The Slow Death of Warhammer 40k
Slaanesh's Favorite Space Marines
6 ай бұрын
Games Workshop RUINED The Aeldari
The Alpha Legion Are (Not) Loyal
Fulgrim: A Character Ruined by Chaos
@pimpdemon9458 58 минут бұрын
Wont there ftl be rather useless as fucking shit in the long run if you know dont add the bugs into the world aswell Ah i spoke to soon lol
@jacobsvane4844 2 сағат бұрын
I assume that that most peaceful interactions for SE might be with Imperium, Eldar and maybe Tau. With Imperium they even may create a confederation but yeah, Mechanicus’ will be a bigger problem even that of an Inquisition. Eldar won’t be fans of SE but since they look relatively human and don’t seem to care about human ideology, some Craftworlds can ally with SE occasionally. Tau even though are space commies might get some diplomatic attention due to tech interests. But I think I’ll disagree with author on Chaos resistance. Even though propaganda of SE is powerful, Tzeentch will probably become the biggest problem since unlike Imperium’s, it’s not religion-based. I can see Tzeentch being able to start a civil war within SE because there are many “wormholes” when it comes to ideology like so called sympathizers.
@justinspivey7691 9 сағат бұрын
Peter turbo is an idiot. Just as stupid as the emperor. Chip off the old block. Only bobby g and Vulkan are even remotely redeemable. Still nitwits written by nimwits.
@dylan-jd8br 14 сағат бұрын
where do people get this idea helldivers are poorly trained, they join the military at age 7, the helldivers training at age 18 has a 22% survival rate. The ingame tutorial is just a ceremony at the end of their training. The entire society they come from is completely based around the military and war, it's the equivalent to spartan society basically. If you don't want to believe that just watch gameplay, they can run across a map for 40 minutes straight covered in armour carrying heavy weaponry, they are completely proficient with every weapon they use, they can hack systems and operate mechanical machinery. Each helldiver is backed by a destroyer. To top it all off you can say the average lifespan is 2 minutes but being dropped into a situation where you are dropped behind enemy lines surrounded by 1000's of enemies that are much stronger than you physically and they can still with only a handful of helldivers complete all objectives kill 1000's of enemies and extract like where is this idea coming from that they're just random people off the street given some armour and a gun it's so stupid. Also I think it's worth pointing out that as an elite force they still probably have millions of personnel, so contemplate the probable billions that are in the regular army that will be still somewhat near helldiver levels of proficiency considering the whole spartan society aspect. Take into account peak numbers for the game their helldivers ships combined as a naval force would be over 300,000 destroyers at the least. Keep in mind there is an actual navy that super earth has with actual warships bigger than destroyers probably totalling in the millions. They're borderline already living in the 40k universe with the scales we could be possibly talking about, all they're missing is the warp. The normal helldiver is practically a space marine without biological enhancements and power armour.
@JeanLucCaptain 17 сағат бұрын
Perturabo meeting the Death Korps of Krieg: "Finally, people who appreciate my methods"
@oneringtorule2032 19 сағат бұрын
lol … umm they are literally all psychopaths but the night lords are crafty… if you know what I mean. Look up the screaming gallery of the night lords.
@mabusxb856 20 сағат бұрын
Hell divers would be an awesome guard regiment and fit in perfectly. Just add the imperial cult.
@Mordu83 3 күн бұрын
Spacemarines are simps😂
@northernswiftborn862 4 күн бұрын still does it best. this person also expresses his distaste to those who don't do the legion they are speaking on justice & give full understanding to those legions & their primarchs better. perturabo wasn't just born the way these videos claim he was cold, petty, hatred for no reason, paranoid for no reason. just have to read to see how each primarch became the way they are now. they weren't just born with these traits quite a lot of traits developed from their childhoods & wars. some were implanted yes but not all. he has expressed his love for reading & fully trying to understand each primarchs psyche which is what shaped each of the primarchs & their legions to follow. he also uses his own voice to speak instead of Ai or any narration bots. highly recommend this if you want to fully understand the 4th legion & many others along with their primarchs. to many just make videos after reading a tiny bit of lore on the 4th. tis tiring & a waste of time for those who actually want to understand the legions.
@bertholdbach4959 4 күн бұрын
"Reads the title", that took you a while to notice.
