@Traxxya Күн бұрын
Aight, this is pretty neat
@RitualDashh 4 күн бұрын
1:17 Dimension by Creo. Man I play way to much Geometry Dash
@BlackHayateMX 7 күн бұрын
I'm glad you figured out that fighting games are NOT supposed to be taken seriously and instead they are meant to be silly and over the top XD that's the real charm of them!
@pawemuszynski8516 7 күн бұрын
1:17 dude as a gd player i almost got a heart atack when i heard this song for context, this is dimension by creo, a song used in a level black blizzard made by krmal in geometry dash, a rythm based platformer game about a cube jumping over spikes and boy this game is hard like REALLY hard black blizzard is one of the most iconic levels in the game, first because it just looks amazing and the song is an absolute banger, and second because of it being very stressful to play you see, black blizzard is something i like to call "predrop simulator" what it means is basically that the predrop of the level is extremely tide and it concists of many really awkard timings this is not that big of a problem if your hardest (aka the hardest level you’ve beaten) is something notably harder like yatagarasu or sonic wave but if you decide to do black blizzard as your new hardest, you have to prepare yourself, because you are going to die at the beginning A LOT and it’s going to be a huge mental challenge drop to 100% is actually not that hard with enough practise, but when you do this after the cube (one of the 8 gamemodes in gd) at the begining your nerves are just doing world war 3 in your head, and the second half of the level, normaly pretty consistant, now is just another level of difficulty overall, the level is fantastic and it does indeed deserve as much recognition as it’s gotten over the years also, please note that i’m talking about what i heard because the hardest levels i’ve beaten are windy landscape and 95% on supersonic, which are not even close to black blizzard’s difficulty also if you’re wondering how hard black blizzard is, the game has 7 difficulties with demon being the hardest demons are split into 5 subdifficulties: easy demon, medium demon, hard demon, insane demon and extreme demon the easiest demons are not going to be a huge challenge to you and people often beat their first easy demon in their first month of playing the game medium demons are slightly harder, but with enough practise you can get through it hard demons are notably harder than medium demons and you have to prepare yourself for dying a lot insane semons are significantly harder than hard demons, like wayyy harder and so most of the time people stop at medium or hard demons; to show you how big of a jump hard to insane demon is (for most of the people ofc) it took me about a month to beat my first hard demon, but it took me almost 7 months to beat my first insane demon this is the place where i personally stand right now with windy landscape being my hardest and dying at 95% on supersonic and now extreme demons… look, the jump from hard to insane demons is hard, but insanes to extremes… it’s just something that i cannot express with words you’ll probably do somewhat decent if you just do one hard demon and then insane (although i personaly recomend doing at least 3, the once i did before insane demons are jawbreaker, nine circles and future funk), but if you play an extreme demon after beating any amount of insanes you’re going to die litteraly everywhere so you have to be very well prepared (i’m preparing myself for it right now actually) now, the thing with extreme demons is because of them being the hardest difficulty in the game, they are very different in terms of difficulty if you jumped from acu, arguebly the easiest extreme demon, to tidal wave, the current hardest level in the game (though it’s very likely that soon it’s going to change because there are 5 top 1s that are being verrified right now, these being grief, flamewall, banshee, amethyst and vehemence), this would be infinitly times harder than jumping from the nightmare, arguebly the easiest demon in the game, to acu we’ve came so far in the difficulty that some absolute legends and the most iconic levels of the demonlist (a list of 150 hardest demons in the game) already fell into the legacy list (levels that used to be in the demon list, but they dropped from the top 150 place, also note that it’s not an extension, no new levels can be placed in the legacy list, only the ones that were at some point top 150, but they just fell) i don’t know if i can explain to you how difficult the new top levels are, so just trust me that even if you’ve seen tidal wave (current top 1) what you think is not even close to how difficult this actually is alright, i kinda got of topic, so back to the question: how hard is black blizzard? well, if you remember correctly, beating just one extreme demon is like getting farewell’s golden berry for the first time the next big step is a level called bloodbath (arguebly THE most iconic extreme demon of all time, maybe one of two cuz cataclysm exists), this is where extreme demons start getting extemely difficult (no pun intended) note, beating bloodbath as your first extreme demon is a huge jump black blizzard is like a league or two above bloodbath so yeah i hope i explained how hard black blizzard is well to you it’s not even close to the