@brawlerdiary1135 13 сағат бұрын
hell no i woulda sold all this shit
@taboo_tech7274 18 сағат бұрын
Euro Crack
@jasonchristian8362 5 күн бұрын
HAA HAA HAAA! you just got ripped off..
@WillRoan 7 күн бұрын
I’m a fan of DMT!
@smellymala3103 7 күн бұрын
Bro you're right you knew me before I even clicked on the video, I'm never going to buy anything I'm going to cuss at poorly captioned videos in languages I don't understand zooming into tiny pixels until I beat my head against so many clocks that I will be able to build a minimoog copy in my sleep.
@RickSanchez-dn6rd 11 күн бұрын
You can set the exact tempo. Top line of lights = 100's, Next Line = 10's Next line = units. Hold shift whilst turning the tempo knob.
Thanks for the heads up!!
@qmulus1 12 күн бұрын
This is why I learned how to build DIY modules. Saved a couple grand that way.
@jeffhammel4305 13 күн бұрын
maths needs VC for its antenuverters. Other than that, its perfect! (okay, it would be lovely to control the log -> exp via VC to... oh, and function's "hang" while we're at it...)
@ChristianBoragine 14 күн бұрын
i started with vcv rack a couple of years ago, never looked back. The only downside for me is the process of linking my midi controllers to the vcv patch.
@antfactor 14 күн бұрын
It's nice to hear you play piano! Cheers from Chelsea... 🙂
@eddydorr5120 14 күн бұрын
I've never had anything too bad happen while buying or selling on reverb. If I buy something and then later decide to sell it at a loss, I think about how much it would have cost to rent that piece of gear during the time I had it. I don't use the bump feature anymore unless I have a real dog of a product that I'm trying to unload. I also use Pirate Ship when I offer free shipping. It's a better deal than the Reverb shipping label. I've sold a guitar, a bunch of pedals and even an Ampeg V4 stack. The only time I had a problem was when a buyer accidentally made a duplicate offer to me and another seller. We both had the same item at the same price. The other guy got the sale. It was only a minor annoyance. I didn't lose any money and I sold my unit a few days later.
@LUGG824 15 күн бұрын
It really fucks me off how difficult it is to verify my account. I'm currently in my overdraft, and they say I can't verify my account until I have at least £300 free. THE WHOLE FUCKING REASON IM SELLING MY EQUIPMENT IS TO GET OUT OF MY OVERDRAFT!!! I told them I can legit verify my details in a hundred different ways, and I tried to call their support number, but they give you an automated message, tell you to piss off to their website, then hang up! Buying on Reverb is great, Selling is a fucking nightmare
@RiotHomeRecording 15 күн бұрын
You forgot about the 1099 form you will get at the end of the year. I’m done with reverb. Thanks for the video!
@maxistork6060 15 күн бұрын
I think resuctivism is like forgeting an old memory. Sometimes we only keep the deep feelings, until it dies. Its a cycle just like life. Its beatiful though
@AndrewPRoberts 15 күн бұрын
FX Aid is definitely in this catagory for me, also Plaits and Braids are a given. Plus, now with Noise Engineering doing their series of reprogrammable modules like the Legio platform, you basically get like 6 modules when you buy any one of them.
Big fan of noise engineering yep!
@longline 15 күн бұрын
This is very relatable to me at the moment. I'm enjoying a cycle... Arrange, de-arrange, arrange, de-arrange, re-arrange, derange... Arrange. For me the result is a bit closer to the lawful improv you get among skilful band members. Musicians can know which note comes next, play it, not play it, or subvert expectations, etc. Musicians play off each other. Deconstructing composition, I'm learning to play off my own expectations a bit better.
Thanks for sharing! That aspect of musicians playing off each other - that’s something a lot of modular synth heads and solo home studio folks either have forgotten or seldom experience. Powerful stuff!
@kolaiu 16 күн бұрын
Your picks are 3 soundsources which need more than 2k in modules in a rack to support them properly.
@seancharles8461 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Curious as to what make is that small monitor/screen you are using in your minimalist setup with the Pulsar 32.
