The Secret World Behind Your Eyes
@LateNightChess 6 сағат бұрын
Chaos is like randomness. Neither exist, they are just illusions that surge when the amount of variables at play surpass the max amount of variables that we are capable to take into account at the same time. Therefore chaos and randomness are truly predictable but not by us at the moment.
@ErikGarcia07 14 сағат бұрын
You know what I think I get what you’re saying. That everything is one smooth thing, and to quote Alan Watts “there are no separate events” there is one continuous thing. But like you said, our perception is what sees events and experiences reality in its point of view.
@By_Bachelor 16 сағат бұрын
“I don’t believe details are a real thing” please can we collab!
@By_Bachelor 16 сағат бұрын
I love your voice so much
@iVideoRandomStuff 17 сағат бұрын
Amazing video
@jesseeverhart Күн бұрын
Where you see chaos, I see patterns. Everything in nature can be seen replicated on every scale until the quantum.
@DocumentTheDownfall Күн бұрын
I completely understood that….Thank You….now I need to practice
@chiefkief71 Күн бұрын
16:54 materialistic paradigm, behaviourism, scientism, is what comes to my mind
@DocumentTheDownfall Күн бұрын
I’d love to do some DMT and watch this again.
@amariih Күн бұрын
Great video
@chiefkief71 Күн бұрын
9:12 what ive realized and find it to be really fascinating tging about life is that two contradictory things can be true at once
@rpadinha77 Күн бұрын
consciousness = awareness + attention
@Apodeipnon Күн бұрын
The thing is that in quantum physics, there are discreet values. For example energy levels of election orbitals. There are set energy levels with no possible energy level in between. The election jumps between them. The fact that we have different particles points to this too. You can have an electron and a photon, they can even turn into one another (like a photon can turn into an election-positron pair and back) But there's no between stage between electron and photon. No in between particle. It's either-or. There's also the concept of planck length and planck time. Where distances and times smaller than that just become meaningless because they would always be unmeasurable. I wonder tho, all of what i just mentioned is just a mathematical theory. Planck length and planck time are just limits in our mathematics and our human technology. There could be infinite things happening at these scales that we will just never know about. Whole universes hiding inside an electron and all that. Eternities playing out in what is only a second to us Particles and waves and fields are first of all mathematical objects we invented. Is there even such a thing as one true"reality"? Or are just there just multitudes of perspectives?
@Apodeipnon Күн бұрын
Oh I just reached the part of the vid where you mentioned perspectives. Didn't even know you went there when I wrote my comment.
@kojinmaster Күн бұрын
What about the philosophers. They all say the same thing
@jeffxanders3990 Күн бұрын
From different perspectives we can see that life is a joke and we are the punchline. We live in the cage of our beliefs. Laugh, it's good for you. Shalama. Thank you, Us.
@bjstrife Күн бұрын
Sounds like Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
@jeffxanders3990 Күн бұрын
I disagree that change is where motion comes from. Change and motion can only happen in time. Perception depends on this, too, as does virtually everything. The missing factor is you. Instead of emerging from chaos, we are the direct result of all that came before... but not in the sense of a past - only in the sense of all that is now because now is all there is or ever was. Fortunately for each of us, this is what keeps us from being wrong or right, but only our unique selves which is the basis for how creation works. There can be only one and you're It. You are both God and man. Religion turns this inside out and upside down and backwards. All that exists is light - the electromagnetic mind - and love - the only option - to greater and lesser degrees. This does not mean there is greater or lesser being.
@jeffxanders3990 Күн бұрын
It seems obvious to me that life can only be a dream, as this explains virtually everything. Consciousness, for example, can only be the result of the feedback loop between the dreamer and itself in the dream... and this would be an ongoing dynamic at all scales of being, which means the universe can only be an embryo in this process. As all is the result of the (electromagnetic) Mind, we - and all that's in and around us - are time itself which results in the motion of life. As all is one, it follows that, in the dream of life, there can be only one and you're It. If we are an emergent property of the Mind, it follows that space and gravity are emergent as well and we are what puts it in motion.
@TraianoLiberatore Күн бұрын
Chaos is simply the boundary of Human understanding and control.
@Nonamelol. Күн бұрын
its interesting.. detaching from human experience, what we, humans, romanticize as experience, perception.. and this whole “Life/experience is beautiful” notion that is imbedded in our culture is dependent on a lack of higher awareness. in other words, experience/perception as understood by humans is dependent on “ignorance” of higher/deeper/more fundamental patterns.
