@beccangavin 2 сағат бұрын
I was glad Jacob got married or whatever. He seemed like a nice kid….Although it was like walking through a minefield trying to just be friends with him. What were they thinking with Femme Shep’s voice direction in every conversation with Jacob? I cringed sooooo hard.
@lutfukacmaz4324 3 сағат бұрын
I think all the Dead cells takes are just you being bad and frustrated. Oh noo the FIRST Boss is a simple easy pattern to understand bohoo. You cry about every boss being hard thats just sad xD
@beccangavin 4 сағат бұрын
I hated this DLC. They couldn’t come up with a better reason the Alliance Military would want to keep Shepard under lock and key after they’d been brought back from the dead by Cerberus? It was absolutely necessary for Shep to destroy a solar system? Do a war crime? Hey, if it’s that easy to destroy an entire solar system, why did the reapers have so much trouble conquering the Milky Way?
@averywesson1233 8 сағат бұрын
It's a bit criminal to me that you never mentioned Thane's last lines to Shepard in Citadel because those are some of my absolute favorites in the series. Thane is one of my favorite characters in the trilogy and having such a genuinely touching final send off had me crying.
@rikikix9552 9 сағат бұрын
Damn, the line "you cannot proceed to a genocide in self defense" didn't age well
@justinchaffin8195 9 сағат бұрын
@njones52 10 сағат бұрын
I was going to write a comment about how he probably wouldn't have been hated as much if he was introduced earlier but you beat me down with logic with the first 3 minutes. He really does suck, it's not even worth trying to justify his existence in the games plot.
@justinchaffin8195 10 сағат бұрын
13:30 thats why i dont play mass effect as a renegade
@vadamsvengeance3219 11 сағат бұрын
BioWare rushed the fuck out of mass effect 3. thats why half the game is dlc
@artoriasephtisa6556 11 сағат бұрын
I thought in ME1 they said in one of the codex that others tried to damage the relays but couldn't Or maybe im misremembering
@joshlane5982 13 сағат бұрын
Tbh, i played the ME trilogy LE edition for the first time ever in my 24 years and didnt really notice when i was doing a dlc besides the longer mission structures. I legit only thought there was the bring down the sky mission in 1, overlord/shadow broker/arrival in 2, and the citadel, leviathan, and omega in 3 and beyond that i figured everything else was supposed to be in the game. Kinda surprising there was much more added content than I thought at first
@Affirmbuttress 14 сағат бұрын
The Normandy could have easily required a port to install the IFF. What if you landed at the citadel and joker informed you that it was installed and the they plan to do a shake down run, and test going through a few relays while your crew is out and about on the citadel. They leave you the shuttle and next thing you know a ghost ship returns to port
@Sure0Foot 15 сағат бұрын
at about 11:00 this is literally my favorite piece of dialog in the entire series. Kenson says "you've changed nothing!!!" and in LITERALLY THE NEXT SENTENCE she says "You've ruined everything!!!" What the actual eff?!?! It's so bad it's hilarious.
@warriornorman4026 15 сағат бұрын
I never liked Jacobs character especially in part 3 if he didn't give me war assets I would have killed him off Mass effect 2
@dogishappy0 18 сағат бұрын
This was a great breakdown. Now I'm curious what your breakdown of the female romance options would look like. When I didn't even have the option to ask about my daughter with Liara in ME2, I went with Tali for the remaining 2 games. Maybe things would have been different if she wasn't locked behind DLC, but now I see her entire relationship path as a corporate money grab. The worst form of relationship is someone who's only with you for money.
@admiral3075 18 сағат бұрын
POV my skin is melting:
@VidyaJon 18 сағат бұрын
For me, Omega belongs somewhere at the bottom. Aria is horrendously edgy and in a series about making choices you're not given the option of having Nyreen take over Omega and finally putting Aria down - the argument that you can't do it because "It would be a bad decision" is stupid considering how many bad decisions you get to make throughout the series. The antagonist had potential but all he does is pace around in his base and play with his chess board, occasionally moving a piece and saying something dumb like "all the pawns are in play, Commander" like he's a fucking batman villain or something. I know it's a common trope to establish someone as a master tactician but it's a tired one that has the opposite effect - especially when his tactics are dogshit and he's easily defeated. Don't even get me started on the fact you can't pause and continue it later. You have to do the entire thing before you can leave. You're stuck in this boring environment listening to Aria talk about how she's queen bitch of the underworld. Arrival suffers from the same issue of having to finish it all in one go, but at least it doesn't drag on half as long as Omega. Overlord also belongs there. Horrible pacing and full of cringe. Oh, he can communicate with the geth because he's autistic! He talks about square roots, that's how you know he's super intelligent! I hate it.
@defjustice5144 23 сағат бұрын
Definitely agree with Arrival, to the point I will never play it again.
@justauser6078 Күн бұрын
Oh no! One black character among several are represented badly! Let's cancel them!!!
@amannamedsquid313 Күн бұрын
If I were writing Jacob, I would made him the Illusive Man's right hand man and top assassin instead of Kai Leng.
@barrettkennedy8614 Күн бұрын
I feel like this is just a bad pool of games to compare to each other. They’re arguably the best in their Genre of rougelike, but they all have baseline similarities and that’s about it, like dodge roll, and resetting after runs. My issue with the ranking is that a lot of the things that make the game worth playing became complaints, but with gungeon that was apparently a good thing? I personally don’t think risk of rain or gungeon should be top on the list for boss fights.
