@TheMikesylv 6 сағат бұрын
Driving home after work and not remembering any of it. You know you did it but can recall a single thing about it . I guess this is the difference between the two consciousness
@user-ru5xz3lz9c 10 сағат бұрын
Bernard's model is not an analytical idealism but analytical realism from my perspective. This revolutionary theory will change the world today or tomorrow.
@PuBearsticks 7 сағат бұрын
Please explain. As a consciousness as fundamental theory it seems firmly planted in the realm of idealism
@user-ru5xz3lz9c 10 сағат бұрын
I am an ordinary person, but I understand almost everything that Bernardo says! He has the magical ability to explain any super complex subject into very simple terms. What a genius person! All the best wishes for this extraordinary man
@ashcam1791 3 сағат бұрын
I absolutely agree! He is amazing. It's unfortunate the interviewer was unable to grasp some of the concepts Bernardo was trying to convey, and thought it was because of his lack of knowing higher math or not being an academic. Not necessary at all. I wish Bernardo didn't stop with that line of thought... so interesting (around the @40:00 min mark)! A friend of mine who also has magical way of taking abstract/complex concepts and making them graspable shared this example with me, which I think is applicable to what Bernardo is describing... "A bird does not fly because it has wings. A bird has wings because it flies" Sidenote: I have always wanted to see a conversation between Bernardo and that friend... both are incredible minds. If anyone knows how to get in contact with Bernardo to put in such a request, please let me know. It is only because of this friend that I am aware of Bernardo in the first place, and have no problem following his conversations.
@user-ru5xz3lz9c 10 сағат бұрын
Egg 🥚 is a good example rather than domino.
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 12 сағат бұрын
I'm not an academic in this field but, I spent spent several hundred hours reading the essential papers, books, and youtube presentations by Bernardo and the others. It seems to me that they're essential linkages probably go on past death, thoughts and emotions are linked by meaning. The acquisition of Mimi to me seems to be that point with mind. Could be modeled as a superposition. Perfect understanding with interiority non-clonable. Does Bernardo think meaning a crucial link at the heart 37:35 of construction of mind?
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 13 сағат бұрын
It's believed in the collective unconscious and synchronicity and keeping more complex. 32:14
@maciekardanowski5327 23 сағат бұрын
"... Let's pretend that it's a detail... " :D
@seacaster Күн бұрын
Where ever 2 or more are gathered in my name I am there among them. Group IIT?
@JodieJenkins114 Күн бұрын
would it be possible in any neurological testing to actually detect all this and measure the activity of whats doing what in the brain.. id absolutley love to gain some clarity so i can learn about myself and understand myself and accept myself .. i want a real time experience just in my body and through just my physical eyes. i dont wanna watch me live my life i wanna experience fully the 'living' bit.
@JodieJenkins114 Күн бұрын
loved this thankyou, in my experience, ever since i was a little girl iv had this metacognition, i always watched the other kids and wondered how they could be so engulfed in their play that they were completley unaware of anything else going on around them. i have always felt like iv missed out on my moments because the metacognition has taken more dominance in my moment of experience that im not actually experiencing it im being directed by awareness of metacognition but in my actual lived moment so how can i be doing both at thesame time.. i experience my moment as subject but its directed from meta alongside which splits me as an of the experience and being the experience.. theres something also at the same time thats aware of these two seperate experiences or perceptions so i feel quite intruded by whats outside of me in my experience. i want to just experience and exist in my moment like the other kids used to do.. im sharing my experience with my meta so i struggle to get engulfed in my existence in that moment.. its alwats there simultaneously, as its happening im living through the illusion in my mind of my reality as im in it. i dont understand why its something that i feel is blocking my actual experience of having fun in real life there and then. how do i stop that part of the meta from intruding my real time existence in my moment. i just want to be. its exhausing me and when you know its a fun moment, its taking away the full feeling of being in reality. i know how i feel as i feel it, i know what im thinking as i think, i see myself knowing how i feel while im feeling.. could go on and on.. im trying to figure out how to get rid of it so i can just be engilfed in my reality and feel it in real without watching me feeling and knowing im watching the experience of feeling when im feeling i dont want to be a spectator aswell i just want to be subject. its constant since a child.. its like having a god energy watching all the time which is yourself but not in body .. makes having privacy an issue cuz its never just me and my ego in real time.. like i feel it should be.. so much clarity from this thankyou.. iv been reading about cognitive polyphasia it has relations its what led me here xx
@zantecarroll4448 Күн бұрын
is the number five 'many'? is that what he said ?? referring to free will as an incoherent concept
@imaginaryuniverse632 Күн бұрын
Y pluribus unum. From one cause many effects. 🔯⚛️
@paleoghost Күн бұрын
Brilliant as always. Question: what is the argument surrounding metacognition, loss of metacognition, and then reacquisition through memory reflection? For example, if a person who is metacognitive of something like an alien abduction, they then lose time and forget, and later are able to recall memories through hypnotic regression? Once metacognition is achieved, can it be lost? Can you comment on this Bernardo?