Can’t recall the exact model number but it’s a small portable USB-C display that camera people use. A lot of them you can find on Amazon. Cheers!
@harrywoodell7008 17 күн бұрын
The piano playing has maybe 50 millisecond pauses when you get the idea of how to proceed. Wish I could come up with the next part that fast.
@PandaPotPies 17 күн бұрын
This is a good jam thats valid for actual use
@derrickharmon7980 17 күн бұрын
Thanks im trying to get a feel on selling my high end record players, eaualizers, amps, and speackers as well as sone audio recording equioment im still researching that i came into. Just trying to fugure all this out as ive only used ebay in past.
@d3ndesign 17 күн бұрын
Good to see you are back in full swing. Really liked the modular composing you were doing, obviously very talented on the keyboard as well, but is nice to see that then expressed in modular format. And obviously we're here because of the modular side of things. Reductionism, or not, the resulting modular composition is very complex. One or two modules, as demonstrated, can do wonders with sound (I think Arbhar would fit so nicely in my setup... if I had the room) and as embellishments - depending on the context - it does make for a maximalist sound from very little, which I personally like and would love to do the whole orchestra thing on modular. The danger I think is the Picasso vs Dali duel, both contempories at the time. Picasso's abstract minimalism vs Dali's detailed surrealism. So just how close to a real orchestra should we strive to create. If we are going for realism but say with melting clocks then we are in the Dali camp, but if just hinting at the shape, of say an Oboe, then we are in the Picasso camp, how we get there is probably immaterial, the listener does care unless they are minimalists themselves. Personally I prefer Picasso to Dali so hopefully that would be reflected in my art. You asked about ideas we may also be working on or willing to share... well currently using modular to explore harmonics, amongst other things, and particularly interested in the choral frequencies that can be produced without using voice samples. Using the DAW to subtract the original frequencies producing the harmonies is quite a challenge though, especially from a stereo mix recorded dawless (Silicon Hearts, if you want to check it out... not self promoting btw).
Amazing! Thank you for sharing! Great insights here. Dali example is also right on point.
@jonaseggen2230 17 күн бұрын
Late to the game comment, but I had this impression that Atlantis in particular, and Intellijel in general is made more for techno etc?
Well I would say it’s well suited for electronic techno, it cuts through well. But it can do well in anything that requires something aggressive. There’s a new updated version of it that you should check out! Thanks for stopping by.
@TheGoldenWreath 17 күн бұрын
Howdy. For Starlab …Is there a “spill over” function for texture modes when switching between the three settings? And is there a way to get it back to factory reset ?
That’s a great question! I will have to double check but I’m pretty sure it does? It’d be super unmusical if it doesn’t.
@TheGoldenWreath 17 күн бұрын
@@DUNGEONMUSICTHEATRE agreed. I just got one and when I switch from the 3 texture settings , sound just cuts off And the module just behaves funny. Maybe I got a dud.
@TheGoldenWreath 15 күн бұрын
@@DUNGEONMUSICTHEATRE just looked at manual. Hard to understand under “favorites and texture “ section but I tried a few things, like switching some things behind module. Did NOT work. Doubt it has spill over mode. Unusable.
@dudfaz 18 күн бұрын
@user-ng9uc3vu3k 18 күн бұрын
Thank you .. been meaning to get into kind of thing, too .. with a couple of chords that play off of each other, and into a granular module (Beads, in my case). That Arbhar looks pretty effective. And perhaps some kind of alternate part with Bitbox Micro, .. the reversing loop feature can be a pretty musical presence.
@benasaro1043 18 күн бұрын
Interesting ideas! But I think you are conflating minimalism and reductivism a bit, and what you are demonstrating here is reductivism (taking a musical idea and subtracting from it until it becomes a new idea, as demonstrated by the Picasso series of drawings) not minimalism (adding as little as possible to to an idea until it is complete). I think you correctly refer to the process as reductivism, but you open the video talking about minimalist aesthetics, which isn’t the same thing to me, even though minimalism CAN be viewed as a type of reduction 😅. But thanks for getting me to think about these things on a deeper level than a typical ‘here’s my super stripped down rig’ video.
