Scrap Wood Model Display Case!
2 жыл бұрын
AMT 1967 Chevy Impala SS Model Build
Divorce & Dating During a Pandemic
Model Builds: 1962 Corvette-AMT
I'm Back!!!
3 жыл бұрын
Teacher Tips: Go from Good to Great!
Holiday Tips for Divorced Dads
5 жыл бұрын
Learning to Make Slime
5 жыл бұрын
White Beard Ant...the Intro Video
@michaelmasciarelli9869 10 күн бұрын
MUSIC IS ANNOYING…….. but the model is very nice.
@ungurdani8346 Ай бұрын
Salut my friend super car super video subscribe subscribe
@bpe1051 Ай бұрын
There needs a movement. Reform family courts now!
@williamnegedly2905 2 ай бұрын
Great video... fast, with nice stills... what color did you use for the body? Brand, and name of the color?
@chipoxi 2 ай бұрын
I’m emptying a bottle of tequila watching this… I rather just give up. This is ridiculous. How many men have to deal with the laws of society just because of our genitals. I’m giving up…. To all of you out there I wish you the best. I can’t do it.
@mentoraliji5081 2 ай бұрын
I am hurt bad. I doing therapy and started taking depression meds. Never in my life took depression meds..
@DeadCat-42 3 ай бұрын
My depression was the only thing besides bills that my wife let me keep in the divorce.
@scootjones03 3 ай бұрын
If I wasn’t such a coward I would have done it already. I don’t want my kids to know I did it but I can’t deal with this pain anymore. She left me and just threw me away. 15 years and 3 kids weren’t enough for her to want to work on it. So why should I stick around?
@doreen3763 4 ай бұрын
Please stop saying commit suicide It’s died by suicide!
@iain2279 4 ай бұрын
28 yrs down the toilet and no contact with kids as I'm the bad man. Mother died a few years ago and both siblings live abroad. Have ended up looking after my dad and every day is full of pain but I can't leave him, although this is getting more difficult. As soon as he goes I will be following suit within a month. So yes to all three of your initial questions.
@georgeblackwell4670 5 ай бұрын
I’m so stressed right now I don’t know what to do! I have so many different emotions. I love God .. I serve in the church. I’m not perfect but I try to treat everyone right! Have I been the perfect husband no but I try my very best. My wife walked out in our marriage we have a 14 month old baby and she’s 6 months pregnant now! She won’t talk to me. I have no closure about the relationship. Being away from my family is the worst pain I’ve felt. I’m not sure why I’ve had to go through so much in my life but a person can only take so much! Divorce has never been an option for me . I can’t think right now
@alexherdez7507 5 ай бұрын
@Stewart8719 6 ай бұрын
Where did u purchase this from
@XxStratAttackxX 6 ай бұрын
4 years later, it's still tough.
@willembeltman 6 ай бұрын
You are not alone, haha.
@npkrn6764 6 ай бұрын
Men also seem to struggle being alienated from their ADULT children. Most chatter about divorce only consider minor children. I'd like to see discussion on how ex-spouses or soon to be exes can REALLY manipulate adult children also into blaming the other parent. Sure, sometimes there is clear reason for a child to blame or dislike a parent, or to take one parent's side over another, but not always - and unfortunately, even many of these kids in their twenties lack the life experience to judge, combined with being caught in the miiddle - yet are old enough to THINK they know it all. In some ways (not all - but some), it's tougher than divorcing when children are very young. In my mind, its not so much getting divorced in and of itself. Usually by that point the marriage itself is broken. - It's the turmoil it leaves in its wake; be that financial, or trouble with children (even if they're grown).
@wildwill1970 7 ай бұрын
I went through it and it was a complicated journey. I can tell you that the waves of anxiety and depression were huge. I would feel like I'm going to die all the time. But I did recognize that they were waves and I would have moments in between where I feel like there might be hope for the future. I also recognized that as is with most waves the biggest and closest together waves happen first, then the waves slowly get smaller and further apart. After time the waves dissipate altogether and are very small and very far apart. I tried to stay busy with my hobbies and engaged with my friends. I didn't want to but I felt that it was necessary. What I wanted was to curl up in a ball and hide away but I knew that wasn't going to get me anywhere except further into depression. Every once in awhile I did curl up in a ball but I tried not to stay there for too long. It's been 5 years and I'm still on my journey and I'm doing a lot better now. If you're still in this journey and maybe you're in the beginning stages I hope that you hang on. It does get better even though it seems like it won't.
@fatcapital88 7 ай бұрын
I totally feel the same way about camp sites... I go camping to get away from people not to be at a "hotel" with thin walls
@GodHelpMe369 8 ай бұрын
I WANT TO DIE I can no longer bear this hell I'm in. The pain is unbearable. The grief is nauseating and dizzying. I am paralyzed with panic. So I pray this prayer: Beloved Presence of God "I AM", and Beloved Ascended Master, Saint Germain, I love you! Come forth with Your Angels of the Violet Fire of Freedom, and help me! I command this in Jesus' precious and mighty and holy name. BLAZE Your Violet Fire through my emotions! Take out all feelings of grief, terror, panic, horror, despair, suicide, rage and fear of every kind - their cause and their core - and REPLACE them with Your feeling of Divine Love, Purity, Harmony and Calmness, which is truly who I AM. I AM the forgiveness in my soul. I AM the peace in my mind. I AM the love in my heart. I thank you!
