EFF: Calling for Genocide of Jews is OK, but Republicans Protesting is a Crime

  Рет қаралды 2,836

Bryan Lunduke

Bryan Lunduke

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@bluemetal04606 13 күн бұрын
Everything is bat💩crazy right now
@malditonuke 13 күн бұрын
Headquarters: San Francisco What a shock
@eduardodiaz5459 13 күн бұрын
The people that think against the people that don't. Sad but true.
@powerfulaura5166 13 күн бұрын
'From the River to the Sea' (official Likud policy, btw) is not 'genocidal', get over yourself w/ that one.
@Reichstaubenminister 13 күн бұрын
But... but muh Balfour Declaration.
@SenileOtaku 13 күн бұрын
It sure sounds genocidal to me.
@MechaFenris 13 күн бұрын
Are you high? Btw, to all the Neo Nazis around here... Palestine means Philistine in Latin. It was a slur used by Hadrian to call the area that was the original territory of Judah, you know... where the jews lived. When the land was paritioned at the end of WW2 it was done so because of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. NO one was living there but a few hardy bedouins and some goats. It wasn't an Arab state, nor was it full of Arabs. The Jews settled there, after the holocaust, that really did happen, kids, and it started to perk up. When it did, lots of loafing Arabs decided to come too. Trouble was, Arabs hate Jews almost as much as Nazis. So therein lies all the conflicts. This isn't the ancient Kingdom of Israel, nor is it "God's chosen people." It's a group that settled in a sharthole land that was abandoned after the collapse of the Turks and YOU revisionists can't handle it. From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free. Okay. You want the original folks who lived in Judaea Palestina? Hate to break it to you muslim-apologists... THE JEWS WERE THERE FIRST. Spare me the revisionism. Spare me the nonsensical monday-morning QB over the Balfour Declaration... and get bent. You and the Aarabs are NOT on the right side of anything, much less history. You just hate Jews. It's easier when you put on jackboots and worship a small-penised dictator with a bad haircut.
@draoi99 13 күн бұрын
When the PLO was founded in 1964, Judea & Samaria were occupied by Jordan and Gaza was occupied by Egypt, so what exactly was to be "liberated"?
@anon_y_mousse 12 күн бұрын
@@draoi99 Don't expect anti-Semites to know history or understand it.
@LTPottenger 13 күн бұрын
Is it leftist politics or just tyrrany? Nothing about these guys is anything like Kennedy and even Stalin would blush.
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
Just so you're aware, had my dad been sent home to Ukraine after WW2, he would have been murdered by Stalin as many of his countrymen were. So I'd kindly ask you not to speak of that genocidal maniac is such "light" terms. While you're at it with your "fear of leftists", become better informed and check out another genocide, of Stalin's cause, called "Holodomor".
@radornkeldam 11 күн бұрын
I'm not sold on the Stalin part.
@AClockworkHellcat 10 күн бұрын
There's a difference? Nowadays saying "I support individual rights, bodily autonomy, and freedom of association" is considered a far-right position.
@LTPottenger 10 күн бұрын
@@AClockworkHellcat They say they are, doesn't mean it's true.
13 күн бұрын
It has a name: entryism
@bug5654 13 күн бұрын
Close. Repressive tolerance.
@markcahalan5698 13 күн бұрын
That old clip of Harris talking about the magical cloud made the rounds recently They definitely failed at the whole educating politicians thing
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
...but no issue with the act of sedition on the White House in 2021?
@Acetyl53 12 күн бұрын
It's a Grimes reference. To Nightmusic, Dream World, and Clean up your dreams. "Magical Amnesty Wand" is MAW. "Walz" is based on an inverted version of the character Vincent Law. The z is put on the end to hint that yes, it is reversed. Z is the 26th letter, Walz = 62. The z is just put there to tell you to read in reverse. Also Tim backwards is mit. Law mit. Like a glove. And his name outputs 42, who else wears gloves? Masons, which also outputs 42. Lastly the final confirmation, Tim = 147 in a particular cipher. As an addition, Walz is also based on the character Donov Mayer. They're right, a person should clean up their dreams. Look at all this nonsense.