@yayofuego 5 күн бұрын
F the word bearers, their primarch is weak
@bryany.ramosortiz6709 6 күн бұрын
Helldivers are well trained if you even go to the lore of super earth you’ll find that most kids are more trained than a adult that just started the military and if you see the game play of helldivers they can use every single weapon stratagem basically any weapon perfectly and fine because a random dude from the street can’t use sniper rifle in fact reloading is hard unless your trained and we see that helldivers use every weapon perfectly plus to even be a helldiver you need a few years of seaf experience and the tutorial is just the final exam of the helldiver plus aren’t tutorial’s supposed to be short and fast saying that helldivers aren’t trained is wanna the most internet thing I’ve ever heard Edit: super earth can destroy planets with the dark fluid and even if they run out its said that a super destroyer can level a small moon so a few super destroyers would destroy the surface of a planet
@endwarAH80blackfoot 6 күн бұрын
Just found this question. Easy answer with two words: Hell no. XD
@peterhilligoss5697 6 күн бұрын
People really seem to forget super earth is not just a single planet. It’s a galaxy wide regime. Just like the imperium.
@NeiasaurusCreations 7 күн бұрын
I think they're big ol' loyalist intentionally dicking chaos up brown town, and that alpharius secretly replaced Guiliman. And that Big E had all of this planned minus Guiliman's actual death at Fulgrim's hand. And thus committed to his best and last play before the Heresy's end.
@the_infinexos 7 күн бұрын
The Night Lords would WRECK the Marines Malevolent
@Sorain1 7 күн бұрын
There are many solutions to the Aeldari problem. This is one of them. The demon that the Yinnari defeated, as demons do, _lied_ . The method of this revelation to the Yinnari could be any number of ways, but I favor a Solitare revealing it, and one other bit of plot vital information: That a specific Imperial Guard Character (fresh one, so they can be written as needed.) with ties to the inquisition knows where the final crone sword actually lies. Cue shift to an imperial battlefront against a Tyranid splinter fleet, where IGC is playing a key role. A detachment of space marines (Ultramarines successors for marketing reasons, so find one with little attention on them. Prominently feature the latest/next Primaris thing in the scene.) helps to see off the latest Tyranid push and their officer politely requests to speak with IGC's immediate superior. The reveal is made that the Marine commander is politely requesting an explanation for the superior's potential heresy. The heresy in question is their cease fire with the Tau in the region. Superior officer tries to lay the blame on IGC, and IGC bluntly tells the space marine "We have a mutual bug problem and you were not here yet." The chapter serf behind the marine officer promptly shoots dead IGC's superior officer, to the surprise of everyone but the Space Marine. The 'chapter serf' is an Inquisitor that knows what subtly is and promptly tells IGC "You are in charge now, sort this out I have other things to take care of." politely thanks the Space Marine Officer and leaves. SMO asks for the situation so we can fully exposit things. The local situation sucks and the only reason the Imperial worlds in the area aren't overrun is that the Tau have been holding the line on a gas giant's moon, keeping that tendril busy. Cue shift to the front lines on said moon, where the Farsight Enclaves forces are busy doing said lineholding. The entire audience now knows where this is going from the moment Farsight cuts down a Carinfex and feels slightly more alive. (Again.) Spend a bit of time with the Tau PoV and potentially show off some new model or character for their side if the marketing fits in. Then the Swarmlord shows up, and Farsight immediately realizes its time to cut the big one down or everyone dies. Cue shift back to our IGC, who has been doing well enough and goes to take a momentary break from the literally inhuman pace of trying to coordinate with Space Marines. Surprise Eldar in your break room. Surprise Primaris being reasonable? Yinnari lay out 'we know you know something important, please tell us so we can hurt our mutual enemy, Chaos.' IGC thinks of the situation, double checks the map and gets a nasty idea. IGC proceeds to agree, because they've got a guess what the Eldar want. So IGC lies to them and says "The sword your looking for is being used by the Tau commander right now." Eldar do one basic psycic glance in that direction and immediately bug out. Primaris reasonably questions IGC, who reveals the lie and exposits how they came to realize there was something warp related about Farsight's blade when they were much lower ranking. The Inquisition questioned them about it at the time. "With any luck, the bugs will eat them for us." Cue shift to the Yinnari pov, where the Solitare muses that 'You realize IGC lied, right?' and is met with something along the lines of. 