Rescuing Science
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Episode 4. The fall of Darwinism
Episode 7. Hereditary memory
Episode 5. The extended organism
Episode 3. Adaptation
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Episode 6. Design and homeostasis
Episode 2. What evolution is
Episode 8. Purposeful evolution
1989: The Fall of Communism
2 жыл бұрын
On Cancel Culture
3 жыл бұрын
Higher Education's Financial Troubles
Institutional Perspectives
3 жыл бұрын
Reclaiming 1619
3 жыл бұрын
@rosariomontoya1826 Күн бұрын
These gentlemen are inspiring in all they know! Insightful analyses! Thank you
@chernobylcoleslaw6698 Күн бұрын
Is her microphone turned on?
@DanCunliffe-eg1zi 6 күн бұрын
What do you guys think the motivation is, for who ever is pulling these strings, to have these climate alarmists try to achieve these wild goals? I can’t help but feel there is something sinister at play.
@DanCunliffe-eg1zi 6 күн бұрын
Would love some thoughts on this.
@NAScholars 5 күн бұрын
Well, not to be cynical, but there's clearly a political agenda at work here, and one that is using "science" to justify it. This is an abuse of science, properly defined, which objectively doesn't support the climate change agenda.
@climatebell 6 күн бұрын
As for the latter years, I took PSSC Physics in high school and it was excellent and inspirational. Not only were the curriculum and lab experiments great, but I also had a knowledgeable teacher too who had a physics degree.
@NAScholars 5 күн бұрын
I won't ask what year you took that great physics course, but I'm guessing it was prior NGSS? If so, you've made our point. Prior to NGSS, K-12 science education indeed was very strong, and the Franklin Standards mainly want to get us back to the excellent tradition.
@climatebell 5 күн бұрын
@@NAScholars I believe it was 2 years long and it was back in the late 70s. I'm not familiar when NGSS started. Anyhow, I'm pleased that people are focused on improving the science education system.
@captainkeyboard1007 7 күн бұрын
I still typewrite and do modern-day typewriting called keyboarding with all fingers and right thumb on the keys and spacebar, without bowing down my head. Your history is very in-depth.👍
@chrisharden1781 7 күн бұрын
The politics here in the US is a complete mess. No one knows the difference between right wing and left wing. I've spent the past two months deep diving into this topic, trying to wrap my head around it. I find that for the most part, this stuff is being pushed by progressive liberals. By and large the resistance is coming from conservatives. However, the actual Marxists are also standing up to this stuff with better analysis in most cases. But the conservatives in the US have been on this long trip of anti-intellectualism so they have this tendency to call anyone they disagree with a Marxist. Yet, in this matter, and humorously many other topics, the Marxists are in line with the conservatives. But these groups will never speak to each other. Marxists care about class politics, they tend to be wary of racial and identity politics. But the conservatives think the critical race theorists are Marxists, they also think Democrats are Marxists along with other such ridiculous things. So, creating a unified front is essentially impossible. The actual liberals here are too scared of being labeled racist to make a stand. It feels pretty hopeless.
@chrisharden1781 7 күн бұрын
This stuff is hitting my school district this year. I spent all year doing equity modules based around Kendi's work and honestly, I was mostly just impressed that the conversation had made it this far. It wasn't until I saw how they were trying to bring this into the math classrooms that I had to pause and really think because something is definitely off here. Firstly, as a Phd in mathematics I'm a bit flustered by how often teachers are taking notes from people who really know almost nothing about mathematics, if I had to summarize the general problem with math education today this would be it. For 30 years teachers have been taking notes from anyone and everyone aside from actual content experts, and it shows. This is a great example of people who know almost nothing about math trying to tell teachers how to math, smdh. Kendi's premise which makes this entire conversation possible is the idea that everything is racist, thus one has only two choices, being racist or being antiracist. This is a typical ideological mind trap. It is designed to relieve people of the strain of having to actually think. This is the same logic used by George Bush when he said, you either support America or you support the terrorists. In politics these statements are used as polarization and to detract non-partisanship. When used as a conclusion, especially when presenting a false dichotomy then it becomes an informal fallacy. These are called thought-terminating cliches in analytic philosophy. I suspect this is why we see so few liberals standing up to this because they cannot afford to be labeled racist etc. But these false binary mechanisms of control are a true hallmark of white supremacy culture. Just look at all the work that has been done around gender for instance. This brings