@skcoleman1150 8 ай бұрын
I'm new to the KZbin modeling world and I have to say you have the best music, with that being said I have to say I like the way you paint everything on the tree. I am 61 and I have a hard time trying to use spray can paint with my arthritis, so the next model I build will be painting everything on the tree, thanks for the insight.
@aquillaspeed5554 8 ай бұрын
I just started this ordeal. I have 3 kids and was married for 20 years. I am very sad and I miss them.
@freddavidson286 8 ай бұрын
Father thank you for this message amen
@freddavidson286 8 ай бұрын
Father i am broken 💔 please heal my life to overcome and become the person that you want me to be give me the strength and power to show you in my life amen
@BigE-qx1jb 9 ай бұрын
I’m a divorced man and I had depression since high school but it was misdiagnosed and really bipolar, I take 90 % of the blame for my marriage falling apart
@marvinholmes23 9 ай бұрын
Great build 👌🏾
@phillipsbuckley 9 ай бұрын
Man, some of these comments are so sad. Hang in there guys. My divorce just finalized after 10 years. I'm less than 1 month in but was kicked out of my house and the attorney cost me $23k. We have 2 kids (4 year old & 10 year old) and I feel so bad for them. My ex filed out of left field and now i'm trying to pick up the pieces living in a 2 bed apartment ( left a 1.3M house). Emotion's are all over the board but need to find something to occupy my time. Def been drinking more than usual. :(
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@oldskolacura9798 10 ай бұрын
That is one sweet paint job
@jerbear21 11 ай бұрын
I’m a woman I’m divorcing my husband. But he puts alcohol and women before me and his kids but then when I get ready to leave it’s always begging. I’m just sick of it I’ve asked too many times. And now he’s drinking his life away. I don’t feel bad, I’ve been alone and doing it all. So welcome to my world
@ds2348 10 ай бұрын
I'm a woman just divorce my husband of 25 years , now X for five years, he asked for the divorce after he caused a major vehicle traffic accident, which put me in the hospital resulting in 10surgeries after surgery number 6, 7months after the initial car accident We talked through it I thought I had more surgeries I started to recover, was doing extremely well, and then he asked me for divorce again this time I gave it to him, Now he sits alone in our family retirement home, drinking alcohol on a regular basis he's quit his government job and works from home isolating . During the divorce I found out before, and after the automobile accident, he was actively involved with very very young prostitutes. It has been five years since our divorce, and he still cannot look me in the face or speak to me. I knew he was drinking w dinner I didn't realize how much he was drinking all the time he was just really good at hiding it
@newaveride3396 8 ай бұрын
This is the story of a lot of women. My marriage is ending after 21 1/2 years. Abuse and infidelity. Men say whoa is me forgetting to behave married after the wedding. 😅
@foadelhadouchi115 6 ай бұрын
You're lying.
@DeadCat-42 6 ай бұрын
Men have no space , we can't say anything without a whatabout..
@badman231177 Жыл бұрын
It was my fault. Too many things I should have been doing or not doing and although I remember having a discussion with her saying that if any one of us felt like we were close to ending it with the other we should talk, she just one day ended it. We have an 19 month old son. Everyday just hurts. How she can just switch off her emotions to me hurts so much. I still very much love her with all of me but she says she’s just not in love with me anymore and there’s nothing I can do about it. I feel so lost and dejected. We’ve been together for 10 years and now it’s gone just like that. I’m 45 and she’s 29. She’s still got the world to live for. I feel like I might just curl up into a ball and shrivel up. I’ve been reading a lot of the comments and I thank you Ant for being another voice much needed to be heard by guys in our position.
@skoolboi_L 10 ай бұрын
Hey man how’s your situation going ? Are things better ?
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@badman231177 9 ай бұрын
@@skoolboi_L I actually found out that she had formed an emotional and somewhat physical relationship with someone else. I actually knew that she was chatting to him and made fun of her that he was my replacement to which she denied and asked me to stop kidding around. But only for me to find out that it was actually happening. Which was pretty devastating. I would have done anything to make things right but she said she didn't feel that way about me anymore which is fair enough. You can't force someone to love you. I just wish she was honest with me and not spend her time demonizing me to her and my family rather than just say there were aspects of our relationship that made me less of a life partner prospect to her and she wanted to see someone else she had fell for.. So fickle, so trifling
@1Pings Жыл бұрын
I'm going through the worst period in my life. I'm losing absolutely everything, and I'm about to be taken to the cleaners when it comes to child support and alimony. I think about ending myself every ****ing day. I really don't think I'm going to, but it crosses my mind daily.
@skoolboi_L 10 ай бұрын
Bro hang on there. Are kids involved in this situation?
