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@DalgemYerem_KTBT Күн бұрын
Hola, Amanda Cortex, Yo Soy Ivonne Branigan Y Yo En El Marco De Mi Proyecto Hekternaxtami Estoy Tratando Mi Vertiente Femenina, Es Decir, El Proyecto Hekternaxtami Engloba A Toda Mi Vertiente Femenina, Que Sostiene Que Lo Correcto Es Que Yo Lo Tenga Todo Femenino Y Que Es Un Error Que Yo Tenga Algo Masculino. Mi Comportamiento Masculino Es Todo En Plan Postureo Porque Yo No Estoy A Favor De Mi Comportamiento Masculino Sino En Contra De Mi Comportamiento Masculino. Yo Tengo El Mínimo Comportamiento Masculino Que Puedo Tener Y Tengo Que Mantener Mientras No Se Resuelvan Los Problemas Que Me Permitan Reducirlo Más, Pero Estos Problemas Son Los Que En Principio De Ninguna Manera Se Van A Poder Resolver. En Todo Caso, Yo Voy A Seguir Insistiendo Sin Límites Y No Voy A Parar Hasta Que Por Fin, Consiga Un Cuerpo Y Un Plan Que Lo Tenga Todo Bien Femenino Por Completo. Pues Con Esto He Acabado Por Ahora En Mi Presentación Ante Ti, Amanda Cortex , Gracias Por La Atención Que Me Has Prestado. La Próxima Vez Nos Volvemos A Poner En Conexión En La Próxima Comparecencia.. ❤❤❤❤
@ReoAard 2 күн бұрын
Attorney General Labrador Challenges American Academy of Pediatrics to Disclose Gender Dysphoria Guidance and Methodology CATEGORY: Consumer Protection, Press Releases September 24, 2024
@Jfresh729 2 күн бұрын
Let me make sure I got it straight… Sex = biological male or female. Gender = social construct of male and female behavior determined by the society. Study shows a difference in brain activity for trans people than non trans people. Gender dysphoria = a person believing they are born in the wrong body. Gender dysphoria is not a mental health disorder/issue? My question is, if gender is a social construct would a transgender person consider themselves transgender in a society that has a gender norm that fits with their gender in that society? Or would they still feel as though they were born in the wrong body?
@vivienneb6199 5 күн бұрын
Bull sh*t
@dochics1053 6 күн бұрын
I always thought that I was a female from a young age and now found out my mom took medication in her womb by taking medication so my brain is part female..❤ ..😊..I now love being a female..
@Cadensplace 7 күн бұрын
And yall are saying genders are roles😅 my goodness what the hell
@Cadensplace 7 күн бұрын
So we're classifying klinefelters syndrome as transgenderism... guys you shouldve been taught about this in freshman biology. Fragile X disorder as well is not transgenderism. Transgenderism is a lifestyle like being a drag queen it is a choice.. the issue doesnt stem from people wanting to live like that, its the fact that it can and will destroy the population of earth, not only that but they are teaching this in school to control the population.. why was there a sudden jump in trans kids in the last 5 years, i mean these kids are 10,13,15 years old.
@carter358 9 күн бұрын
#30 @7:05 Whenever I see this in a movie I want scream. They did the same thing in The Flash when he tries all of the lock code combinations to Supergirl's cell. Just because he can move fast enough to type them that quickly doesn't mean the security terminal would be able to keep up with him.
@SoshulCom 10 күн бұрын
You started the video by gaslighting. Nice
@fresh_inkling 13 күн бұрын
ok so like in a trans girl. if the body was masculinized by testosterone which clearly means XY chromosomes. how the hell did the brain get feminized if there was no estrogen present due to XY chromosomes?
@Marysuegg 14 күн бұрын
You cant talk about this without acknowledge of HST and AGP difference
@SilasDrouin-f7s 14 күн бұрын
I’m going to show this to my small town dad now :)
@Worlds-Collide 14 күн бұрын
Well done video. Well explained
@fresh_inkling 13 күн бұрын
ok so like in a trans girl. if the body was masculinized by testosterone which clearly means XY chromosomes. how the hell did the brain get feminized if there was no estrogen present due to XY chromosomes?
