Overwatch 2 "competitive" has to do BETTER! (rant)

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20 күн бұрын

Overwatch 2 competitive sucks overall. My beloved game has fallen so far from grace and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you think OW2 is perfect in every way you will not like my video.
Schedule: Mon - Wed - Fri - Sat(sometimes) | around 12pm-ish CST
( / shahdezz )
( / nullsectornews )
( / @shadeztv2 )
#overwatch2 #rant #frustrated #gamer #overwatch2gameplay #overwatchmemes #funny #tank #pain #memes #roleplayinggames #tank #support #dps #thoughtsfeelings #gamerthoughts #gamerstuff #opinions #factsvideo #discussion #chatting #talkaboutit
I do not own the rights to the music used in this video.

Пікірлер: 171
@ShaaneOh 17 күн бұрын
@wtheckmoment5143 17 күн бұрын
Same was one of my favorite parts of Overwatch 1
@veenus_ow 16 күн бұрын
Me too!
@RIP_ZYZZ1738 16 күн бұрын
And my rank to show on my border. And to have end game cards back. And add medals back. And old rank designs (not the half assed new ones). And to have the black ui theme instead of the blinding white. I’ve always said this but Black UIs>White UI If the UI changes were really meant to minimize toxicity, why did they add a scoreboard? Their reasons for changing things going into OW2 are flimsy at best. (And the includes 5v5)
@shadezOW 16 күн бұрын
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
@@RIP_ZYZZ1738 All of these will be in my new rant video about what OW needs to desperately put into the game (or put back into the game)
@pepekovallin 17 күн бұрын
I personally have nothing against clash for the most part, my biggest gripes with it is that if your team doesn't know how to play clash than you just lose. I just wished we had more gamemodes in qp, I'm tired of push and flashpoint, and for the love of god add a gamemode queue already, there's literally no reason for them to not add a game mode specific queue "oh, you don't wanna play push? Ok, queue only for payload" there's no reason for this option to not exist in qp, and if the argument is "oh but that will make so that no one will play a specific game mode" who cares? That's not my problem as a player, I want to play a fun game mode, if the game mode isn't fun thats blizzard's fault and they should gather this data and actually get player feedback for them to improve their game, stop babying this dev team, making the game fun is THEIR job, it's not OUR job to bear with with their dumb decisions and delusional vision for the game
@Lo0serx3 17 күн бұрын
I've been begging for this since OW1. I love escort/hybrid so much and it feels like I rarely get them anymore
@twocheezitz9182 16 күн бұрын
So fucking true. I've had this in my head for so long that if they had map bans, push would never be played again. I fucking hated push for so long. I don't hate it as much now, but I still feel the unbalanced game design. Every game of push is decided by the 3rd team fight. It's a bad gamemode that is hopeless unless you are in the lead by the very beginning
@ZeldaMia 16 күн бұрын
Say what you want about COD but they let make your own QP playlist of any modes you like. If you just want escort you can just put that in, if you want escort and push you can put those two and it'll pick from those two pools that need someone. Like, in COD, some days I'm just not feeling hardpoint or something, I can take it off and put it back on as I please.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Agreed. I'm done being nice about anything related to this game towards the Devs, how can any Dev team be this tone deaf to their player base regarding input and feedback. The queue for the different game modes is an interesting idea, I never thought of it. I also think this would be a clear indicator of what the player base really enjoys or likes. Doubt they will do it though for that reason alone.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
@@ZeldaMia I'm here for it
@addynaruto1221 17 күн бұрын
lmao a squeaky hammer sound for rein would be hilarious
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I'll take that over the sea of nothing we have.
@DeeArio07 17 күн бұрын
I just don’t want anymore of these lazy mirrored maps.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Which maps are you referring to?
@Aerostar7x 11 күн бұрын
​@shadezOW1 I assume maps like busan for example where they are mirrored for each team. I think that's just a control map thing tho but I could be wrong
@vibin7777 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to point out the toxicity towards female gamers. This is an issue that a lot of content creators like to pretend "disappeared" when the game went from OW1 to OW2. The toxicity is usually either negative in an aggressive way, or negative in that it is unsolicited and fetishized. This person is in the same rank as you with the same SR as you, why does their gender matter?
@htfcm 17 күн бұрын
Toxicity is something we aaaaaallll deal with in this game. Even when I win games I get people in my lobby bitching and moaning about something; you can’t escape it.
