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Talking Distal with Dragon Mind
Is D&D Heroic, anymore?
4 ай бұрын
Creating with Confidence in 2024
@lightfighter4evr 21 сағат бұрын
have these younger folk that are attempting to cut corners ever watched a boxing match or MMA or even an action movie??? Not every swing of a weapon or punch hits.
@potator9000 Күн бұрын
I remember being 16 watching all of these reviews being new to the game I got the inhabitants after putting my children to.bed to watch these again. I miss how new this game use to be but I'm so thankful for the memories I made.
@docmacabre 2 күн бұрын
"We can be heroes!" Yeah, King Cailan thought so, too, in Origins. And then he got squished like a lemon by an ogre.
@gamerschoice3277 3 күн бұрын
Varric once suggested to the inquisitor that they should run away from the literal end of the world. That’s how afraid he was. Now he’s laughing about darkspawn lol
@MYSweetOblivion 3 күн бұрын
The art style looks very much like a cartoon
@snage-thesnakemage 4 күн бұрын
what are you using as a text editor cus holy shit that is beutiful!
@WrelPlays 4 күн бұрын
That's "Notion". It's a good place to store thoughts. Not super excited with how it handles some things, like tables, though.
@sofajockeyUK 6 күн бұрын
Darkness, pain, and trauma are totally back, though granted they are not showcased in the character trailer.
@ihavecrabs56 6 күн бұрын
u should do a comparison between this and dragon age origins gameplay trailer. i just watched it a few minutes ago and was taken ABACK at how far theyve drifted from the original concept lol. there was blood, ugly hordes, it was grimy, and had sex appeal. even the music was like completely 180 from this! i remember playing dao in my room in high school and as i was playing i was talking to my friend (a girl) on the phone. i remember i had asked who i should romance zevran or liliana. she had acrush on me so obviously she chose liliana but in the end i chose zevran. quite the foreshadowing in my life since i turned out gay LOL anyways, i bring this story up because if you look at the dao trailer, many would assume and label it as probably a game for straight guys with veilguard being more progressive and accepting. but in reality, as a bi teen even i was able to enjoy dao! the game didnt need the pixar aesthetic and the disney voice over. it didnt need sanitization. i prefer stylized art because as you said it can stand the test of time, but at least add a twist to make it their own... if they wanna do the goofy pixar/disney style, make the enemies ugly! show some blood gushing/splattering! give the characters some sex appeal! where is the maturity? this felt like a teen rated game, while the dao trailer was UP FRONT about how mature the game was. it wasnt afraid. in fact, it leaned into those themes!
@techlorknight338 7 күн бұрын
The art style for this game to me, resembles what Fable 3 would look like in 2024. I am a fan of the fable series just like i am of dragon age...... with that being said, i do not like this art direction for dragon age.
@ianmurray8925 7 күн бұрын
Dragone age has not been good since origins. They have done nothing but dumb it down for people. When i can mindlessly hack my way to victory, the story wont matter anymore because im to bored to even try to get through it. If you want a good story read a book people. Stop dumbing down my games please. Its a game not a movie!
@GDExodus 7 күн бұрын
100 bucks says someone releases a mod to make the black Warden white a month into the game's release.
@spiritualspinster4222 7 күн бұрын
After watching this video, I was devastated as I have been playing Dragon Age since origins came out. You are right. There is no sense of danger or foreboding in it. The red flags for me were the splashy titles of the characters on the screen. The video also screams DEI. I later watched the gameplay video which really didn't get me hyped despite all the fan boys pushing it screaming "Bioware is back". I didn't see that in the video. All I saw was a Solas appearance at the end attempting to keep the old fans engaged. That being said I will wait until the game comes out and I can watch player reviews before I decide to buy the game.
@noahbuster4333 7 күн бұрын
Dragon Age: Raid Shadow Legends for the modern audience
@slugshotgun 7 күн бұрын
It sucks that it's once again not a direct improvement of the game a lot of DA fans got crazy about in 2009 but then again, for as good as it might have been, they'll want it to appeal to most gamers in order to sell more copies. BG3 stuck to formula and it was without a doubt an amazing game but the fact that it was a hardcore turn based CRPG still turned away a huge number of gamers, even if they can clearly see the appeal and why so many people loved it.
@elissacousland44 7 күн бұрын
I saw the trailer and felt immediately betrayed but thought "okay... let's wait for the gameplay." The gameplay only solidified my horror. I started out with Origins. Absolutely loved it, replayed it several times. I never got into DA2 much, but grew to understand its addition and I'll probably go back to play it at some point. Inquisition took me a while to get into, but the lore was so incredible and spawned so many questions and plot bunnies in my mind that it's actually become my favorite, top-heavy side quests notwithstanding. The art is gorgeous. It still holds up well 10 years later. But this? What the fuck is this? Like... what am I supposed to do with this Fortnite-looking, clunky-dialogue-having, Varric-and-Solas-ruining pile of halla-dung? I'm so mad. But more than that, I'm sad. I feel like an old friend has died, and some asshat has taken the skin of my dead friend and is wearing it around like a costume that doesn't fit right. I hate EA. I hate them so much. Better to have left the story unfinished than to give us this. I'm so tired of my favorite IPs being reduced to watered-down swill.
