The Jungian Ego vs. Self
2 ай бұрын
Was Nietzsche a Nihilist?
6 ай бұрын
@ThreeChordDave 6 күн бұрын
Glad you felt better when you were coming to Ireland. It's a magical place, I hope you get to come back someday.
@philosophy_schilling 6 күн бұрын
Indeed it is! Thanks, I really hope to. But if you could, please put out the PSA to your country to post more Airbnb listings because I don't know how else American ladies are supposed to figure out how to visit and walk to the seas and forests from their reasonably-priced beach house.
@ThreeChordDave 5 күн бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling I'll spread the word :)
@RajuGogul 9 күн бұрын
Great Introduction. Need for Several Humane Loving Families. A Handy Modus Operandi
@killy374 10 күн бұрын
7:22 I find this rather wrong because you do not adress the elephant in the room the cause for watching adult content and circumstances. I do personally because my lover is away due to her strict parents who control her life even in middle 20s so I go through alcohol withdrawal and loneliness and the need for dooamine is imense so I give my brain what it needs so I can cure my alcoholism only to cure the other problems lately. I am an alcoholic needs to go first after that I can concentrate on binding more with my partner but the cravings need to subside.
@philosophy_schilling 9 күн бұрын
I'm sorry that you have to go through that. It sounds like you are doing the best you can at the moment. As for your gf and her parents, I get that. It took me a while to learn boundaries and to recognize unhealthy dynamics. I hope you both get to spend more time together and be happy in your freedom soon. Thanks for your comment and perspective.
@killy374 9 күн бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling Thank you kindly ! I will do strive for helping to free her from that place and to become independent ! today I can proudly say I am day 21 of no alcohol and I am going to AA as often as possible. Will keep you updated on how it goes as your channel is really interesting !
@philosophy_schilling 8 күн бұрын
This is wonderful. Good job! Sending good vibes and also energies that will keep you practicing compassion toward yourself as you both go on this healing journey.
@killy374 10 күн бұрын
As a guy who has a relation ship but still watches erotic content I can agree pornography is a big one of our society. We are neck deep in it
@viktorpaulr2e 14 күн бұрын
I have often interpreted my personal suffering as a necessary condition for spiritual liberation. I grew up in a family and community that was predominantly catholic. Until I studied Philosophy and World Religions in college, I was completely ignorant about looking at the world and interpreting my inner experience other than through that indoctrinated lens. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on suffering and spiritual awakening as they are challenging my beliefs. Be well!
@philosophy_schilling 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing and for your kind and thoughtful response. The soul's journey for us all is quite a sacred mystery.
@pandoraephraim3552 15 күн бұрын
I certainly agree that an esoteric interpretation is truer than an exoteric one when dealing with the righteous verses the wicked. As to whether or not it's possible to have enlightenment without a dark night of the soul, there is something to be said for the typical way redemption is generally understood in Christianity in that there almost seems to be a necessary fall from grace before salvation can be achieved, but I think this is a cultural limitation predicated on the way in which salvation is believed to happen according to the dominant interpretation of the work of Christ, and isn't necessitated by the scriptures themselves. Perhaps enlightenment can be taught without necessitating suffering in order to achieve it, but I think there's something to the notion that life necessarily leads to sorrow and suffering sooner or later, and what Simone Weil said I think is pertinent to the issue, that the significance of religion isn't that it finds a cure for suffering but a use for it.
@philosophy_schilling 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for your thoughtful reply and wisdom. Yes, life as we have known it thus far has suffering as an inevitable experience for sure. But many religions and spiritualities envision a "new earth" or a different dimension where suffering is highly mitigated or completely done away with. I think it is compelling to imagine how growth and evolution will happen in that realm since we are so used to having it happen through a life of duality, contrast and suffering.
@pandoraephraim3552 15 күн бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling some imagery from the book of Revelations comes to mind, how the new heaven and earth will have no night or darkness and no sea, both of which are symbols for the unconscious... hard to imagine but interesting food for thought.
@philosophy_schilling 16 күн бұрын
Have you read any of the Kabbalistic literature available to us? If not, what religious scripture/concept, etc. would you like to see an esoteric interpretation of?
