbus Company. You seem to value story in your games (same) and limbus has some of the best story content I've read in gaming period. Unfortunately I'm just a random KZbin comment so that holds little value but I really do mean it. Limbus has some really deep turn based combat to it as well (though fair warning it's tutorial is... Bad) The game has some of the most generous gacha in the genre as well, relatively decent rates, pull income actually being reasonable (devs hand out a full 10 pulls for some big big fixes) and just doing your weeklies over time allows you to get 95% of the units in the game (the last 5% aren't even the strongest arguably) I can't stress the quality of this game and would love to see you try out the game! Shilling down 👍 good video once again :D
@Ianbits 16 сағат бұрын
I've watched a video on it, I might give it a try. I've been trying a few others like Reverse 1999 as well. I know Limbus Company is supposed to be basically the best Gacha on the market in terms of F2P and low spenders, might be something I grab on my phone and try out! Appreciate the recommendation!
@auto_kailani 19 сағат бұрын
Why would I bother with this comment? When Ian dropped his video in discord to the community, I didn't care for the subject matter. One look at the title, and I knew the content of the game was going to remove any interest I had for this gacha, because I can think rationally. On top of that, I straight up don't play trails games, with no exceptions that I'll talk about. So why would I bother with this? Because Ianbits videos are bangers, and no matter how shitty the game, or gacha game in this case, he's going to do the lords work and play it for us so we don't have to. Thank you Ian, for playing this awful game so nobody else has to go through the torment you went through. Your comfy whale friend, Auto
@Ianbits 18 сағат бұрын
thank you whale friend
@Lugana707 20 сағат бұрын
@garrettsweet9826 20 сағат бұрын
Bro I was so excited for it, cause I wanted a simple fun gacha. And its sooooooo bad.
@Ianbits 18 сағат бұрын
I remember thinking I'd give it a try when they announced it then I looked up gameplay and instantly knew it was going to be garbage
@7milesdavis Күн бұрын
Ohhhh I seeee. Just like how death stranding was boring and super fun?
@bigswisschh 2 күн бұрын
I felt exactly the same playing. But now with the new DLC I’m ready for NG+ (not something I usually play, but want to because the world was so great)
@canonsprite 5 күн бұрын
I have been slowly learning to appreciate the remakes. I think I might enjoy them more than the OG at this point.
@namanjotsinghns 8 күн бұрын
The problem with SMT V with me was the atmosphere wasnt enticing at all, I was bored by the areas
@ShaunStephens777 8 күн бұрын
I really had big hopes for Areith surviving. Now I just hope she returns alive in the 3rd game
@frequencyoftruth2303 8 күн бұрын
These skits need to stop acting like they are real
@dannysimion 9 күн бұрын
I dunno, as a casual gamer who also played the OG, the storyline was captivating for me and with the way Aerith was portrayed from Remake to Rebirth - it elevated my admiration for her as a character. Definitely fleshed it out for me and I still cried in the end after her tragic demise. Looking forward to P3 and how it all caps off! I like reading the comments going back and forth about themes and conspiracy theories. I wonder if SE can ever replicate another game with the same magic?
@Kefka2b 11 күн бұрын
Fan of the series, but this is one too linear and battles are basically hit with useless attacks until you can do your special attacks, rinse and repeat, just smashing the buttons on the controller, I'll try to get into it again but after 20 hours into it, I was bored the whole time.
@IamtheMan1111 13 күн бұрын
This game is already losing idea. First ff15 copying music, now this game too.
@AlterEgoX7 15 күн бұрын
2:13 - 2:18 *High fives you* My man.
@meta527II 16 күн бұрын
7:56 really? I remember someone else there seeing her, I think it was Tifa who saw her.