me to what I personally see as one of the most ridiculous aspects of this book. When presenting a list of ways in which white supremacy culture shows up in a math classroom the first thing at the top of this list is, the focus on getting the right answer. There are two things wrong here. Firstly, they just suckered us all into agreeing with them or else be labeled a racist with a false dichotomy that we are not even allowed to question, hypocrisy. Secondly, the focus on getting the right answer has nothing to do at all with some ideological pigeonhole along the political spectrum. The focus on getting the right answer has more to do with graduating people who become civil engineers who can build a bridge without killing thousands of people. Mathematics as a whole is a subject which entirely predates colonialism and the modern notions of both whiteness and blackness that became the predominant modes of society. So, while the institutions of education can certainly have remnants of the culture of white supremacy, the idea that the subject itself is racist is just silly. These conclusions could only be made by someone who barely knows anything about mathematics or its history. To be clear, these education majors, generally speaking, are about 5 community college math classes above any of their students. Yet, they all tell themselves they are as qualified as a mathematician to speak on mathematics, this isn't true. The story of mathematics is already one of the most multicultural stories of all the subjects of classic academia. In fact, Europeans were super late to the table. It was the colonization of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors which brough modern math to Europe which still took literally hundreds of years to catch on. White people do not own this story. These are the facts. One last tidbit to consider, if math itself is racist, then why does every non-white country in the entire world do much better at math than the United States? For 30 years now education majors have been excluding content experts. Everything they have sold us has failed. We as a country have been in a heated debate over whether to allow middle school kids to learn Algebra, while every other country in the world has the kids doing Calculus in middle school. After a while it starts to look like these teachers will do anything but learn more math. This equity thing is just the new current trendy teacher buzz word being used to market and sell curriculum. It is yet another distraction from the fact we need actual content experts in public curriculum.
@chrisconklin2981 9 күн бұрын
I do not understand why Mr. Mills keeps say there is no Energy Revolution going on. By far new generation capacity is renewable energy. The price of batteries and solar PV panels have significantly declined. The revolution will be the creation of a power grid based on battery storage and renewable energy. Mr. Mills is selling the past.
@sherrydionisio4306 11 күн бұрын
Thank you both for a highly informative and rigorous dialogue. I so hope half our population at least, will hear and understand.
@michaelfraser5723 12 күн бұрын
@carlgrace8761 12 күн бұрын
So the National Association of Scholars is a place for washed up and outdated bigots. England is certainly a failing nation with Dr. Who and bigotry being the only cultural exports left. Sorry that trans people exist, but yall are not being discriminated for your beliefs. The majority of people accept us and our rights to exist, no wonder your colleagues have abandoned you, they must feel terribly sad for you.
@yazanasad7811 12 күн бұрын
Old testament - Trial by water. Trial by fire Wheel fire - Addie as centre of wheel 59 - close to 60 mins in an hour Madness of darl - platonic divine Punishment of darl is collective punishment over personal values (especially if darl heard Addie say to burn). Addie as christ/fish - she continues to influence after she is dead
@yazanasad7811 12 күн бұрын
If want to get rid of dream image in the head, marry her
@yazanasad7811 12 күн бұрын
We like Faulkner cos of technique, the history of the south is gone
@yazanasad7811 12 күн бұрын
Darwin Marx freud - 19th century Democracy - raising the ordinary to the heroic ideal. Marx - commoners have value
@halcyon_distilled 22 күн бұрын
I enjoyed this talk so much. Thank you! I am currently reading AOI and savoring it.
@ambientjohnny 22 күн бұрын
"What do the Trans community need most right now? Abigail Thorn & Freddy McConnell | Pod Save The UK" 12:25 : PhilosophyTube/"Abigail": "Even the way that they have reified biological sex, as if, like, that's an objective fact that's, like, discovered and not something that's assigned like. Like, a lot of people are still like 'well you can't change sex but you can change gender', I say, no, actually clearly you can, I have."
@fromchomleystreet 24 күн бұрын
I think “gender critical” is a flawed term, because it suggests skepticism about the existence of gender. The distinction between “sex”, “gender”, “transgender” and “gender identity” is crucial to this debate, and we need to be really clear about what we mean. “Gender identity skeptical” or “transgender critical” would seem more accurate terminology.