demonlist anymore which is mindblowing to me because just 4 or so years ago it was a top 80 level, but if you somehow beat it, you should be very proud of yourself as a little trivia, a few months ago came out final preview of a remake of black blizzard called dark dimension many people say it’s not something phenomenal, but personaly i love it sfxs may be a little to loud, but the deco looks gorgeus (the deco is not the best thing in the world but you know what i mean, i just like it) i don’t think it’s the best level ever, not even close, but still it’s pretty cool and i like it a lot also the gameplay in dark dimension is super hard and i’m pretty sure it’s going to be placed somewhere in the top 50 once it gets verrified aaand i think that’s it if you really read this, thank you for your time and sorry for any mistakes but i come from poland so english is not my native language but you know, i think i’m not the worst english speaker either i really recommand you playing geometry dash, it’s only 5$ and the community is amazing once again thank you soo much if you did read this and have an amazing day :)
@Greyo19 5 күн бұрын
bro i am not reading this
@pawemuszynski8516 5 күн бұрын
@@Greyo19 yeah, understandable xd
@radioheadhed 8 күн бұрын
basically video about nothing im never geting those 10 minutes back
@peristeronic5520 9 күн бұрын
I’d argue you figure out the snowballs from oshior. Both attack your current position after a second or two, both try to kill you, both get defeated when you bounce on top of them, and both give your dash back when doing so.
@bluemew2114 10 күн бұрын
Snowballs are like Oshiro!!!
@VoiceFGC 11 күн бұрын
As a fighting gamer since 2012, I REALLY enjoyed this video. I have not really had many IRL friends who were really interested in trying fighting games out save for 1, and I do really wish that I could find a way to teach them in a way that would get them to enjoy it. But, they show little interest in them still. Since then however, I have found many people online and yeah, it is a LOT more fun with friends. I'm glad to see a story of someone stepping outside of their comfort zone to try to enjoy a brand new genre of game like this and discovering a whole new world of goofy moments, badass finishers, personable and unique characters, and limitless growth. I hope some people who don't play fighting games can see this and think, "Huh, fighting games actually sound pretty cool now that I think about it." ... ...There is just one thing, fighting game music is GOOD dude. I get why you wouldn't necessarily like Guilty Gear's music (I really enjoy it, but it's not for everybody), but most fighting games tend to have truly incredible soundtracks (glad you recognized how great 3rd Strike's is though haha). Though I get it, I guess for a new player it might get a little old listening to it for too long. Either way, great video, really enjoyed it!
@iunave_aeiou 11 күн бұрын
ok how the FUCK did I just find the most underrated youtuber ever good video 10/10 would watch again
@user-em9ir8ek5b 12 күн бұрын
killer snowballs are just small oshiros
@cronoz-sensei4259 14 күн бұрын
I like this video, or at least I wished I liked this video. I agree, fighting games are at their best when you just enjoy the goofy side of them. Or whichever way you enjoy the most. That said... hearing what you had to say about fighting game music makes me wonder if youve ever listened to any OST besides 3S, Strive and Xrd. Like ffs please listen to Peace and Quite (Eustaces theme from GBVS) or Then Rise (Main GBVS theme) or actually any of the themes of Granblue, some of these give even Bloodborne a run for its money (I have over 600 hours on Bloodborne and Ive listened to its OST for well over hundreds of hours I know what Im talking about). And if you like more boppy and simple scores, please do listen to F-Pan game OSTs (Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code and Melty Blood Type Lumina and Undernight Inbirth OSTs respectively). There are as many fighting game OSTs even of modern games that are still getting updated as there are fish in the sea, you are going to absolutely find your favorites. That said, the one thing I will say is that fighting game music does get repetitive, not because the music but because there are almost no actually randomized music selectors, like if you pick random in some games it might just play the same music it picked initially even on rematch, though I think current games have fixed this issue. Imo the bigger issue is that fighting games dont offer a custom semi-randomized playlist, which is why Ive turned off music on a lot of occasions and played my own playlist. And also because I can listen to the entire song but thats a personal preference above anything else. I also kinda hate menu music and I cant turn that off without turning the entire music off, so thats another reason. TL,DR: FG music really isnt as repetitive and one note as you might feel and it certainly isnt worse than music from other games. You should listen to more other OSTs before coming to such conclusions. However I do agree fighting games suck at implementing better systems for playing randomized and semi-randomized music, which is where I do feel they fall behind, and I can understand that. I just think you came to the wrong conclusion about a correct thing.