@silloweet 7 күн бұрын
@@fresh_inkling Because it didn't get feminized. The claim that it did is junk science
@jimikrakorn 15 күн бұрын
The most striking fact is that the brain and genitalia develop independently. Thanks to
@40KBoss 15 күн бұрын
Im always happy to hear scientific explanations for transgenderism, instead of the usual ones, but I have to disagree with your definition of gender, as I think the neurological "sex" of the brain is a better use for that word than the cultural roles. As another commenter said, you focused too much on cultural aspects rather than neurological ones. A househusband does not fit the typical role, but that hardly makes him trans. Trans people don't fit their biological roles because they are the opposite on the inside, not the other way around. Also, I don't agree with your phrasing of gender and sex being unrelated. As you have pointed out, they're not always a perfect match, but they're also clearly MEANT to be tied to one another. There shouldn't be any shame in pointing it out. I'm autistic, have anxiety, and clinical depression, I understand damn well that biology just skips a beat sometimes. But I also understand we need to be honest about the problem to confront it. If they weren't connected trans people wouldn't have a problem. They're meant to match, and that is why trans people need our help. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can help them transition.
@aemiliadelroba4022 15 күн бұрын
Well , the effect on my brain is significant, I went through this video in 30 sec. 😊
@SpaghettiCheesaMeatballs 15 күн бұрын
Yet now psychiatry is marketing the false concept that hypersexuality is an indicator of A.D.H.D for the sake of making Money off of the idiots that fall prey to the power of their marketing
@Eli77468 15 күн бұрын
This is overall an interesting and easy to understand explanation. My one critique is how much you emphasize that gender is based the cultural expectations. Because feminine cis men are still men and masculine cis women are still women. Gender not *just* about the gender roles/stereotypes in your culture, but is the innate feeling that you should have been born as male/female.
@kingdoc3262 16 күн бұрын
Wonderful explanation 👏🏽 Wonderful Attitude 🎉 Important part of Your Unique Mission and purpose 🎉❤
@daryltonkin 18 күн бұрын
Wow so much science to support her claims, especially the bit where Papuan women buy their partners flowers! That proves it! I’m convinced ! And a very in depth talk about getting blocked on twitter by a non believer ! Somebody give this unspecified gendered person a Nobel prize !!!
@paulwatson9799 19 күн бұрын
I think soy and other estrogenic food might have something to do with it
@Genaaa916 18 күн бұрын
You think wrong
@Zannathin 22 күн бұрын
your voice is insufferable
@Ayrad160 24 күн бұрын
I hope you are doing ok , we miss you !
@heightenedsenses9605 25 күн бұрын
A conspiracy to prevent over population 🤔 something and somehow males were brainwashed into becoming an shemale. They keep their prick because it be hard to pee. Why did man decide to become women 😕 my friend was a guy and become a shemale and he seemed normal and was intelligent 🤔 it doesn't make sense..its got to be a program, what they were warching, tv series 🤔 music 🤔 something in the water 🤔 😳 or just that their brain was female 🤔 becuz we were all females in the womb before the x chromosome came in, whatever 🤔 😅
@dreamypupper4080 17 күн бұрын
Transgender people make up less than 1% of the population, so this is kind of a shitty way to do that. Also like- policies like abortion bans kind of do the opposite but to pretty substantial effect.. so.
@radubradu 25 күн бұрын
So, if gender is a social construct and race is a social construct, can a black identify as white?
@dreamypupper4080 17 күн бұрын
depends on your definition of race. But honestly I think a big reason the vast majority of people would say no is because racial identity is deeply rooted in your community & actual experience in life due to your appearance, rather than a psychological & intrinsic idea of what & who you are. They're both social constructs yes, but the nature of both is *vastly* different so you can't really apply ideas to both of them in the same manner. I don't know if that really answers your question but I hope it helps.
@ryanthomas9306 17 күн бұрын
⁠@@dreamypupper4080how does that not include sex tho??? Like my sister went through a completely different childhood than me, it’s literally word for word what you stated was being black ?????? How do you not see it ?
@ryanthomas9306 17 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@dreamypupper4080it’s rooted in community, experience, appearance, and intrinsic idea of who and what she was ….