@Reac2 Күн бұрын
Shepard is Solid Snake himself. Kai Lung is the sweaty neckbeard playing MG and reloading last checkpoint when anything doesn't go their way
@Sentient6ix Күн бұрын
You should watch Oboeshoes do his 10 minute rant about mass effecr 2 as a whole. It's hilarious, and points out some very dumb story aspects of the game
@rompetripas30 Күн бұрын
2/3 of the video is skill issue
@bottleflipper102 Күн бұрын
skill problem on dead cells fr
@Sentient6ix Күн бұрын
If they gave Jacob an assault rifle instead of a shotgun, he'd have ONE redeeming quality
@allhandsondik7803 Күн бұрын
I really tried convincing myself that i didn't dislike Jacob my first time around. I think the nail in his coffin is that a year later, it took this thumbnail to make me remember he's even a character.
@deadeus5248 Күн бұрын
Wait the leviathan is dlc ??? Holy i only played legendary so they all seemed seamless
@shub_a_dub_dub Күн бұрын
i don't think it's very fair the way you rated hades compared to ror2, it just felt like you were rating hades' bosses on stuff that doesn't affect gameplay while giving ror2 the gameplay exclusive review. granted, hades has a bunch of problems with the boss fights, but i've never felt like ror2's fights were strategic, i would just spam until they died (except that they and even normal enemies sometimes just have random one hit kos for no reason)
@RainbowJackals Күн бұрын
How many racial slurs can we come up with for batarians? (wait, what exactly would we call it? racism? specism?)
@snipeyounoobzyee2662 2 күн бұрын
The biggest plot hole about this dlc is why didn’t they time the mass effects distraction with the reapers entering the system and how are the batarians not racist to Shepard since he genocided them
@bondedcastaway 2 күн бұрын
But….. they were indoctrinated
@joaquis456 2 күн бұрын
Kai Leng should've been a reanimated /cloned "whoever you let die in Virmire". That would've been better because Sheppard themselves were reanimated, so there is the doubt if they were still the same or not. It would gave emotional meaning too, in a way selecting not only a future companion but also a rival.
@PokerPlayerJames 2 күн бұрын
I've never heard Citadel described as "Shepherd's loyalty mission" but oh my god that is exactly what it is!!!! I can't believe I never thought of that.
@markwalch6065 2 күн бұрын
Never really got the kaiden is boring thing, in me1 he can come across as unintentionally hilariously creepy, plus he takes the piss out of Vega in me3 lol.
@axelnilsson5124 2 күн бұрын
It’s always just dumb when characters you know are smarter than what’s displayed do stupid decisions for story progress
@Oneoldosterage-wi4oz 2 күн бұрын
Welp, I suppose Kipkip played you, It must have been its goal to doom your play list… either that or you just made the mistake of using rebar instead of nail gun, oh well. I can’t really say much though because I’ve never actually faced him… hold up I got to go play ROR2, be right back.
@axelnilsson5124 2 күн бұрын
18:20 that’s not really true as Sax could voice that batarian
@snoguy7181 2 күн бұрын
Funny how people shit on jacob for cheating, then go onto me2 romance after romancing liara in me1
@Crocogator 2 күн бұрын
I know the video is old but it randomly popped up, and I hate Jacob. Was waiting for you to get to the romance. Was not expecting you to compare it to the genocide route of all things lmao
@pikmonwolf 2 күн бұрын
Doing either hurts your soul an equal amount lol
@Liriance 2 күн бұрын
Did you know that Hand of the King attacks behind him, and he can turn around?
@josephvoskuhl878 2 күн бұрын
Whenever my friends would pick it up back in the day I'd be like "This is the only spoiler I will give you. DO EVERY SIDE QUEST YOU CAN BEFIRE GETTING THE IFF!"
@jonasreis90 2 күн бұрын
I mean they gave us the worst black character but also the best with Anderson
@Mark-xh8md 2 күн бұрын
Killing Mordin is BY NO MEANS "one of the most heinous and cruel choices" in gaming. That distinct dishonor falls to another ME3-choice: Siding with the Geth on Rannoch. You choose to annihilate a sentient species older than humanity because some of its leaders are stubborn, in favor of a bunch of up-jumped toasters. No soldier should follow Shepard after this choice. Certainly neither Garrus or Javik. This choice makes Shepard quite literally worse than Hitler, Heydrich, Eichmann, Mao, Stalin, Guevara, etc, combined
@operationmisanthropia5831 2 күн бұрын
Jacobs only good advice is him suggesting that he does the vent-job. But thats maybe the game gaining a self-concious and realizes that Jacob really is the worst character and deserves death
@HanakoSasaki 3 күн бұрын
So I believed the “Do these units have a soul” to be the same sort of question as “do humans have a soul”. Like we are not a total soul. Do each of us have a soul would be the most obvious question. I’m sure this has been commented before, just this is what I am thinking as I’m watching the video
@JustinChristopher-ov7gw 3 күн бұрын
Jacob is the only black crewmate. Jaavik: *snorts* primitive
@xaniel6639 3 күн бұрын
Putting risk of rain 2's bossfights above hades is actually so crazy
@kokukun6907 3 күн бұрын
finally (youtube recommand you to me) someone actually agrees with me about jacob
@aaron75fy 3 күн бұрын
20:15 I still think whoever wrote the original and "fixed" endings had no idea what they were doing, it ignored who Shepard is and the fact that no one before the protheans called the kill machines reapers. the extended cut DLC wouldn't even make F tier with me 27:22 and what did they do with this idea of an origin? make it just a convoluted and contradictory mess