'When is a lie you tell not a lie? When you accidentally tell the truth.' because it's Eldar, we need a good prophecy/riddle twist thing in here somewhere and this lets both sides exit the interaction seeing it as a win, while showing that such 'wins' might be the Eldar letting people think they won. They have to get to the moon and get their macguffin. Thrilling Eldar Space Ship trickery ensues to get them there. Cue the reveal that all that was concurrent with the Tau chunk of events, so Farsight can give the Swarmlord a good fight but clearly be slowly losing the fight while winning the battle. (Evacuating their forces to fight again later, having delayed the Tyranids enough the Imperials won't collapse. Everyone's using everyone else here.) Yinnari show up, help Farsight not die horribly and with the Swarmlord's defeat the Tendril starts to pull back. An attempt at diplomacy seems about to derail when the Solitare openly questions 'why didn't we just let him die and take the sword?' but our Yinnari appeal to the mutually shared ideals of the Tau and Eldar in a neat little speech before basically saying "You give us the sword and you get an intelligence sharing pact with us. Not the Tau Empire, the Enclaves specifically." Swap to Farsight PoV where he basically goes "I've lived far longer than I should have, giving up the source of that longevity is worth it provided it defends the free Tau." A mutual defense pact is the requirement for handing it over, if any force strikes at the Enclaves and they call, the Yinnari need to answer. Yinnari accept the deal, the blade (Which was disarmed when Farsight's suit's arm was torn off right before the Eldar intervention.) goes to the Eldar, who immediately leave with it. Farsight chats with someone about needing a new blade and new armor, teasing a new model for him with some fancy energy blade or something to replace the Dawnblade. Swap to Yinnari PoV, where the Solitare is given credit for meeting acting expectations in the meeting, and Solitare pays a complement back about how the laughing god didn't think it likely they could position the Enclaves as their attack dogs so easily. (Because the Eldar can just feed them cooked intelligence and their prognostications show another Slannesh situation potentially happening down the line so they're taking steps to end The Greater Good ahead of time.) Final scenes with IGC and the Inquisitor who was only in one scene earlier, IGC is assured this cleans the debit between them 'because I'd rather work with you as an ally than a debitor'. Inquisitor leaves and we see them meet the Solitare, because they're a radical inquisitor and this preformance has been going on for a long time. Inquisitor throws out 'I wish you'd do the same for me.' and the Solitare only laughs before vanishing. Last scene of this chunk of plot is the Yinnari deciding that they need Khaine in as good a shape as possible before negotiating with Exodites to prep the ritual on one of their worlds, since they expect She Who Thirsts to go all in this time in stopping them, even stooping to openly telling Gulliman the plan to get Imperial help this time, not repeating the tragedy of Eldrad. It is alluded to that the Exodite world they need is close to the Farsight Enclave so they can use them as well. Yinnari are poised to bring Khaine back in miniture (Incarnation rather than Avatar of Khaine maybe?) to help defend their big ritual to finish waking Yinnead. This can then be a big ol' thing potentially roping in The Greater Good warp being aiding them as part of it to really screw with people's heads, as a sort of 'divine peace offering' to the returning Eldar Pantheon. She who thirsts gets sidelined by losing a big battle with Yinnead, Khaine and TGG, while being backstabbed by Nurgle (as a favor to Isha naturally) and the other two piling on. Nurgle gets back up closer to the power he had pre burning, Vashtor (with Abbadon helping in some manner) gets more powerful by taking from She who thirsts and the position of '4th Chaos God' is now opened up for real competition so the narrative can swing back to Chaos vs Imperium for a while. (Vashtorr wins and Slannesh gets sidelined for marketing reasons, of course.) Much ado is made about the Chaos Gods wanting to go back to when it was only 'The Big Three' because Chaos gonna Chaos. Eldar rally behind the partially restored Khaine, who rebuilds Bel-Tan because they fit him best, rallying the Phoenix lords to refresh their teachings to their students. (Refreshing the aspect warrior models, Phoenix Lords models and potentially even adding a new one for the Warp Spiders partially tied to Yinnead as well due to the origins of the deity and Khaine trying to be less of a jerk to the new Eldar gods.) Honestly the most basic fix is to simply establish that the Demon lied, about that being a shadow of itself, the sword being in she who thirst's palace, or both. Then pick up the plotline again while doing a refresh.