@cheri238 Күн бұрын
Amazing 👏
@paulkeogh9604 Күн бұрын
So easy to miss but oh so profound; ~55min: Bernardo says, “Information is a way to characterise the discernible dynamics of qualitative states.”
@The.Watcher.2024 Күн бұрын
@@paulkeogh9604 what's profound about that?
@dazlemwithlovelight Күн бұрын
Congratulations to Fidias on his election win and thank you for sharing. Cheers.
@zak2659 Күн бұрын
I love Kastrup's love for Euler's equation haha. As a mathematics major, it is beautiful indeed.
@SeiroosFardipour-sy3sh Күн бұрын
The world of projection could acknowledge as unchangeable what appears to be changeable is uniquely quality into quantity and inversely but the balance remains the same
@SeiroosFardipour-sy3sh Күн бұрын
A tapestry or the M Blanket VERY WISE SCIENTIST THIS PERSON has motives those motifs represent something(s) which are motivated due to external existence .
@babylundun Күн бұрын
@user-kv7bs7ug8u 2 күн бұрын
I want to live in the “wow” ❤!
@Mandibil 2 күн бұрын
So.. is a tomato still a tomato ?
@ashcam1791 3 сағат бұрын
There is no spoon!
@pascaldefalco8042 2 күн бұрын
Douglas Hofstadter in his famous book "Gödel, Escher, Bach" already alluded to "strange loops", such as the ones present in Gödel's theorem (& illustrated notably in J-S Bach's compositions and Escher's paintings), as a self-referential aspect of nature that could point to the very principle of metacognition, & therefore, to consciousness itself.
@give_me_hope Күн бұрын
@@pascaldefalco8042 but hostadter resort to physicalism in the end of that book .
@pascaldefalco8042 Күн бұрын
@@give_me_hope in the end does it really... matter? Once we turn physicalism on its head, Nature having this built-in capacity for self-reference -as Gödel's theorem shows- would only reflect the inherent property of MAL acting "underneath" it, dashboard-like if u will, wouldn't it?
@GIawarenessmusic 2 күн бұрын
@margueriteoreilly2168 2 күн бұрын
Cool 😎 🆒️ 😎 Belfast Ireland 🇮🇪
@minnjony 2 күн бұрын
How does "the external world affect the state of the retina " if only a representation. If represtations affect representations than doesn't this become a linguistic replacement for matter?
@adventuresinawareness 2 күн бұрын
Hello! My understanding is that both the external world and the retina are representations of movements in the mind. So it's not really the external world effecting the retina, it's a movement of mind at large impinging on one of its dissociated processes, and what that "looks like" when represented is light on a retina. A useful metaphor is when you click on an icon on your computer. It looks like the mouse is causing an effect, but it's just pixels changing colours, both the mouse icon and program are representations of movements happening invisible in the computer...
@twinblessings2125 Күн бұрын
@@adventuresinawareness you are truly a student of life. You're understanding of analytic idealism is so deep, I could be fooled into believing this is a comment by Bernardo himself. Cheers!
@minnjony Күн бұрын
Thanks so much for your reply! I have difficulty in understanding how an undifferentiated mind's excitations i.e. representations can interact with each other in so many profoundly different ways. It is easier to believe in chemistry! However Intuitively I think there is much to be said for Idealism!
