Linux on C64, 8086, & Intel 4004
22 сағат бұрын
@ivanov83 13 сағат бұрын
Sometimes even the crappies of places manage to issue a genuinely good law. For example, Russia has issued a law that bans shrinkflation - the producers must pack measurable products like for instance milk or butter etc in the packages that have precise net weights: 1000 grams, 500 grams, 250 grams, 100 grams etc, and same with volumes. No more bullsht milk package that is called “Honest liter” and its actual volume is 920 grams or 890 gram and “honest liter” is just a “trademark”. That is where the law should step and stop such nonsense, screw those marketing scumbugs
@techrazor3280 13 сағат бұрын
Well, that seems to be rightful place for Linux!! 😁😁
@armagedon515 14 сағат бұрын
Click bate ! Pass ...
@tetsuo3k 15 сағат бұрын
I am having a wonderful time watching this play out. It's better than going to the movies, you can't pay for this kind of entertainment! I've seen a few projects go open source, and understandably they tend to start in a rough state, but nothing like this.
@g04tn4d0 15 сағат бұрын
Now what we need is Federal law that states game studios that sell non-MMO titles must include a way to play things offline, due to the customer owning it. We've already begun the slide down the slippery slope of EULA bullshizzle. It has to stop.
@Roxor128 17 сағат бұрын
I'm imagining a room full of industrial equpment designers perking up at this news like a bunch of cats when you announce they're getting fish for dinner.
@capability-snob 17 сағат бұрын
Imagine this will have a standoff with DMCA section 1201. Did I buy it if I can't legally break it open?
@gwojcieszczuk 17 сағат бұрын
Fedora 40 already patched that: cups-browsed-1:2.0.1-3.fc40.x86_64
@grisflyt 18 сағат бұрын
SolidWorks is perhaps more than anything what has kept me on Windows.
@letMeSayThatInIrish 19 сағат бұрын
I'm shocked, but also intrigued, since I thought I was the only one left using Firefox, and now noyb tells me millions of Europeans are affected. So I'm not alone!
@nextlifeonearth 19 сағат бұрын
I like rust and its safety, but I think effort ought to be put into defining a standard, making an insanely stable version of the compiler, and then we can use it. Current rust can be seen as a sandbox, we can look at what works now, we standardise it, get rid of the accumulated crud and go forth with that.
@dynfoxx 17 сағат бұрын
The Ferrous Systems standard is already ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 compliant. While there are talks about putting a standard together the only other front end is still a good ways back(thus wont be used for kernel work for a while as it will have its own issues to solve). When they say stable they are talking about stable, beta and nightly not that the compiler is not stable. Right now they just need to get the ~32 features into stable and not stuck behind feature flags. The kernel can always be built with past stable releases of rust. It's just the some changes are behind feature flags.
@1newme425 20 сағат бұрын
Get over it already. Something new will take time, that's always the way. It will get there, regardless of your moaning, and complaining. It seems people are making it difficult because they feel threatened, and being replaced. Edit: you will have more to complain about when AI takes over :) Save it for that.
@dynfoxx 17 сағат бұрын
It feels odd that LLVM and it's C compiler and other tools took almost 10 years to work with the kernel but Rust is supposed to be ready before they start working on it or within 2 years.
@RockBrentwood 21 сағат бұрын
The matter is very simple: if they violate GitHub's terms, then they'll get reported for GitHub to remove. Rest assured, the time available for them to comply is limited.
@Y1001 21 сағат бұрын
Until we can have an adult conversation about the very real connection from the gay/trans community and pedophilia, this madness will keep going.
@ArielLothlorien 22 сағат бұрын
This sounds like what we need to move gaming from windows to Linux aswell as some other things like audio and video etc.
@nacionaldelacapital 23 сағат бұрын
Sounds like zero day of Linux
@awkwardsaxon9418 23 сағат бұрын
Onshape is really intuitive for me and I learned most of it by trial and error. I haven't tried the newest version but Freecad is really confusing to me. Why don't they make the design more intuitive and prettier to look at?