@Ugouka12 7 күн бұрын
I honestly don't mind the art style, and I think people are getting way too angry at a single trailer. The trailer wasn't the best by any means, but as you said in the video, it's a trailer meant to grab a wider audience. Longtime fans are going to play it anyway, and it will more likely than not feel like dragon age when actually playing it. I don't view having more people getting into a franchise I enjoy as a bad thing. At the end of the day we just got a companion reveal trailer set to an odd choice of music. The gameplay reveal trailer (while it also has some issues) already shows a much more dragon age vibe. If the art kills it for you, that's unfortunate. But as covered, stylized art is better for longevity and accessibility for lower end PC's.
@nightcliff5411 8 күн бұрын
so you are still going to buy the game, that is part of the problem, speak with your wallet people.
@mariadelpilarcambrabrown4176 8 күн бұрын
Spot on.
@ChocoleteCookie. 8 күн бұрын
I don't think playing the game begrudgingly is the way. We saw what mass protest can do to Helldivers. I know EA is different from Sony, but I don't think a massive negative review pile on a game at launch bodes well for the game and the franchise. We decide with our money what these companies will do. If this is how Dragon Age dies and never returns, I'd rather that happen than getting another installment of the same disappointment 10 years later.
@Tausify 8 күн бұрын
Also nobody fights like this in Dragon Age and most of this looks like a cheap family friendly Dishonored knockoff game plus they reduced the Qunari into a cartoon cow.
@FantasticJames47 8 күн бұрын
Dragon Age : Shadow
@jtheo1450 8 күн бұрын
I have a PS4 still. I was planning on getting a PS5 and dragon age but not sure now. I'm going to wait until it is out and people play it. Are there bugs, other ea woes in it? If so, not worth 580 dollars.
@maverick4151 8 күн бұрын
I bought and started playing DA:O on release date, I bought and started playing DA2 on release date, I pre-ordered Inquisition and started playing on release date. After checking out the gameplay reveal, I can say with 100% certainty I will not pre-order or buy and play this on release date. Instead chances are like 50/50 I won't play it at all, or play it when it's on sale for next to nothing many years from now. But hey since they went with the cartoon graphic it should still look good then.
@sushiwade4095 8 күн бұрын
Gameplay out. Atmosphere it's like Inquisition. The "darkness" is not really a problem, there are other factors that are a bit worrying.
@WrelPlays 8 күн бұрын
I just saw the gameplay. The atmosphere is good, like you mention. I'm really, really put off by the single-player style action combat. I went from "Yes, I'm still going to play it" to "Iiiiiii'm actually not sure now."
@reemoo8272 8 күн бұрын
Pretty sure darkspawn blood is like poison, so that bird thing would die if any got in its mouth or whatever but yeah lets just say its immune. I mean, I may be wrong but isn't that why you drink darkspawn blood in the first game to be able to fight them? I agree with Wrel that they are just focusing so hard to make the characters unique while the source material goes out the window.
@SweetToothInc 8 күн бұрын
Im getting Saints Row flashbacks Remove all the seriousness and replace it with cartooney cringe lords
@CombativeMedic 8 күн бұрын
"We're going to play it regardless." That may be what they think, but I'm not spending my hard earned money and precious time on this slop.
@jnechols8863 8 күн бұрын
Let's talk real for a minute. I've been gaming for better part of 30yrs....I'm 50 now...spent 10 years waiting for this game...with today's economy, I was willing to shell out the bucks for it....then the trailer dropped 😢looks like I'm going to be having a nice steak dinner out instead. Who did they think would be buying this game? I refuse to drop $ on a maybe it might be good 🤷. No thank you. I fear for ME4
@rastez6961 8 күн бұрын
Everything and I mean EVERYTHING the progressives ghouls touch turn to pure GARBAGE. These people don't care about making a video game. They care about RUINING established license.
@maxwell_edison 8 күн бұрын
if this is outdated what do i watch now to see? I want to know difference between anti air things
@alexcolon8473 8 күн бұрын
I played dragon age 4 already. It was just called Baldurs gate 3
@tameelah3839 8 күн бұрын
I have played all the Dragon Age games, I still have the original CD's for Origin. This "trailer" is not what Dragon Age is about. This thing looks more like a hero shooter, all the bright colours and upbeat music is not DA. The Darkspawn looks like bobble heads? Where is the blood, the gore? Have none of them ever heard the poem when you are moving towards the Broodmother? Varric doesn't even look like himself. That Veil jumper is just out of order, at the end of Trespasser Solas has control of the Eluvian network. I won't be paying for this trash if this is what it looks like. I will go back to BG3, at least that is a decent game.
@N0madS0uL84 8 күн бұрын
Indeed, not nearly gritty enough, lost itself, DA1 was still my favourite for the story, DA3 was also great, but this....looks like something from Overwatch, cartoon, comical...which it never was suppose to be. But then I am not totally surprised. I still believe whatever EA and their so called target audio analysts, media gurus and trend officers, or whatever you can call them touch is ruined from the inception of it, they should get out of gaming, they taint everything and Bioware is a shell of it self.