@terrydaktyllus1320 12 күн бұрын
@@Acetyl53 You're somewhat dangerously assuming that am impressed as you now pose around trying to appear as an intellectual. I am not, I just see more typical millennial behaviour - "all mouth and no trousers" as we say in my part of the world. I'm bored. Run along now. Discussion closed.
@Acetyl53 12 күн бұрын
@@terrydaktyllus1320 I see.
@Acetyl53 12 күн бұрын
@@terrydaktyllus1320 Oh, also your first comment in this thread isn't visible. Only to you. I had no idea what you were talking about initially.
@Johnny-es9xg 12 күн бұрын
LOL here is South Africa the EFF is a communist/socialist political party. I guess the name suits them🤣
@owlmostdead9492 13 күн бұрын
9:20, I am a privacy always first kind of guy and I don't think anybody is entitled to "privacy" on a public school machine.
@SenileOtaku 13 күн бұрын
An organization (like a school) or a company has the right to define what you can do on equipment owned and operated by them. What they *don't* have the right to do is dictate what you do on YOUR devices and YOUR internet service. Certainly there will be schools, companies & the like who will go too far, which is one (of many) reason to make your personal resources completely free and open. Of course, it's also the parent's responsibility to protect their children. Sometimes that will mean blocking them from content inappropriate for their age and maturity, it also means fighting intrusions to their privacy.
@owlmostdead9492 12 күн бұрын
@@SenileOtaku Nobody is talking about personal devices, if I understood correctly
@innocentsmith6091 12 күн бұрын
Kids shouldn't be watching porn in school on their own devices either. If you really care about freedom, talk about an actual issue like state mandated schooling.
@owlmostdead9492 12 күн бұрын
@@innocentsmith6091 I swear most of you guys don't know how to read, please explain to me how your comment makes sense in context of what I said, this time read it slowly
@act.13.41 13 күн бұрын
Thanks Bryan.
@yxtqwf 9 күн бұрын
This appears to be a very bad faith interpretation to make your political opponents seem as evil as possible. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is calling for the freedom of Palestinians, & it says nothing about Jews at all. If you believe that freedom for Palestinians requires genocide, then that's your own belief, not a flaw in someone else's. At a higher level, most of our big corporations, government institutions, and politicians support Israel. Why align yourself with them? That doesn't seem very consistent with many of the other videos on this channel.
@TheThreatenedSwan 2 күн бұрын
Nah, and they are evil and have bad motivations. I'm no fan of Israel either
@CIAAsset 8 күн бұрын
All speech should be free, no one's opinions have any bearing on that whatsoever
@CIAAsset 8 күн бұрын
Good, bad, SPEAK.
@BenjaminScherrey 9 күн бұрын
Disgusting how the EFF turned out. I was an early supporter.
@Terran.Marine.2 13 күн бұрын
This is not okay.
@4idenn 12 күн бұрын
Man, horseshoe theory is as real as it gets
@gargamel3478 13 күн бұрын
The computer industry used to create great things. Classic Mac OS, DOS, Windows XP, UNIX. Those were the times. Now the only thing they are creating is rainbow propaganda, censorship and praising islam.
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
No, the industry creates very good things. I just don't have such a fragile ego as you do and ignore the politics in software. PS. "Islam", it's capitalised as a proper noun. It's called an "education". You're welcome.
@gargamel3478 13 күн бұрын
@@terrydaktyllus1320 By "good" things you mean AI bots that fill the internet with trash? Or maybe phone systems that spy on you all the day to show you more accurate ads? Or maybe these "sponsored" "favourites" in Firefox? That are just some examples. Fragile ego? Well, there is a saying that if you ignore the evil you are essentially siding with it. When PolyMC the Minecraft launcher I was packaging for various BSD systems got infested with rainbow flags I made a pull request to revert that. And for making that pull request I got banned from github. PS. I was told that capitalization of the first letter also indicates respect, hence I don't capitalize the first letters of words I bear no respect to.
