ROAD 96 REVIEW - The Gist of Games
Was ReCore Really THAT BAD?
3 жыл бұрын
How Hades Commodifies Death
3 жыл бұрын
The Beautiful Simplicity of Shenmue
Do Half-Life 2's Episodes Hold Up?
@wing_construction 2 күн бұрын
Next year this game turns 10 years old...
@themblan 2 күн бұрын
I hated DOOM's rote game-design. Get locked into a room, kill everything, do some walking, repeat. Eternal is better. You have more interesting level-design, you're still locked into battle-arenas, but it doesn't feel artificial because there aren't doors that lock and the arenas are bigger -- you get more of a sense of freedom.
@srottfaen 4 күн бұрын
*Ahem* Theoretical Physicist...
@lokthok 4 күн бұрын
even doom 2016 is boring. i love shooters, i really love for example bulletstorm but doom 2016.... after like 1h of play i just alt f4 and be done. i tried it several times over the years, cant even get into hell
@duderitoz6953 6 күн бұрын
The modern style of 2016 was far better. Glory kills were cooler. Eternal plays like chess with too many rules (cant punch demons, all weapons have a utility, constant limiting designs like sludge) and the platforming was trash. However when it worked, it worked well. That wasnt often though. Story didnt even touch on how doomguy escaped wherever hayden sent him at the end of 2016, just boots up with him now in his own spaceship on earth, & ends in the most cocktease way possible so that you gotta buy like $60 of DLC to find out
@klutch1139 6 күн бұрын
Skill issue
@happybuggy1582 7 күн бұрын
I like the bare hand glory kill more than sword kill.
@paularized1 8 күн бұрын
With all due respect, I think you’re just not that good at Eternal. Gotta snipe them drones my dude.
@victorpapa25 9 күн бұрын
My guy must be the smarter in his house XD
@matthewmarchetti5395 9 күн бұрын
10:40 Bro has played so much Half Life he speaks the names of the chapters in regular coversation. 😂
@SkunkfapGaming 11 күн бұрын
I don't necessarily agree with all your points but I do overall agree that 2016 was better. One point that I'm glad you at least gave a mention to was the weird deification of the doom guy. I honestly think the doom guy is made less cool when I have everyone around me telling me how cool the doom guy is. Like before he was just some guy killing hoards of demons. Now is basically a god who's worshipped by all killing hoards of demons and to me that's just not as cool. 2016 did start that whole deification thing but at least in 2016 it was in the background mostly and you kinda had to go out of your way to read into that stuff. But in eternal it's very much front and center and I also think it takes away from what little character the doom guy actually has. I miss when he was just a guy who was angry about his rabbit getting killed. (Also I'm sorry that you have to put up with the cesspool that is the doom community. They can't handle alternative opinions very well)
@gabrielstrugala1773 13 күн бұрын
blue shift was the decay for the dreamcast
@DiegoideGetsNoBitches 13 күн бұрын
Most anoying video I've ever watched. Also wtf are you talking about hl1 ammo is famously, found fucking everywhere and dont have to care for it at all, you just wanna complain dude
@menacingbread7909 13 күн бұрын
Sounds like a skill issue to me
@durinlegate8964 14 күн бұрын
I just Subconsciously top off all of my Weapons.
@rxzmuvv3288 14 күн бұрын
Doom 2016 is good but respectfully doom eternal takes every think in 2016 and does it 50x better
@gavinder14 15 күн бұрын
Bros upset the maurader is hard💀💀💀
@Danferplus 17 күн бұрын
Jeff is the only time I was so immersed in VR that I forgot I was in VR,. I need a bigger space to play in VR...
@floopflarp 18 күн бұрын
Having played HL:A in the No VR mod because I was getting tired of playing this game in full VR but thinking the game would have worked perfectly fine as a standard KB/M game without the extra VR physics interaction tells me how little the VR part actually meant. This was simply a well designed game even when someone modded the VR part out but still made this section a great puzzle to get through. I loved Jeff and while I bet it was great in VR the game doesn't suffer by removing those features.
@kacidy 19 күн бұрын
I really like this deep dive into ammo management. It was one of the defining features of Half Life, which came out in an era where magazines were often just ignored in game play. For example Doom's pistol could be fired continuously until all your ammo was depleted. An interesting thing that some people bring up is that HL: Alyx has a "one in the chamber" mechanic as a welcome debut in the franchise. I am someone who was a broke teenager when Half Life came out so I played through a day one demo dozens of times until I got the Platinum Pack for Christmas. The release version didn't have it, but these early demos actually HAD a "one in the chamber" mechanic that I lamented the removal of upon playing the full game. Noticing this change and the stark contrast with shooters before HL lead me to wonder when games would implement tracking the contents of each magazine. Something that Alyx does, albeit in a streamlined and simplified way. A feature I'd been waiting 20 years for finally come to fruition.