@AsianRailgun 17 күн бұрын
I noticed no mechanics from the Core was mentioned. Makes sense because all the mechanics introduced in the core are complete jank.
@thesteamguy6171 21 күн бұрын
for the love of God please listen to the Tekken 5 ost
@futurewario9591 21 күн бұрын
This is why Super Smash Bros is the BEST fighting game.
@larryloser361 21 күн бұрын
Leaning the controls is easier if you play a game that lets you see instead of heavy light punch and kick it shows you the a b y and x buttons instead or if your on PlayStation the x circle square and triangle buttons after a while tho overall it’s better to just learn the punch and kick notations as they are fairly universal except guilty gear cuz it’s the goated shit that don’t adhere to rules
@Thermalfusi0n 25 күн бұрын
Uninformed opinion: the video. The idea that a quarter circle input is hard for anyone is crazy to me. Doing special inputs consistently is one thing but not realizing that that icon just means move the stick and press a button was something i figured out in a few seconds. I really dont know what to tell you.. Natural selection at work.
@Darius_Vi 26 күн бұрын
Oh how I despise passive aggressive soyboy a__holes like this. 3:31 😨💀💀💀 I think gaming in general is not your thing.
@viktor_v-ughnda_vaudville_476 27 күн бұрын
Dude your interpretations of super moves had me dying
@rufio2001 28 күн бұрын
A non-fighting gamer having fun with a fighting game is a fighting game player. Welcome to the FGC!
@acminostgien3038 28 күн бұрын
when did gog gave away fg's? where can i even find if there is a give away?
@AgostinhoRenner 28 күн бұрын
Men, as non english speaking person you made me remember how I used to hear this moves and try to guess it / translate in Pt-Br. You're right, fighting games are hilarious!
@stainz_4208 29 күн бұрын
A refreshing perspective. I play fighting games almost exclusively. The difficulty you express in trying to execute special moves and perform combos is how I would describe the difficulty I experience trying to shoot enemies in FPS games. Moving my mouse cursor onto my opponent and clicking on him before he does the same to me seems like an impossible task. Seasoned FPS players will tell me "Its easy. Just point and click" but its not. I get that its simple but how does one do so with such insane speed and accuracy? I'm always too slow or I rush it and miss. I'm usually dead before I even get my shot off. Aiming involves so much precise analog movement that's different every time. To me, executing a quarter circle punch input to throw a hadouken in Street Fighter is MUCH easier. I argue the opposite, that fighting games are easy. They just require practice and knowledge, easy to acquire for anyone with patience and a will to learn.
@rotten2thebit221 29 күн бұрын
Making fun of English is one thing I guess But a lot of this is just Japanese and making fun of bit crushed Japanese
@volktol4432 29 күн бұрын
Holy worst takes ever💀disliked, no sub, avoid channel. Your opinion is yours but i blatantly think your opinion is horrible
@gamergrisalho 29 күн бұрын
Great video man, loved the edit.
@tomthespaceknerd5396 Ай бұрын
I love fighting games, but I'm not really interested in e-sports or pro gaming. Don't get me wrong, massive respect to anyone whose mastered anything to that level, but I just like the way they feel to play. I like the crazy characters and goofy storylines, and I got into fighting games in the 90s, so the characters in SF, MK, Tekken, and KoF are part of my childhood. I'm not fussed about "getting good", or scrutinising hit boxes and invincibility frames, I just like to find my rhythm with them and batter a load of CPU opponents, and the occasional human-controlled character into unconciousness. Though I will admit, against humans, it's about 50/50 whether my guy will be eating his next meal through a straw or not 😂. I believe this marks me as a filthy casual, and I'm happy with that.