@johncracker5217 16 күн бұрын
You’re not going to like where this rabbit hole leads
@philosophy_schilling 20 күн бұрын
What did you read in the hour while studying with this video? Good job regardless of how many pages you got through. I had to read a book in my Honors undergrad program called "How to Read Slowly." So if you didn't get through many, well done.
@philosophy_schilling 29 күн бұрын
Have you read Jung's "Answer to Job"? What do you think of his psychological profiling of both Job and the Hebrew god? Does god/source, etc. go through a process of individuation as well? I didn't think of it before, but I guess it might have some connection to process theology/Whitehead.
@mohammedsadri8664 20 күн бұрын
I love your reflection and thoughts, and walling and waiting to part two soon 😊
@pandoraephraim3552 Ай бұрын
If I may ask, where's your Venus?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Leo - What does that mean?
@pandoraephraim3552 Ай бұрын
Perhaps a diplomat? If, without them, there wouldn't be harmonious social relationships. This types does remind me of my mother lolol.
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Dead ringer for my own mother as well.
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
I did in fact finish book #6 (after stopping the video, while cooking lunch/dinner). I think the wind might have died down, now that it is 6:15 pm, so I am going out on my balcony. :) I have about 50 pages of Jung's "Answer to Job" left. What are you currently reading?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
What do you think would be a good example (career-wise/person known/philosopher) of the Extraverted Feeler?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Thanks so much to everyone who joined! I was so happy to get through more of the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover book as well as delve more into Jung's "Answer to Job," which is proving to be quite suspenseful. What did you get finished in the time?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Sorry I was gone so much for this one. I was trying to get through to pay a bill. When you just want to give people your money, lol.
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy Ай бұрын
That’s really interesting. I had a dream a week ago where I was in a gigantic barn that was in the early stages of development. I was walking up some stairs when I started to notice that some of the stairs were missing. The higher I climbed the more stairs were missing and the entire frame of the structure looked rickety. Perhaps Jung would suggest that my dream is telling me that what I want to achieve isn’t possible or that it’s not what I should be aiming for in the first place. A lofty goal indeed, pun intended.
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Sharing dreams is so cool! I might have to do a video on mine at some point. Jung says that our dreams can also give us an idea of where we are on the road to individuation, how much the unconscious is being accepted and integrated in to the conscious self, so such a stair case might show that you are certainly on your way! I love that. I would love to have such a dream. Feels so mythological.
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy Ай бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling Have you been journaling your dreams consistently? I only ask because after a few years of doing it I was having trouble with false memories and at one point a character from a dream made an appearance when I was awake so I stopped recording them. Just curious if you have had any experiences like that?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Jung in "On Synchronicity" says that dreams can definitely foreshadow happenings/events because our psyches can transcend space and time (so it isn't really predicting the future because everything already exists and has - so not truly a "future'). I definitely am starting to write them down or video record them just so I don't forget, but I'm pretty unorganized and chaotic about it. I should be more scientific and systematic about it, but I'm not sure that is my personality. I def. think it takes intentionality when open to all of this to stay grounded.
@mohammedsadri8664 Ай бұрын
I like your words so much it is break thought of me
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy Ай бұрын
I used to journal my dreams and I noticed that the frequency of my dreams became more than I could keep up with and they very extremely vivid. The most interesting thing I discovered was that my dreams were not standalone, when I read them one after the other it was a narrative and themes and items kept repeating. I dream a lot about weapons, but they don’t work. A gun in my dream will look deadly but on closer examination it’s useless, I pick up an axe and the handle will be rotted. The deadly looking weapons in my dreams represent the way I try to appear to others. The fact the only I know represents my insecurity in my own ability. I’m a paper tiger.
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
That is so interesting. Thank you for sharing. I would love to be more knowledgable in this area, but I think any dream that can help us identify false beliefs is a really great opportunity to counter them in waking life with affirmations. My life coach gave the example of starting positive statements with "What if. . . " For instance, "What if I were completely capable of succeeding in this venture?" And then "Why is it true. . ." For instance, "Why is it true that I am completely capable of succeeding in this venture?" And so on. I wonder if we take the guidance from our dreams and then do the re-wiring, clearning, etc. in waking life, that our dreams will respond?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
unconscious and *conscious (not conscience)
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
What did you read during this session? I read pp. 160-197 in Jung's Dreams. SO interesting. It is also in the Portable Jung, if you have that. Or in Vol. 12 of the collected works.