@fatherof3husbandto1 17 күн бұрын
In defense of square for whatever actions they may have taken, and look I'm not the biggest Final fantasy 7 Stan out there there are others who are way worse than me, in fact there's a lot of the extra material from the original game I actually never got into never saw and don't care about, this is what I will say, as someone who bought the game when it came out, in fact I had to go out and buy a whole other platform in order to even play the damn game cuz I bought an N64 under the impression that's where Final fantasy 7 was going to be released. This game in 1997 was a masterpiece, it was so f****** good that at the time I had friends who used to make fun of me for playing jrpgs but when this mother f***** came out everyone shut the f****** mouth and everyone could see what a f****** work of art this game was. Okay so now I said all that let me say this, they already did the aerith death thing back in 1997. And that to a degree they kind of left that the f*** alone. Like how do we go into a new relationship after coming out of one where we loved so hard and had such a sentimentality about, and one that went untouched for 30 years. The answer is you simply don't you don't go back and screw with that moment you don't go back and try and redo that same thing again. You do something new. And you kind of leave that moment as it was 30 years ago. And honestly tell you the truth after watching aerith go down like that back in 1997, I'm honestly very happy to see that there may be a different path. Cuz I'll tell you what I am no way shape or form wanted to relive that moment again that sucked, and actually finishing the game in 97 with Aeriths death I kept thinking I had done something wrong or played the game incorrectly and that there was a way to go about it and and have her there alive and present at the end of this unbelievable cinematic adventure. It left a really f***** up taste in a lot of people's mouths that one of our favorite characters of all time in any piece of media was dead and there was nothing we could do about it, this game is giving hopes to those of us who has been holding on to that sour taste in our mouth for 30 years that maybe maybe there is a chance to save our girl aerith. So unless you lived through that first event I don't think you'll ever quite understand what this game means to a lot of us old heads who actually got to live long enough to see one of the greatest pieces of cinematic media we have ever experienced to be revisited and be touched and handled with a kind of care reverence and love that only those of us who were around 30 years ago to experience the very first time will ever truly appreciate love and understand. And I commend them for what they did I really do I don't have the money for a PS5 but so help me God when prices come down you may see that the only game I have in my collection for that system is the Final fantasy VII remake series.
@tomke009 20 күн бұрын
I don't have a problem with the ending, I have a problem with the excecution of it. Maybe it is for a reason that will be explained or made clearer in the third, but with everything WE know it is messy and confusing. If they altered the sequence of events it would be more clear and probably less dividing.
@crazedmonk8u 20 күн бұрын
I think the story was pretty good both from the over-all story and the characters you really got invested into them and they had their own quirks. I would say it was a 8/10 game since the combat system could have been improved and the back half of the game was a little bloated probably could have shaved off 15 hours or so somewhere and condensed it down a bit i can see how alot of people gave up on the game before the story started to pick up. Maybe star ocean 5 left a bad taste in alot of the fans and people were judging it unfairly at the start so hopefully star ocean 7 gets a better reception now.
@1aundulxaldin 24 күн бұрын
Regarding the character designs and costumes, let me offer you my tidbits: Laeticia's costume and Mierielle's? Tremendously impractical. How do either of them go to the damn bathroom wearing those?? At least everyone elses' is more... practical and occasionally mesh well with the setting. One thing I love about Laeticia is that she's a break from Millie and Rena and even Sophia or Reimi. Like how the first female who joins you has to be a Heal Caster or a Caster of some alignment. Laeticia's a dual wielder with a pair of swords, and her moves have moxy and flourish, and serve as a nice compliment to Raymond and his big 2 handed broadsword.
@bvoyelr 25 күн бұрын
Disagree on one count: they ruined any punch Aerith's death could have had because the characters themselves have already dealt with the blow. Given that we saw them dealing with the pain, them going through it again just won't make any sense. So now WE will have to experience something that the characters aren't experiencing, which will be weird. If they wanted to take this route, they should have ended the game at the Temple of the Ancients and left the death for the third game -- that way they'd have time to weave those narrative threads without having to build a Dramatic Climax as well. As it is, everything just got smushed together. If they were going for narrative whiplash as you suggest, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. I just don't think it's going to end up being a very effective tool in the end. But we'll see. I still liked the game and will definitely get the third one.
