Are Feminists Erasing Fathers Completely?
The Lie I Believed for 20 Years...
@sesabrimagryta2926 18 сағат бұрын
Women and children are dying, dear. Domestic Violence is not to be minimized ever. I appreciate your pains but I hear a lot of projecting of your experiences on the lives of others and making a very personal and aggressive attack on another. I hear a lot of hate in your words. That is very sad when Domestic Violence is so prevalent. Again, I am sorry for your pain. Your words can actually hurt if not kill children.
@wehsee912 19 сағат бұрын
@shonehi546tim9 19 сағат бұрын
The new lie that mothers use is, 'Your dad only wants to have you with him, so he doesn't have to pay child support'.
@KL00100 19 сағат бұрын
So much truth. 😔
@MsChampagneSanity 22 сағат бұрын
I was literally deplatformed by a male feminist on TikTok. He’s now being investigated for harming other women speaking to their experiences. Parental alienation is child abuse. A few things: I’m also a mental health professional and the argument are Gardiner and PAS is that this is DIFFERENT to parental alienation as a systematic removal of children. Gardiner posited a mental health condition (ie the syndrome) relating to parental alienation but there’s been very little research around this to include it or have it be reliable or valid. However, parental alienation as an ACTION does exist. This shows how very little these people know of it. Furthermore, it also highlights how they pick and choose what to accept as fact. Ie, gender identity was a term coined decades ago, still very little credible longitudinal data on it and yet our entire society has moved towards it. It depends on what each culture accepts as its norm. Radical feminism (not actual feminism) and the sexual revolution saw the increase in fatherless climb exponentially. Louise Perry discusses this very well. Lastly, I’d be careful to listen to Pearl. She’s very problematic.
@mamastylesaver 22 сағат бұрын
The answer is YES! Living in a liberal state…you would be shocked the way the court system is speaking to my husband. He has had primary custody of his son since age 5. Because his son’s mother does not have rules and has bashed my husband for many years because she was upset with custody ruling, she has now successfully alienated him from our family. At age 16+ teens get to “choose” where they live, so if one parent is alienating your hands get tied in the court system. We go to court 5 months before he turns 18 and could potentially have to pay a back owed year of heavy child support payments because of this and her filing “zero” income on her financial statement. We are trying to reach him but he sees court dates as us “forcing” him to come home. He doesn’t fully understand his Mom is taking us to court to try & get sole custody. It is madness! This has been brutal for our blended family. Parent alienation is very REAL and the court system doesn’t see it!
@Somaticyoganurse 22 сағат бұрын
This is brilliant and your posts have helped me have compassion on my girls. There is no way it’s their fault. ❤
@MariekeJonkman 23 сағат бұрын
❤ love and respect you ❤ but let’s not confuse feminists and feminism with polarizing individuals with their own financial agenda. Feminism is about equality and equity not CAMS.
@MrMcrookham 23 сағат бұрын
I work in psychiatry. When I see a new patient, I take a full psych, medical, social, and family history. Fairly often, I hear a similar story. It has to do with the grandmother being institutionalized. The patient doesn't remember meeting her. Apparently, the grandmother had some psychiatric issue that only showed up in her 4th decade in life. The story typically goes on that the grandfather "had to" put her in an institution. Almost always, Im told the grandfather found another woman ( typically through his church ) to raise his children. Eventually, the woman eventually marries the grandfather. Yeah, now I know what most likely really happened.
@Anon-emouse 23 сағат бұрын
It states that there isn't necessarily an understanding of a cause, but you can still have a syndrome with a known cause, this is well known the the medical world. I've also been a member of the Lemonade Club. I also have been a child affected by my father who alienated me from my mother, though he actually alienated her from me, not the other way around. I had no idea at the time. I also have struggled through the family court system, and law school, and recognize the difference between the issues Tina Swithin talks about, and actual parental alienation, and the legal definitions. The biggest issue, is whether there is a REASON that the child has a negative relationship with the other parent. If a parent abuses a child, then the child has a reason not to trust / want a relationship with that parent. That is NOT parental alienation, as the parent caused the souring of that relationship with their abuse. If a child is told or molded not to like the other parent because there will be systemic rewards and punishing of a relationship with that parent, then that is parental alienation. I'd be open to talking more.