Thank you for the feedback. I think you are correct that I’m smearing minimalism with reductivism. In fact as I was editing this video, I thought similar. I will pin this to the top!
@cardboardmusic 18 күн бұрын
Good point, to add to a fun and interesting video.
@larix.elektro 17 күн бұрын
In fact, a lot of modular users say "Minimal setup". So it' not so wong to use the term "minimal". Maybe juste don't use "minimalISM" to avoid confusion. Because in this case it refers to a musical genre. Reductivism is less used, and so less understandable by most people (Am I right ??). But it's a very interesting comment, and video !
@BlackMan614 18 күн бұрын
I have never gotten into granular stuff, probably due to PTSD from using samplers in the 80s (Mirage... Akai S950... and EMU E6400). I think I still get twitchy when I see a Mirage or a S950. The hours spent/wasted on getting loops without clicks using a 60 character LCD screen. Never again. LOL
I had the KORG T3 (successor to their famous M1) I remember spending hours on that awful sequencer. Did one of my final University projects on it and to this day, I have an acute aversion to step sequencers. Having said that, granular modules like the Arbhar and Morphagene is SO much easier and more intuitive these days. Thanks for sharing! :)
@maarzt 18 күн бұрын
the Dream well articulated
@sonofzorro1 18 күн бұрын
Reverb froze my account for literally no reason for about two months. by the time they decided to reinstate me, I walked away, and will NEVER go back. With the ridiculous hit on your sale, you should also.
That’s sad to hear. While fees can be rough, I’ve had nothing but great customer service from Reverb so that’s a bummer.
@kevinallan126 18 күн бұрын
Brilliant! Would love to see the whole video 🙂
Will do!
@michel5148 18 күн бұрын
in the context of minimalist setups, what if you use only a daw such as ableton. therein is an unlimited supply of instruments, given the fact your computer is powerful enough... maybe the problem is the person itself. for instance, you can tell yourself out of the millions of possibilities today i only use this or this. i think people are weak in general and lack filters, and striving always for succes or what somebody else thinks.
For sure it’s the person behind the setup. Certainly setups can help. But it’s the whole cart before the horse thing! Thanks for your thoughts!
@thomas_dries 18 күн бұрын
For minimalist setups, knowing exactly what you want to do is very important. I have a 42 HP setup for soundscapes consisting of just three modules (not including utilities). Having such a small setup can sometimes be limiting, but imposing limitations on yourself will force you to be more creative. Another cool thing about smaller setups is that they're portable, my setup runs on battery power so I am truly capable of taking it anywhere.
@chambre466 18 күн бұрын
@romanstehling6329 18 күн бұрын
Awesome! Always inspiring your creative use of modular! I find your approach of reduction similar to Picasso quite interesting. I am working with my setup, including Arbhar, Bitbox, Nebulae and Morphagene on a Wagner piece. My goal is more deconstruction, but I am just starting out and working on a concept. So, you just gave me some ideas at the right time! ;)
@treschlet 21 күн бұрын
Personally, I don't care if something sounds "authentic" so much as if it sounds interesting. Now, I think analog does sound interesting, so putting in the work to emulate an analog circuit often helps a software instrument sound more interesting, because it's a more dynamic "emergent" algorithm. But... it doesn't have to sound perfectly, exactly the same. As long as it's awesome and engaging, then heck yeah!
I hear ya. My concern would be if the product is marketed in software emulation as “x” but it doesn’t sound anything like it. Now this is a hard thing because this can be subjective along with a host of comparison challenges that can be time consuming, including just having the hardware version to compare it too, especially if it’s expensive or difficult to get a hold of.
@the92project 21 күн бұрын
I’ve sold on reverb for 5 years. Over 200 transactions and it’s been a great experience, only one time I had an instrument trashed during shipment and reverb stepped in to make everyone happy. Never seen a scammer.