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
@@gargamel3478 "By "good" things you mean AI bots that fill the internet with trash?" No, wrong. "Or maybe phone systems that spy on you all the day to show you more accurate ads?" Wrong again. "Or maybe these "sponsored" "favourites" in Firefox?" A hatrick of wrongs. "That are just some examples." Just not very good ones. "Fragile ego?" Yes, and "hard of thinking" if I need to repeat it. "Well, there is a saying that if you ignore the evil you are essentially siding with it." I never said that. That's you putting words into my mouth and then arguing against that. Wrong number four, methinks. "When PolyMC the Minecraft launcher I was packaging for various BSD systems got infested with rainbow flags I made a pull request to revert that. And for making that pull request I got banned from github." I stopped giving a toss about Minecraft when Microsoft took it over and wanted me to open a Microsoft account. I just went and played Minetest (open source) instead. I didn't ask for your (irrelevant) life story anyway. "PS. I was told that capitalization of the first letter also indicates respect, hence I don't capitalize the first letters of words I bear no respect to." Then you were told wrong, it's just bad grammer. A handful of wrongs, well done!
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
@@gargamel3478 "By "good" things you mean AI bots that fill the internet with trash?" No, wrong. "Or maybe phone systems that spy on you all the day to show you more accurate ads?" Wrong again. "Or maybe these "sponsored" "favourites" in Firefox?" A trio of wrongs. "That are just some examples." Just not very good ones. "Fragile ego?" Looks like it from where I am standing. "Well, there is a saying that if you ignore the evil you are essentially siding with it." No, that's you putting words into my mouth and then arguing against them. "When PolyMC the Minecraft launcher I was packaging for various BSD systems got infested with rainbow flags I made a pull request to revert that. And for making that pull request I got banned from github." I stopped playing Minecraft when Microsoft took it over and asked me to open an account. I didn't. Neither did I ask for your life story. "PS. I was told that capitalization of the first letter also indicates respect, hence I don't capitalize the first letters of words I bear no respect to." You were told wrong. It's just bad grammar.
@justanothercomment416 13 күн бұрын
It's the three which own everything.
@ank2000 13 күн бұрын
@MerrimanDevonshire 12 күн бұрын
So... Mike at TechDirt for or against this?
@LurkInthedark-lm2hm 12 күн бұрын
not only Jews, Jews 2.0 ver to 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@randomsnow6510 11 күн бұрын
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
@belstar1128 13 күн бұрын
the south African one ?
@dan-bz7dz 12 күн бұрын
So when Netanyahu uses the exact same phrase, it's not calling for the genocide of Palestinians? Hypocrite much?
@pirateking45 12 күн бұрын
except they are doing it since 1940's
@innocentsmith6091 12 күн бұрын
Was he doing it as an intentional inversion of what Palestinians say, or was he actually calling for genocide?
@yellingintothewind 12 күн бұрын
I think you missed the bit where his complaint isn't that the EFF advocates _for_ letting people say mean things online, but that they only ever do so in one direction.
@dan-bz7dz 12 күн бұрын
@@innocentsmith6091 They are both saying it to mean a one state solution. Has nothing to do with antisemitism
@dan-bz7dz 12 күн бұрын
@@pirateking45 So has Israel
@atticusherodes6648 13 күн бұрын
I remember when eff was one of us,
@HaveYouTriedGuillotines 13 күн бұрын
The EFF was *never* one of you, they were in fact fighting against you during the Bush era. If you were on the other side of the EFF during that period, your politics changed, not theirs.