@carlgrace8761 12 күн бұрын
"Anti trans bigot" will do. Trans folk have and always will exist, no matter how much you wish it, you cant torture us out of our identities.
@fromchomleystreet 24 күн бұрын
Gay men being encouraged to believe that they are really straight women. Straight women being encouraged to believe that they are really gay men. Lesbians being encouraged to believe that they are really straight men. Straight men being encouraged to believe that they are really lesbians. It’s Upside Down World.
@mothgirl326 23 күн бұрын
When you boil what youre saying down, its just expressing confusion at the idea that trans people are the gender they believe they are and present as. Not to be an armchair psychologist, but I would suggest one reason youve expressed in this way is the prevalence of the old trick of asserting that someone else is doing something for nefarious reasons in order to deny that the reason they say they are doing so exists. This is the idea behind "gay people transition to avoid homophobia" which is ridiculous, of course, as transphobia is just as, if not more prevalent, or that straight males transition in order to assault women. The seperation of these two group's motives, rather than the alternative model that they have the same motive, which is dysphoria, i believe plays a part in your seperation. Idk tho i just wanted to mention that this is a common tactic, the same bathroom idea was applied to lesbians before
@ambientjohnny 22 күн бұрын
@@mothgirl326 "What do the Trans community need most right now? Abigail Thorn & Freddy McConnell | Pod Save The UK" 12:25 : PhilosophyTube/"Abigail": "Even the way that they have reified biological sex, as if, like, that's an objective fact that's, like, discovered and not something that's assigned like. Like, a lot of people are still like 'well you can't change sex but you can change gender', I say, no, actually clearly you can, I have."
@SigMaQuint 25 күн бұрын
A good reasoning conversation is healthy. Even the therapists Tom Anderson and Jaakko Seikkula showed us its healing potential through Open Dialogue. There are many other examples, in peace negotiations, socratic dialogue etc. The basis is respect. It may not always be possible, when the opponent is just playing power gamles, and does not adhere to common reality experience.
@281992pdr 26 күн бұрын
Katleen Stock nails it again. A real star.
@deirdrejohnston6701 27 күн бұрын
Great interview. Thanks Kathleen for all you do.
@LilmissJ111 28 күн бұрын
I would use the word pinical rather than ultimate, in my opinion. May be understood easier to lay people.
@michelel.tolley3156 29 күн бұрын
@averyintelligence 29 күн бұрын
Can u be trans without being sexist? I dont think its logically possible. Do trans people not realise how sexist they are
@nightrunner1456 Ай бұрын
Office space 2.0!
@estariellesidneysdottir Ай бұрын
She is great. Really did not deserve to be hounded out of her job by silly little bullies
@ecyranot Ай бұрын
As a U. S. citizen, I wonder what kind of changes we would see in attitudes if we just make all bathrooms gender neutral. I don't see the big deal if I as a man have to share a space with women. On the other hand, I don't see why a person who has gone through male puberty should compete against women who have not and are obviously disadvantaged. This position to allow people to do this is an example of how the radicals will not give an inch, no matter how sensible.
@ambientjohnny Ай бұрын
You, as a male, not minding sharing a space with women, does not mean females don't mind sharing a space with males.
Ай бұрын
I keep hearing the guys's breath. He should turn off his mic when listening
@irongalaxy3720 Ай бұрын
When the fascists you are in bed with are done with the shameful allyship you provide, they will come for you too. No one is free until we are all free.
@ambientjohnny Ай бұрын
No one can be "born in the wrong body", our brains ARE our body just as much as any other part of it. We are the sex we are, regardless of what our personal relationship is with the sexist stereotypes in society. "Trans" ideology, is regressive and sexist, as there is no "correct way" of being a boy or girl, man or woman, all those terms do is indicate sex and stage of maturity - decoupling sex and gender and trying to make gender into this ludicrous concoction of personality and sexist stereotypes is beyond regressive - it actively harms people who buy into it - the idea that there is something wrong with a kid's body that needs to be chemically altered because they believe living up to sexist stereotypes is some real measure of whether they are a boy or a girl (and man or woman for adults obviously), is insanity. I have asked hundreds of "activists" and "allies" to explain what they are measuring themselves against to determine that they have a need to transition - NOT ONE person has been able to articulate what that is - not one person is able to distance themselves sufficiently to realise that THEY are the ones with a regressively sexist idea of what it means to be a boy/girl or man/woman and that that is the issue causing all the problems - their own misunderstanding and severely limited perspective/sexist misunderstanding of what sexist stereotypes/"gender norms" actually entail - they are not rules, they are not real boundaries, they are regressive ideas and generalisations - no one needs to live up to any such utter nonsense or feel comfortable with those stereotypes to be a boy/girl/man/woman - all those terms represent, and all they should represent, is sex and stage of maturity - by creating this whole "gender identity" nonsense, THAT IS WHAT CAUSES ALL THE DISTRESS, THIS FABRICATION OF A FRAMEWORK WHICH DISTORTS REALITY. No one - NO ONE - in the movement has been able to explain or articulate what this supposed "womanly essence" or "manly essence" is that they feel/know/need to transition in order to represent etc. actually is - yet you all actively believe in it and push for it to be accepted. That is ludicrous.
