Don's Medical Emergency
4 ай бұрын
I Built a Castle for my Daughter!
I Built a Solar Powered Mega Coop!
I Built a Floating Pond Dock!
@ruZZiansGoHome 3 сағат бұрын
we will rock you!😂
@cliffgray9822 9 сағат бұрын
I 2nd the German wwll emergency exit. Badass bunker ya got there, can't wait to see her all finished. ❤💯
@JustinT1025 9 сағат бұрын
I have a friend I grew up with who became homeless for a few years. I tried to help him in multiple ways,gave him work,tried a lot of things. When he went homeless for a year I tried to even set him up outdoors and within a week there was nothing but bottles and trash everywhere. Ive been homeless myself and I'm an outdoors person,I never made the kind of mess he made. I kept my site very clean,I had a shower set up even with hot water. I took a shower everyday. My friend would go well over a month out of pure laziness. Some people are homeless because of genuine tragedy and some are because they just don't know how to take care of themselves at all and just play the victim constantly. Unfortunately,it's hard to tell which is which until it's too late🤷
@elizabethknaak383 9 сағат бұрын
Someone could trip on cable connected to the tree
@Myworld-co1qn 9 сағат бұрын
Maybe also a toothbrush and some toothpaste would be good as well and a plastic cup for water? Also love what you are doing it’s super nice and I’m sure they appreciate it a lot. Much support from me❤️
@dakotatheplumber1287 10 сағат бұрын
Do i see bourbon on the wall?
@jester-gq9jq 10 сағат бұрын
@hayleym2122 12 сағат бұрын
Not sure why you’re so fine about diesel exhaust. ‘The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization (WHO). One of its major goals is to identify causes of cancer. IARC classifies diesel engine exhaust as “carcinogenic to humans,” based on sufficient evidence that it is linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.’
@Knudsen9000 12 сағат бұрын
what is this type of cylinder called?
@joanneculshaw6378 12 сағат бұрын
You are an amazing person
@Nonayabizness360 18 сағат бұрын
I was homeless for a few months after I had a catastrophic car accident and my ex husband left me. It took me a month in a shelter to understand that I couldn’t safely stay there and then went on to stay with friends until my car accident settled. I couldn’t even imagine living like that for the rest of my life as a woman and I certainly couldn’t ever just expect others to pick up after me or provide me with things and not be extremely grateful. I now have my home paid off and I went without many things to get to this point so I could have piece of mind. You can’t help people who are not willing to help themselves.
@catheydownunder 18 сағат бұрын
Why would you turn up at night and first night How can it be a safe safe Turn up during day would have been 100% better
@Camaromike 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you for trying, unfortunately the shelter is too far away to be useful to someone living on the streets. They need access to water and food and other services you can't get in the forest. Just trying to pay for the diesel and carry it out to the camp is not practical either. Like all real estate location is the most important.
@spaaggetii 20 сағат бұрын
Nice Misleading Click Bait Title.... I doubt a homeless person would go and live in their with snow all over the place. Clickbait setup confirmed.
@rongray4118 23 сағат бұрын
New price with taxes is $6400+/- to the US... in case anyone is wondering.
@rongray4118 23 сағат бұрын
Kevin - are your kick stands backing out of position as your are operating the crusher?
@ModernSelfReliance 22 сағат бұрын
Looked like it didn't it.
@rongray4118 23 сағат бұрын
I don't why I am not receiving the updates on your videos! Deanna and I are waiting for our unit to ship to Nevada! Awesome Stuff!! Thanks for the videos, Kevin!!
@yromedotson5973 Күн бұрын
for sure the cot will be stolen
@StevenGamesWHC Күн бұрын
"Ramblings from a year later" Should have used a mortise joint for the top center wall support and ran wood like a + in the floor since it's clay/dirt and not rock to prevent kickout like it did.
@71stMastiff Күн бұрын
I feel like this should be called, how to catch a homeless.
@andrewcheshire244 Күн бұрын
Great idea!!! Using those water containers and cages for a off grid shower. thanks!
@beverlyphillips8572 Күн бұрын
I had only watched one half of the video when I wrote before but now I've finished it and have drawn new're just too nice Kevin. I watch a LOT of police cam videos as well as videos of homeless people and also subscribe to a channel called Invisible People by a guy who use to be homeless but is now doing better and helps them out by getting their stories out (you can donate to his channel as well). There is a survival mentality that creeps in, probably by necessity, that often doesn't include keeping their current stay-place clean and orderly. Often, gratitude doesn't figure into their lifestyle as well so let this be a learning experience for you Kevin, leave only as much as you can afford to lose as chances are, there won't be a lot of it left when they're gone. They're thinking of tomorrow and maybe the next day...and some of your things may be taken to be resold to someone else on the street. But I've too much wishes from central Florida, you will be amply rewarded for your good nature and you kindness towards your fellow man. If only there were more like you.