@user-bj1mx2ip1c 19 күн бұрын
The story was sooo @ay For doom really you soy boys like that....get a girl
@user-bj1mx2ip1c 19 күн бұрын
Doom 2016 was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better and more like the orignals
@fullauto86 20 күн бұрын
To be clear, these two chicks are irritating as fuck and have ruined it for a lot of people, pro tip turn the dialog volume all the way down, I’ve never heard a single quip and I’ve got hundreds of hours, to me it’s like arcade Wolfenstien, a little less constrained
@k.constantine 20 күн бұрын
How skipping DOOM custscenes SHOULD work: - Doomguy menacingly listens to/waits at/looks at/hovers over whatever is talking or leads to the next area. - If the player presses any button, Doomguy bashes/smashes/crushes/punches/moves past/kicks/shoots/pushes aside whatever/whoever is talking and the cutscene ends or dialogue continues during gameplay. But that would be a bit too kino and soulful for Zoom: Eternal, which is obsessed with its really boring Marvelslop story.
@k.constantine 20 күн бұрын
They hated they/them for they/them told the truth.
@k.constantine 3 күн бұрын
@@gabrielfmm That's a bit rude.
@chaunceystewart9960 21 күн бұрын
Doom 2016 feels more like 'Doom' than Doom Eternal.
@thisaccountisnotinuse 23 күн бұрын
I just finished doom 2016 earlier today and then tried doom eternal, oh boy... I loved how exploration was rewarded in 2016 and how everything was realistic, now everything just feels so fucking cartoony, why are weapons spinning and glowing green, why is the ammo like that, doom eternal feels like a downright downgrade.
@MarkT-wo8vg 23 күн бұрын
Play the OG half life, it's the best life
@BeanMau 24 күн бұрын
@Gwar-Deth-Vtuber 24 күн бұрын
I love doom and doom 2 im an old school fan and I can't stand 2016& eternal they are doom like games and not real doom true the graphics are beautiful but the story sucks and has nothing to do with the original doom doom darkage proves this 100% the arena fights ate straight out of unreal the maps are something from gears of war
@sultanbaba1230 25 күн бұрын
I got eternal today, played the hell (höh, höh hell you get it?) out of 2016 the past year. While i disagree with the speed of gameplay. I am witb you on almost any other point, ammunition, chainsaw usage, etc. 2016 just feels more fine-tuned somehow, and the flow is better
@af4396 26 күн бұрын
The sweet spot is the middle of the two games. I enjoy the increased movement in DOOM Eternal and the arena platforming. I did not, however, enjoy the "Super Mario" style dedicated platforming sections that just were used to lengthen the levels or get to another area. I enjoyed the new combat mechanics that had to do with the Praetor suit, but I didn't enjoy all the extra battlefield things like Buff Totems or whatever they were called. I enjoyed the Marauder when he was alone, but I didn't find it fun to have him in a mix of enemies. Basically, for everything they added, they added even more than was necessary. The lore and the wonderfully diverse levels were amazing though.
@rgmusic4769 26 күн бұрын
Ah yes "crouch jumping" the old method of vaulting over things 😂
@kraken2637 27 күн бұрын
is your brain wired backwards?
@FunkyTonLow 28 күн бұрын
I didn't care for Eternal either. Too puzzly for my taste. However, I know everyone has their own preference and understand why some would disagree with this statement.
@RubyX184 Ай бұрын
*I'm not good at writing critical reviews for video's or anything for that matter,* but I felt the need to after watching this... 2:47 "The best parts of the title are bogged down by a slew of needless mechanics, which would be welcome additions if they had any synergy with one another." I'm assuming what you mean by this is that *glory kills slow down the pace of the game and lack variety.* I agree with the lack of variety in glory kills, I understand the "slows the pace of the game down" part too, however that's there for a reason. *It adds breathing room between fighting while also giving you ammo or health.* 3:38 You can as said in the video, ignore the glory kills and "waste" ammo. This "wasting ammo" problem can be *solved via the Chainsaw,* giving you ammo if you use it on an enemy. 3:44 "However, new to Eternal, ammo supply seems oddly limited." *Sometimes you do run out of ammo, this can be solved via the Chainsaw.* If you do not have fuel you can also *scavenge for ammunition or fuel for the Chainsaw outside of the main path.* If you have no ammunition or fuel, you can restart from your checkpoint since you're obviously using way too much ammo. 4:24 "Melee attacks don't even deal any damage whatsoever, unless they're charged up with Blood Punches" Melee attacks are there to briefly stun cannon fodder enemies if they get too close, no idea why you'd use your fists of all weapons available at your disposal for some sort of damage. 4:46 "So when attempting to conserve ammo, it's best to keep tabs on not just HOW much ammo you have, but what KIND as well." Some enemies are beefy and require a specific type of ammo, yes. However they sometimes have *weak points* which you can shoot at for extra damage cause, well... they're weak points. If they DON'T have any weak points and they take up a bit more ammo than you'd like, the Chainsaw is always there to help and offer *ALL types of ammo.* (excluding the BFG) 6:04 "A ton of new mechanics added to what's otherwise a fairly simple game." They aren't too hard to understand if you *READ the tutorial, not ignore it and say "Yeah I figured that" like in your first playthrough.