@dreamypupper4080 17 күн бұрын
@@ryanthomas9306 no, I’m saying the ideas behind racial identity are primarily driven by cultural experience. Gender and sex aren’t the same thing though, sex is a kind of consistent term referring to a physical attribute of a person. Whereas gender is a sort of.. spongey word, with people disagreeing about exactly what it is. The concept of gender just happens to have a lot of it’s roots in biology because of how biology shaped our culture in the past. We’re at a point where gender is better used as a psychological term because we have the capacity to reshape our biology to a degree. A degree sufficient enough to help people physically realize their intrinsic ideas of who they are. Race is more cultural than biological here, and it also happens to have significant overlap with nationality. But to grossly oversimplify: it’s more or less based on your community and your collective experiences and ideas of who you are, rather than something you would be able to intrinsically understand.
@ryanthomas9306 15 күн бұрын
⁠@@dreamypupper4080are sexualized identities based driven by cultural experiences? Like my mom and sister truly went through different cultural experiences due to their genetic sex How are you not comprehending my position ? That’s the question lol
@Kuzuguya 27 күн бұрын
Don’t know if your mind has grown any since you made this video, but would love to discuss with you on most all of these “sins” you’ve given the movie. It’s like you have a third of the information and disregard the other 2/3. You’re cute, but you’re pretty ignorant.
@nandumenon-uj9mz 27 күн бұрын
Euron being euron
@mango8999 28 күн бұрын
I was looking for a video exactly like this
@mango8999 28 күн бұрын
I thought so many of the exact same things lol
@IraSomm 28 күн бұрын
I’m sorry this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. This woman has given no evidence for any of her claims other than how people feel. I will love anyone struggling with this. But there is no science to back up their feelings. They should never be encouraged to believe a lie. Instead they can simply embrace their femininity/masculinity, and we can love and respect them even though they don’t fit the gender stereotype. No new pronouns needed. No guilt tripping non-believers. Just facts and disciplines of life.
@zzMarcie 19 күн бұрын
look in the description of the video, she cites her very real scientific sources.
@dreamypupper4080 17 күн бұрын
She literally listed all of her sources in the description of the video- you didn't even look. Also science overwhelmingly backs this up.
@ryanthomas9306 15 күн бұрын
@@dreamypupper4080there’s zero objective science The genetic changes found in brain structures is directly due to autism, depression, and anxiety
@vijapefi 29 күн бұрын
There are brain differences on Buddhist meditators. Does that scientifically proves we have to believe everything a Buddhist monk says? Is someone a woman, just because they “believe” it?
@vijapefi 29 күн бұрын
Yes really, really. Your body will have the potential to produce either female sex cells, ovum, or male sex cells, sperms. No in between, it’s binary. Just because a super minority of people are born without an arm, doesn’t mean humans fall into a spectrum of amounts of limbs on their body. Even with dsds, you only produce one of the sex cells. Gender concept is simply based on stereotypical roles. If society were able to get rid of them, very few people if any, will mutilate their own body. Based on this video, if an American male goes to live with Tchambuli people, he will suddenly feel he has the wrong brain, an he will suddenly have sex dysphoria, so the solution will be to take hormones and mutilate his healthy male body, just to feel “included”, while he lives with the Tchambuli. The concept of “gender” is ridiculous and not necessary, sex is enough.
@petunia1ish Ай бұрын
Girl you can’t read.
@camdenwyeth316 Ай бұрын
3:20 only good way I've heard being transgender actually described lmao
Ай бұрын
Gender is not exclusively cultural in origin as it is also biologically driven since your brain is at least as biological as your genitals. Your biological gender determines your adaptation to cultural gender norms.💙
@IschmarVI 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, it is a combination of both. There are biological differences between males and females, both in body and brain structure. But a lot of the total construct of gender is also artificial. Like, why are the males the ones that usually propose (in "western" society)? Why are men and women supposed to like different colors? Etc.