@vibin7777 17 күн бұрын
@@htfcm Yes, but females gamers get gendered toxicity in addition to the normal toxicity. They get both. Sometimes at the same time. If you don't know this, I don't know how to help you there.
@htfcm 16 күн бұрын
@@vibin7777 It doesn't matter what people are being toxic to us about when the fact is we all deal with these people. Whether it's your gender, race, hero pick, or whatever, it's annoying to deal with the bullshit. It's dumb when people act as if the toxicity some face is not as big a deal because they aren't hating on you for your gender.
@veenus_ow 16 күн бұрын
​@htfcm This is why we chose the bear....
@vibin7777 16 күн бұрын
@@htfcm You are missing the point completely. I never said that the normal/usual toxicity is better than the gendered toxicity. They are both equally bad. What I said is that the normal/usual toxicity gets brought to light and the gendered does not. This was me thanking Shadez for bringing something to light that isn't talked about. I'm not going to continue to argue with you about this. If you don't understand, it's because you haven't experienced it and if you haven't experienced it, you really shouldn't be commenting on it.
@VayreenaVulpera 17 күн бұрын
The whole "punish the whole team for a leaver" bit was mainly so pre-mades couldn't have a throw-away member willing to take the leaver penalty if the round goes bad, the rest doesn't lose SR and on a ban, you can just make a new account. As for the earning stuff bit... we had it in OW1 with the level borders at least... HAD it
@wayzospace 17 күн бұрын
Overwatch is hands down the least rewarding game ever. Like u basically just play the game if u don’t have the battle pass. Like in call of duty zone wars I get weapon skins just for playing the gun and game enough. Why did they add that stupid ass hero mastery badges just for u never to be able to see anyone’s let alone ur own till game ends. Like imagine like u said weapon skins. Custom sounds. Custom animations. Reload animations. Ur telling me this company has had overwatch as one of their main ips for like 8 years and it still is just as content less as team fortress 2 is rn. Like cmon now. This is a billion dollar company. This is really sad and makes u it seem like they don’t gaf about actual player experience just money now. Which is clear as day since only thing they really push is skins now
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
It's very unrewarding, which truly blows my mind at this point.
@soIzec 16 күн бұрын
You know the sad part about the weapon skins? They literally already some thing they can use to make more: basing them off the rank themselves. We could have bronze, silver, plat and diamond weapin skins easily; only real issue figuring out what to do for the other ranks. Heck, they could even increase the price of each weapon skin variant, such as bronze being cheaper than gold, and gold being cheaper than diamond. But nope, can't do that for some reason.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Many many other games do this, Overwatch could do this as well.
@rayman964 17 күн бұрын
comp sucks since 8 years. For me its "quick play plus" mode i like call it
@shadezOW 16 күн бұрын
Feels that way honestly........
@Korblox 13 күн бұрын
Hey bro, just curious what your subtitling method is? Are you doing them by hand like that or is it a specific plug-in i should get? They look awesome. Keep it up
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
I do them individually now.
@nordy- 15 күн бұрын
Its crazy how paladins has animated banners and icons and different voice packs for certian skins, not even tied to a competitive reward; and overwatch doesn't. I bet the art team has so many good ideas for cosmetic rewards but blizzard just dont want to implement them.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I've never honestly given Paladins a try. In your opinion, do you feel it's a game worth trying out if you're someone like myself that enjoys games such as OW1 and Team Fortress 2...soon to be laying Marvel Rivals?
@destroyerdjf8340 17 күн бұрын
What you said about stats would not work because people would then try and and just farm damage harder and it’s hard to measure all the value you make For example anti nade or Lucio speed or if your tank then how are you holding and taking space and dps if you are widow and you get a early pick it only counts as one kill but that early kill makes the entire fight a 4v5 and everyone else will get credit 4 the other kills and widow might be able to get 1 other kill because of her slow rate of fire
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
In the video, I mentioned wanting my stats factored to SOME degree. Not saying it needs to be the end all be all. Want something for playing well except frustration when I play amazing and my team doesn't and I still lose.
@redangel6217 17 күн бұрын
7:13 that's all they wanna hear, that one sentence. "Blizzard" will put in as little effort as possible, do things as bad as they can get away with, because of players not letting it go. All they care about is numbers.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Numbers and how much money they make.