@anouar9169 Ай бұрын
I too was a fighting games newbie, I bought SF6 juste because it hyped me up and because I like SF even tho I only got to play to SF3 on the arcade at the university, 1 year after and I am now diamond, which is 1 rank before master which is the last one (if you don't include the new legend rank) It's just about going out of your comfort zone and practice a new genre
@walckwalck Ай бұрын
Not liking fighting game music is ok, and there is nothing wrong with that. But having an entire section trying to explain why it's bad?? Yea nah As a lot of the comments have already stated, it's a generally terrible take. The music in the fighting games, especially the older ones, is what makes those games what they are. ESPECIALLY Capcom fighting games. If you spend a certain amount of time in the fgc or watching content. Over time, you'll some songs played over and over again simply bc of how good they are and how memorable they are. Even if someone hasnt even heard of MvC2, if they have been in the fgc for any amount of time. I bet you that they have heard "🎵 I wanna take your for a ride 🎵 "
@pampamtamtam4001 Ай бұрын
I loved the editing of this video! For me, fighting games are all about the charm. That's always what sells me.
Ngl, saying Fighting game music is forgettable is one of the worst takes I've seen in this platform. But I'm glad you managed to see why they are so complex beyond your frustration, but specially that irereplicable friendly rivality that only a Fighting game and a friend can give you, now that's special.
@clydeberry8523 Ай бұрын
"Guilty Gear music bad" is the most L take I've ever heard. Like I am genuinely confused how you reached that conclusion. Like, idk, try listening to it again?
@kiwibananapeanut5076 Ай бұрын
This video is lightning turkey 👍
@yuki-chr Ай бұрын
The video is overall really good and hopefully will encourage more people to check out this incredible genre of games, with one of the best communities around. But i have to point out that calling Guilty Gear music "not real quality music" is a weird take. you can say you don't like it of course, but calling it not good quality when any quick youtube search will return you multiple professional musicians praising the music for how good it is just feels wrong you know? still great video
@Dljjfbjfgkh Ай бұрын
“Mr.bison” got me messed up
@Mistouze Ай бұрын
"fighting games are goofy silly games" HE GETS IT
@PolskiMrKrabs Ай бұрын
@tgdevourer Ай бұрын
ok dude I cant fathom that someone would say that Guilty Gear Strive has a boring soundtrack, I only know the game because of its music and >I dont even play it, it's fucking fire and has deep lyrics that connct to the characters stories on top of being extremely creative and varied
@eglaiosdeminecraft9259 Ай бұрын
Only a GOG user would be both a FG beginner and own Garou:MOTW and KOF XIII. Way too relatable.
@X19Virus Ай бұрын
local gamer discovers things that he hasn't done before are hard and confusing at first
@ShrugSlug Ай бұрын
so what ur saying. is that the game is just one big tutorial on how to play the game. XD
@Westile Ай бұрын
You nailed that ending.
@Westile Ай бұрын
Get an arcade stick. Seriously I started fighting games like 6 months ago and the inputs all make sense on a stick. Also you get to avoid destroying your thumbs. Also it helps to start with an easy fighting game like Killer Instinct but it's still gonna be hard.
@keonggondang989 Ай бұрын
My advice for non fighting game players, don't think about combos or special moves
@slushysaturn Ай бұрын
14:22 “Yeah, I dont really like Guilty Gear OST too much” (Plays the most Guilty Gear especially Strive-esc song I’ve ever heard)
@nubaco5001 Ай бұрын
@upon1326 Ай бұрын
16:45 no one is doing this mid game in KOF 13 😭
@upon1326 Ай бұрын
The use of SNK games makes me happy :D
@xavi_papa Ай бұрын
Snowball ≈ oshiro Jellyfish ≈ Theo Bubble ≈ second dash
@Inkubaszi Ай бұрын
2:30 - few h and help of friend - u must be from us
@legionowl6113 Ай бұрын
I don't mind anything else in this vid. But nah the music segment is...an opinion. a poor one. but it's an opinion.