@solanastan4196 26 күн бұрын
sorry but ppl complaining about this not being a one to one remake are so fucking annoying. it was NEVER GOING TO BE THAT. gaming has advanced too much since the original for us to pay 80 bucks for 3 installments of the exact same game from 97. i LOVE the original version with every fiber of my being. getting to see these characters as fully realized ppl with emotions and attachments to each other makes this ending all the more impactful. not just for Us, the player, but also the other characters who have now shown us how much more protective they are of aerith and the planet. it was beautiful and stunning. i can’t wait for part 3 if you have anything to say opposing my comment i do not give a fuck and i will not be responding to you whatsoever because your opinions don’t mean shit to me <3
@ikedogman1 26 күн бұрын
I like this game’s combat more than Nioh because it has an actual parry system. The DLC is grind bullshit though. Pretty disappointed with that.
@sladelius6174 Күн бұрын
Do you know about the hidden mission with the Malboro that takes about two minutes to finish? Azure Memories: The Stymied. You can power level jobs and equipment in mere minutes with it.
@ChrisG_90 27 күн бұрын
I absolutely love these remakes, i was a bit iffy after the Kingdom Hearts ending of remake, but I do respect what they're doing here. Rebirth plays out almost exactly like the original game until the end. They lul you in with a false sense of security before reminding you, this is a sequal, not a remake. Aerith knew how the original game played out and shared that with this group. This game is always going to be different. Her death scene wasnt robbed, as it has already happened, the ending here opens up dialog on what has actually transpired in this moment, in this game, post OG FF7. Also I would argue, did she ever truely die, even in the OG? We could be moving towards her final rest, her proper death. Or she could be granted a second chance at life proper. Its exciting. Cloud is our unreliable narrator, so we can equally believe he saved her, as we can believe he killed her, as we can believe sephiroth killed her. You see cloud say the original lines, however you also see him save her, you see those rainbow trails as he deflects the sword. Sephiroth in this moment could have merged those timelines back in order to rob/break Cloud again as he seems almost frustrated Clouds not sad. However as Sephiroth tells Cloud/Zach you can break those worlds apart again. So hope isnt lost on our saved Aeirth. Im really excited to see where part three goes. She could also be Jenova, is clinging onto life, and when Sephiroth says "I underestimated you" is talking to a Jenova in an Aerith disguise. The last Jenova being called "Lifeclinger" has urked me since i played it. At least it has people talking again. Always a sign of doing something right.
@WobblePizza 28 күн бұрын
This video feels like 16 minutes of someone trying desperately to explain an unfunny joke. I think I'm too old for rationalizing to work on me anymore.
@ponyboy9765 28 күн бұрын
Came to watch your video as someone who very much did not like the ending of this game or the general direction of this project as a whole. Sadly after watching I still feel the same, but I just wanted to say thanks for trying to explain the other side. I know there’s a lot of animosity in the fanbase on both sides of the argument so it’s nice to see someone acknowledge that no one is inherently right or wrong. I wish I could like this game more but the narrative is just too messy for me. Especially when you consider baseline FF7 already had such a rich story with some hard hitting subject matter. I think that the overhaul in some areas to update the game made sense but the you can’t just plop alternate timelines and multiverse stuff on top of a game with an already fairly complicated narrative without sacrificing integrity somewhere. But still enjoyed the video and we’ll just have to wait and see on part 3.
@teenprez 29 күн бұрын
Overall I really liked the ending, but I think it was a huge mistake not to show the stabbing/stab wound at all. I’m sure they didn’t for ratings reasons, but it really robbed the moment of a lot of clarity and its shocking nature.
@DutchDread 29 күн бұрын
If you want an "interesting new experience" you should be and "interesting new game". The whole point of wanting a remake of something I've experienced before is that I wanted to experience something I've experienced before.
@leviticus6105 Ай бұрын
I want to see cloud end up with aerith! We've waited long enough
@louismartin7608 Ай бұрын
Finally someone constructively criticizing this game ! I really don't understand how this game got so many positive reviews, the game is flawed on so many aspects. I totally agree with everything you say. For me this game is a huge disappointment, I liked the demo, but as the game introduced new mechanics, more units, more everything, it became a giant mess of mechanics to me. Way too many elements to take into account to be able to create a really optimized strat. But given how numingly easy the game is, I was constantly crushing the enemy, so why bother trying to optimize more. I really believe that units should have had a maximum of 3 characters in them. This would have forced players to create very different units tailored to the enermy you're going to engage. Here because you have so many character in a unit, the best thing to do is to create polyvalent unit which can tackle 95% of enemy unit. In the end you're just crushing all enemy unit with more or less any unit you have. You add in top of that all the ridiculously broken and OP valor skills you can activate and all the ridiculously broken and OP object you can use and the game just becomes completely boring and uninteresting. It's a huge disappointment for me and I'm quite angry because I read so many very positive reviews about this game before purchasing it and nobody raised any of those issues.
