What Did Japan Do During WW1?
Industrialization of War
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Battle of Moscow
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Soviets Who Helped the Nazis
Soviet-Afghan War
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The Toyota War | Animated History
@travisreed1730 6 сағат бұрын
6:25 I see you have a picture of Captain Sloth, the most FEARSOME swashbuckler to ever set to the 7 Seas.
@youtubesangryopinionramble1465 6 сағат бұрын
Battle of Saddam
@astikessymvaseis8858 6 сағат бұрын
The Italian forces used Albanian soldiers against a local population that was native Greek!! Very easy explained.
@tylercochell2253 6 сағат бұрын
The British/Canadian forces had some tactical success during the war and prevented the US from achieving its war goals. On the seas American aligned privateers did a number on British commerce while avoiding battle with the Royal Navy.
@FreedomandBaconHomestead 6 сағат бұрын
Excellent content, as always.
@tranquilo2023 6 сағат бұрын
So many wrongs in one video lol
@VictoriaStobbie 7 сағат бұрын
Nice hairline.
@philhallbrook7008 7 сағат бұрын
The Argentine perspective!? We got our asses handed to us, because an evil regime took the piss and told us lies. We had an evil regime too. As a northern Brit, Thatcher was probably more destructive for us than any tinpot dictator could ever be
@anotherscandinavian 7 сағат бұрын
"Maintain it's neutrality" 12 seconds in and I already know this video isn't going to be honest about what Sweden actually did; side with the nazis.
@MarkPollard-h4x 7 сағат бұрын
The narrative is one-sided what abount the sas destroying 12 argentina plane on the Falklands islands and only one sas man injured a raid that echos the sas in the second world war destroying Germany planes in north African
@MarkPollard-h4x 8 сағат бұрын
This is so one side the British marines fought for a long against the argentina forces until they had little ammo and rex hurt told the argentina comnder we be back and the did the santa fa was hit by helicopters and was Finnished off by sas sbs and marines the argentina had no right to be there the people wanted to stay British and in 2014 had a referumed to chose to be British or argentina and 97% voted to stay British so they the only who have a say
@Stoggler 8 сағат бұрын
8:18 why the British (well, London) policeman? Strange to see a policeman getting involved with foreign affairs! 8:39 “installed an Austrian noble”. He was rather more than a mere noble, he was the brother to the emperor, an archduke, and so royalty (that’s above nobility).
@PAN-hi7bn 8 сағат бұрын
Sorry, this is bs! You made it sound like the Greeks have been just audience in this battles. The British RAF helped occasionally but the fight was done only by the Greek battle proofed Balkan-war soldiers. This time you really should have rested at your armchair instead of making this episode.
@angelmon6 8 сағат бұрын
i heard a different story.... die grote trek...
@stevecox7570 9 сағат бұрын
Not really interested in their perspective. They waged a war of aggression to steal South Vietnam and then systematically fucked over almost everyone that lived south of the DMZ. They didn't want to reunify the country, they wanted to take over the land. The only thing the North Vietnamese did well was die. And it still took them over two years after the US left and stopped providing military support to the South to take the country. Of course, the communist masters aren't about to tell the true story of how they got where they are to their minions.
@petertaylor7134 9 сағат бұрын
The Falklands was colonised by the British and Argentina by the Spanish. The only difference between the two is Argentina became independent but to some how claim another colony is silly.
@ix69yn 9 сағат бұрын
It’s wild till this day that U.S. will ALWAYS be the big dawg now but still couldn’t beat them. 😮
@TheAnimaterChap 9 сағат бұрын
Oh my
@ix69yn 9 сағат бұрын
Now let’s talk about the American War from the Americans perspective 😂
@ravensthatflywiththenightm7319 9 сағат бұрын
I was just thinking of that one Gallipoli movie starring Mel Gibson.
@MikeCrusader 9 сағат бұрын
You got a pimple on your head
@charlieross-BRM 9 сағат бұрын
Voice over, sound effects, and music all going on constantly? Pick a lane man. :)
@plainbagel9192 9 сағат бұрын
The Downfall (2004)
@trevormj 9 сағат бұрын
So exactly why would the UK allow it's citizens on the Falklands to come under the reign of a military dictatorship that was so despised even in it's own country? It really is a no brainer that the UK would retake the Islands or die trying.
