What's Next For SEA OF THIEVES
The NEW META in Sea of Thieves
@PHub-wv4ek 3 сағат бұрын
Puking on fire will put it out making bait useful in fights. The serpent sails are cool
@VioletSkyze123 12 сағат бұрын
Myth: If sail through the shroud, then return back to the sea of thieves without the shroudbreaker, there will be a guaranteed megaladon to spawn on your ship. VioletSkyze. Plunder Pass
@MaxSpeed-r1l 12 сағат бұрын
Myth: You can harpoon your boat into the dry dock at port merrick. MaxyMooMoos Serpent Sails
@jumbonumbers975 Күн бұрын
Myth you can harpoon the ships deck with harpoon gun on the decent of being shot out of the cannon
@Kayen.pepper Күн бұрын
Myth: You can put boiling water in a bucket after being in the devils roar or fighting an ashen lord and use it after diving for hourglass as a very minor PvP advantage KayenPepper
@YoureWrongImRightGetOverIt Күн бұрын
I always come back to videos like this to see if they added some sorta short cut or something to the skele curses. I just cant be asked to grind 100 lvls of hourglass, its playing 30-50 hours of something I hate, for something I only slightly want.
@Silas1234._. Күн бұрын
My myth is can ps5 players get the plunder pass or the serpant sail giftet (Silas2D)
@CheesLess Күн бұрын
When you attach a lure dart to a team mate and spawn friendly skeletons with a bone caller, they will attack your teammate Cheesless2816 Serpent Sails
@Iminyourattick Күн бұрын
Myth- is the shrouded ghost actually real Username-Mythical1066 Serpent lie sails pwease
@gabewillis1337 Күн бұрын
you can pull someone twords you while being cannoned over a ship (to possibly win a hourglass fight) with a clutch Username:Gabulator serpant sails
@Table-qu2os Күн бұрын
Myth u can extinguish a lit keg with a horn of fair winds User: SeannyMac0309 Want: serpent sails
@Dakaiyt Күн бұрын
Myth: Using a harpoon gun to pick up an ammo pouch will restore your ammo on all weapons. GT: Dakaiyt Serpent sails
@stanisawsztachelski5328 Күн бұрын
Guys u think if i will go on gold shores and with loot mąkę a huge world "marry xmas" by diging loot and when u will look on map u will see the world u think i could win?
@Silas_Barbour Күн бұрын
It won’t all be on the same map.
@AnimatedLemur Күн бұрын
Myth u can get harpooned while in a chest disguise and not get kicked out (LemursRus8407)
@anlatacevik918 Күн бұрын
spend 30k point in last giveaway and lose twice with 25% this is my funniest moment ig
@HeadSlayer 2 күн бұрын
Myth :- Ignite a barrel of gunpowder and then throw water on it with bucket it will get defused Gamertag :- HeadSlayerOP I need plunderpass
@cpt4tap703 2 күн бұрын
So when i submit a video or screenshot its not an automatic reward? Or is it like entering a chance to win a reward in some sort of giveaway?
@anlatacevik918 2 күн бұрын
Myth: taking/trigering loaded/empty traps with harpoon gun Serpent sails Yozguard
@casualmunch6320 2 күн бұрын
Myth: you can stop a Meg from attacking you by jumping in the water and shooting one of the normal sharks that spawn with a lure dart. The lure dart will attract that the Meg, but the Meg can’t pathfind to attack the shark, so it just stops attacking. Gamertag: CasualMunch Serpent Sails
@Steepmini 2 күн бұрын
What channel should clips or screenshots be posted in?
@Synicall 2 күн бұрын
#Holiday Event
@Synicall 2 күн бұрын
Event Requirements 1) join the discord discord.com/invite/TDCh3N4 2) subscribe to the channel/follow on twitch 3) submit your entry!
@raisaagnieszka8889 2 күн бұрын
What do you mean with submit my entry!p, sorry?
@awaabusman6746 16 сағат бұрын
Where do i submit my entry cuz I'm not getting any channels where I can post them
@BSammo1 2 күн бұрын
Myth - you can dodge cannon balls and sniper bullets if you you crouch Gametag BSammo Serpent sails
@MrHAPPYHAWAIIAN 2 күн бұрын
HAPPY HAWAIIAN (None), just want to hold hands as we cook snake around the campfire.😅❤
2 күн бұрын
Myth: all kegs have the same blast radius(serpent sails) Monkeyking7875
@noahmiller159 2 күн бұрын
hey Nonafett for the sails does two people shooting each other with the grapple gun pull them together?
@Centurion_XIV 2 күн бұрын
Myth: you can burry any treasure on any island to have a map, even in the Shores of gold, unsharted islands and sea dogs tavern So you can create funny treasure maps for the quest board GT: CenturionXIV549 Prize: Serpent lies sails And Thank you !