@Sorain1 8 күн бұрын
My projection on how this might go: Super Earth's elite forces occupy a unique role in the Imperium of Mankind's vast military apparatus. Granted rare sanction by Gulliman acting on the Emperors orders, and having their own treaty with Mars brokered by the Primarch himself, Imperial Guard Generals either rejoice at learning Helldiver reinforcements are here (Notice I did not say 'on the way' as they often bear the message of their own arrival faster than any but an Imperial Courier, while often bringing forward messages themselves.) or dread their appearance. Side note: The Imperial Courier's are a large part of Super Earth's Tithe to the Imperium, advanced FTL ships modeled on the Super Destroyers design that provide direct message transference service for time critical messages. Data transfer duty between forgeworlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus are part of the Mars Treaty as well. Because Super Destroyers are as fast as the Courier brethren, Helldiver deployments can also mean updated orders for Imperial forces in a battle zone. Rumors of Super Destroyer/Imperial Courier ships with Inquisitorial markings are absolutely true, despite official denials. Like the Imperial Knights, Titan Legions and the Space Marines themselves, Helldiver deployments can be requested but not compelled, and rejecting the 'offer' of Helldiver support is a politically difficult proposition for an Imperial Guard General or even Planetary Governor. Comparatively, Imperial Guard regiments that are assigned to aid Super Earth's Federation in defending it's holdings (akin to how Ultramar is a subdivision of the Imperium, and carved out of former Xenos territory bordering the Segmentum Solar.) usually end up in high spirits, as they find the SEAF a cut above most planetary defense forces. There is some risk of cultural misunderstandings due to the seeming Xenofarming of 'Terminids' by the Super Earth Federation, so Imperial Guard regiments who have a service history relating to the Tyranids are generally not given such duties. Those Imperial Guard Generals who do appreciate Helldiver support often understand how to motivate them and how their peculiar dialect of low gothic informs their use of high gothic. In general, the Helldivers are given an objective where collateral damage is a virtue and allowed to operate independently. One exception to this is during sieges. When imperial civilian populations are behind enemy lines and holding out against them, Helldivers are one of the few support options available to the Imperium that can do enough damage to turn the tide of a siege. (Aside from Space Marines, who are far less numerous.) That being said, the use of Helldivers in regular pitched battles has gained some traction among the tactica, as few foes can pick out the single infantryman directing the orbital fire support, and it is far easier to ensure said support is not disrupted (removing much of a Helldiver's strategic value) with the army than behind enemy lines. The Imperial Navy hold a remarkable contempt for the Super Destroyers (As they see Helldivers as ordinance.) due to often needing to provide escorts for them to ensure their successful operation planeside. That being said, the Navy does enjoy gunnery contests for precision orbital bombardment and Admirals who favor swarms of lighter vessels are often glad to bring such improved orbital bombardment capacity to the defense of humanity. The Space Marines reaction to the Helldivers can be as varied as relations between the Marines and the Imperial Guard, and often as quietly condescending. Bonus fun: On the tabletop, a Helldiver is generally taken akin to an Imperial Assassin, just with a focus on orbital bombing stratagems. Though easily killed if caught in the open, they do have impressive personal firepower depending on wargear choices, with weapons that fill any role one might need quite well... often ignored by players in favor of having 'all the orbitals'. A common sacrificial tactic is to have them deep strike into the field and immediately throw out a powerful orbital strike marker, fully accepting the Helldiver will be dead by next turn and trusting the 'Reinforcements' rule to bring them back into reserves afterwards. (It is only a 1 in 6 chance to fail on the first time after all.) Suddenly needing to not be near an objective to control it, for fear of 380mm devastation can swing a game by itself, so say nothing of the Helldiver's absurdly high objective control value. (More than an entire squad of most troops in a single model.)
@jamesricker3997 8 күн бұрын
Super earth is in possession of the one thing that can defeat chaos, hope. The Imperium cannot allow hope to exist,because it is a threat to the power of the Ecclesicarchy
@Abb0able 8 күн бұрын
Don't know if the orks would enjoy or not fighting weak gitz with wayt too much fire power from above dropping in randomly.