@lekoraxx5406 9 сағат бұрын
Imagine being an US soldier, knowing that you will die most likely being in 1st wave landing boats…
@FrostyCatPanzerV 9 сағат бұрын
Fun fact: When the berlin was callapsing, the Kurland, islands in France, Brest, Silesia, and Norway were still defending.
@fistinyourface7053 10 сағат бұрын
That's way better than propaganda narrative suggesting that the Soviets defended Moscow with the power of friendship and just steamrolled to Berlin.
@thomasraven2024 11 сағат бұрын
Millions die when the rich want more of what isn't theirs to take.
@Ignozi 11 сағат бұрын
I was literally just thinking about that one Tintin comic book at the beginning of the video and then lo and behold, a Tintin cameo pops up! 😅
@joys5656 12 сағат бұрын
One question where was the German navy during this why didn't the German navy stopped them in waters
@kybalionking9966 13 сағат бұрын
Does nord vpn protect against fake historians?🤔
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 13 сағат бұрын
To this day, Switzerland is a rogue state.
@Kgkgkgkggjjr 7 сағат бұрын
Why? Explain
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 7 сағат бұрын
@@Kgkgkgkggjjr 😂 you are joking ? Just open your eyes and learn how the swiss are fooling the whole world till today.
@Kgkgkgkggjjr 7 сағат бұрын
Tell me all of it ​@@MiMMiMMiMMiM
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 7 сағат бұрын
@@Kgkgkgkggjjr Sorry, can't do a video of 17 min for you. Switzerland has never helped anyone but itself. Until today. You can see what Switzerland is doing even today. You don't need to look back to WW2.
@Kgkgkgkggjjr 7 сағат бұрын
@@MiMMiMMiMMiM it's not like the red cross is from there lol
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 13 сағат бұрын
Without Switzerland's economic and financial partnership with Hitler, WW2 would have ended sooner.
@yaboidre5672 13 сағат бұрын
I would’ve pulled a President Whitmore knowing it would’ve been futile. I’m not sending kids, elderly and disabled to their deaths.
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 13 сағат бұрын
Switzerland was a silent partner of Hitler and did not help Jews.
@Kgkgkgkggjjr 7 сағат бұрын
Yes it did but not all the times
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 7 сағат бұрын
@@Kgkgkgkggjjr Never. They just took their money and did not release it till today.
@Kgkgkgkggjjr 7 сағат бұрын
@@MiMMiMMiMMiM it welcomed and gave refuge to a lot of them..
@MiMMiMMiMMiM 7 сағат бұрын
@@Kgkgkgkggjjr You are swiss for shure. 😂
@Kgkgkgkggjjr 7 сағат бұрын
@@MiMMiMMiMMiM nah just telling the facts.. it did welcome them you cant say it didnt. But then it stopped and refused many and so did other countries
@jayjay2x417 14 сағат бұрын
It was a horrifying time....I am swedish full born and raised and i have to admit this since our history books and more. Sweden was a very aggressive country when it came to the Medieval days of Vasa and further back...but after WW1 and 2 we have never been so tested in our Neutral Shield around our country. Norway and Finland suffered more then ever....Our country choose to be Passive Aggressive yes. Alot of people has called Sweden Neutral Traitors and Cowards. However we had no choice. No choice in the part since our weapons was Inadequate Insufficient and Limited heavily. I am very pleased that you bring this piece of history up since it is no doubt suger coated from other countries history books because of Propaganda and didn't consider it important. Yes Sweden supplied Less materials to Britain. Yes we did partly help Build the Army of the Axis....We had no choice until we did roll it back the trade. We have thousands of Ghosts Regrets and more here. But we choose to remain Neutral by Trading with the Enemy acting as Merchants for Resources. I will still defend my country if we were ever directly attacked......But if i ever were going to find myself back in time with The Third Reich looming over us....I would understand my grandparents meaning behind "it was like seeing in Black and White. Everyone Held there breath and stared at the shores of Göteborg or Stockholm. Watching and Waiting as we could almost hear the thunder of war in the distance"
@alma-wi 14 сағат бұрын
My grandfather always told me, that the Swiss (used) to be safe, because the "bad guys" all have their money stored in Switzerland ... ... ...