@nicoleRue Күн бұрын
Sorry that was a typo on that last comment in my last message where I Signed My name up above there on here!! 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆As I accidentally made a big huge typo error up Above there/ I said for the last 17 years when I meant to say for the last 7 Years ! My Sincerest Apologies regardin that error!) Of apologies for that typo error that
@nicoleRue Күн бұрын
Your not wrong at All! I have been taking my exhusband back to court everysince our high conflict divorce finalized back in 2017 in Marion County! He has been severely alienating me from my 3 daughters for for nearly 7 whole years now! Even though I have pretty much always WON MY CASE IN COURT IT NEVER DID ANY GOOD AT ALL BECAUSE NOTHING EVER CHANGED IN MY SITUATION THAT MATTERED AT ALL WHERE IT ACTUALLY COUNTED! You see I have spent ten Thousands of dollars going to court against my Alienator (My Ex-Husband!) Only just to have yet to see my own children ! AS I AM STILL CURRENTLY TODAY COMPLETELY BLOCKED,AM ALLOWED 0 CONTACT STILL WITH MY OWN CHILDREN ,And I am just as Severely Alienated today as I ever have been! That is actually after taking my ex-husband /My Alienator back to court (Through The Family Court System that is!) For nearly 7 whole Years now! I never abandoned ,abused,or neglected my children! Never at all not ever! But my kids have of Course been Very heavily BRAINWASHED AGAINST ME BY BOTH THEIR FATHER & THEIR STEPMOTHER FOR THIS WHOLE ENTIRE TIME! POISONING My kids minds against me ! My children have been told horrible lies about me that were not ever true! Now all 3 of my daughters today have been completely turned against me! They are strongly resisting me now And totally rejecting me today ! Unfortunately my kids now believe this whole Narrative of me that they have convinced themselves to believe about me because they’ve only seen and heard from their dad all this time and I’ve been completely absent in their life even though it’s been none of my own free will it’s been forced out and kept out at every turn despite my battles endless battle of fighting through the court for all these years it’s gotten me absolutely nowhere absolutely no progress. I’ve still yet to see my own children currently today as I speak this very moment recently their dad, my ex husband alienator was found in contempt of court on all charges still, I don’t have parenting time. I’m not seeing my children.! Even after the family court has found him in Contempt of Court on all charges even ! He did not even have any fines or remedial sanctions proposed against him for being help in Contempt by the family court! For willfully,knowingly,blatantly ,violating our Court Orders for all of these years now even! Yet he was not even so much as punished or fined or had any kind of repercussions for his actions! He had robbed me of my Motherhood in its entirety! He has also robbed our 3 daughters Gracey,Faith,& Hope from their only real,maternal,biological Mother,during developmental years ! My girls have been denied the strong,important, Connection with me their Mother.theoughout Crucial Teenage years! I fear that my daughters and I will never all be able to repair our relationships or recover and or heal from all the damage that has been caused by their Father! That we will never ,ever all be able to heal from these very deep wounds that are still to this moment deepening even more in all of us. I have been grieving the loss of my 3 very alive,living,children, for nearly 7 years now! Meanwhile my kids are also aging out of the legal system and then boom game over ,then I am no longer even in a Parenting Plan with them anymore ! Once they’ve reached they age 18 and are adults then it is only up to them If they want to have any contact with me at all or not or wheather they want me to be in their lives at all! My oldest daughter Gracey turned 18 2 whole years ago ! She is now 20 years old and Is currently serving in The United States Air Force and even got married a year ago and is still sadly choosing to have absolutely no contact at all with me to this day! I haven’t even spoke to my oldest daughter since she was about 14 years old,I believe it was ,the last time I was allowed to even have just a conversation over the telephone with her! She’s now today 20 years old! My middle daughter Faith is also too now getting ready to age out of the legal system also as well just like her older