@jonathanevans3853 8 күн бұрын
14:58 "how easy it is to convince them to Kennedy dissidence" man that right there blew me out of the water it was so slick
@Sorain1 8 күн бұрын
I love how smoothly that flows.
@shcuf95 9 күн бұрын
Maybe I am late after 4 months, but iI gonna leave my own (un)qualified thought on this. People may correct me cause I don´t know to much about 40k, but a thing or two about Helldivers. And I had a smiliar talk with friends once, who are into HD and 40K. First of all. I don´t think that Helldivers are really poorly trained. Every Helldiver was a SEAF member before and as far as I know, only the best ones get to the Helldiver training. Now this may be just speculation, but I also don´t think that the training in HD2 is the only training a Helldiver gets, as it serves the purpose to introduce the game mechanics to the player. Most things we learn there, should be things every normal SEAF soldier already knows. But yeah, they are still meant to be expendable, but if they are really so poorly trained, Super Earth could just send normal soldiers with a smiliar low amount of training. And why freeze your elite soldiers for later use, if they are so cheap and poor trained? Even with the low life expectancy of a Helldiver, we shouldn´t forget that a average Helldiver is capaple to deal with dozens to hundrets of enemys much bigger and stronger than him, because even arsenal without orbital or Eagle fire is quite strong and impressive. And we once pointed out, in an argument Helldivers vs Space Marines, you´d see some red beacons followed by orbital lasers and railcannon strikes. How would a SM defend if the railcannon is locked on his head? 4 eagles flying around dropping 500kg and clusters while 380mm shells and orbital napalm rains down. (best loadout in the game btw. take 380, linear barrage, orbital napalm and 120, throw it all into one place and grab some popcorn. for maximum democracy, all 4 Divers should do this) But I have to disagree to the argument every single Helldiver gets his own destroyer. That´s not the case. During a mission, when a diver dies, they out another one out of the cryo sleep and send him to dive. There are probably more on each destroyer. Lore wise I would say maybe even up to a hundret, given to that we can see many cryo pods on the destroyer. Gameplay wise I´d say at least 5 per destroyer, as we have 20 reinforcements, 5 with each player joining a match. But still I agree that the Super Destroyer is the best weapon Super Earth has. FTL jumps are absolutely OP as stated in the video. From nearly every threat, if to overhwhelming, they can just retreat in the blink of an eye. And we saw that, when Meridia got soaked into the black hole. That we created. Another reason for Super Earth. What stops them from doing the same again against a enemy in the 40K universe? Now, with the acutual major order about the construction of the Democratic Space Station there might come another powerful weapon to the hands of Super Earth. But the entire weaponry of a Super Destroyer is might the wants to be reckoned. Even though the destroyes itselfes are not that big. The orbital barrages, laser and railcannon can shred about everything, now imagine not only 4, but thousands of them at the same mission, which would be needed if fighting against the Imperium for example. Super Earth probably wouldn´t keep sending 4 man squads as in the current galactic war. And I bet every Space Marine (take the actual SM2 game) would be happy to have close fire support like Eagle. And we should not forget Pelicans cannon either. That thing can fuck up even Bile Titans. All in all, I think I agree with the video, Super Earth would be able to hold itself in 40K. They have some surprises in their pockets. But I also might be wrong with what I said, so maybe someone can correct it.
@kenethernandez6246 7 күн бұрын
The point about every helldiver getting a super destroyer is both wrong and right, depending on how you interpret the statement. It's wrong to say that a single helldiver gets a super destroyer for himself, but it is correct to say that every helldiver has a super destroyer. There's a difference in those 2 things. You never have a super destroyer with only 1 helldiver on board, but not a single helldiver that gets deployed lacks super destroyer support, so in a sense, yes, all helldivers have a super destroyer.
@kalnoa8452 9 күн бұрын
The helldivers and super earth as a power in the galaxy with the combine force of troops they have at their disposal with the arms they have on each person would stand a chance, the sheer number of helldivers willing to fight for democracy would put up a hell of a fight but i think it would fall down to how fast the ministry of defense and science could reverse engineer equipment suitable to face the powerful threats that come after the ways of managed democracy, if they fail to keep up or decide to start war with a faction they arent ready to face than it would mean super earths certain demise in the hellscape of the 40k universe
@Bunny-r9f8t 10 күн бұрын
Directly from the wiki, I was following along.