@OleCopperbeard 17 күн бұрын
Triple A studios cannot make great games anymore. When youre publicly traded your main priority is profits not fun. If they are able to sacrifice fun aspects which cost money to implement to maintain or increase their bottom line they will do so. In 2024 its more profitable to have a revolving door of new or casual players who come in buy the battle pass,play the game a week or two, maybe a skin then drop the game until the next season comes out. As opposed to spending money on new features most casual players care nothing about. As a dedicated OW player they already have you and your wallet so they dont need to add features for you, their focus is adding new skins for the casuals to buy and shiny themes for the next battlepass. This will continue until OW players stop whining about the game while still playing it and buying the battlepass and actually take action in the language corporations speak by uninstalling and not purchasing anything or playing it. (Side note this isnt a shot at you for venting i get you love the game and just want to see it succeed. Ive played since 2017 recently just quit 6 months ago and i feel the same but the truth is if you really want change there has to be collective action.)
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company are clear examples of quality gameplay > pretty game.
@TylerPayne21 3 күн бұрын
I also think the Overwatch dev team needs to make a lot more ranked rewards for people's time spent playing the game. If you only get a gold and green weapon skin, that doesn't seem like a good incentive to continue to rank up and get better at the game, Blizzard. 😤💔
@Panicking_Femboy 16 күн бұрын
I don't play much comp for a lot of the reasons stated, I'm coming from games like siege where the gameplay loop fundamentally changes from qp to comp, whereas in ow it's just the same game modes but longer or with fancier UI elements. plus siege had a better overall cosmetic system so they can shill out more for ranked rewards, whereas ow has a weird currency-based reward system that doesn't make much sense at a glance another amazing vid looking forward to the next one
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! I also agree, there's so many other comp games I play that actually give me ranking/ratings and rewards for playing the game with better game loops....etc etc.
@zc8673 5 күн бұрын
Okay I love push, but the clash mode is absolutely not it. It's pretty much the epitome of everything wrong with OverWatch 2 versus OverWatch 1. It completely reduces all team play aspects and essentially is just a giant deathmatch that forces close scores even if the match is incredibly one-sided.
@jacobbaartz7710 17 күн бұрын
Just off the rip. I think blizzards recent profanity thing could be really positive, if they have bonuses for good communications amongst players. We also need more positve direction as a community on what comms are good comms are, at least in low-mid ranks. Information is always good, and mid-post fight instruction bad, imo. If your teammate doesnt understand how to peel for example, youre never teaching them during a match, that just tilts ppl. Also, loving the hades music
@tylerbacoka4248 16 күн бұрын
yeah banning people for speaking GREAT IDEA!!!.....NO
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
The way I view it....if Blizzard can go to the extreme of banning people for the "F" bomb in chat or in voice, then they could be doing so much more for the game. I said what I said.
@slashermaid 17 күн бұрын
i guess it makes sense that a company so focused on how much money they can make is conservative about how many cosmetic items they'll give away for free. i love your idea about having a kiosk with weapon skins, or other related items, where some are generic to comp, and some are specific to certain characters. if we earned thoughtful rewards for simply playing comp, AND our favorite characters, then dammit i would play so much more comp than i do! these items wouldn't be limited edition, but maybe change annually to mark when you earned them. maybe not, and just more would be added to their respective shops. maybe multiple items can be unlocked at each level, so you can have more agency over what you want, and the currenct isn't a 1:1 with time spent, so you can choose to save for future levels, or spend them all on what's available as you unlock. agency!!!!!! i'm sorry but in this economy i do not have the disposible money blizzard wants me to have. my ass is NOT spending 200 bucks for what, half of a characters collectables? like, im thinking about winton souvenir. people ate winton the fuck up when he dropped this season, but hes locked behind a paywall... it's such a shame, because it was a moment where the community really exploded in the sillies together. imagine if winton was locked behind a paywall that ANYONE could reach, and was available for a long time. the payment is by playing like. idk 5 hours of monkey in comp over the course of a year. also at 5 hours, you earn an awesome voice line. maybe at 20 hours, you get a alternative weapons sound-effect that sounds like thunder or something. it'd encourage more players to play tank (in this case, lol), as well as the game in general :(
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I've stated in a previous video and on stream, I don't expect this game to not have monetization. It's a F2P title, so I expect it. Where they miss the mark, is they don't realize how much players are willing to spend if everything else in the game is fantastic. See the The Finals, see Fortnite, see Rocket League.....etc.