@ryanthomas9306 15 күн бұрын
@@IschmarVIthose are gender role, stop proving to be confused
Ай бұрын
Wasn’t Yahweh androgynous? Wasn’t he both male and female. Isn’t this why we were all made in his own image? Both male AND female rather than male OR female? Aren’t all anatomical males Transsexuals? Didn’t they all start out with a proto-vagina and then only later transition to a male phallus? Isn’t a male phallus simply a renovated vagina? Didn’t the greatest clinical psychiatrist and clinical psychologist of the 2Oth century, Carl Gustav Jung, demonstrate that the human psyche is androgynous just like Yahweh himself. Isn’t Mother Nature and her natural world LGBT rather than Heterosexual. Aren’t many animals bi-sexual? Don’t some of them transition from one sex to the other? Isn't exclusive Heterosexuality unnatural and abnormal? Doesn't it contradict known Western Science as well as the natural world? Aren’t the sexual teachings of the Roman Catholic Empire just as wrong as their teachings on human slavery used to be? Until rather recently? See the brilliant and amusing Peacock documentary titled: QUEER PLANET. As it explains everything about the sexuality of planet Earth.💙
@nomadicmritunjaya774 Ай бұрын
Whatever we think will definitely become real tomorrow, it happens is past also.
@gummy3092 Ай бұрын
How do i explain my mom this?
@leightonott3210 Ай бұрын
My sister asked me if the moon phases would be different when she went to New Zealand. I laughed at her and said "no, the moon phases are caused by the rotation of the moon and had nothing to do with where on earth you are." But then realized that my mom and dad didn't know this either and I only knew because I am obsessed with space. It just seems so simple to me that I thought everyone knew lol
@guitarista67 Ай бұрын
This video is in some ways a shitty oversimplification of the whole idea.
@guitarista67 Ай бұрын
It's important to remember that transgender is a condition. It affects a very small percentage of people and it is something not functioning properly in someone's psychology and neurology. That alone should make everyone far more compassionate and kind to trans people. Don't be cruel to trans people. They are living their lives the way they know how to.
@ryanthomas9306 19 күн бұрын
That’s fair, but don’t you agree real women deserve to have their fair opportunities in sport ? Away from males ?
@dreamypupper4080 17 күн бұрын
​@@ryanthomas9306 TL;DR: it's a non-issue with any self-respecting sports administration. And is only an issue when it comes to local sports competitions with like no regulation. Honestly it shouldn't even be a topic of widespread discussion. We have sports administrations that have spent decades to centuries overseeing their respective sport to determine what is and isn't fair, and they *already* have regulations in place preventing any significant advantage from occurring. In order to actually compete with the opposite sex you have to have received medical care that makes you very close to the opposite sex in terms of biology. Hell, to be honest, the nature of these regulations kind of ensures trans people are at a disadvantage. Since the nature of the medical care provided to trans women for example, effectively carpet bombs their testosterone levels below that of the average woman by the time they're allowed to compete. Then you have to consider that the average woman has significantly less testosterone than average female athletes, which are themselves ridiculously outclassed by the freaks of nature that you see on the international stage.
@ryanthomas9306 17 күн бұрын
@@dreamypupper4080tldr? I wrote two lines Stfu I could care less about someone who doesn’t give a shit about others
@darkmatter9651 Ай бұрын
this movie relies on an outdated myth about the "10% of the human brain being all we use", something that has been disproven over time. The science inconsistencies are kind of there because... that's the whole point. The film is more a device for philosophical readings about humanity and the nature of humans to destruct and other hugely nerdy complex literature interpretations. At no point is the science really supposed to be taken seriously. This entire nitpicky eleven minute yapping fest is kind of unnecessary, even if it is a little funny.