* (6:21) 7:02 "The Chainsaw, Grenade Launcher, Blood Punches, and Flamethrower all feel barely expounded." I'm assuming you mean that they barely have any use in gameplay because you just don't realise they exist? They do, and with purpose too. Each serving their own benefit, like *the Chainsaw offering a massive ammo pile on kill, the Flamethrower providing Armour, the Grenade Launcher able to quickly kill Cacodemons, and the Freezing Grenades freezing enemies in place* to make them easier to hit. They ARE useful, you just don't realise it. 9:10 "However, the level design falters in what area is NOT playable." Yeah, you can explore *outside the main path* which rewards you with ammo and health. What you just showed me in this clip is you trying to *skip the objective.* That's not "faltering what area isn't playable" that's *not allowing people to skip key objectives* in their game. 9:58 "This horrid purple goo, for instance, slows your movement to a crawl and stops you from jumping." Yes, you are *movement impaired for 2 levels* for artificial difficulty. The rest of the review is alright I guess I understand that you have an opinion, but I don't respect it if you base it off of misinformation and misunderstandings. I also don't recommend fighting *the Marauder* with a *Plasma Rifle.*
@sandwichgamer1075 Ай бұрын
I actually went to your channel to see some Payday videos, but damn. This is actually a really well-made video! You gained my respect yet again 👍
@darkerrorcode Ай бұрын
God forbid this man discovers EVE
@jackmehoff9957 Ай бұрын
Nikos a girl
@1egend4ry59 Ай бұрын
it's canon, the hev suit reloads for you
@puffd4nny Ай бұрын
I believe the phrase "late to the party" doesn't quite cover a 3-year-late reply but I have to say-while I really enjoy Doom Eternal, I agree with you in this and the Doom Eternal review video (even on the marauder, whom I find a lot of fun to fight personally). What you mention about the difficulty spike compared to Doom 2016 (in this or the other video?) is spot on. I haven't beaten the game beyond Hurt Me Plenty (yet); I'm a casual gamer (that is to say, still investing a lot of money into a gaming rig and all the time I can spare) and while I like the challenge, the chore of having to constantly think of several mechanics, charges, cooldown timers etc. is just... too much for me at times. You are completely right, it requires doing a rotation like in an MMO but with the tempo (swings) of Doom. Also, the menu _is_ confusing. Too many options and hard to figure out. The style of fighting, especially in the boss fights - I don't _hate_ it, but I massively prefer Doom 2016's (and OG Doom's) mentality of 'shoot it until it dies' versus 'while the enemy is in phase, x, use weapon y with mod z to perform action a, but only when the environment is b,' et cetera. Again, I'm supposed to memorize a specific rotation in stead of figuring out what works for _me_ . Oh, and another thing. I haven't seen much discourse on this but Eternal leans _way_ too hard into the cringe. The UAC holo-announcements in the first game were actually somewhat funny because they were pretty subdued, but here, they go so over the top; it's annoying and unfunny. To quote Mike Stoklasa in some Redlettermedia review: you can't amp up subtlety. And the man cave in the Fortress of Doom seems tonally so inconsistent. Earth is literally almost extinct and hellscaped but have you seen all the funny puns we put in the magazines lying around for some reason? And look at Doomguy's guitar collection! Haha, isn't it funny and _S O M E T A L_ we gave him a guitar collection in his man cave! I mean, who is this game _for_ , fucking Seth Rogen? Doom 2016's story might have been schlocky, but it played it straight with a lean narrative and that _worked_ . Eternal tries to play it straight with all this convoluted _L O R E_ (another thing I dislike, when a story takes a back seat to _L O R E_ , which-by the way-isn't the same as world building) but at the same time tries to put in 9gag-/reddit-/KZbin-comment-levels of "comedy." I hate it. They try to have their cake and eat it; for me, this doesn't work. For a lot of people it does, however, so take that for what you will. Those who like it are of course stupid, though. Its saving grace is that ultimately it is a Doom game and the gameplay is overall still highly enjoyable and satisfying; so I don't hate it at all, even though the above rant might suggest that I do. But it's really nice to see a video that hits on these spots, so good on you!
@CraftMinerShortsYT Ай бұрын
Portal Revolution is pretty good to!
@cadentubeohara3970 Ай бұрын
I like half life source even tho it’s buggy thats actually part of why I like it
@MysticEdge97 Ай бұрын
I recently played 2016 it’s a good game. But it takes awhile to get going. I’d finish arena fights and be like that’s it. Doom eternal is way harder more fast paced and more enemy variety at the start of the game.
@antmoundsock1122 Ай бұрын
The combat is very different in hl1 and black mesa. I prefer it in hl1 personally
@TaussMaster Ай бұрын
Saying eternal is slower then 2016 is worse then saying doom is transphobic
@SandwichGamesHeavy Ай бұрын
@BriAstrea Ай бұрын
First play through I enjoyed 2016 more
@BrandonRoyce-bj1ix Ай бұрын
Never make a review ever again
@clonetrooperderp Ай бұрын
great video! im going to go play half-life: source now.