@justinludeman8424 Ай бұрын
If judith butler had a brain..... I know.... I don"care 😅
@yazanasad7811 Ай бұрын
PTSD -, great Gatsby ww1 (you can recreate the past)
@yazanasad7811 Ай бұрын
Recreate the past - retelling the story through novel form, Nick
@yazanasad7811 Ай бұрын
Real Vs ideal tension
@yazanasad7811 Ай бұрын
Suspicion of ideal as will to power (obsession/stalker)
@yazanasad7811 Ай бұрын
A great poet - beauty surpasses or obliterates all other considerations
@yazanasad7811 Ай бұрын
Fitzgerald negative capability Vs Gatsby's (Emerson's) sublime as egotistical
@fillashthrownout3309 Ай бұрын
Sadly they don't post any sources. It's like listening to snake oil salesman smeared by big oil.
@psychnstatstutor Ай бұрын
Wonderful~ than you both so much! I enjoy listening to the most dashing gent with or without a pink wig. Appreciate NSA hosting such high quality guests, that remind us of the value of serious play and seeking Life
@splinterbyrd Ай бұрын
Today I identify as a trans aardvark called Fifi-Trixibelle🦒. Stop oppressing me😡
@DarrylPowell-rr9lg Ай бұрын
Truth unmasks fallacy and Evidence is it's proof. Reality heeds no fantasy while Facts uncloak all spoof. Sanity! Our Sanity! Oh, let us Save Our Selves FROM OURSELVES!! Darryl Daniel Powell
@ClaytonHardee Ай бұрын
This is shocking!!! “Hannah Tubbs 26 year old male sex offender is sentence to a youth female correction facility. A Los Angeles County judge on Jan. 27 ordered Hannah Tubbs, a 26 year old male-to-female transgender Californian, to serve two years in a juvenile detention facility after Tubbs pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in 2014 - but it's possible Tubbs could only face six months.” He doesn’t appear to have had sex reassignment surgery. Can you even wrap your mind around that?
@dra2033 Ай бұрын
Yes, unfortunately 50% of male inmates who identify as women in California are violent sex offenders. What’s terrifying is that these men now have the “right” to be housed in women’s facilities - it’s literally against the law for the california dept of corrections to deny a placement request..the consequences are absolutely horrific. The most recent incident was first reported only a few days ago - google: Tremaine Carroll cell mate Central California Women's Facility
@petratical Ай бұрын
Right Xi, this should be a required course in schools across these United States.
@JoanneBartone Ай бұрын
Thank you, Doctor Stock. As usual, you cogently make sense of the insanity that is occurring all over the world.
@kattekongen Ай бұрын
Very nice interview! Just a shame the audio isn't better.
@ambientsoda106 Ай бұрын
why are my responses being deleted? Stock calls for the right to be offensive, makes commentary such as trans having fake identities and analogies with radical examples of prison rape; which is supporting bullying behaviors in education - as she makes education an unsafe space because of how she frames a conversation. Lastly Stock makes no attempt at a valid or sound philosophical argument about what a women is; if she did she would not have said the things she has or found new learning; Stock's philosophy is rubbish. Personally I think Stock has issues with men and makes no criticism of trans men as a result...
@nakedenby Ай бұрын
Utterly disingenuous to mock the sex switching fish as this isn't intended to be a direct comparison with humans but as a simplistic retort to those who simplistically claim sex is strictly binary throughout ALL biology. It's a challenge to rigid thinking.
@MaryCeleste86 Ай бұрын
Volume is too different.