@minnjony 2 күн бұрын
It would seem that representation has a great deal more power than one would normally associate with it! Why too, if mind is undifferentiated is it represented in such a multiplicity of different ways? Sorry, I know this is far from what this conversation is about but if anyone can help explain this I'd be hugely greatful! Thanks.
@vinceofyork Күн бұрын
It’s the same question as “why not?” Existence does what it does and our extremely limited agreed-upon mouth sounds are not going to solve this anytime soon. See Cantor’s paradox.
@minnjony Күн бұрын
Ok. Thanks for your reply. I find it easier to believe there is substance to the reality of many different types of matter than that one mind that is the same can produce so much that is different. But perhaps I need to think in a more abstract way!
@minnjony 2 күн бұрын
Thank you A in A! I love how you pursue your questions. I have a basic one. How does the undifferentiated mind produce such a myriad of different effects on us when the physical is represntational? I've been looking through many of Bernado's videos and still can't find where this is addressed.
@herminagrbac3443 Күн бұрын
We ARE both Undifferentiated and Expressed. The core Essence is the only "thing" ( No thing ) that IS. There is no such thing as one thing effecting the other.
@thyhandrevolve 2 күн бұрын
Seems to me that IIT actually corelates perfectly, and even poetically -- to the underlying conclusions made from the findings, made by Alan Green’s: "Shakespeare Decoded" -- 7 episode series🤯 👏 🫶
@adventuresinawareness 2 күн бұрын
Cool! Can you say more?
@Pretaviana0137 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!!!
@adventuresinawareness 2 күн бұрын
You're so welcome!
@robertamcknight3175 2 күн бұрын
Universe is a divine presence and process
@Larcey 2 күн бұрын
Amazing conversation. Thank you!
@adventuresinawareness 2 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!
@robertamcknight3175 2 күн бұрын
Witnessing the April total eclipse at a lake in New York, the eclipse created waves that lapped the shore Very interesting example of the matrix in which we live/perceive
@robertamcknight3175 2 күн бұрын
Pattern recognition
@robertamcknight3175 2 күн бұрын
The mechanism of biofilm ~ polymers and many things are invisible to human limited perception
@robertamcknight3175 2 күн бұрын
Fibonacci magic 🪄
@robertamcknight3175 2 күн бұрын
Any thoughts on SOMA breathing or other breathing techniques and rhythm or frequency exercises
@adventuresinawareness 2 күн бұрын
Not personally Do you have any thing to share in the realm?
@awareness2625 Күн бұрын
Check out Reggie Ray
@MamunurRashidJibon 2 күн бұрын
@httt7760 2 күн бұрын
What about microtubules by Stuart Hameroff ? Is this the blanket sheet ? Information gets conscious
@kunyapornpipithsangchan1849 2 күн бұрын
Do you get the answer by now in the live?
@rafdominguez7627 2 күн бұрын
If life is sacrificial and we release into universal mind all our individual experiences upon death, then what happens when a person suffering memory loss dies?
@TheYellowshuttle 2 күн бұрын
Memory is different from Experiences. For example, one may experience a dream and not have any memory of it 2 days later. It's the raw Experiences that are left as footprints in the universal mind. When I say experience, I mean the "what it feels like"-ness in the moment. Not the one we use in context of Job Experience for example. The latter indeed is a set of memories of skills & such. An Experience always happen in the present moment.
@rafdominguez7627 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for correcting me, i really only mean one thing- memories. So i should have just stuck with that word and not used the word ‘experience 😊👏🏾
@TheYellowshuttle 2 күн бұрын
@@rafdominguez7627 Your question is very important & pertinent. Questions like these should be asked, if not for ourselves for the benefit of others on a similar journey.❤️ By the way, 2 things happen when we have a memory. One - we re-represent a past experience. Two - this re-represented memory is yet another new experience in the present. For example - if I have a memory of what the ice cream tasted like yesterday - (1) It's a re-representation of yesterday's experience. (2) This re-representation itself is a new experience happening now. Hence memory is never truly (faithfully) an experience of the past, rather it's a new experience happening in the present.