@lukeaustin4465 17 күн бұрын
I'll only play overwatch competitively if they add a pick/ban draft system. Until then it's a casual game for me.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Fair point
@beastlyword0690 17 күн бұрын
Aside from the actual rewards being bad like you mentioned my biggest gripe about competitive is how ironically uncompetitive it is. Ow is a team based game and the amount of times I’ve won with ppl on my team not deserving the win or lost while not deserving it is astonishing. I lose so many games because I’ll come out on a character have the entire enemy team counter pick me and NO ONE ON MY TEAM WILL COUNTER PICK BACK. In those few games I play were ppl actually counter pick on my team I get the ppl that will go 5-18 on dps or like 0-15 on support. I have 6 accounts across every rank from good to GM and it literally doesn’t change the ppl I get on my team vs the ppl I get against me. When I stack with my friends and good players I win like 80% of my games, I solo or duo queue and my win rate is like 40%. In my opinion a TEAM based game should not punish the people who couldn’t pull their own weight ultimately causing them to lose. Visa versa you shouldn’t get points for winning a game if you don’t contribute to the outcome. People tell me it’s too hard for a multi BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY to do that and I just laugh. My all time favorite loss I’ve ever had was in a dmd 1 lobby where as a tank I had 106 elimination and 6 deaths doing 38k dmg in a 35 min match AND I LOST. I peeked the scoreboard aside from me and one dps the entire team was like 30-30 or like 20-20. I genuinely don’t understand how ppl can die 3 to 4 times the tank did. So in conclusion it’s a double smack in the face, the rewards are terrible and the lobby balancing is also terrible. Just play QP if you have to play the game and if your like me and don’t find QP fun just ditch the game. Xdefiant is amazing rn and there are so many other titles worth ur money and time. 😊
@ChachingFPS 18 күн бұрын
i want a clan system in this game make it easier to find people to play with. also i really want unique weapon skins for the heros, in fps game u always see ur gun. why noo more skin for gun blizzz?
@pepekovallin 17 күн бұрын
It would be great if you could mix weapons from other skins with the one you're using, idk why overwatch doesn't have this
@Dogma7 17 күн бұрын
I would like clans but idk how that would work with our community, imagine joing a clan then getting kicked after a few losses 😂.. Same thing happened with LFG.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I remember reading awhile back in a dev blog it's something that is being considered or something to that degree. If COD can do you clans, so can Overwatch.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
@@Dogma7 Nothing will be perfect in any game, gamers will be gamers....let's not pretend here.
@Samsjunk 17 күн бұрын
You can't run all game modes all the time because it divides the player base up too much, some game modes already barely get enough players to sustain queues. The rest of your rant has been addressed so many times. There's entire videos and Q&As about why your individual stats don't get looked at and what happened when they did that in OW1 (Mercy's getting boosted incorrectly). There is no forced 50/50, whole videos disproving that too, your SR does match your MMR, that's old info that is out of date. King's row is a hallway. It's a terrible map filled with tiny rooms and made up mostly of a long ass hallway. I get that stupid shitty map all the time.
@meat3958 17 күн бұрын
One of the only crap takes I’ve seen in this thread. Damn that’s rough 😭🙏
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
When I say SR I actually meant your MMR, that does not match your rank. The devs said this, I'm just repeating it. Might be my bad about saying SR instead of MMR. The stats could be modified to incorporate those variables (Mercy boosting stats for example) but the devs also stated they want this gameplay loop with Mercy so........ and I don't see why all the ranked modes can't be even throughout all of competitive, not doing this creates a stale game loop.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
The forced 50/50 was in another Q&A with the devs, not me making this up.
@idiaz5312 11 күн бұрын
I honestly love the fact you keep mentioning The Finals because I’ve played since the first Closed Beta and how they handle cosmetics, progression, personal flair and more is just so so refreshing compared to Overwatch
@alexanderabad7295 15 күн бұрын
Comp is so toxic now that qp is a better experience now. Probably 1/4 of my games have throwers or leavers. I’ve had so many comp games where people throw after one fucking fight it’s ridiculous.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
This has happened to me often unfortunately in ranked. Someone on my team will make a comment about another player and the team spirals down hill.