@benshithero3037 Ай бұрын
Sexologist like thinking tends genuinely quite easily go off the deep end
@ApacheMagic 29 күн бұрын
Which is why we are in this mess. Thanks, John Money.
@paulwary Ай бұрын
A lot more people might agree with her if “moral defect as the only explanation for dissent” had not been the go-to tactic of feminism since it began.
@nicklindsley7866 Ай бұрын
The treatment of Stock is appalling but its roots come from within feminism itself and other academic victim "studies" who have an equally apalling history of witch hunting against their "enemies" such as men, white people, straight society etc.
@tracygeddes5867 Ай бұрын
To suggest that within the Cass report there is evidence that puberty blockers hardly ever work is grossly misleading.there are far more reports of the benefits that puberty blockers provide to truly gender challenged children…but I guess that any thing that does not support your argument needs to be swept aside with terms like well we all know xyz .quite frustrating to hear a one sided dissertation with flimsy arguments based on gross misrepresentations formed in a mist of anti trans rhetoric.
@ambientjohnny Ай бұрын
No one can be "born in the wrong body", our brains ARE our body just as much as any other part of it. We are the sex we are, regardless of what our personal relationship is with the sexist stereotypes in society. "Trans" ideology, is regressive and sexist, as there is no "correct way" of being a boy or girl, man or woman, all those terms do is indicate sex and stage of maturity - decoupling sex and gender and trying to make gender into this ludicrous concoction of personality and sexist stereotypes is beyond regressive - it actively harms people who buy into it - the idea that there is something wrong with a kid's body that needs to be chemically altered because they believe living up to sexist stereotypes is some real measure of whether they are a boy or a girl (and man or woman for adults obviously), is insanity. I have asked hundreds of "activists" and "allies" to explain what they are measuring themselves against to determine that they have a need to transition - NOT ONE person has been able to articulate what that is - not one person is able to distance themselves sufficiently to realise that THEY are the ones with a regressively sexist idea of what it means to be a boy/girl or man/woman and that that is the issue causing all the problems - their own misunderstanding and severely limited perspective/sexist misunderstanding of what sexist stereotypes/"gender norms" actually entail - they are not rules, they are not real boundaries, they are regressive ideas and generalisations - no one needs to live up to any such utter nonsense or feel comfortable with those stereotypes to be a boy/girl/man/woman - all those terms represent, and all they should represent, is sex and stage of maturity - by creating this whole "gender identity" nonsense, THAT IS WHAT CAUSES ALL THE DISTRESS, THIS FABRICATION OF A FRAMEWORK WHICH DISTORTS REALITY. No one - NO ONE - in the movement has been able to explain or articulate what this supposed "womanly essence" or "manly essence" is that they feel/know/need to transition in order to represent etc. actually is - yet you all actively believe in it and push for it to be accepted. That is ludicrous.
@tracygeddes5867 Ай бұрын
If terf fits then ……it is what it is!
@TheSapphire51 Ай бұрын
I would never have suspected that academia was so full of downright idiots and moral cowards. Who in their right mind other than misogynists thinks that men hell bent on ruining womens sports deserve respect. Cheats and bullies and invaders of women's privacy. So the bull is the same as the cow to Judith Butler. She should get in a field with both and learn something for the sake of the godess.
@Missfredawallace Ай бұрын
This is nonsense from start to finish
@zeldagoblin Ай бұрын
Not that you're biased, or anything like that, eh, Fred?
@AliB8444 Ай бұрын
Hello, At minute 31, to the argument, "we've just made-up sex. Sex is in no way real or unalterable, I would separate out real from unalterable. It's entirely the case that people alter things that should be left untouched. Pristine waters are good for life. They're horribly polluted. Such examples can be given seemingly endlessly. My point of practice is: wouldn't the amazing body itself know better than a hubristic surgeon or pill peddler?