@PepeTheReal 2 күн бұрын
Myth: if you park your boat at the beginning of the red Sea and anchor it, you can hop of and swim through it. GT: Unmxtivertes Serphent Sails
@benrinehart7776 2 күн бұрын
Myth: crouching lets you dodge a cannonball that would otherwise have hit your upper body/head. (YaBoixBanjo, plunderpass please).
@optimax_08 2 күн бұрын
Hey ! Optimax7725 here, for the sails, the music you can hear inside any outpost tavern is the same played by the musicians in the PL hideout.
@kbwall92 2 күн бұрын
Myth: You can get rid of the traps limp effect by bringing your compass to your face. Sails please, JackGrimm6899
@timdomenic7407 2 күн бұрын
Myth: standing in the middle of an island with your ship and voting for scuttle with just blackscreen you after a while... Serpent Sails GoofiestYard438
@timdomenic7407 2 күн бұрын
Myth: with an harpoon rawboat the back pointed on a ship harpoon a keg and then shoot the harpoon to let the keg fly into your ship... Serpent Sails GoofiestYard438
@Toby117ac 2 күн бұрын
Holy crap thank you so much man for using my myth
@poskokosko 2 күн бұрын
Myth: puking in water will turn it green, so ur ship water will be green AlfaUrosPakke is my GT and blundepass please...( Pls don't lag out comment)
@poskokosko 2 күн бұрын
Additional... If you puke on your pet, they will shake the puke, (or water also works) cutely 🥰
@RevBombRR 2 күн бұрын
Myth: If you harpoon someone in a disguise, they will remain in the disguise until they land on the ship. I haven't seen anyone trying this and I don't have a friend to try it with. GT: RevBombRR Serpent Sails
@DaWizards456 2 күн бұрын
Myth: You can blow out a keg that has been ignited using the horn of fair winds. Gamtertag: Wizards456 Serpent sails
@shoigoi2071 2 күн бұрын
If you put a keg on a stove (the ones on islands you have to light) it will light and explode i saw it on an other guys channel but am yet to try it out. ShoiGoi Serpent Sails
@Primo_Tren 2 күн бұрын
Myth: if you throw boiling water from a volcano or ashen lord onto a keg it will ignite Bruhmoment5000 Serpent sails
@coolstanley5790 2 күн бұрын
DieGuteDoc here (SERPENT SAILS PLEASE) It is to my knowledge that traps will trigger a chain reaction when they go off if they are set in proximity to each other, so with a full galleon crew, is it possible to shoot off 17 fireworks relatively simultaneously??? (8 in the cannons, 8 with traps given each crewmate sets two, and one in the cannon rowboat) I love the idea of a massive fireworks display with just one ship!
@tdtj7137 2 күн бұрын
First, I don’t think I am
@Mioxitty 2 күн бұрын
Hey Synn, my friend Havok who won serpent sails from you on the video about projectiles destroying traps, hasn't received his yet. He wrote his gamertag as HaVoK OO7, I was hoping it isn't an issue of confusion with O and zero at the end of the name.
@znorken 3 күн бұрын
Myth: You can comment a myth on this post and Synicall will reward you with the serpent sails. Zorkerlind Serpent Sails
@nic2097 3 күн бұрын
I don't know if this is still a thing but when you run right after shooting a dart and before it lands, then it will cancel the effects. I know it works with the poison dart and the explosive dart, but I don't know about the lure dart. It's possible this is what is happening
@benwilkie8346 3 күн бұрын
Myth: Ringing the ship's bell while rapidly blocking with the sword kicks you out of the game. Serpent Sails IGN: INoodle42
@ItsIsaaac 3 күн бұрын
Myth: you can hit friends with explosive darts Gamer tag:TheGoose7524 I would love the plunder pass for that sweet sweet clothing set
@ernstvaniterson8527 3 күн бұрын
Myth: the burning blade is unsinkable and the sinktimer will not finish as long as someone is constantly trying to pleadge allegiance to flameheart and the ship and letting go right before fully finishing. Robinfirecat. Id like the Plunderpass.
@Abbenhammer 4 күн бұрын
Myth: Lighting a keg while holding it within the FOTD vault, while simultaneously starting FOTD, still causes an explosion in the vault GT: Elysian Essence Award of Choice: Serpent Sails
@KnubbeN1 4 күн бұрын
@PersonHello 4 күн бұрын
Myth is monkey island compatible with the grapple gun
@Ashtontee16 4 күн бұрын
For when mimic dart is out Myth what happens if you shoot an animal with the mimic dart GT ashtontee16 Serpent sails