@Yubi_Yubi 12 күн бұрын
Anyone remember that, back in OW 1, blizzard announced that they were working on a clan system? Yeah, that aged like milk
@kevlowry 18 күн бұрын
I agree with everything u said at this point someone needs to start a petition for 6v6 and all the stuff u said to be put in the game🫡🤣
@shadezOW 16 күн бұрын
Let me know if you find one!
@psycoskunk9145 11 күн бұрын
Ah, forced 50/50. Where there’s a 50/50 chance that my team loses 90% of the time. 😃 Leavers, throwers, baby players, joining games where you’re already losing or lose before you pick a character... the list goes on.
@UnrebornMortuus 16 күн бұрын
bronze is literally anything but bronze its gangstalker smurf hackers every game
@Thad_Lofi 2 күн бұрын
The reason why we get penalized for leavers is actually a solid reason. Its exploitable. I could max range duo you in a top 10 lobby, and the moment we seem like we are loseing, just leave the game. Netting you no losses. Swap accounts or duo, repeat
@zc8673 5 күн бұрын
I'm just going to say it, I don't think that double shield would be a problem anymore even if it existed as a strategy. We have ways of dealing with it that we didn't have in OverWatch 1, for example Ramattra
@DevinDTV 14 күн бұрын
Hitscan is in the most unfun state it's been in years. Largely because of the season 9 hitbox size change, fall off being so extreme, and flex supports and tanks being buffed to the point of absurdity.
@jacobbaartz7710 17 күн бұрын
2cp hard pass. Even outside of double shield. I guess we should just be able to pick our maps at this point. I dont care about competitive integrity, or whatever it is weve got.
@shadezOW 17 күн бұрын
What about all the game modes just being in the game and voting at the start of each ranked match? I'd be okay with that as well.
@jacobbaartz7710 17 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW That could totally work, and I'd probably even align with popular opinion most of the time. The sentiment I have here is that I'm happy to wear the extra queue time for not being in a map I hate, because typically it'll only affect characters with niche's (the minority of players). E.g. I hate widow maps (mostly), So I can eliminate 3-4 maps off the ~36 we have, align with most of the playerbase anyway; suffer minimal matchmaking duration increase. Whereas widow players take a massive hit to the point of either waiting extremely long for their map, playing on suboptimal maps or not playing the character. This then forces Blizzard to deal with the problem of widow or those maps, because the consequences are more blatant than "oh this guy doesn't really want to play this match because of x character or map, but we'll just put them in anyway and hope they don't notice". Similarly with hero bans. It's quite funny, it looks super harsh, but now I type it it's kind of an _accelerationist_ approach to making disliked game elements either removed, or fixed for the masses. How did all that come off for you?
@Karthig1987 15 күн бұрын
There should be like a game mode finder. Like in cod where you can queue for specific game modes. Being forced to play push abd other stuff you don't like is retarded. Losing SR because of leavers is stupid. Same for when you queued immediately got into a game because there was a leaver and saw the defeat word. Those 2 circumstances should make you not lose SR
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I've seen this comment quite a few times now, I never thought about this and I think this would show how much certain game modes aren't well received by the community.
@slycat7920 16 күн бұрын
if you get a teammate to leave a lost game so you can keep your rank that makes it very unfair, thats why leavers make the whole team lose rank
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I get that, but I also believe Blizzard could have systems in place to monitor grouped players and this trend happening in their games. Nobody can convince me otherwise, if Blizzard is banning players for the "F" bomb in chat or voice they can do a lot more to monitor the games.
@slycat7920 14 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW you could also get in the same game as a friend without grouping
@chalklaterain6163 15 күн бұрын
You're essentially asking for the teacher who we all know is only there for a paycheck to actually care about educating their students. That's the direct comparison. Its not going to happen because its worse than them not caring, this is not their creation so they have no stake in its legitimate success. They will only do what can make them money. Nothing more, nothing less.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I like the teacher comparison, never thought of it like that...........well done!
@BapLampxSuzu 16 күн бұрын
Anyone remember weapon inspects? No... ok! Maybe it was my imagination.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I do, remember from the first OW2 preview vid while playing OW1. Remember seeing Lucio and Doom inspecting their weapons and was happy to think at the time it would be in the game.....it's still not in the game. Big sad
@archiesutherland6127 16 күн бұрын
rank and mmr is the same thing now, they changed it a while back and 50/50 win loss is a myth
@ferdinandnegron4382 16 күн бұрын
Source? :) ty
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Devs said in Q&A the 50/50 is in effect. I didn't make this up. The rank and mmr comment, the devs also stated this....once again...not me saying this.