@SirPolymath333 Күн бұрын
Interesting. Perhaps I may have misunderstood you, but tbh I don't think consciousness is the ability to recognise patterns, I'd say that is more akin to intelligence. But I believe consciousness is that which has direct access to the source of those patterns. Not the patterns themselves, but the underlying order that manifests those patterns. Kinda like that Oppenheimer quote "The important thing isn't "can you read music?", it's "can you hear it?"" We see beauty in many different things, so beauty manifests itself in different ways. When you see that something is beautiful; be it a flower or someone's face, it isn't a deduction based on logical reasoning (symmetry, facial harmony, ratio, etc) but instead, you feel it. The feeling itself tells you more about the nature of it's beauty than anything else. It is only after we experience the beauty that we can make it intelligible by breaking it down into it's parts. If you experience and have consciousness of beauty itself, then you can know and create all it's manifestations. If you experience the essence of mathematics, then you can be the one to create the formulas. The best analogy I can think of right now is this: to know someone isn't to state facts about them. It isn't to know what they did yesterday, and all the days before so that you can formulate a pattern of their behaviour. Rather, to know someone is to literally be one with them such that you can experience life through their perspective and understand what it's like to be them. When you have that, you can know how that person would react in any given situation, because you experience their essence which gives rise to their patterns rather than just know their patterns. Even though almost everything you say resonates with me, the part where you said "consciousness is to be ignorant" didn't. I feel that Consciousness transcends knowledge and ignorance completely, and gives way for them in the first place. Consciousness is what allows us to be ignorant, and allows to have knowledge.It isn't the yin or the yang, rather it's what gives rise to them as-well as where and when they come together. Consciousness is the toughest nut to crack because it's the most transcendental thing that exists in this world. But from the one, arises, two, and the two, arises three, etc. I believe Consciousness is "the one" I believe that we are not perfectly conscious the same way that we see other animals to be partly conscious. And that to be perfectly conscious is to have perfect free will, perfect knowledge of everything about everything, something that is not possible under the confines of this dimension/realm. (and probably what is worshipped as the highest God in many of the monist religions.(idk lol)) Ngl, I feel like I oversimplified everything out of the worry that this comment would be too long, but I'd like to finish by saying I've been enjoying your videos and your curious nature. I hope you find this comment and that it can spark a conversation.
@Bootsie142 Күн бұрын
LIFE is the force that comes from chaos avoiding the ultimate chaotic destruction or "death". And death i suppose being completely stopped not chaotic LIFE must arise to maintain chaos....something like that
@theExistentialCoffeeHouse Күн бұрын
These images are making me tweak
@kojinmaster Күн бұрын
I once done dmt and looked at the mirror. Its like i have found some crazy secret or forbidden secret. Long story short i was brahma but my friend shouted my name and i came back. If done alone it would be a serious mystery. Have you done it before?
@TheErikaShow Күн бұрын
This is exactly what I needed today! Thank you!💖
@SethHitz Күн бұрын
Chaos does not exist. What you describe as chaos is not chaos. Its a lack of information to make the proper calculations, but its definitely not chaos. For every action there is a re-action. Every effect has its cause. Randomness does not exist, chaos does not exist, except maybe as an idea
@Skee6ix Күн бұрын
Jesus is king, he loves you all❤
@bruh-cv6lg 2 күн бұрын
the way you talk is kinda distracting and rubs me the wrong way btw
@alchamone8133 2 күн бұрын
Lovely stuff glad to have found you subbed 👌
@janycebrown4071 2 күн бұрын
Awesome channel ❤
@AksilRebis 2 күн бұрын
The gap between A and B is 'relationship', and relationship is the essence of conscienceness. We are conscienceness. We are the relationship. We are the Oneness that relates.
@the_enlightned_steppa 2 күн бұрын
The articulation🔥
@intuitivetyson 2 күн бұрын
Glad to have found your channel via this video 🙏 thank you for pointing at the ineffable!
@BldgsFallStraightDwn 2 күн бұрын
Even though "math" is one of our best tools for MANY things, it has ONE inherent flaw... it is DIGITAL. So when you try to measure anything that isn't super square or straight, you need imperfect "math." And since our math is digital, when something like a circle or sphere are measured we are FORCED to just use ever smaller DIGITAL representations. THAT is why we cannot get anything perfect. And without perfection in calculations like water swishing in a bowl, then we're already "OFF" before we even start. Then try to consider just HOW MANY calculations would need to be made PER MINUTE, or even PER SECOND and smaller... it becomes insanely "incalculable."
@xxcollapse 2 күн бұрын
your tonation sometimes reminds me of Terence McKenna
@John-mz8rj 2 күн бұрын
I dont belive in chaos.
@ThomasTheFapEngine 2 күн бұрын
This video gave me the motivation to live another day. Thankyou ❤️
@Nas_The_Dragon 2 күн бұрын
Blah blah blah Tyrone u are black man quit it
@Branes-vx4fo 2 күн бұрын
have you read "stalking the wild pendulum" by itzhak bentov? worth looking into if you haven't
@ThirdEyeTyrone 2 күн бұрын
I haven’t read it completely but I have read some of it and have seen a few of his interviews. It is interesting.
@Branes-vx4fo 2 күн бұрын
@@ThirdEyeTyrone I'm typically a skeptic, but I've become a lot more interested in the spiritual, so his book kind of opened me up to even more. I love how he develops a whole system to show how matter is consciousness
@1337139 2 күн бұрын
you break it down really well. thanks man
@Horus2Osiris 2 күн бұрын
Good thinking. Chaos is irrational infinite potential. Order is the Choice to Realize Infinite Potential. Thou art That. I Am That I Am. ❤
@anthonyostrander9456 2 күн бұрын
@anthonyostrander9456 2 күн бұрын
@anthonyostrander9456 2 күн бұрын
@prodtoulouse2601 2 күн бұрын
@alexlegwabe227 2 күн бұрын
Awesome video. The art and clips were fantastic and your perspective and explanation was brilliant. Thanks ThirdEyeTyrone xx
@dominikblackman9967 2 күн бұрын
As restaurant employee workings multiple positions throughout my life, I love the busy chaos that most crash in. It actually feels like order and way easier to predict moments with better accuracy. 30 pls years later and I found out this is a ADHD super power
@ScotchPker 2 күн бұрын
Tyrone your videos are incredibly thought provoking. I feel like I've never found media that encapsulates some of the topics you describe. Thanks for another banger and keep on truckin!
@kellaslowery8426 2 күн бұрын
I would say the ego is the biggest block to opening up the path to infinite perspectives