@RandomGuy-y9i 10 күн бұрын
I like these guys and Peter Turbo because they're the embodiment of all my worst personality traits. It doesn't help that I'm an industrial engineer irl, the discipline centered around optimizing shit as much as possible.
@anotherdboi2067 12 күн бұрын
My answer to all this ppl: “The emperor protects”
@jxdvidz9914 13 күн бұрын
Honestly. I’d say the Helldivers and super Earth would be part of the imperium. They’d be like a more advanced version of the Elysian shock troops.
@GreaterGrievobeast55 8 күн бұрын
Super earth would lose what makes it super earth if it gets integrated into the imperium. Its culture, it's Tactics, the Zealotry helldivers have to democracy isn't just transferable currently to the imperial cult. It'd all have to be ground up from the foundations.
@Sorain1 8 күн бұрын
@@GreaterGrievobeast55 What? Not seeing it. I could see some issues with the Imperial Navy arising but not fully insurmountable ones. Plus, how hard is it for Super Earth's propaganda machine to just say "The God Emperor is the Living Embodiment of Liberty and Front of Freedom!" to nothing but cheers? Sure, the Imperium might blow them apart instead, but that's always a possibility with the Imperium and any independent human civilization.
@michaelharris-iw9bk 14 күн бұрын
@SoulRuninFree 16 күн бұрын
Man I hate 30k space wolves.
@justfigurinitoutisme 16 күн бұрын
The Heldivers are well trained, but are also thrown into the most hostile environments possible
@RvnWolf 16 күн бұрын
Yeah Super Earth is getting no differ especially when their gear gets nerfed down for being reliable.
@kompatybilijny9348 17 күн бұрын
Super Earth honestly kind of wins 40k. They can completely Chaos and Genestealer immune thanks to their extremely high control over population. They might lack a proper space marine, sure, but I riddle you this - what will happen when a Helldiver throws a Railcannon at a Marine? You get a dead Marine. Imperium only has around 2 million Marines after the Primaris project. Even if each Helldiver died instantly after that one throw, Super Earth can spam a few million Helldivers and not really feel the difference. Also, I highly disagree with the threat of Dark Eldar - Imperium's reaction speed is INCREDIBLY slow. A planet will on average get reinforced after 2 years (yes, YEARS) after the distress call is sent and only when it is a full scale invasion. Super Earth usually knows what is happening within minutes and responds also within minutes, simply because of how fast their FTL is. Dark Eldar get annihilated every single time they try to raid any SE planet. Super Earth is literally like Dark Eldar on mega steroids. They warp in a stupid amount of ships. Those ships all deploy Helldivers on the surface. The planet get's conquered within 1-2 days on average. Imperium responds quickly and sends a fleet in 3 months. Now several things can happen - either SE tries to contest this, or gives up. If it gives up, the planet get's reconquered literally days after the Imperial fleet leaves and everything goes back to square one for the Imperium. If SE tries to contest, then the fighting looks like this: SE warps in a stupid amount of small ships all at once, they all fire a few salvos and instantly jump out. Imperium has basically no ability to deal with this sort of space warfare. Sure, some SE ships will get destroyed, but they have an EXTREMELY efficient war industry even in comparison to the real world - compared to the Imperium, there is abslutely no contest, SE just outproduces them per capita maybe even hundreds to one. The other option is that Imperium will deploy a stupid amount of Guardsmen to garrison a planet, after it had been conquered and reconquered several times. In that case, SE can simply... Nuke the planet into oblivion. It's not like they lack explosives - a single 170 m long Super Destoryer can level a small moon, taking a few thousands and firing at one planet will rip it's surface apart. After finally realising that ALL fights against Super Earth will look like that, Imperium does the only winning move they can - assemble a large fleet and send it to siege Super Earth's core worlds one by one. This fleet can not be intercepted until it enters the system, because of how Warp travel works, but in general Imperial ships usually leave warp at the edge of the star system to not collide with anything by an accident. This is now a test of kill speed basically - can Super Earth destroy huge Imperial ships fast enough that the siege fails? Super Earth will of course use the rapid jump in and out tactics, as it is the most