@DJSaltyLove 2 сағат бұрын
I've been saying since the OW2 beta that 5v5 was a big mistake, it made me mostly quit the game within a couple months and every time I come back I don't feel any better about it. Blizzard has a huge issue where they won't roll back changes they make. They do this with every. single. game. I don't know what it will take for them to suck up their pride and make the changes everyone is begging for but I want my game back blizzard.
@user-up5nc2nd5e 4 сағат бұрын
If they rework rein then the game is lost, and they knew if they didn't shut down overwatch servers the people who bought the game would just play it over overwatch 2
@SnowBunBun. 4 сағат бұрын
Ive been playing overwatch since the open beta for OW1 came out. I was obsessed with it. Now? I hate playing Tank in OW2. I miss the 6v6 so so much. Everytime i play with friends most of them dont wanna choose tank, and me and another friend have to force ourselfs to do it. Playing tank is no fun at all anymore. And i really liked the lootboxes. It was so satisfying leveling up and getting one. This feeling of getting a reward for playing is gone. And i miss the player level. I loved people being able to see how much i played already, and i loved seeing how much others played. Also will never understand why they took the old maps away. I want Overwatch 1 back.
@zercherspecialist127 19 сағат бұрын
Anytime i get push i really really want to just close the game, and it seems like its literally all i get. Theres so many shit push maps + the push gamemode itself that they seem to really be pushing, i find myself wanting to close the game all the time, and i do.
@kobban63 20 сағат бұрын
i would love to have some of the old hud elements and sounds
@madsondurton8754 21 сағат бұрын
Agreed, for me it is the 5v5
@DeeArio07 22 сағат бұрын
Us tank players love our supports
@ChimpRevolution 22 сағат бұрын
17:25 i see your point but i also can see why you still lose SR. I really think if the system just made it a draw the system would be abused by people duoing with people on a alt account if a game looks unwinnable the purposely DC to save their friend whose on the main account SR
@mrthebunnyhuntr Күн бұрын
5v5 limits gameplay strategy, just like removing cc abilities
@CypherOfSolace Күн бұрын
T.R.O.Y. is such a good song from NBA Street Volume 2
@joelang4709 Күн бұрын
Sombra needs another rework. She was annoying to tanks originally and is now guaranteed to win a 1v1 against any other role basically after rework. You think the rework is good being a tank player, it is just as bad if not worse than before
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
I think it's good (along with others) simply because she's more of a skill based character now versus what she was before.
@rodrigodastremanzanares9997 2 күн бұрын
Counterswaps existed in OW 1 and will always exist in a game like this, but in OW 2 counterswap became the optimal strategy to win the game, thats the problem of 5v5
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
Couldn't have said it any better my friend. Cheers!
@DylanDValentine 2 күн бұрын
Wow, a very humble and grounded analysis good sir. I will say as a community there is much discussion of the problem, but I wish for us to move forward and begin proposing solutions. My proposed solution to the current format is a slight variations of format 1-1-1 + 2 flex with a limit of 2 per each role at a time. This enables us to stay 5v5 and each game is guaranteed 1 tank, 1 support, 1 dps and 2 players whom can flex to any role. If we think back on "the problem" it is that we all wish to be able to play whom we want, in either format. My proposed solution I believe enables anyone to lock in whom they wish, and the 2 players who signed up to flex can focus on the counterswaping. One argument against my format has been that it would always evolve to 2-1-2 | 2 Tank, 1 dps, 2 support, I believe with the correct tweaking of DPS role passive, this could be balanced in a way so that 1-2-2 would always counter 2-1-2, giving more layers and nuance to the current 5v5 format. Peace and love my friend, you earned a sub from me.
@wildwestwaifu6201 2 күн бұрын
I play rein and brig exclusively and its not terrible, annoy sometimes yes but you can play around any tank. My fav matchups are mauga rein and ram rein😂 watching my counters switch to horse or mauga is the highlight of my day. Dim 2 tank
@AcidicRomance 2 күн бұрын
I was a Rein main through and through and landing big shatters getting cool pins and sniping with fire strike were my favorite moments in OW1 but holy shit I feel like it’s impossible now to play him. I understand most of it is a skill issue but back then I could do more with less. I miss it
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
Rein has becoming challenging the higher you go.
@mrosskne 2 күн бұрын
stop using single word subtitles. they aren't helpful for deaf people.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
This was mentioned by many others and I have changed my captions in my other videos. Sorry about that.
@eddieryan7246 2 күн бұрын
Tbh I think you talked past this guy the whole time, you didn't really listen
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
I did listen, it's not hard to comprehend what he is saying. This is also the shorter version of my response. I wanted to keep it shorter than my other reaction videos. Thank you for your feedback though.
@MrBreakdownx 2 күн бұрын
Ngl im pretty sure you can mass report a player and they get banned 80% of the time.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
Just a report for abusive chat or something to that extent?
@eyevou 2 күн бұрын
You saying that someone has a "low elo take" doesn't get better by saying that you don't mean anything by it. It's rank shaming, plain and simple.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
The game is different based on your elo, we all know this. I'm not the first to say it and won't be the last. What's prevalent and more effective in lower elo IS NOT or completely different in higher elo. Just the name of the game my friend.
