@sportgame-ss2ml Күн бұрын
Thank for sharing
@GetBackDown Күн бұрын
Really look inside yourself to figure out how it happened more than once.
@missbhavana19 6 күн бұрын
I cannot tell you how helpful this video is. I feel so heartbroken and I am quite frankly am surprised by it.... I am starting to realize this an old wound for me aka history repeating itself. I met this girl like a few months ago.... seemed like a cool chick. So I introduced her to my close friend here and there have been a lot of red flags since. I have since learned that this girl doesn't have any other female friends and doesn't get along with her sister. She's super okay with excluding me from their interactions and has gotten really close to my friend who is more extroverted and opens up really easily. I haven't been able to socialize with either of them for a month because of personal situations but in that time they have hung out together a lot and have gotten really close. She shows wayyy too much enthusiasm for the same things my friend is into and has been quite rude to me in a way that is subtle enough that no one can really see it but me. I'm angry at both of them and also sad that this is happening. I know the people around me are gonna gaslight me about it (unintentionally)....Thank you for this 🥰 really appreciate it
@TKUA11 9 күн бұрын
If it's a one time issue you automatically assume that it is chronic and you never really know how many times it occurred
@adelinajager52827 9 күн бұрын
The question is
@GetBackDown 11 күн бұрын
great video! your tips are great. I wish you had more views. you're so much better than so many of the hacks on here. ☹
@tessbrighamtherapistcoach1794 9 күн бұрын
Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that these videos are resonating with you. ❤
@TA-ln8qs 12 күн бұрын
Real generosity (in this case generosity of spirit) always comes from strength. 😊
@Nina-vv3ev 12 күн бұрын
@kingtahaa1125 12 күн бұрын
@tessbrighamtherapistcoach1794 13 күн бұрын
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! How did you handle rejection from a crush? What advice would you give to others going through a similar situation?
@Ang36914 14 күн бұрын
I’m of the mindset that if someone continually does this, they’re not worth my time or effort, so I dismiss them. The gray rock method has helped me but others warn not to use this long-term.
@infiniteanalogy7448 15 күн бұрын
My dad has given my sister a house and not to me because « I wasn’t there » and it was the only house he has . I work everyday and my sister is able to only work half the year save all her money etc I get sick about it
@alexv5118 16 күн бұрын
I ask my self this question day by day I’m 22 and to be honest I don’t know In which direction go 😢
@Ikr2025 17 күн бұрын
My father was narcissistic and dogmatic (minister). My mother is a people pleaser, smooth everything over, do the right thing, say the right thing, always be pleasant type person. My childhood was v stressful due to my father’s narcissism and my mother’s avoidant personality. I resented my father’s lack of care for me but I actually liked the fact he was at least honest and direct about his feelings - even though the truth was he didn’t care for me much. With my mother, she is such a people pleaser, I get resentful and tired of the ‘always walking on eggshells with everything I say’ vibe she has. I wish she was more direct and honest and less Pollyanna-ish about everything. Everyone loves her due to her people pleasing, because she stays in her lane and never says anything challenging or controversial. She’s just so ‘nice’. Truth is she complains to me behind the scenes. Now I feel the niceness has been programmed into me. Both of them have been programmed into me. My father died. I still resent my mother’s people pleasing Pollyanna be pleasant and agreeable at all times approach to life. I have no idea what to do about my feelings. I don’t contact her all that much but she constantly contacts me and keeps wanting me to meet with relatives mainly to keep up appearances. I’m sick of the fakeness. I grew up with a facade of fake perfection. As in ‘we are just such good people compared to everyone else’. Real feelings were dismissed and swept under the rug.
@abdul_travelvlog 18 күн бұрын
Thank you
@abdul_travelvlog 18 күн бұрын
Thank you
@RedHybiscus 22 күн бұрын
This is bullshit. There is zero you can do when someone is undermining you. Chances are the manager sent them out to do just that - either way you won’t get support. And we all know HR is not your friend
@rachaelatkins6314 23 күн бұрын
I came here because my housemate killed a cat and has gone off the deep end. though i think this is helpful for annoying i wish there were more resources for how to deal with people with mental illness..if anyone has any links please comment
@TokyoBlue587 23 күн бұрын
Had boyfriends like this. Never again. Especially the anger management issues.
@johnsonsharon81 24 күн бұрын
I can't help other people, because i can't help myself.
@evadebruijn Ай бұрын
@lonjemariesfashions5117 Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏾
@dataz9912 Ай бұрын
dealing with one that never stfu
@Nursing-g8t Ай бұрын
Me too
@lonjemariesfashions5117 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much. It actually makes me quite depressed when my kids who are now adults when I go to a Event with them and they say I’m too much. I’m not like drunk. High am I something doing anything inappropriate? I’m what you call high energy and an energy producer ,they try to simmer me down,now I know where it’s coming from. I really appreciate the confirmation I subscribed to your channel because of this video I want to thank you I have to keep on doing me I’m not being malicious wicket or inappropriate. I just have a high energy level and I’m bold in Energy Eric an outgoing thank you for the confirmation.
@moyamalone4445 Ай бұрын
Its not only when youre expressing a problem or are feeling sad. Someone can also diminish or dismiss your feelings related to accomplishments/ realized goals... when youcshare with them how happy or proud you feel related to someting you worked very hard to achieve a goal and then achieved it.
@BAsed_AFro Ай бұрын
Only those that subconsciously feel inferior, would try to invalidate you. Keep that in mind!
@erikhorvath4297 Ай бұрын
Nah they cannot handle a simple funny 1 minutes video either, just because he study, and then he said bye dude, wtf is this?
