如果Edy回天堂,再回来时,会有十几部电影开拍,从宇宙最原始神/佛开始,然后动物园,动物成为神行,再到神/佛斗争,再到夺政权,然后派小孩/影像下来地球轮回转生,地球历史,再到宇宙最高神利用指甲下来轮回转世为新宇宙,学习她必贝的一切知识、智力、万事通,随机应变能力,高功能,勇气,事事能为别人/国家着想的义气,再把地球正在发生,不平衡的一切朵出来,在性药,性病犯难时救人,再到和天上/地上魔鬼开战,等到一切做得差不多时,4/5/2024以后,天上神/佛会开UFO-飞碟下凡间来把这个新宇宙接合天堂,到时这条《黄昏的故乡》歌曲,可以作为UFO开船时的主题曲,新宇宙和地球人说,Bye, bye, see you all later when I once again, come back down on Earth, I will see you then, Bye!!
Summon me, summon me. My hometown at twilight has a way of reaching out to me. This shared sentiment, a common thread among many, has the power to unite us. If you find yourself alone in a foreign land, you might also yearn for the familiarity of your birthplace. Today, I find myself once again attuned to its call. It's akin to a phone call from the past. My hometown would consistently reach out to me as the day wanes. I find myself longing for the scenic vistas of my childhood abode. The moonlight casting its glow on the mountains and rivers, stirring up memories of our once cherished dreams. I am once again drawn back to my birthplace, as if it's gently beckoning me home.