@atharvabhosale3529 15 сағат бұрын
Funny part is, Pakistan started all wars and lost all of them they suck so hard lol
@xyz-q7r5i 15 сағат бұрын
This video should be marked as misinformation
@xyz-q7r5i 15 сағат бұрын
Switzerland was not invaded because of their importance for german finances. Switzerland was a collaboration state tbh, what Narrativ are you inventing? Historian my ass.
@egidiodentone4419 15 сағат бұрын
Da un po' di tempo ,c'è molto interesse storico sul membro più debole dell' Asse ,l' Italia ....forse perché ci si comincia a domandare( tralasciando la narrativa spicciola e spesso falsata) ,come mai un paese impreparato come logistica e industria riuscì a combattere x tre anni contro tutto il mondo ( certo,con la Germania ,ma anche lei aveva problemi giganteschi dopo che gli Usa entrarono nel conflitto).Al contrario ad esempio della Francia ,che in netta superiorità di forze ,con carri armati che erano forse i migliori,persero la guerra in un mese ,contro i tedeschi .Beh ,lItalia nn era così arretrata come armi ,il carro semovente M75/18,faceva esplodere i carri inglesi come scatolette ,già a 800 metri ,mentre loro dovevano avvicinarsi a 400,il cannone 90/53 era superiore al più noto 88 tedesco ,e cosa poco nota ,nel 1942 era stato brevettato il radar x il puntamento automatico delle artiglierie navali.Era l' industria che nn era strutturata x una produzione su larga scala da tempo di guerra,e mancavano le materie prime.l' Italia veniva da due guerre Spagna ed Etiopia ,che, anche se vinte,avevano esaurito le già magre risorse,mentre la Germania ebbe il tempo x effettuare una preparazione militare dell' industria ,in previsione di un conflitto.Cmq ,anche con un ' Italia più forte,se l' Asse nn vinceva la guerra nei primi due anni ,sarebbe cmq stata sconfitta,in quanto ,con l' entrata in guerra degli Usa ,gli alleati ebbero a disposizione l' 80% delle risorse mondiali ( solo alla ormai traballante Urss,fornirono quasi 200 miliardi di dollari in aiuti)
@daehr9399 16 сағат бұрын
Griffin I just gotta say, your voice is one in a million. So clear. Deep. Concise. You should definitely look into voiceover work, I'd love to hear you narrate a Ken Burns documentary.
@SenLouie 16 сағат бұрын
This to me overstates Soviet artillery vs Allied Artillery. The Allis ha good artillery as well, and more and better air power.
@sinamark-com 16 сағат бұрын
If was called Deutsche Demokratisches Republik (DDR)
@commandertsar6504 17 сағат бұрын
I do not believe Walther Wenck gets as much recognition as he deserves. He was given the impossible task to save Berlin (Which ultimately fell to the Russian army), but refused the Fuhrer's orders in favor of doing what was right. He is still today the youngest German commander and he was able to let hundreds of thousands to cross the Elbe (Civilian and military) in order to surrender to the west. He was one of the last to cross the river himself. Truly-- what a man.
@daehr9399 17 сағат бұрын
I remember an older woman once telling me when she was a girl they had German POWs working the fields (Iowa). All but one of the POWs worked. The singular non-working POW sat under a tree all day with his arms crossed. At the end of the day the military came to gather the Germans to take them back to the camp. Her father complained of the one who refused to work. They spoke with him and found out he was SS. Needless to say he did not go back with the other Germans, nor did he ever show up again...from what I understand he was sent for interrogation in the East. I always wonder what happened to him after the War.
@daehr9399 17 сағат бұрын
You should do a video on the Rhineland Meadow Camps. Forbidden History.
@petermillar9022 17 сағат бұрын
the japanese did actually carry an artillary piece over the mountains.