@alangantzer5289 8 күн бұрын
If you are a Inquisition fan and are upset, imagine me who's a Dragon Age Origins fan. 😅 DA:I is good though, is different from Origins but still Dragon Age.
@KaletheQuick 8 күн бұрын
I only played Origins. Then met the devs at PAX whem DA 2 was revealed and with the fundamental gameplay change i left the franchise. Really liked the origins system. Trying to incorporate something similar in a game I'm working on now.
@KhadiPlays 8 күн бұрын
You're asking if this feels like Dragon Age? Brother, neither DA2 nor Inqusition felt like Dragon Age. Big problem with this series is that the direction was always all over the place. DA1 was not only dark, it was deeply tragic and unsettling in a cosmic horror kind of way. Anybody remember the brood mothers? It still makes me shiver to this day. Then 2 went anime with some character designs (Hawke, Fenris, Flemmeth), as much as I love Hawke and crew I still think the designs were cringe and the game is medicore overall. And doesnt even come close to the dread of the first one. Inqusition? Oh I liked it alright, gameplay wise. Party wise? If I could delete good half of the companions from existance I would. And the whole feel of the game just screamed adventure fantasy to me. It was a game about the end of the world that felt like an Indiana Johnes movie. So on that note it doesn't surprise me one bit that they thought this wouod fly. All the 3 previous games were in different genres and progressively less and less dark. I have no idea what is suppsed to be dark fantasy about Inqusition. End of the world stakes? LOTR has that too, is LOTR a dark fantasy? I don't know if this is popular or unpopular opinion but to me the only Dragon Age game was the first one, and this is just a 3rd watpad fanfic I get instead of getting Dragon Age 2.
@Chrysonoe 8 күн бұрын
I am beyond destroyed and my day is ruined. These are my thoughts. Loved how you presented it. Thanks :3
@shawnb5899 8 күн бұрын
Wow, we have have come a long way from stories of Grey Wardens drinking Darkspawn blood in the joining ritual, Desire Demons, Rage Demons, and all the horrors waiting in the Deep Roads. Prepare yourself for a heartwarming romp through Thedas, with your plucky companions Varric and Harding, as they sample the local ale and make light work of forgettable enemies! The trailer doesn't say any of that of course... but that's what I got from it.
@juliebear1505 8 күн бұрын
It took me a while to figure out why I am so upset. I had a gut feeling of awfulness which took even me by surprise DA is not Disney or Pixar it is a mature adult game with in-game consequences. Maturity, depth and tone are missing in this trailer. All the characters here feel they were created by someone who had no concept of what is DA all about. In fact, I took an instant loathing to all of them. They need to fix this or it's going to bomb.
@ivansmaic6124 9 күн бұрын
So, as someone who has never played a Dragon Age game I'm not familiar with the setting. Nor was I going to bother with watching the trailer to Veilguard but I did any how, which lead me to searching up the inquisition trailers too, and just Wow, I see what you are saying! A good friend of mine who has recommended many games for me to play has always talked about Inquisition in a good light but it's just one of many in a looong roster of games I have yet to play and I still are not sure when or if I'll play it but it now takes higher priority. any how, now to watch the rest of the video)
@mewmewsasfirebell 9 күн бұрын
Lion King azz music
@TheDutchTexanGames 9 күн бұрын
That necromancer really was the worst offender alongside the veil jumper. Just the entire up beat PG13 direction of this trailer has me put off and like you I had to put my thoughts together in a video. The gameplay reveal tomorrow was originally supposed to be 15 minutes. It is going to be 20 minutes now. I wonder why? Right, salvage what they destroyed with the original DA fans / players. All hope is on the gameplay trailer now. If it's trash and doesn't show some of the very dark stuff DA is known for we're up the creek. Especially if you love Mass Effect. Because BioWare is likely not going to survive another failure.
@magenpie_4009 9 күн бұрын
First time I've watched your channel and agree about the art style - I'm hoping this is only for the trailer - but when you are talking about Disney, Emmerich - that older male mage - he looks like 'Captain Hook' without his wig. And totally agree about the Darkspawn. Terrible trailer (I hope) and don't get me started on the murder of 'Heroes' to a bland dirge. Awful.
@Cloud_District 9 күн бұрын
I'd like to say that I'm shocked how the trailer turned out to be, but I've already lost all hope for the Dragon Age franchise when I saw what they did with the Mass Effect franchise when Andromeda came out. This trailer feels like it is promoting a mobile game, not the dark and gritty nature of all the other Dragon Age games. At this point, they should just remaster Origins and leave this franchise in peace not in pieces.
@rastapayne7332 9 күн бұрын
You can tell a lot about a game by the font they use. Book, helvetica with purple screams Ubisoft f2p hero shooter
@shan9usfc 9 күн бұрын
Veil Jumper aka copy paste Wraith from Apex legends lmfao?
@dolbz 9 күн бұрын
i can see EA suits watching the original trailer and going: Can you make it more like Fortnite - Overwatch and Legend of legends trailer hahahha And no they do not AREADY have us at all... And ltos of devs find that out the hard way...