@kerojey4442 23 сағат бұрын
Blue haired soy custists malding again
@RickDeckardt Күн бұрын
Rust is toxic as hell
@raderator Күн бұрын
Most people use Chrome cuz that's where all their stuff is. They are in it most of the time. They may not realize they can install Chrome on Linux and it works exactly the same. So do Google Docs. Yes, Google is evil but at least you're free of MSFT. BTW, I highly recommend Pinta for light photo editing.
@raderator Күн бұрын
I have four running Zorin. I'm special.
@simonwatkins999 Күн бұрын
Perfect PR move by them.
@wizarrc Күн бұрын
The Linux project allowing another language besides C is a big deal. The only reason they would allow the possibility of adoption of another language (let alone far from ready with working well with integration with the existing kernel) would mean it would have to have such a compelling set of features that improves the quality of the kernel. Rust does a great job of modeling systems-level code with less and aiming to be zero undefined behavior and better tool-able to build safe systems. Don't get me wrong, C is a great low-level language and can currently do things that Rust cannot, but it has a lot of problems with being early to market. I do hate all the drama with Rust and both sides need more empthany for each other. C and Rust developers are very different. C developers aren't being helpful commenting about how Rust developers dress and their personal lives and Rust developers should be more tolerant of those who made a world class operating system, these guys built the best open source project without tooling telling them it's safe or unsafe to do so, that's just bad ass, and they have a lot to learn about those that shipped something so grand and so heavily used it blows my mind. That said, this video feels like a lot of FUD. No idea if this will work out, but Linux was created because someone said how hard could it be. How about you let others try, learn, and explore and stop talking about how pathetic their first attempt is. We were all there at one point in our lives where we have big ambitions and bit more than we could chew. I think a more productive path would be to set reasonable boundaries and otherwise let the experiment continue, with the goal of learning with a stretch goal of this might actually work.
@lcarsos Күн бұрын
So, they're allowing everyone and anyone access to create branches on the winamp repo, right? Since no one is allowed to make/maintain a fork, they'd have to. Otherwise they'd be in breach of their own "collaborative" license.
@ultraprimez Күн бұрын
I use Poweramp music player that supports all kinds of IEM headphones and a lot more functions for excellent quality sound on my mobile phone. The default IEM parametric EQ is a gem and works flawlessly with FLAC codec audio file.
@PyVerse-47 Күн бұрын
verso(servo based browser) and ladybird will replace this dogshit
@user-qx2ec7oe9p Күн бұрын
Interesting the distro had closed source code from Dolby and others... So we can't distribute Winamp... But they can distribute others people's licenced software and source??? 😂 They are going to be sued into oblivion.... So obviously a lawyer never looked at this or anyone with any experience. Amateurish.
@gladiatorsfc7 Күн бұрын
Started using floorp and I like it so far
@khatharrmalkavian3306 Күн бұрын
Are you saying "Mudzilla"?
@DFsdf3443d Күн бұрын
One thing i noticed about their license is that it says contributors automatically give up their rights to their code upon submission, but as far as i know, legally, this isn't sufficient. As far as i know you have to have an explicit agreement like signing a CLA or putting an acknowledgement of transfer of copyright in the PR request. So i think technically if someone contributes something to the code it also limits how much they can do with it from that point on.
@nikbl4k Күн бұрын
Thats ashame w/ this guy trying effortless to be heard any no one listened to him. I think its just the fact that, we need some way for more people to be taken seriously... So stuff like this doesnt happen as much, ya know.
@vman103 Күн бұрын
What version does this setting appear in?
@tomorrow6 Күн бұрын
Finally I still have a few Linux journals on my bookshelf as I like to reread topics now and then :-)
@tomorrow6 Күн бұрын
Lastly if rust is so great why isn’t an OS built using it already with full Linux or posix api compatibility?