@ishqasm Ай бұрын
So we are three people staying together,,, almost after 2 days of staying completely fine there is 1 month where I feel they just team up against me.At, this point no communication helps me at all I am tired of their mean selfish behaviour and want to leave the room at any cost but watching this video with a hope if I can still fix things
@missglow2011 Ай бұрын
Empathy is the worst advice because it drains you by taking on their feelings. I can show compassion and put it back on them
@ryansivak7517 Ай бұрын
I don't know why this was in my algorithm but my advise stop being a victim.
@dancingqueen2131 Ай бұрын
can you calm down a bit, my head was spinning , didnt last one minute
@blessedinny7968 Ай бұрын
This is happening to me everyday & I work in a school
@tessbrighamtherapistcoach1794 Ай бұрын
Check out my previous video on anxiety at work here: kzbin.infoLJc2KUP6QrA
@deenamartin83 Ай бұрын
My parent would cry or get angry. I always have to walk on egg shells when I say things.
@Msmeohmy52 Ай бұрын
I had a boss that talked about the same person a few times. Boss was interrupted by a phone call during a 1 on 1 meeting, I just thumbed through my paperwork like I wasn’t hearing a thing. I never mentioned it to anyone, until now. I lost a lot of respect for the boss
@ilzeherbst6711 Ай бұрын
But you are bad mouthing bosses then... not a trait anybody should have
@tessbrighamtherapistcoach1794 Ай бұрын
Have you dealt with a toxic boss in the past (or currently)? What strategies have you used to deal with it? Let us know in the comments!
@chk6111 Ай бұрын
Women friendships are difficult if you're an independent type like myself. I'm friendly to strangers, dogs, and the guy bagging my groceries so people tend to like me. I'm an introverted creative and happiest by myself. Ohhh women - especially hypersocial, friend collectors - really don't like this! Heck, I'm over 60 and still dealing with jealous females! There's no way around it. If you're a likable, attractive female, other females are going to try to one up you, put you down and one way they do it is friend poaching and the dreaded friendship triangle. If you're a people pleaser like myself, it's painful and sadly, inevitable. Best thing to do is accept that it happens and it WILL HAPPEN over and over again. BE CAREFUL who you befriend, as the video says. If you can LET this stuff go, let people be who they are, not let their sh*ty behavior bother you (impossible but hey, you can try) and enjoy your own company and avoid groups of women, then you'll likely experience more peace and contentment when it comes to socializing with and befriending other women. Sad and sometimes lonely but that's my experience.
@tessbrighamtherapistcoach1794 Ай бұрын
What are your strategies for practicing self-care at work? Let us know in the comments!
@KingDrewPhilip Ай бұрын
I dislike my roommate so much that the feeling of animosity between us is palpable. It’s gotten so bad that we hardly talk to each other, we always give each other dirty looks, and I can care less about doing whatever the hell I want because there’s no reason to negotiate with this guy. If something bad were to happen to him I say to myself “oh well… no loss there”. lol really I hope this dude moves the hell out.
@sukuntee 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, yup…
@bunnybgood411 2 ай бұрын
Yep. I have one. I ran into the two bicycling. My original friend hid it from me and has cut me out of the equation. She's done it with two of my friends (but the first time backfired for her). I no longer like the friend-poacher.
@Chris-hp2gg 2 ай бұрын
Therapist or The rapist?😂
@flowersun321 2 ай бұрын
My co-worker, who I currently work with, prior to her under mining me. I loaned her some money. if that's part of the reason why she likes to make me look bad. Should i remind her she does owe money? Or let it go because we have to work together?
@cjack127 2 ай бұрын
Quick and simple! And EASY!! You’re the ONE!!
@kellypawspa 2 ай бұрын
What if the person moved in with you and ignored your clear, consise requests, mostly thatvshould be common sense, like get your giant hairy loud stupid huskey fixed so it stopes bleeding all over my house, using my carpet for a toilet, and barking all night pissing off my neigbours, since i told them they couldnt have a dog. I hate these people. They're the worst! They are my husbands friends and are an uter nightmare.
@LiftingUrVeil-LUV 2 ай бұрын
Imma be honest . I don’t resent my mother anymore but I also don’t give her a pass saying she’s only human too or she did the best she could. Cause really she didn’t. I’m 42 and just walked way from my mother and he I look back on my entire life , that woman did every thing she could to break my spirit. She wanted me to kill myself. For me I will ways have love in my heart for herb but I’m through loving her and my dad as parents. Plus she never loved me. Being honest with my reality is coming to terms that a person who abused you decade after decade and didn’t care how you felt or what it was doing to you , they don’t love you. A person cannot love you and abuse you at the same time.Narcissistic mother to me are the worst people in this world. They don’t get to be taken off the hook cause the pain and suffering to they cause their life’s can’t be compared too. I realize the last time I saw her and she had that smirk on her face seeing my crying. Saying everything thing she could to hurt me in the west way possible and I realize I never had a mother , and I don’t know who this woman is and she don’t know who I am and I didn’t feel an emotional connection with her plus what she said to me I knew I lost all respect for her and I would never feel the same about her again
@lauratempestini5719 2 ай бұрын
Please make a video on coworkers who are imposers . You show them kindness and now the person lingers after hours to exit the building, changes work habit s to align with yours such as park where you park. …. Creepy!!!
@lauratempestini5719 2 ай бұрын
I like that your approaches are truthful, respectful, patient, and yet firm. Some channels tell people to use falsehood!😲
@tessbrighamtherapistcoach1794 2 ай бұрын
Have you quit a toxic job only to find that the next one was just as bad? How did you deal with that situation? Share your strategies in the comments!