@scribble2248 12 күн бұрын
weird question: I got plat 5 in open queue placements but silver 4 in role queue placements even tho I played the same in both, does anyne know why this happened? (I played support in both and played the exact same)
@OseronPhaer 9 күн бұрын
The toxicity in Overwatch is so exhausting. I don't get why people feel like they have to take their hard tilt out on everybody in a QP lobby. You don't know what another person's day has been like; just don't be a douche. You don't have to praise a bad performance, but there's no need to tear someone else down over it, either. And yes, I'm definitely speaking from personal experience.
@yuri990 5 күн бұрын
So for the stats biased rank system, we have in OW1 had this and it was abused, because it insentivises farming stats and not on the actualy trying to win.
@mumbo54jumbo 14 күн бұрын
I don’t get why they made a 2024 exclusive competitive skin and then made it harder to earn than gold guns were. It now takes ~260 games with 50% WR to earn ONE and no end of season rewards at all. Feels terrible to grind
@brian21282 17 күн бұрын
I definitely think focusing on T500 player rewards will fix the game. Like why would that 300 people keep playing?
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
It was purely an example, Diamond/Masters/Plat give a glow or extra details on the armor showing off the rank colors or something. They can do it, other games already do it.
@Karthig1987 15 күн бұрын
God for some reason I loved banging my head on volskaya or how you spell it , Anubis and hanamura. Also beautiful maps
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
2cp coulc be great, if the dev team realized what the obvious issues many players....such as myself....had in OW1. Many issues in the game revolve around poor balancing.
@MrAnarchyleecher 11 күн бұрын
The maplestory music uwu
@sparquisdesade 17 күн бұрын
Oh an one more comment in regards to your map voting system. How about just have map "dance cards" you fill out when in solo comp queue. Kind of like a world tour. You work your way down the map locations and they don't repeat until you fill out said card. That way you have to play a game on every map.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I'm not sure if I've ever seen this before but sounds kinda cool.
@michaelvelez902 17 күн бұрын
You make a ton of sense, but as it’s been already said blizzard is pushing for money. By hiding a bunch of the content it inspires FOMO, and one thing they really want is a dedicated fan base always clawing for more.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Sad truth..........
@ryryhall8306 8 күн бұрын
I'm thinking about starting to make content on overwatch if you would be okay with it I'd love to make a video adding my opinions on the topics you went over. Great video btw!!
@sparquisdesade 17 күн бұрын
The only thing that needed to be fixed with 2cp was it's respawn locations. It was only a pain in the butt because defenders spawned RIGHT THERE. Clash is terrible. It's total glue eater BS gameplay. Like you, I took a break recently to play The Finals an it ruined OW for me. Made me realize how much OW sucks now. As for OW map pools, I WISH I could get kings row. I seem to only get nimbani/push maps over an over an over. I hate it.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I'm saying! So many players don't realize how good The Finals game truly is!
@sparquisdesade 15 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW Oh man, and season 3. omg where do I even start. It's so crazy that The Finals is currently nailing "Hanzo and Genji" better than OW. I'm rockin dual katana support medium and it's the most fun I've had in so long
@pspppe 12 күн бұрын
Everyone knows why Blizzard forces the 50 50 win rate. If you are a whale that buys every new bundle they give you matches where your team constantly has more sr than the enemy team.
@sandei437 17 күн бұрын
17:30 i think blizzard said back to Ow1 that they won’t give you Sr for ur stats because it would influence people to play for stats and not the win. It sucks yes but they have an argument
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Then I'll take not receiving such a huge hit to my rank progression on a loss when I play well.
@BigBonerGaming 14 күн бұрын
If they truly cared about stats based gameplay than they would never have released the shithole that is 5v5
@strata2k 16 күн бұрын
you dont need to have subtitles like this for a commentary/rant bro. It deadass hurts my eyes
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I'll be making them smaller in future videos, I'm sorry you feel that way but so many other people appreciate them. I'm trying to find the balance. Thank you for the feedback though, greatly appreciate it.
@darknite8676 15 күн бұрын
I get new junk city more than any map in the game I’m so sick of it. I played today for 3 hours and played the map 5 times. I hate the game mode, and I hate the map
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
That's crazy, only because I've heard other people have a similar situation to me but it's some other map. Idk, just kind of bizarre to me at this point.