Sister did! Faith is a Senior in HighSchool this year and she is currently 17 years old right now ,but will be turning 18 on February 1st of this year of 2025 though too also now! So that’s only now just 4 short months away now ! So I fear that I will have now permanently lost my Middle Daughter Now too Just as I have my oldest daughter! I had always really held out hope and prayed and prayed with everything in me that when they turned 18 they would reach out to me and chose to have contact with me and decide on their own that they wanted me THEIR ONLY MOTHER TO BE A PART OF THEIR LIVES! Well unfortunately and sadly I regret to have to Say that couldn’t be farther from the case right now ! ;(:( I have done A lot of research and followed your parental Alienation Project also very closely from a long time now and I am very sad and so disappointed to learn that really Statistics Show us and have proved to us all that IT’S ONLY ABOUT APPROX.JUST ONLY 10%’PERCENT OF THEY SEVERELY ALIENATED ADULT CHILDREN WHO EVER END UP ACTUALLY FIGURING IT OUT ON THEIR OWN AS ADULTS & WHO END UP ACTUALLY REALLY COMING BACK TO THEIR TARGETED PARENT WHO THEY HAVE BEEN KEPT AWAY FROM & CONSTANTLY DENIED ALL CONTACT FROM FOR MANY ,MANY YEARS! It’s all so very,very,sad and literally gut wrenching! My heart has been braking for years now ! I have become to loose all Hope of ever being able to repair my relationship with my 3 daughters that was stolen away from me for nothing that I ever did wrong At All! No one or nothing Can ever make up for time loss ! None of us can ever get the time that we have lost back ,it’s just gone! Thank you for taking the time to read this if you have read It all the way through to the end! I do sincerely apologize for the lengthy ness of my comments on here ! But I didn’t know how else to tell my story briefly and still Be able to really get it all across to people! I feel my story is very important and can provide a lot of insight And awareness about the very worse.severest,most extreme Parental Alienation Cases that are out there today currently all suffering so very badly! I think my story could be a real eye opener for people possibly you might say! Hence is most of the reason for my coming forward and sharing all of this about my own personal life and my girl’s (my 3 daughters lives !) as well also! Thank you for your time! I really appreciate they opportunity to get To tell my story on here kind of today! Thank you for allowing me to do that here on and over Your platform ! Thanks again! Sincerely, Nicole Rue ( A Grieving Mother who has experienced the grief of the loss of my 3 very alive ,living CHILDREN for nearly 17 years now!) ;(:(:(;(:(;(:(:(;(:(;(:(;(:(;(:(;(:(;(:(;(:(
@Dtgarza81 Күн бұрын
Killing it Mardi!
@lindadrake5272 Күн бұрын
Thank you Madi for getting the information out here. I have a great deal of respect for you and am very happy you have reunited with your loving Dad. Children have the right to love both parents. My beautiful granddaughter is a victim as her Mother did this to her as well. Her Dad lived her with everything he had from the moment she arrived. He loved her, took care of every need and spent every minute with her. Mom got a DUI and served Dad with a restraining order 2 days later, on both Mom and his daughter. Multiple violations of the restraining order were reported by her, none ever happened. He spent 15 months in jail for lies. Police stated they didn’t investigate when there is a “victim”reporting because she had a restraining order. He couldn’t see his angel, or talk to her ever. Mom said if any of us tried to see her, she would say he raped her. My granddaughter was 7 when this started. When she was 14 her Mom passed, liver disease. She wanted nothing to do with any of us all those years. At 16 without ever having reunited with her loving Dad, he passed from a massive stroke. She came to his funeral and to his anniversary gathering. I am seeing my girl come back, slowly. She will never know her father’s love unless she gets back some memories. My heart is broken for her and for us. Keep spreading your message. I pray she looks you up ❤ Mimi
@MVGaming621 Күн бұрын
These male feminists are hurting men’s rights. One day when they have kids and the mother takes the kids away, they will understand.
@TuyetHuynh-yg3mu Күн бұрын
I am sick with knowing that this is my reality. Wish I could show my kids this video. This makes me so sad and angry.