@DonaldDucksRevenge 13 күн бұрын
​@@HaveYouTriedGuillotines Explain
@SchitzoNewsNetwork-wu7zd 12 күн бұрын
With Jews you will only lose
@HaveYouTriedGuillotines 12 күн бұрын
@@DonaldDucksRevenge Cons and pubs were the primary offenders of civil freedoms, back when they sat more firmly atop the institutional power structure, and were positioned to gain the most through suppressing any kind of opposition to imperialism and militarism. The same people who are crying about free speech now were just decades ago the people who were not only trying to sensor others (not a typo, but a bypass), but were also using their free speech to argue for the very deregulation and laissez-faire economics that led to the monopolization of the means of communication by oligarchs who desire sensor ship. In short, EFF has always been very liberal and a mix of center left and right libertarian-esque politics. Connies and pubs did everything that the ACTUAL left and REAL liberals told them not to, and they're now crying about the results and blaming everyone else for their own bad choices. The mob they complain about is actually on the right with them, and those people shifted right specifically to fight the same kind of power battles they were. ...And they've learned *nothing* from the experience. So much for that whole personal responsibility thing.
@HaveYouTriedGuillotines 12 күн бұрын
@@DonaldDucksRevenge Let me go one step further and ask you a question everyone should have been asking 5 or more years ago: Why do you think this so called "left" is huddled around corporate and financial (e. g. capitalist) power centers? They aren't left, that's why. This isn't complicated. They do not act like anything that is left, even if they LARP as such. All that's needed to figure out that everything is backwards is empirical observation and a simple application of objectivity. Something that behaves in a diametrically opposed fashion to how it is supposed to is probably not what you think it is. Just run the duck test in reverse.
@kazuhah1743 13 күн бұрын
I am in no way affiliated with the EFF and only recently started to watch this channel as the algorithm pushed it onto my start page. Something about today's video made me wonder and I started to investigate the articles. The article from 2021-01-11 is clearly misrepresented, as it doesn't call for prosecution, but says (quote) "Law enforcement does not need additional powers". The stance of forbidding any form of monitoring software sounds sane to me (even to prevent the search for -- god forbid -- adult material) because you simply don't want a surveillance infrastructure in place for when the totalitarians assume power - not to mention the agencies are already licking their fingers. As for the "river to the sea"_ the article states that "in three places" it was found to be used in a non-genocidal context. I don't know enough to judge on that topic, but I agree that caution with phrases that can be hurtful is not a bad thing. Overall, I found that this video is sensationalist and deliberately misrepresenting facts. Unfortunately that puts other content on this channel in bad light for me.
@kerry7932 12 күн бұрын
As you accurately detail Lunduke fails in this video to provide evidence supporting his assertion that EFF is inconsistent on free speech. This video has several obvious distortions, namely the accusation that EFF says "Republicans should be prosecuted for their lawfully protected speech on Jan. 6". EFF merely clarified that actual crimes (trespass, destruction of property, etc.) by Jan 6 protestors should be prosecuted accordingly and are not free speech issues. Regardless of your political stance it is obvious to even a child that "river to the sea" can have peaceful, non-genocidal interpretations. And even under the case when it is intended as hateful or even violent, it still falls well within protected free speech. I generally appreciate Lunduke's contrarian takes, but his distortions in this video and elsewhere force me to lend credence to the accusations that he is rejected by the mainstream not because he is a dissident but because he is dishonest.
@lohikarhu734 9 күн бұрын
indeed, as so many who support the Zionist state, they cherry-pick history, skip over inconvenient times and events, and continually strive to present Zionism as, de facto, representing Judaism; Zionism is not a "religion" but a ideology based on improbable records, written on scrolls, many centuries ago. z0This ideology posits that, because they occupied certain territories more than 2000 years ago, but left these territories, they, being among "God's chosen children" have the god-given right to re-colonize this territory, to the exclusion *by any means* the non-zionist extant population. This kind of misinformation attempts to paint the Zionist position as the only moral and legal position, a position which, combined with their aggressive lobbying and "policy-setting", has led to almost the entire "West" allowing them perform heinous acts with complete impunity, and even immunity.
@Rom2Serge 8 күн бұрын
Agree fells like he is is pushing certain political narratives , idk if doing it intentionally or just out of randomness. After this video i will support EFF even more. Coz free speech is universal.