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. This child support video may help in particular: Take care my friend
@kickboxerforever00 4 ай бұрын
Been there brother, but it passes,don't let this world beat you, look to God, Look to Jesus,be there for your kids, I'm going through the same shit,and if I don't find a job I'm gonna homeless
@thejackofbrokenheartsjettu6464 Жыл бұрын
My divorce is legendary..and painful I had to face my exwife in court…she was the one in trouble but it felt like it was my fault ..when judges even told me my it wasn’t…man this is painful!!!!
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@chasehavice1318 Жыл бұрын
thank you for the talk
@thiagosakaue8889 Жыл бұрын
Thanks you are the best man
@larrywasserman294 Жыл бұрын
First, I haven’t watched all your video but I want to say thank you very much JP from Miami. I have two kids I married well married to a 42-year-old and I’m 55 it is hard I don’t know what to say. I’m trying to deal with it thank you For your video and some of the things you said I understand sometimes your head is not there and you’re not thinking when things like that happen to you. Sorry for any misspelling. I’m talking through the computer. I hurt my fingers that’s why I can’t type. Thank you again for what you do.
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@owusuphilipable Жыл бұрын
You guys need to be redpilled, I almost married a girl but I broke up her cause men make women their lives and when it ends we get devastated, make Jesus Christ the Savior your life and God will never fail you
@Kauwa808 Жыл бұрын
Didn't want to be in this situation but now I am. I don't understand. I'm trying to keep my mind focused on my self but I feel like a failure and that I'm faking it till I make it
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@williammack3350 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. It helps 👍
@chente92366 Жыл бұрын
Wow feel understood after this video Thank you
@KainKustomGarage Жыл бұрын
Thanks man!
@Therealhump Жыл бұрын
This is what happens when women are allowed to make decisions. They destroy everything. Men are the leaders and should be making decisions. Old school but its the way things should be.
@thunderstruck184 Жыл бұрын
I’m dealing with this right now. She will always be the love of my life and her leaving me 3 days ago is unbearable
@FlamboyantArt Жыл бұрын
Interesting who we love the most are ones who hurt us the worst...
@Mojojo129 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny how when they love u they love u but when they don’t they don’t even look back once
@badman231177 Жыл бұрын
@@Mojojo129that’s one of the most hurtful things
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@redvine1105 Жыл бұрын
I’m at the beginning of this awful awful journey. And it all seems pretty f***ing insurmountable right now. I appreciate this video and the message it sends, thank you.
@SingleDadSurvival 9 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that man. Fathers are 100% behind the 8 ball with this stuff which is why I started my channel. I have plenty of videos to help with these kinds of situations if you feel it would help you or just to share stories. Take care
@immanutt4442 Жыл бұрын
Yes !!! ... finally someone who still paints parts on the sprue trees !!! ... Sure glad to see some us ol' timer sons a bee itches doing what we did like we've always done
@ghrobbs Жыл бұрын
Just found your channel. Nice build, I love Impala Supernatural Subbed & liked
@robertmann7277 Жыл бұрын
Nice 🎉color! ( teal, green ? )
@bkcellularking6772 Жыл бұрын
Once i found out she wasn’t on my side, i knew i needed to get the heck out of that environment. It’s sad not being with my children, i have only been out of the house for a month, but it feels unbelievable. No one putting me down, or purposely arguing with me, verbally abusing me. Sayonara. Of course i feel bad for my children that they don’t have the better parent around, but it wouldn’t do them longterm good to constantly watch their mother emasculate their father. Hallelujah, now I can go find more caring woman to be by my side. If I can’t, I’ll roll solo. She filed, kids are 6 and 8, i get them every other weekend and 1/2 in the summer. Fine by me. Now we get to do what i want to do when they are with me. The depression was being IN the relationship. cheer up men, one air vent closes, a garage door opens!
@johnamyette8494 Жыл бұрын
My sun rose and set with my daughter. Now she is not there. I tolerate each now purely for survival. The gnawing sadness I feel is 24/7. To disappoint her on such an unspeakable level is unbearable.
@scottwoodward3854 Жыл бұрын
I see that you never used any grey primer. You need to use primer to protect the plastic if you are using lacquer paint only because later on in years the lacquer will start eating the plastic you need to primer everything whether it's a gray primer or flat black primer or whatever always prime everything clean everything with soap and water to make sure that all the grease from the manufacturer is all gone. I used Tamyia grey primer and all the other colors that Tamyia provides they are all lacquer paints and they dry about an hour or so I also use testers flat blocks for the chassis if I'm going to paint the interior tub black I use the flat black for the carpet area and also the back panel below the rear window I also use semi-gloss for the seats and door panels and dashboard and steering wheel just a little tip for you
@WhiteBeardAnt Жыл бұрын
Good to know! Thanks for the advice!
@Bini4 Жыл бұрын
I wish i wasnt born
@WhiteBeardAnt Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you feel that way. You look like you have some talent musically. Does that not inspire you anymore?
@elyseflannigan4803 Жыл бұрын
Hello there, I’m building this model and I’m completely lost on how or how not to assemble wheels to car. Can you please help? I tried watching but the speed is too fast