@daniellee8866 Ай бұрын
Sorry, Dr Curry, I’m not really convinced by your conversion from alarmist to denier. You’re at least a climate realist who takes pains to try to sound moderate and keep a foot in each camp. In my humble opinion, I think that your position is untenable. This “climate change” fiasco is actually not about the climate. Many scientists and even deniers fail to grasp this and continue to engage the “alarmists” at the technical level at their game and your (sincere) attempt to contribute to solutions is admirable but misguided because you have fallen into their trap of distraction. Intelligent people with a scientific background can easily understand climate “science” data. Yes, climate is complex, but all data must be honest and conform to logic and common sense. The thick reams of IPCC reports are there to occupy and exhaust authentic scientists like you. If you could wake up, you’ll realise that the climate alarmism is just a pretence and an excuse for militant environmentalists to take over political control of the world. The truth is climate cannot be controlled nor predicted by humans. Yes, you can study climate but it is to better prepare us to adapt to natural periodic extreme weather. The duty of climate “scientists” is not to make wild predictions or collude with politicians to implement irresponsible policies to impoverish the world and sabotage human civilisation. Yes, we can find better solutions to secure our energy needs but that has nothing to do with the climate. Please give more credit to the intelligent sector of the public. Yes, you are right. The global warming hypothesis is an utterly stupid proposition which right-thinking people shouldn’t have spent more than 2 minutes to see through. It shouldn’t take decades for us to realise that the IPCC and their sponsors are pretending to be stupid just to commit fraud. Sorry if I sound rude, but I’m not.
@NAScholars Ай бұрын
Well, somebody had to say it. Thanks for being the one.
@ambientsoda106 Ай бұрын
I think your all far too right winged in thinking and cant accept freedom... Whats it matter if a person desires and undergoes a transitition: why are you so venomously opposed? Stock was the target of students protests, because of the vile things she said, she made education an unsafe space - and it is a shame none of you understand this? You can't call all trans people rapists, delusionary, fake identities and etc as a lecturer in education because you will lead on bullying behaviours or worse...
@ambientjohnny Ай бұрын
Words communicate meaning, trying to change that meaning is trying to manipulate society, which is precisely what the misogynistic TRAs are trying to do - Males trying to erase all female sex-based rights and protections from society (some "activists" even go so far as to try claim that no sex-based rights have even existed in the first place). Framing it as society merely being upset about words not meaning what they want is egregiously dishonest, as redefining the term "woman" has profound ramifications across all of society and affects the entire female population. Redefining the term "woman" ONLY benefits the misogynistic males who want to usurp female rights and protections, it does not benefit one single female on the planet.
@TheSapphire51 Ай бұрын
Oh you are so easily deluded.
@ambientsoda106 Ай бұрын
@@TheSapphire51 how so?
@germalina9879 Ай бұрын
At what point did Stock, or anyone say " all trans people are rapists "? Can you provide a quote, a paper, a time stamp in this video, anything, ever? No you won't be able to because she didn't. Are u wilfully misunderstanding the logic here, or do you just not get it?
@ambientjohnny Ай бұрын
@@ambientsoda106 No one can be "born in the wrong body", our brains ARE our body just as much as any other part of it. We are the sex we are, regardless of what our personal relationship is with the sexist stereotypes in society. "Trans" ideology, is regressive and sexist, as there is no "correct way" of being a boy or girl, man or woman, all those terms do is indicate sex and stage of maturity - decoupling sex and gender and trying to make gender into this ludicrous concoction of personality and sexist stereotypes is beyond regressive - it actively harms people who buy into it - the idea that there is something wrong with a kid's body that needs to be chemically altered because they believe living up to sexist stereotypes is some real measure of whether they are a boy or a girl (and man or woman for adults obviously), is insanity. I have asked hundreds of "activists" and "allies" to explain what they are measuring themselves against to determine that they have a need to transition - NOT ONE person has been able to articulate what that is - not one person is able to distance themselves sufficiently to realise that THEY are the ones with a regressively sexist idea of what it means to be a boy/girl or man/woman and that that is the issue causing all the problems - their own misunderstanding and severely limited perspective/sexist misunderstanding of what sexist stereotypes/"gender norms" actually entail - they are not rules, they are not real boundaries, they are regressive ideas and generalisations - no one needs to live up to any such utter nonsense or feel comfortable with those stereotypes to be a boy/girl/man/woman - all those terms represent, and all they should represent, is sex and stage of maturity - by creating this whole "gender identity" nonsense, THAT IS WHAT CAUSES ALL THE DISTRESS, THIS FABRICATION OF A FRAMEWORK WHICH DISTORTS REALITY. No one - NO ONE - in the movement has been able to explain or articulate what this supposed "womanly essence" or "manly essence" is that they feel/know/need to transition in order to represent etc. actually is - yet you all actively believe in it and push for it to be accepted. That is ludicrous.