@rafdominguez7627 2 күн бұрын
@@TheYellowshuttle more than allegory pages 90-103👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@vinceofyork Күн бұрын
You are making the assumption that memories are stored in the brain somewhere but if you look into terminal lucidity or the experiments on flatworms growing back brand, new brains, and still having the same memories of their past brains, that would lead you to a possible conclusion that memories are not stored in the brain anywhere, but are more of a conduit for memory. If I smash my car radio with a hammer, I’m not going to actually damage the voices I hear coming out of the radio, I’m just damaging the structure that allowed the voices to be transmitted through it
@LearnAgon 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting 🤔
@michaeltraynor5893 2 күн бұрын
I always struggle with Bernardo. On the one hand there are no things and yet there is such a *thing* as life that pops into existence somewhere along the chain of abstraction. Full disclaimer I am also just triggered by his style of delivery so maybe I'm missing some nuance in what he says
@PLAYINGTOGETHER-nj8jt 2 күн бұрын
If it’s only mental who’s brain are we in?
@PLAYINGTOGETHER-nj8jt 2 күн бұрын
Hi can you explain what’s meant by being played by nature?
@dvrcdsuka 3 күн бұрын
Obviously very interesting But I have a hard time to believe that we can manifest our wishes It is an utopian theory from my point of view
@mbtrewick69 4 күн бұрын
Thoughts are things. Iamthungs
@user-pt4qd8fs8k 4 күн бұрын
Whatever can be objectively inferred, and that is to say 'objectively' measured and observed as an ever-changing arbitrary approximate of our rendering (or imagining) cannot be 'that' which is measuring or observing (or imagining) i.e. universal Consciousness; nonbinary, nonlinear & noncomputational Being or Mind or Context. Thus the unqualified 'objective' inference that 'is' the feeling or sensation misinterpreted to be 'an I' - isn't actually You' (the Absolute) but 'is', on the contrary, the crude sum TOTAL of all you 'objectively' conceive, perceive, and are not (i.e. the entirety of the imaginary 'objective universe' or data structure; an insentient projection of our continuous rendering or filtration) - if you do not 're-cog-nise' that primary illusion (i.e. that misinterpreted sensation or vibration assumed to be 'I') you (the Absolute) will imagine yourself (verb) to be looking from 'it' ('from' what you are not) as a non-existent 'object' or 'pronoun' now believed to be traversing a real 'timeline' (a nonexistent 'past'-future') - as an erroneously objectified 'subject' - when there is neither a real 'object' nor 'subject' happening - only pure Subjectivity alone exists (i.e. the 'shareable-wave' and not the imaginary 'particle'; an arbitrary approximate, unfound) - You!' (the timeless Absolute) are dreaming (verb) This very existence, right here and now, is indescribable or noncomputational. Basically, there exists ONLY 'the field' of Self-consciousness; being so intolerable that we compulsively project the unqualified inference of 'space-time-causality' for quasi 'company' or 'diversity' (imaginary 'multiplicity') For Nature (i.e. You!') abhors 'a vacuum' - that is to say; Self-consciousness or Mind ''abhors'' its universal and timeless identity of pure Being or pure potentiality that is the non-objective knowledge; 'I am' - prior to name or form i.e. indivisible Being - never really subject to inference ('space-time') despite any appearance or claim to the contrary - our inherent freedom as self-knowledge or pure Consciousness is so complete or conclusive that, creatively, a welcomed misidentity (or impossibility) is merely suggested, proposed (or projected) and thus an imaginary mourning of an ever-living and ever-loving Being seems to 'happen', such is the schizophrenia of infinite Being (Consciousness) such is our freedom.. #Selfhypnosis #Selftalk #Boundlessdreaming #Oneness
@crazy1gadgets1 4 күн бұрын
How would Kastrup describe the phenomenon of Lucid dreaming, I wonder...
@gramdeda 5 күн бұрын
Michael talks about all these fascinating experiments and yet, there’s no actual evidence for the existence of cells or DNA. So it’s almost like playing a really interesting VR game with only presumptive outcomes.
@demetrioskasabalis5536 5 күн бұрын
Superb dialogues! I immensely respect Federico and Bernardo! Thank you to both! If I may humbly make the following remark: "Survival of the fittest" does not mean "Survival of the strongest". It means "Survival of the most adaptive" (to be fit = to be in an optimum state of being). In other words, an organism that most easily adapts to its environment has increased chances of survival.