@patrickwanghai5880 Ай бұрын
Yeah. Fck IGN to say that rebirth makes aerith death not special.
@joshuamcneely3028 Ай бұрын
I am starting to think no one knows what remake means.
@CaliforniaRaisens Ай бұрын
They have massacred the story by bringing in the multiverse. I won't be buying the game but will probobly pirate it when it comes out on PC as I don't won't to give a penny to SE for this travesty.
@keynotes8114 Ай бұрын
I love how your opinion on the ending is, as in limbo, as Aerith's death. LOL, you both like it and don't like it, until the release of Part 3, where I'm sure it's ending is going to be just as needlessly convoluted and confusing as Rebirth's. I only say this because it's become quite apparent that Square Enix has really put themselves in a box by following the trend of stupidly confusing JRPG's with nonsense endings to leave everything up to player's own interpretations instead of just committing one way or the other. It's like they want to please everybody, but end up just riding the fence and leaving a mediocre impression at best.
@TheOneTrueTMan Ай бұрын
I recently went back and played X-2 start to finish and…yeah, I really vibe with your take. Some brief nice character moments here and there, some decently powerful stuff at the end (I’m glad you highlighted Yuna’s speech about sacrifice because that stood out to me too), but other than that, ugh. The game is just such an unfocused mess and the tone is just gross. That massage mini-game will live in my nightmares lol Great video!
@Brassrain0su Ай бұрын
the way you brought up Tidus coming back to life is about as unceremonious as the game does everything it tries to show
@arkadiuszkrzos2999 Ай бұрын
I love this game, however i feel a lot of it is wasted potential. Graphics, customization and variety is awesome. Voice acting is great, but the story is boring as hell. Also scenarios waste potential to make more interesting mechanics included. I hope they make part 2 and improve the weak parts!
@ArmageddonD11 Ай бұрын
Name a sequel with more tonal whiplash...
@vyrkolakas Ай бұрын
great video but also incredibly hilarious bc ive been a fan of ffvii or years and i had no idea advent children wasnt considered good 😭
@drakewinwest9888 Ай бұрын
That battle system was fire tho
@joeyjose727 Ай бұрын
I don’t think either X or X2 were for me, I could never finish either one lol. But I do think the world they created is an interesting one, and I absolutely see the appeal!
@s500v8fhidan Ай бұрын
good to see you back
@zenithdragon Ай бұрын
I really hate when stories undo a character death. Makes it feel like there aren't any real stakes or consequences. In this case, it just really harms character development.
@-Down-D-Stairs- Ай бұрын
Bro did not just call it X instead of 10 after all these years did he? 💀
@Ianbits Ай бұрын
Saying "ten two" for a full video would have been physically painful
@alechemy Ай бұрын
But in the video you call the original “10”… not “X”… and this is the sequel to 10…
@agent7142 Ай бұрын
​@@alechemy.... You like...? ...
@Ianbits Ай бұрын
The joke is that calling a sequel to a numbered entry in a series "number-number" is hilariously dumb. So I'd rather just say X-2. It would also be confusing whenever I was referring to "ten" and "ten two" in the same sentence
@SzotyMAG Ай бұрын
@tbspromotions Ай бұрын
I just finished the divine force, ive tried many star ocean games and i could never finish them. I finally decided to beat this one and i think this series aint for me. This game just left me angry.
@DuffmanChess Ай бұрын
If Aerith dies, I just don't see the point of the trilogy. The whole point of Remake was defeating and defying destiny. So what's the point of including that if everything is playing out the same just with a couple of added wrinkles? Surely SE knew that including that plot point was going to have the obvious implication that Aerith can be saved. So if she is truly dead, or eventually truly dies, then it all feels like a giant slap in the face.