@mindfulnessjurney Күн бұрын
it only takes one unhealthy parent to abuse also. I cant take this women Tina seriously!
@ClunFunDun Күн бұрын
This stuff is so awful
@rshnewton Күн бұрын
This makes a strong case to take gender out of child / parent considerations. Both parents are human beings and parents only. Both are equally qualified and capable, both are loving and devoted to their children. Neither has special qualities nor handicaps to being a parent. Start with that then if there is a dispute show it and prove it to a judge who starts from the assumptions above. No gender bias, no privilege, no prejudice. It seems to me that the root of the unfairness and bad outcomes for the children lies deeply in gender stereotypes, and this clips makes the point really clearly
@TodaysBibleTruth Күн бұрын
This is what the bible teaches. We can be in control of our thoughts and emotions. It's a key to mental health. We are supposed to examine our thoughts and decide which ones are true. The bible gives the standard for truth. 🤍
@KC-jr6zs Күн бұрын
Cool. That would make a good subject to talk about too. As in, what parts of the bible it's talked about. ✨🍀🙏💗
@Shug35th Күн бұрын
@calibrais Күн бұрын
Thank-you Madie, while I've been following your channel for ages as an alienated parent, I'm catching up upon videos I've missed, and have learned especially so much from this one today. Thanks again for all you do in this area, it is gratefully appreciated. Greg, NZ
@Grgorio-bt4qb Күн бұрын
Listen once you're being alienated.... You will lose your child.... I am living proof....... What is this kid talking about?
@Lover_warrior Күн бұрын
"The thinker is the thought" J. Krishnamurti Observing your thoughts is an act of emotional intelligence
@PACoachMo Күн бұрын
I'm an alienated mom, and I have started challenging those on the same side of the fence as Swithen and all I get are crickets. They ignore me like I don't exist. Pretty sure that's a form of gaslighting... stonewalling.
@jacquelinefroehle5868 Күн бұрын
My Adult kids are told how and what to think by their Covert Dad, and they can ONLY repeat what he tells them to say or think. They should have the ability to use some common sense....they can't. They believe Dad will love them for behaving like him....which is not love.
@calibrais Күн бұрын
Thank-you so much for this Madie. I would luv to share this with my alienated nigh-on 16 year old son, but sense it's still not the right time for him; and will likely be counteracted by the alienating parent if revealed to her. Perhaps some day he'll be able to view it. Thanks once again.
@jamsey3298 Күн бұрын
After listening to you I just want to come hug you. Thank you for expressing all of your pain so we could understand it. I am so sorry you were cheated all these years of happiness. I pray you are given extra years of happiness and peace with your dad. Hugs 🫂 ❤️
@georgiakritikos4955 Күн бұрын
When negative thoughts come in my head for any reason 🤔i kick it out
@mikewhitney2147 Күн бұрын
Keep talking kid. People are listening more & more.
@TheAnti-AlienationProject Күн бұрын
can’t seem to stop 😂
@mikewhitney2147 Күн бұрын
@TheAnti-AlienationProject .. That's advocacy for ya. Once you start it's hard to stop. In fact there's really know way out of it even after you think you resigned from it. You're young and carrying the torch forward. That makes me feel better about not talking about it so much anymore. Thanks for speaking up about such critically important issues.. especially from your perspective as a once alienated child.
@pablopipipopo Күн бұрын
Wow, she‘s even for Harris. 😂 Says a lot about this narcissist and also about Harris, who seems to be some kind of a narcissist queen.
@pablopipipopo Күн бұрын
Thank you for your work and courage! 🙏
@jwarrior9986 2 күн бұрын
The fallout for the children of this divorce culture is shocking. No adult should ever manipulate a child to hate their other parent. Its pure evil.
@jog3533 2 күн бұрын
Love your Dad with all you have Maddie... I'm an alienated dad from my daughter but not my son. They are both from the same mother.....
@jog3533 2 күн бұрын
@jog3533 2 күн бұрын
You don't know how bad I want you and need you to talk to my daughter. She's 16 and will be 17 February 8th and hasn't visited me or really talked to me since July 4th of 2020 😢