@kerry7932 8 күн бұрын
[Reposting because comment was deleted] As you accurately detail Lunduke fails in this video to provide evidence supporting his assertion that EFF is inconsistent on free speech. Lunduke makes several obvious distortions in this video, namely the accusation that EFF says "Republicans should be prosecuted for their lawfully protected speech on Jan. 6". EFF merely clarified that actual crimes (trespass, destruction of property, etc.) by Jan 6 protestors should be prosecuted accordingly and are not free speech issues. Regardless of your political stance it is obvious to even a child that "From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free" can have peaceful, non-genocidal interpretations. And even in the case when this phrase is delivered with hateful or violent intent, it still falls well within protected free speech under the Brandenburg supreme court ruling. I generally appreciate Lunduke's contrarian takes, and I lean to his side on the political spectrum. But his distortions in this video and elsewhere force me to lend credence to the accusations that he is rejected by the mainstream not because he is a dissident but because he repeatedly and deliberately misrepresents the facts to advance an ideological agenda.
@Rod_Knee 13 күн бұрын
Sure are a lot of Islam apologists jumping into the comments, denying the meaning of "From the River to the Sea" and generally outing themselves as vile propagandists.
@Elknkam 12 күн бұрын
Of course they. It's always been " poor Muslims " its always blame the jews for everything trend.
@rusi6219 12 күн бұрын
@@Rod_Knee propagandists for..?
@yxtqwf 9 күн бұрын
This isn't a religious issue, & Israel doesn't care whether the Palestinians it kills are Muslims, Christians, or secular. Look up how Christians are treated in Israel.
@lohikarhu734 9 күн бұрын
Your premise is crud from the beginning... A Palestinian state, from river to sea, could exist with Jewish folks living there, as they seem to have largely done before the English stuck their noses in and simply gave away a big chunk of the Palestinian Mandate, with no negotiation, yea, no discussion, with the existing population... It's the "Brand Z" who are, to use a gentle term, "exclusionists", having an ideology that no one other than people of the Jewish faith are allowed to exist...this is far beyond "Apartheid", which allows for others to live, but have separations of various kinds. It's Z that has a policy, in Plan Dalet, to completely "sanitize" the *entire Biblical area* of any but Jews. The plan doesn't allow for any "two state solution", so all of the talks are simply stalling tactics of the "right" to allow continued colonization. BTW, people who voice support for dead and dying Palestinians are branded as "antisemetic", when the state is not a religion, it is not "Judaism", it is a "hardware implementation" of an ideology... many pro-palestinian protesters are Jewish, but painted by Z as being "not-jewish", much like so-called "Republicans" calling military, and former military, people "traitors" if they don't support the lunatic "right". AIPAC has so deeply penetrated the USA politics and media, that the foreign policy of the USA's "democracy" is driven by a subset of 2.5% of its population.
@stilldutch3407 13 күн бұрын
I had a pretty hot take, but toned it down to letting you know that this video is one where I agree with some things and absolutely disagree with your opinion on others.
@VirideSoryuLangley 12 күн бұрын
Supporting the Palestinians' right to exist doesn't make one an "extreme leftist". This is the same level of stupidity as labelling someone "far right" if he says that he wants Europe to remain European.
@Acetyl53 12 күн бұрын
I read that in Asuka's voice. Baka Shinji.
@anon_y_mousse 12 күн бұрын
Except that's not what they're supporting. If it was merely about their right to exist then there'd be no problem, but it's really about their "right" to call for the genocide of Jews in Israel.
@ank2000 13 күн бұрын
"EFF's mission is to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people of the world." ... unless they are Jews, that is...
@Reichstaubenminister 13 күн бұрын
Poor things! Been persecuted for no reason over thousands of years!
@ank2000 13 күн бұрын
@@Reichstaubenminister hey what are you doing here, don't you have a war to lose in the most humiliating fashion?
@rusi6219 12 күн бұрын
@@ank2000 cry wolf a little louder not everybody in the room heard you
@ank2000 11 күн бұрын
@@rusi6219 what do you mean?
@crookedtuna 13 күн бұрын
WTF I love the EFF now
@grahamfinlayson-fife73 13 күн бұрын
@jk-mm5to 13 күн бұрын
@Turjak_art 13 күн бұрын
Where is the proof of EFF calling for genocide? Feelings are not proof!