@eyevou Күн бұрын
​@@shadezOW I'm not saying that the people in lower rank games don't play differently. I'm saying that a perfectly good video is tainted by you attempting to make someone feel bad because of their rank. Conflating the two isn't productive for either the high rank who "has a bad mentality" or the low rank who might be trying to get better. There is absolutely no reason for you to put someone down like that and saying you don't mean any harm doesn't prevent the harm being done in the first place.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
@@eyevou at no point during my reaction did you hear me say anything about it's bad being a lower elo player. You think what I said is bad, you should hear what the big names say about lower elo players. I want everyone to enjoy the game and have fun and I also want the game to be great again. Whatever elo this player might be in, I never said it was bad, but if you want to climb you need to understand the game.
@eyevou Күн бұрын
@@shadezOW At 10:14 you called it a "low elo take" which implies that it was bad and necessitated them to change their thinking to improve, which is not essentially the case. I call those "big name" people out for rank shaming as well. I don't take SVB, Samito, ProlikeChro, ect. seriously anymore because of their views on lower ranked players. Comparing them to handicapped children in some cases. As I said before: It's not necessary to use low ranks as a slur to make high rank players feel bad about the way they play. Actually debate them on the merits of their gameplay or qualify what strategies may work in a lower rank but not in a higher one. Your replies to this very post show that you can be better than that.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
@@eyevou Yes, it was a low elo take and helps me with understanding the source of the statement. The statement is relevant to to lower elo only. Either way, thank you for your passion about the topic.
@vibin7777 2 күн бұрын
Shout out to the 30:00 timestamp of "Please nerf Illari. Thanks, Blizzard." Say that louder for the devs in the back.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
@d4mephisto 2 күн бұрын
thank you for sharing your thoughts. you hit so many points that I feel myself as a long-time (since day 1 in 2016) OW player. I miss 6v6... I cannot lie :(
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
I miss it. The 6v6 pubs are the best we got right now.
@Zazafe3101 2 күн бұрын
I have nothing but the utmost respect for tank mains my brother mains tank and I watch his mind deteriorate each session so I can only imagine how other tank players feel
@MrBreakdownx 2 күн бұрын
I deleted the game at this point. This game ain't worth your mental. Especially with how the devs said, just now their focusing on tank.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
We appreciate you.
@TheKillerman3333 2 күн бұрын
as a tank, i once spent most of the time either stunned, slept, hacked, or dead. there was a single point in one game where as soon as it was off cooldown, the enemy sombra would hack me. imagine playing a roll where you are seen as the biggest threat, and soaking up every cooldown possible.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
Sounds like OW tanking lol, sucks your team didn't help you on that game.
@TheKillerman3333 Күн бұрын
@@shadezOW there wasn't enough suzu to save me.
@TheKillerman3333 2 күн бұрын
The problem with having to know everything listed is, you have to know that at BRONZE rank. When 2/3 of the options are playable out of the gate with limited knowledge "aim good, get out of bronze" then there is a huge problem. Learning how your abilities work, positioning, what role your character fills, such as dive, backline, dirsuption, ect for the other 2/3 of the characters makes a smooth and understandable climbing experiance. Tank, you need to know all of that at the lowest rank, and you are still beholden to the other 9 players.
@thatonepronoun7503 2 күн бұрын
But the devs said they fixed tank must be a skill issue
@Fixer48 2 күн бұрын
The devs are the definition of skill issue
@shadezOW 2 күн бұрын
@@Fixer48 haha facts!
@thestranger1164 2 күн бұрын
bro you cant sit at the back of the map and healbot and expect to understand why tank is in a horrible spot, and has been since the first season.
@MrBreakdownx 2 күн бұрын
​@@Fixer48remember when they first showed venture gameplay. I assumed because it was a drill character there was some benefit to hitting the floor next to the enemy. Nope the devs are just bad the game.
@UnknownPlaysVT-jd7yr 2 күн бұрын
thank you for reacting my video i do want to clarify that i oversimplified support players and dps roles. it was just to show how much responsibility a tank has that can be overwhelming for new players i could've definitely said it better also i love sigma but i think double shield ruined him for me maybe i played him way too much lol but again thank you so much for taking your time to watch the video
@shadezOW 2 күн бұрын
Glad to see other fellow tank players in any form. Thank you for the info! Keep fighting the good fight!
@UnknownPlaysVT-jd7yr 2 күн бұрын
@@shadezOWyes sir 🫡
@Fixer48 2 күн бұрын
Reason is 5v5,the shop and battlepass being the main focus of the game,devs obviously dont play their game and they refuse to listen to any feedback becuase they got so much pride and the only time they do is if someone like flats calls them out for their bs like the buff they wanted to give mauga
@PseudoGuido 3 күн бұрын
Overwatch is going the same way tf2 went. Sad to see it happen to two games in my favorite genre.
@shadezOW Күн бұрын
I have so little time on TF2, can you elaborate for me?
@FunniestFern 3 күн бұрын
Imagine they try and lie to us again saying they’re working on pve again so they won’t change it back lol
@whitegrill8809 4 күн бұрын
I wanna take this comment to remind everyone. When I’m regards to balance and actual meaningful changes, it was leaked and confirmed by recent former blizzard employees, that when talking about things like 6v6 and actual balance, they won’t change anything big because the main players in higher ranks will still play the game regardless of its state, so why bother giving them meaningful content?