@S3nCh4n 7 күн бұрын
i thought 5v5 made the game feel like a team deathmatch and then they made 5cp
@RafaelSilva-yv3oh 7 күн бұрын
Woaw, surprised by the final point. Maybe it happens at higher ranks but for me in metal ranks, Overwatch has been the most accepting game towards female gamers I've seen. I was very surprised coming from games like CoD and such how many girls are playing and how natural it seems for everyone else that they are and are cool about it. Sad to hear it's not like that at higher levels (I started with overwatch 2, when it came out, I'm still at low gold/high silver).
@S3nCh4n 7 күн бұрын
maplestory music!!! thumbs up 👍👍👍👍👍👍
@archiesutherland6127 16 күн бұрын
you cant cancel games from leavers because then that leaves to win trading or stopping people from winning because some on losing teams losing ect. Stats dont matter in overwatch hence stats should not matter in ranked, you cant place how much value someone is doing based off stats
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I'm not saying it's the end all be all regarding any sort of recognition but I'm saying it should be something. Regarding the can't cancel games comment, I'm going to say what I've been saying about Blizzard....if they can monitor voice/text chat and ban people for using the "F" bomb, they can monitor many other things within the game to ensure the game is overall great for everyone.
@thatonepronoun7503 16 күн бұрын
you see my fren the issue isnt we haven't nerfed genji enough that'll surely fix the game
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
@Karthig1987 15 күн бұрын
I don't know if I agree on all the toxicity points.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
It's a very toxic game, not the most toxic game I've ever played but overall it ain't pretty (imo)
@reesyloko5741 5 күн бұрын
I feel you on the map pools think because i get new junk city EVERY TIME I PLAY OVERWATCH i don't hate the map im just tired of playing it and new queen street my opinion is DON'T RELEASE A NEW MODE UNTIL WE HAVE 4 MAPS READY like im playing the game less n less because its getting insufferable overall and this is just one of my pain points
@slycat7920 16 күн бұрын
i dont think the push mode is bad, its just the maps that push is on are bad
@Lo0serx3 17 күн бұрын
how would a guild system even work in this game? i think the other ideas are pretty cool, but i just don't picture guilds working unless there was a PVE mode. oh wait 🙃 but i think Clash is VERY weird considering how they gutted 2CP. just bring that mode back outside of the arcade (i tried to queue for it once, gave up after almost 10 minutes). I'm just tired of the check point style maps now. i want more escort (I've been an escort lover since 2017) hell even hybrid is fine. but flash point really really killed the whole checkpoint thing for me. also agree with you about individual performance/leavers. i don't even know what increases percentage. I'm in bronze 3 and i earn 9% on a win but I've heard of people earning more than that so idk what I'm doing wrong and it just feels like I'm gonna be stuck here forever. i was already hard stuck because of rank decay and losing more SR than I win, but it just feels endless and just.... not fun to partake in.
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I would say.......as a quick answer..........the Guild/Clan system would have a overall level based on how active the players are and how much time is spent playing together. You could also create a small ranked leaderboard within the game if you choose to play in a competitive game mode where it's 5 stacked Clans/Guilds vs other 5 stack Clans/Guilds. Thoughts?
@Lo0serx3 14 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW that sounds like it could be cool!! it kinda sounds like what the mobile/web browser version of Granblue Fantasy does. what they also do is during events or harder boss levels, you can call on your guild for help clearing. i think it'd be cool if there was a way that backfill could prioritize people in your guild first or something. like people in your guild who are online get a message on the menu screen or something. maybe that'd be too chaotic though now that I think about it. another thing Granblue does with guilds is that they have an airship people can buy upgrades for that improve the whole guild's resources, gives them extra exp, certain elements get more powerful, etc. maybe they could do something similar where as your guild levels up they can unlock special skins and sprays as you were saying, and earn extra battle pass points.
@rizaadon 7 күн бұрын
I like your content, keep it up!
@joyurizzzz 11 күн бұрын
making more colored weapons is too much for blizzard. they're a small indie company :(
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
Realest comment here!