@davidlee6720 Ай бұрын
You yourself have clarity but it seems like some of your followers never check their spelling before sending - not good if you want to appear intelligent as I assume you do on this site -. Invigilators of old would have instantly given a Fail - perhaps I am being a little sever as I have always written my papers by hand in the past at school before the age of computers when every essay had to be perfect. I expect a little flak and to be called an old fogey!
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
I would have loved to have lived in the age of college where we had to write papers by hand. How blessed you are!
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Update: I have finished and I am pretty sure I am an extraverted intuitive. That is the one that sounds most like myself.
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
I have used it with my masters students as an exercise
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Oh, that's really cool! Are you a professor somewhere?
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
I can send you a link
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
MTBI has been discredited
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Oh, really? I didn't know that. How interesting. Is there something more accurate/meaningful out there to replace it?
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling There are some more accurate and verified psychometrics on the market. I'll send you some more info.
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
Thought I commented a few times on the live stream but can’t see that?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
I think YT takes awhile for the chat to be replayed after videos get uploaded, if that is what you mean. But if you mean comments under videos, you should be able to see your comments when you post them now. Thanks!
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
What did you read during this session?
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
At 44:59 - your question on types of communication make me think... Is it that Byung-Chul Han is saying that the relentless, restless, pursuit of the 'new' is itself an empty illusion? Chasing an emotion, not something real. For example, with a TV series that reworks tropes with emotional hooks and cliffhangers tricking one into ...just one more episode... when Shakespeare said so much in 2 or 3 hours total! The series feeds a compulsion, does not in any way deepen understanding but dulls the mind. So, your question on communication is very interesting, but perhaps a red herring? As you say in your video earlier, it's not the how but the what. Communication is a 'how' - which itself is neutral - can be used for good, and I'll give an example later, or ill. Is it that manipulative communication taps into emotion and 'hooks' to keep us addicted? Whereas true communication deepens connection, may be troubling or disturbing. May make us think, or reflect. Opening up the possibility of a journey into a deeper understanding of self and others. I recently saw, at the cinema in my City, a live cast of the National Theatre Live production of the stage play 'Nye'. The play based on the life of Nye Bevan, who created the National Health Service in the UK. This three hour experience was profound. At a time when our politics is so banal and at times corrupt, here was a story of real vision that made a huge difference to the lives of so many by providing free health care at the point of need for the whole population. And yet the story was not without its darkness, and struggle. But I walked away challenged and inspired. I had hope that things can change... Does this make sense in connection to your question?
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Absolutely! You put this really well. I think it is really helpful to look at the effects of how one feels after encountering potentially manipulative content or conversations that are agenda or just ego-driven vs. ones that are reflective, authentic, and run on a different temporality. I'm quite a proponent of taking an account of energy, so I think your example of content with nuance and depth and perhaps paradox is wonderfully apt here. Thank you for sharing.
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling you’re welcome. Thanks for your kind words and thoughtful reply.
@joedlafferty Ай бұрын
‘Does anyone else read books and struggle over things?’ YES! I really appreciate your slow reading of this text. Your insights and connections. Your amplification of what you think the author means. Your humility in admitting when you don’t know, or are confused or stuck. Inspiring and refreshing. Just discovered your channel via the algorithms. And tho I’m highly ambivalent about them, on occasion, they make a great link. And your channel to me is a grace gift. Be encouraged in your work! - @joelafferty from Dundee Scotland
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I definitely consider myself a student on the path of knowledge and wisdom for any subject. I appreciate your kind words. What is Dundee Scotland like?
@pandoraephraim3552 Ай бұрын
Probably introverted sensation type.
@philosophy_schilling Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. What are some characteristics that make you feel that way?
@pandoraephraim3552 Ай бұрын
@@philosophy_schilling I'll just internally sense and or perceive things spontaneously, not all the time but at somewhat critical times... Sometimes they turn out to be true. If astrology holds any water in informing one's typology, I might be an introvert (more feminine) with an equal distribution of sensation, feeling and intuition, with my inferior type being extroverted-thinking. Which is funny because I'm a little at a loss sometimes (most of the time 😂) when it comes to mechanical tasks or projects in the outer world.