@davidmicheletti6292 Ай бұрын
I cannot fully explain my situation as to gender dysphoria or transgender or transsexual but let me explain a little. When I was born my right testis failed to drop into the strotum so at age ten I had surgery for a undescended testis. When I woke up my right side had a huge scar instead of a small one I expected. I was in the hospital about a week and clearly something else was found in me but no one spoke of it to me nor did my parents ever indicate what was done. One hospital staff hinted to me but then failed to tell me more. Keep in mind I was all of ten years old. This staff member pointed to another boy in my ward and said they had to change this child into a girl something that could have happened to me. She was talking crazy to me, could boys become girls? How did she know that I felt as If I should have been born a girl. Was this child being punished? I clamed up and never spoke of what happened during this week in the hospital. Over the years I went about trying to live my life. My puberty was greatly delayed as this now repaired undescended testis failed to grow to normal adult size. The other testis did mature but it too never grew to normal adult size. I did marry but sex was difficult for me for several reasons. One I was underdeveloped and two there was the phycological issue that I was in part female. My wife did help me and we found ways of making our life work for us. We even managed to produce a child after many years of trying. After twenty some years of marriage that undeveloped testis started to grow very rapidly but my new doctors refused to do even the basic tests and the few that were done were done by incompetent doctors. Finely I demand this testis be removed. The surgeon did do the surgery to remove the testis while I was wide awake non the operating table. The moment he cut me open a ten cm malignant germ cell teratoma and an attached ovotestis came out of me. There was no testis. X-rays found more masses in my upper abdomen of 17.5 cm. These were removed at the Mayo Clinic four months later. As I turned out this last mass was only a germ cell teratoma. My Alphafeto protein was 10200 and the HCG test was extremely high. In a very strange way I was a woman as this last teratoma had limbs, eyes, skin, bone, a fetus. I felt like a women in a very real sense of the word. My wife of many years realizes to that I am both male and female. All the surgeries and treatments have done a job on my body. I am even less of a male these days and I could care less. Yet because of the fact the cancer took the form of ovarian cancer I cannot take estrogen to become a women. Im just stuck. I tell people my little story as a way of conveying the human body is extremely complex. I fall into the category of intersex someone has a sexual development that is far different than the norm. I remember this horrid days as a child in the early 1960s and all the surgeries and chemo and many sort of related surgeries. The one thing that could have helped me as a child would have been for them to take my hand and explain to me what they found and did for me. But I guess they were even more ignorant than many people are today.
@nevenmesic2856 Ай бұрын
Masculanisation of the brain...wow that is peek science
@bembou4043 Ай бұрын
I dont understand, I thought that gender and the concepts of feminity and masculinity were social constructions, so why does the video talks abt the femininisation and masculinisation of the brain in the womb?
@GDRhythmic Ай бұрын
They're learned behaviours. Masculinization of the brain in the womb doesn't mean making you like dinosaurs and trucks. It means giving you a male brain. That's why in other cultures they're different.
@Wasp239 Ай бұрын
Brain is biological, physical and material. Trans people have the brain of sex they claim o be. Trans men are biological men
@alannormal226 Ай бұрын
This is crazy there are and always will be only two sexes and some freaks. You shouldn't encourage self destruction.
@othneilable Ай бұрын
Well please explain why there are other scientists who did not accept what you are saying.
@Maplesyrupiisyummy Ай бұрын
All the scientists support this, at least PHD researchers. Some other "researchers" didn't study anything and allow themselves to have opinions
@gordieboi2340 Ай бұрын
Because every scientist accepts this? Link me anti-trans articles or vids that have viable sources
@ryanthomas9306 17 күн бұрын
@@gordieboi2340why is Hillary cass not reliable in your words ?
@kalebyoung4141 14 күн бұрын
@@ryanthomas9306 Hillary Cass agreed with this science as well in her report
@ryanthomas9306 14 күн бұрын
@@kalebyoung4141no she didn’t. She specifically asked for better care and diagnostic criteria for these kids She requested an objective diagnostic criteria in order to medicalize children I too agree with cass
@muhammadsteinberg Ай бұрын
She's cute, but she looks ridiculous with that tie! If she was clairvoyant, she would have known I was going to say that.
@yossikenner882 Ай бұрын
So, people who act weird have a weird mismatch between their brain and their bodies, and therefore what? Does society need to change the definition of gender to fit the minority of minorities of crazy people? Or how about instead of lecturing us about the issue, tell the trans person that their brain is more similar to the opposite sex, and also explain to them that over 99% of humans don't have this condition. Maybe with this knowledge, they will consciously get over their dysphoria.
@laidbackgames4440 Ай бұрын
Wow. You tried really hard not to learn something new, didn't you?
@yossikenner882 Ай бұрын
@@laidbackgames4440 I learnt it, and now I have given you my opinion!
@gordieboi2340 Ай бұрын
By that logic, I guess that means that mildly Autistic people shouldn't be helped because most functional people don't have Autism
@ryanthomas9306 18 күн бұрын
@@gordieboi2340that makes no sense
@gordieboi2340 18 күн бұрын
@@ryanthomas9306 Neither does transphobia
@Supreme2k Ай бұрын
Your anecdote about the roles of men and women in a specific culture is completely out of place here and shows no connection to neuroscience nor transgenderism. It's a false narrative. Also, what does neuroscience say about that dress hindering your credibility?
@gordieboi2340 Ай бұрын
Rightists: The only form of political party that will "disprove" someone by pointing out their fashion sense