@beverlyphillips8572 Күн бұрын
You did a wonderful thing here Kevin, I was kind of thinking though when you showed up qa couple of hours after "Jim" moved in...wouldn't it have been nicer to let the the person have a night of rest and then "confront" him in the morning, when it's light outside and the occupant has had time to familiarize themselves with the setup...and gotten some rest. Maybe it's someone that's had to sleep on leaves for awhile, this is a major change and I would just let the person enjoy it without facing questions, at least for a few hours. But God will smile kindly upon you Kevin, for helping out those who are in need and He won't be nit-pickie like me for sure.
@rgar9335 Күн бұрын
First time I hear that spiders live in a Japanese hole.
@Angelfire0615 Күн бұрын
Whisk broom and dust pan to get the dirt and leaves out
@grantgardson Күн бұрын
Anyone complaining about the intro is probably heartless and soulless. It's never a bad thing to be against manufactured violence!
@GickelsGaming Күн бұрын
14:12 **Minecraft mining noises**
@rachellilley1518 Күн бұрын
Thank goodness the homeless person has enough money for smokes.....phew.
@macks2023 Күн бұрын
Just a tip on saving some battery life. You can free spool the winch to unwind it. Should be a knob on the winch motor to do it with!
@Jonjs99 Күн бұрын
real thing
@mantaskalvaitis Күн бұрын
I ordered also Jaw Crusher for myself 250x400
@ingerfalch-jacobsen1717 Күн бұрын
I haven't seen this, but I know it's going to be like those bird boxes with surveillance cameras, like on the Discovery Channel - with a twist 😆
@beavinator Күн бұрын
Why is there somebody scuba diving in Cabela's?
@beavinator Күн бұрын
Look, see, it's not lighting on fire! Therefore it never will! 🤨
@DMWBN3 Күн бұрын
You sure did get a good deal on the dupont. See itanywhere from £200-£150. Roughly $240 - $200.
@beavinator Күн бұрын
Those trees all appear to be doing just fine, don't see why they would need "thinning out". Forest thinning benefits loggers, not the environment.
@beavinator Күн бұрын
Those burgers could've been used as hockey pucks. Serious meat abuse.
@beavinator Күн бұрын
Hot dog buns cut on the top make way more sense, it's the sideways ones that are weird.
@beavinator Күн бұрын
Wow I don't even wanna know what was in that bottle. I sure hope it wasn't pee, if his pee is that color he seriously needs medical attention.
@KamuiPan Күн бұрын
A small excavator could save you from some back pain, if you try again.
@beavinator Күн бұрын
You talked about most of the amenities you provided but you didn't mention the Double-Stuf Oreos 😂
@beavinator Күн бұрын
That window is brilliant design. Just needs some kind of covering so the occupant doesn't get blinded by the sun at 6am, or if they need to sleep during daytime.
@toi_techno Күн бұрын
This was a nice thought But homelessness is a huge issue that needs huge government resources not kind hearted individuals
@toi_techno Күн бұрын
Can't believe how unstoppable that thing is
@toi_techno Күн бұрын
Cool machine
@beavinator Күн бұрын
What you're doing is awesome but how is it allowed? I feel like there are like zoning laws and/or other government nonsense that prevents people from building pretty much ANYTHING without a stack of permits.
@TimTamRipple Күн бұрын
You should always filter your water even though its coming from a natural stream as there are many lil bugs and such things that can be in water that will make you sick- boiling doesnt always get rid of these things.
@robyn220 2 күн бұрын
I would have left a message on the house saying you were going to be stopping by sometimes, wanted to know the tenants, etc. knocking on the door In the dark, and then saying I saw you on my trail camera could come off as scary to people. And dangerous for you not knowing the mental state of who is there, and when an already paranoid person becomes scared they can act very irrationally. Be careful. And especially the homeless, they take privacy super seriously even when they have tents, and don’t like “knocking” l at all. You always are to announce yourself before entering even the campsite. It’s a part of the homeless culture. The tree branches on the roof/windowm were for privately to block the windows exposing them. I’d get a curtain to open n close inside. Solves that issue. This type of homeless do not think or live anything like you do. They will most likely be messy unfortunately. And I’d only stop by maybe 1-2 times a month. Nobody wants someone popping up all the time especially when in their situation. I applaud your efforts to help!!! I’ve been homeless myself briefly after a family member stole my identity and all my money, and I lost my job all at once. I thankfully lived in my suv w/ my 2 children and would get us cheap motels as often as possible. And I was working, so I only was in that situation for like 9 months, but it’s a different world.
@MichaelB-xi1hk 2 күн бұрын
TV is not OK. Look at the water mark on it, that is how flooded it was.
@aaliyahraks 2 күн бұрын
Eucalyptus oil is a very effective adhesive remover, particularly on glass.