-soldier can fight his counter part -scout can too -the others can too but need teamwork -then we see spy doing a karate fight with his robot counterpart being long
@soldier92522 сағат бұрын
the red team allies keep dying bc at the mememoth therye whole team dies guess what? in the live let spy therye half team dies and in this one its the same yada yada again gaining new teamates just for them to die, just let them live man ☹️
@bloodtider_i23 сағат бұрын
i love how heavy is still alive watching sniper piss lol
@mrludwigva23 сағат бұрын
Babe wake up, The Winglet's making another before GTA VI (possibly)
@KingofAwesomness14Күн бұрын
and this is why you always pack the medi beam.
@BlakeBrown-l4oКүн бұрын
The administrator really said betrayal will not be tolerated
@The_Guy_is_hereКүн бұрын
Blu team propaganda
@generaltage4936Күн бұрын
@Rigby2.0-p9cКүн бұрын
0:22 I honestly feel really bad for medic he looks so sad💀😭🙏
@psykovКүн бұрын
they all keep walking forward and all trip on the root
@LucyDumler2Күн бұрын
*p i s s t i m e*
@slayerofdoom4885Күн бұрын
If this was realistic, 16:01 would've counted as a headshot
@Kenody158Күн бұрын
Mu heheheh eh
@Kreger123-j5bКүн бұрын
if you slow down 0.25 at 15:23 the screams of blue sound much more creepier
@dominickbunnywolf967Күн бұрын
Now i wanna see tf2 vs marvel rivals. 😂
@BobbbyttКүн бұрын
God, I can't wait for the new upload! I can't stop binging all of your videos, you're one of the best SFM animators, I'd say you even rival the TF2 Animations, if not even top them!
@R.A.M.I-l7jКүн бұрын
this will be a legendary finale
@TokenTookenКүн бұрын
...family guy jokes
@LucasDellevoetКүн бұрын
This happen also tho me
@Rózuś-i9hКүн бұрын
Im know im late but happy brithday steamed toast ! 🎉🍞
@Kuroma77Күн бұрын
Ong the animation is still top tier
@Brandon_yipiКүн бұрын
2:41 "¿Whatsupp doc? Jejejeje" is funny😂
@soldier925Күн бұрын
the 7 scout refrence
@joshbrooks7445Күн бұрын
With Rick may gone. Who will be the new voice of soldier for Team Fortress 3? Or better yet who will be the new soldier to take his place as the new soldier?