@jerlbays7412 14 күн бұрын
why would they put in items you could earn for free when they could sell them to you instead
@veenus_ow 16 күн бұрын
This game would do good with getting rid of text and voice chat. Almost eveyone has discord and can use that if they stack. Its not like anyone listens in chat when asking for help, everyone is playing their own game anyways. And only like 80% listen to pings. Get rid of voice, get rid of text, and FFS LET US QUEUE UN STACKS OF 4 ALSO JFC
@jacobbaartz7710 17 күн бұрын
Do you really not understand why players arent reset because of a leaver? Stat based SR creates incentives beyond winning the match, not ideal. Also, when performance isnt properly represented by a stat, how do you meassure that? I.e. Defense matrix on key cooldowns.
@shadezOW 17 күн бұрын
Blizzard said in a Q&A that stats don't matter when determining rank. Is that what you're referring to?
@jacobbaartz7710 17 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW What I mean by performance based SR being bad is that any way, within a match, you scale SR beyond just winning can be a diversion from winning. E.g. Kiriko needs to land some clutch OP cleanse during an ult or some shit, but instead goes for a kill because it scales with the stat based SR better. Or a more generic example: Players farming damage off tank, when damage on squishier targets may be more valuable. But since we have stat based SR we might see players opt for farming stats more than winning the match. Also, the leaver thing is just because we'd see someone being the fall guy (leaver) so that his buddies/teammates dont lose SR. It's crap, I get it, but I understand the balanced scales we have
@Karthig1987 15 күн бұрын
Only played till season 4 comp ow1 but I think if you think about it ow comp rewards were kinda suck even then even though you could use comp points to get skins but was masked by the fact that you had loot boxes and the stuff you got in them and the account level and portrait stuff you had to look forward to.
@Vector019-v6s 16 күн бұрын
Good opinion 👍
@shadezOW 16 күн бұрын
Thank you, I truly appreciate your kind words.
@CryoKeqing 16 күн бұрын
Rank is just counter watch
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
That's what ranked has turned into and it's corny.
@rexoverwatch 15 күн бұрын
a public ladder is the #1 need,,,, why did you start talking about skins and titles?
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you referring to a ladder leaderboard, the game already has this...or some sort of matchmaking?
@rexoverwatch 14 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW instead of top500 i wanna see top 50 million
@rexoverwatch 14 күн бұрын
@@shadezOW i also want the formula for the matchmaker,,,,sports and secrets don't mix well together, ya know?
@darkvader37 17 күн бұрын
2cp was bad
@veenus_ow 16 күн бұрын
It was bad when double shield, bunker comps became a thing. I prefer that over push all day everyday
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
2CP in it's earlier iteration was far superior later on when certain heroes were brought to the game creating the unpleasant metas. Like many other issues in the game, could have been fixed or at the very least "tamed" with better balancing.
@Naianasha 16 күн бұрын
Fr this game and it's competitive mode is beyond ass atm. As a t500 Brig that's been shot down to M2 due to dog teammates, I can do so much more than my other support and enemy supports and come out with 13.5k heals on Brig while none of them are even close to 10k healing and I'll die way less than everyone in the goddamn lobby because I don't make obvious mistakes to feed and throw team fights like my teammates do and I'll still lose the fucking game. Awful game and awful matchmaking.
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
Turbo ass
@WaffleKrushaTTV 15 күн бұрын
Unreasonable? Far from it
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
I appreciate that. I truly feel everything I've mentioned in all my videos/rants is very reasonable.
@shaneh3109 11 күн бұрын
Im sick of the gay agenda bs and not unlocking skins
@doomknocker 18 күн бұрын
me too i love dorado
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
Your secret is safe with me!
@glenbrockwell9362 17 күн бұрын
You want to have a “trinket” for being in T500 ???#??!? And you gonna use developer tyme 4 THAT !!&!!!%!@!!!!’
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
@C2ED 18 күн бұрын
I’ve ran into so many cheaters and I get on to never see the “Thanks for your report” message ever this game is shit and the devs r dumb asf I email them with proof of a player shooting the floor and killing my team and get told to just report them as if I already hadn’t lmaooo
@JupiterSRC 17 күн бұрын
if u hate it so much pls delete it & play different game
@shadezOW 15 күн бұрын
Nothing in life has ever changed by simply moving onto something else. Criticism, critiques, and feedback create better items/products/environments...etc. Wanting the game to be better like it's former iteration is a simple request.
@nernoision 16 күн бұрын
@geraldwhite2676 11 күн бұрын
So... When is Marval's Rivals Coming out on Console? 😂🦝
@shadezOW 11 күн бұрын
Just needs to come out period!!
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