@dynfoxx 17 сағат бұрын
Redox is getting close but they only have partial posix standardization right now.
@tomorrow6 Күн бұрын
lol I remember when c compilers weren’t stable enough for Linux kernel development (and for new architectures they never will be )
@lawrencefitzgerald4744 Күн бұрын
Two things: 1) I love the fact that you mentioned GoG. They are my favorite site to purchase games from. 2) Louis Rossman is going to absolutely love this!
@OhNoTwisted Күн бұрын
I've worked with and within the Open Source community for years. So many VC pushing companies into Open Source because of the all the 'free' development assistance, and then after getting market share/adoption? They shift to pull out of open source. Its a scam to get people to contribute their knowledge and work for free. Maybe that changed in the last 3 years since I left that space? But looking at things, does not seem so.
@BsktImp Күн бұрын
Why is anyone in the least bit surprised? Mozilla derives about 86% its revenue from its search royalties partnership with Google. This typifies the perennial issue with FOSS: like the Spider-Men-pointing meme virtually all users, if they're at all aware, presuming someone else to have been through the source code with a fine-tooth comb (including third-party libraries) but by doing so no-one has!
@HansBezemer Күн бұрын
Thanks for mentioning Forth!
@boomboxwagon Күн бұрын
$ systemctl is-active cupsd inactive $ systemctl is-active cupsbrowsed inactive opensuse tumbleweed
@ReinMixTape Күн бұрын
Awesome move. Isn't Sony based on Cali? Sony is going to hate this when they have to re-label all their store items as rentals/something of the like.
@CharlesBallowe Күн бұрын
It's not just the stable rust release. Its the stock distro must support it. If i can't download the kernel and build it without jumping through hoops to get packages from outside of my distro, the process is broken. This isn't even a "kernel developer" problem, it's a package maintainer problem, a "i like custom kernel builds" problem, etc.
@muddkipp_1 Күн бұрын
2 linux users one cup 😂😂😂
@fdsphone6854 Күн бұрын
could the amount of furies in the project have anything todo with the big political push for rust? rust doesnt seem any better, and in some cases worse, that zig, orodin, and really in c itself. i would say zig has a better fit for replacing c. there would be no compiler change as zig does it all. but i am not an expert, not ever a spert.
@ManAdam712 Күн бұрын
Supernatural changes are happening. For some reason, I'm one of the few people who see these "Mandela effects" everywhere. It's very hard to find evidence of the changes nowadays. There was no record of a "Black Tom Explosion" before about 2016. "Who controls the past controls the future: Who controls the present controls the past" - 1984
@joshallen128 Күн бұрын
what about games like minecraft which rely on an authentication server to check licensing? do you buy it or license it?
@roymerkel8008 Күн бұрын
My wishlist right now is a Dragon 32 or 64, a ZXSpectrum, an Amstrad CPC 446 or that generation (before the plus), and an original XT (I have a first generation compaq luggable, but I want an original XT like I had as a kid and then gave away like a fool)
@roymerkel8008 Күн бұрын
Urr 464...
@TechflashYT Күн бұрын
Anyone got a link to the video of the code wrapped on gold being delivered to Linus?
@p0t4toePotato Күн бұрын
you arent a good open source developer unless you support diddling kidides and animals, its the law
@AndreMonthy Күн бұрын
I've been using versions of FreeCAD for the past year, having moved from Fusion 360. FreeCAD had a pretty unintuitive workflow, and TNP was a killer that required annoying workarounds. I think FreeCAD has a good shot of becoming the Blender of CAD and over time compete with the pretty stagnant CAD market leaders (cough cough Autodesk). The only thing still lacking is CAM. I have tried using FreeCAD CAM workbench, but it is simply not there yet. So I end up using other CAM software. It will be awesome when I can do all my CAD CAM in one free open source software.