@BetterWokeThanAsleep2 24 күн бұрын
Question? Why did you think you need to replace the item in the first place? I know there is always a reason we tell ourselves but reality is that we didn’t think we needed that feature just a short time before so in the end it’s just our impulsiveness to need the latest and greatest ALL the time. And that’s what you paid for so don’t blame Reverb for making even more money of your need…
@timothymartin2137 24 күн бұрын
you lose and in the end you paid reverb 12%(I did the same thing...I signed up for a fee of what....4%...and in the end they had raised their rates and stuck me for 12%)
@theleastsignificantbit4794 25 күн бұрын
Excellent video. I ordered a case and the modules to make a custom version of the Erica Synths’ Black System II… …and while waiting for the gear to arrive (Fedex lost or “misplaced” the package containing the VCOs and filters)… …I watched a demo on the Sequential Pro 3. I looked at the cost for the eurorack and the cost of the Pro 3. I returned all the modules and case and ordered the Pro 3. I’m very happy. Follow the path that makes you happy.
@NitroModelsAndComics 25 күн бұрын
I have only purchased on Reverb. I bought a Mesa Mark IV and it went well. 1,500.00 + shop and when I looked recently they were averaging 2800.00. but I sold a few guitars on eBay and they hit hard. I am no longer selling on eBay or Feebay if you like.
@hardyharhar9 26 күн бұрын
I haven't tried Reverb yet, but a lot of people have said they bought Chibsons on there.
@camofilms 27 күн бұрын
Boss video, I own it, it's amazing. Feel bad for the haters. This machine is out of this world
@Saturata Ай бұрын
So, almost all these modules are basically the drum sythns and digital?
I mean it’s my five but feel free to recommend your 5! :)
@rayderrich Ай бұрын
I send the outputs of my Eurorack modules straight into a 16 channel input mixer using 3.5mm to 6.3mm cables, not all mixers can handle it perhaps but I found mine does it very well and it saves me from buying yet another 'bridge'. Then through USB I have all sound generators available to me on separate channels inside my DAW for further processing, mostly effects. I love your studio setup and would not mind hearing a few more talks with demo music from your cave.
@PaulFlintoft Ай бұрын
Cool vid, mate
@iloveACID Ай бұрын
Mavis loves big knobs
@pawnotdaw4559 Ай бұрын
I'm lucky enough to have free time while working night shifts and use vcv on my laptop. Its great to experiment and i often bounce audio and play it in my car for the drive home. It's very useful but it's definitely not fun compared to my eurorack. Anyhoo nice videos
@exxon47_ Ай бұрын
One of the most important parts of VCV RACK FREE for me is that it is free, to be clear the free version has no limit put on it further than you have to use it as a separate program as apposed to a plugin. I cant afford a modular system and that is a barrier for a lot of people.
@fergusfurlong Ай бұрын
Excellent study - thanks for sharing. The set-up looks ideal even down to the cabals, I know lots of cables distracts me. So I am about to rebuild my set-up to include Perkons (will insert some effects using the I/O), Push 3, Digitakt 2, Zen Delay and OTO BAM. I will use Push 3 as controller (not standalone) and have the MacBook sitting away not even been seen!. Will only dive into Live when needed. Want to spend most of my time, experimenting with sound and having the ability to swap out the DT2 and or the Perskons for alternate hardware). Record and sample (don't have an audio interface and the Push 3 does + ADAT). The Push 3 becomes my suitcase to store and arrange my recordings and samples. I truely want to learn the perform the Perkons and that is a masterpiece! So it will be; 1. Push 3 as a controller - Ableton Live (MacBook Pro not to be seen!) 2. Perkons (swappable with LRX/Syntakt) 3. DT2 (swappable with whatever I want to add) 4. Hardware effects rack/section (again allowing for additions/swap-ability) currently Zen Delay/OTO BAM/AH+FX (this is too bulky) so might just keep the Zen Delay and add Erica Synths Night Verb and remove the rest. 5. Lastly a small midi controller (faders/knobs) to map to the Push 3 macros and internal effects for live performance. My space is minimal so need to keep everything minimal including cabling and power supplies.
Love hearing the passion! Thanks for sharing!!! 🙏