@stam_ehad 13 күн бұрын
What feelings? From the river to the sea has only one meaning
@pirateking45 12 күн бұрын
@@stam_ehad Palestine will be Free. And Jews can create their own country in Germany or USA.
@Turjak_art 12 күн бұрын
@@stam_ehad It simply means Palestine, nothing else... So feelings?
@anon_y_mousse 12 күн бұрын
@@Turjak_art Do you really believe that? Because if you do, then you've been brainwashed quite thoroughly. If you don't, then you're just evil.
@Falamhi 13 күн бұрын
From the river to the sea
@rusi6219 13 күн бұрын
Lunduke will very soon find out he was the boy who cried wolf all along but then it'll be too late for anyone to care
@belstar1128 13 күн бұрын
free tibet
@draoi99 13 күн бұрын
You should hear what your pet fake oppressed minority say in Arabic...
@MarkStoddard 13 күн бұрын
I loathe the software industry for all the leftist/socialist/social justice/woke/DEI nonsense as much as the next man, but you're reaching when there should be easy picking. My default position is that any software-based organization is going to be run by libtards, but your accusations simply don't line up with the articles. "If you have the wrong politics, you should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, that's their repeated stance they've stated over and over". Links please "If you're a Republican ... and happened to be standing outdoors on that day, you should be in jail. That's the EFF's stance." Again, links please
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
"I loathe the software industry for all the leftist/socialist/social justice/woke/DEI nonsense as much as the next man" ...or you could just use the software, ignore the politics and save your poor little fragile ego from the bruising, of course.
@fuzonzord9301 13 күн бұрын
Restoring territorial integrity of Palestine isn't genocide. I bet you also love Putin.
@Drowsy-All-Day 13 күн бұрын
>Muh Putin
@toby2581 13 күн бұрын
Who wouldn't? He's so dreamy.
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
@@Drowsy-All-Day I was speaking to a Ukrainian widow over here in the UK on Saturday whose husband recently died in the conflict - but you carry on making your little jokes about it.
@Drowsy-All-Day 13 күн бұрын
@@terrydaktyllus1320 I have no dog in this fight dude. All I see is that they are both not garnering for peace, going back and forth in a war of propaganda and rapidly losing their young male populations to a conflict that will lead to either one's downfall or economic/population collapse at the end, losing their national identities in the process. I understand there's people left destitute in war and especially post-war, kids left without fathers, mothers without husbands. But that isn't a reason to start making it out that this is a Good v. Evil situation like a Marvel movie, it's a conflict of national identity and territorial claims of one side over another and simplifying it to just a fight for survival of a nation (in this case, Ukraine) though accurate in some ways is never the full story and we're not gonna get that full complex story of factors for many years to come. Don't pick a side when you aren't fighting and especially when you don't know a single thing about the other sides grievances and story or even of the side you're defending.
@terrydaktyllus1320 13 күн бұрын
@@Drowsy-All-Day "I have no dog in this fight dude." Sure, and that's why you are so rude and insensitive about such things. I am simply asking you to have some compassion and humanity for others. The widow has a four year old son, by the way. I could care less about the rest of your comment, I didn't read it. I don't need an explanation from you, I am just asking you to stop and think occasionally.
@SellamAbraham 13 күн бұрын
EFF is Libertarian at its core. Or at least Brad Templeton (co-founder) is a hardcore Libertarian, if I'm not mistaken.
@ank2000 13 күн бұрын
Not anymore
@toby2581 13 күн бұрын
You're like 10 years late.
@powerfulaura5166 13 күн бұрын
The Libertarian Party has never been in favour of, say, AIPAC lobbying politicians to send billions of American tax dollars in foreign aid to the State of Israel.
@happygomonkey 13 күн бұрын
antifa also claims to be anarchists
@SenileOtaku 13 күн бұрын
Sorry, but the stances the video showed are not at all Libertarian. At one time the Open Source Community at large was predominantly Libertarian, but that time is long gone.
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