sensible for them. Here, I believe that Imperium in general has enough ships to successfuly siege and destroy/capture those worlds. But it does not have enough ships to do this while at the same time dealing with all other factions. Imperium wins 1v1, but loses in actual setting. The fleet retreats, defeated. SUper Earth wins vs Imperium Super Earth wins vs Eldar of all varieties, as they do what Eldar do, but way better. Mechanicus might have Arks that will be problematic, but nothing SE can't handle with jump swarming. Orks are honestly laughable. It would be like fighting Imeprium that can not shoot back properly. Yeah, they are more numerous and usually tougher, but that does not really make a difference for jump swarming in space and airstrikes on the surface. Tau lose, unless they can reverse-engineer Super Earth's FTL. Even then, SE has higher population control and is more militarised than Tau. Tyranids are a problem for sure. They can deal with a hive fleet, but several at once will most likely cost them a lot. Necrons are the only actual threat. SE "technically" can deal with a World Engine by injecting it with Dark Fluid enough, but it is not a realistic option. Overall, Necron tech is simply better than SE's and their reaction time can make them a massive problem for jump swarming tactics. So yeah. They not only survive - they THRIVE. As long as they do not piss off Necrons too much.
@debasishgoswami9896 17 күн бұрын
@kompatybilijny9348 17 күн бұрын
@@debasishgoswami9896 The reason being?
@debasishgoswami9896 17 күн бұрын
@@kompatybilijny9348 Two names: Roboute Guilleman and Lion El Johnson 😂 It will be a field day for both Primarchs dealing with Super Earth and will Super colonized them and incorporate them into the Imperium with ease.
@debasishgoswami9896 17 күн бұрын
@@kompatybilijny9348 plus Belasarius Claw will reverse engineer FTL of Super Earth and incorporate them on imperium ships cause he doesn't give a damn about tech Heresy 😂😂 Overall Super Earth is done the moment the Primarchs decides to step in. Super Earth will prosper under the benevolent rule of the Emperor 😊😊
@kompatybilijny9348 17 күн бұрын
@@debasishgoswami9896 Primarchs are good at directly fighting. Tell me, how well a silightly bigger human fares in space battles? Not that good. Even with their regeneration and plot armour, Imperium simply lacks the technology to win against the jump swarm tactics. Super Earth has no flagship that can be boarded by a Primarch and instantly win the battle.
@Sombody123 17 күн бұрын
Word Bearers' favorite quote from prehistoric records of Man: "Checkmate, atheists!" Also it's kinda ironic that the Inquisition was born from the fruits of labor of the most demoic of all Chaos legions.
@LordInquisitor701 17 күн бұрын
Yeah no you really downplay chaos And demons Chaos is not just some sort of religion or propaganda the warp is a chaotic energy that warped the minds mutates them it doesn’t matter how much propaganda. Chaos would start spreading Demons the moment they summon one demon that gonna be a problem the possibility of warp god happening, but I like to point out that humans in super earth do not literally worship freedom despite what the state like to think For the imperial guard they not just wearing useless flack armor They can defend against melee weapons the armor good protection against primitive auto weapons very effective against lasguns that’s one of the primary weapons are designed to defend against And the reason why the imperial guard has such a low life expectancy is because the scale of the conflict and the enemies it’s just so overpowered
@Not-k2s 18 күн бұрын
Diddies children
@Guy76I.K.D.J 19 күн бұрын
I say that if super earth ever we’re just to randomly appear, no other faction would be aware of its presence at the time, so if super plays it safe and just keep to themselves, they would last for a bit longer than they are intended, but if let’s say the imperium of man ever discovered them, they would see super earth as possible allies, and both factions have something that they desperately need. The imperium would want their space travel, and in exchange super earth would be protected by the imperium. But if another faction such as the bugs or the heretics discovered them, the tyranids would rip would do what the tyranids always do, they would rip super earth down and inevitably drive them to extinction, the heretics on the other hand would probably not shoot on site but if threatened by super earth, they would just wipe them out so yea IMO super earths only chance to survive is to make peace with the imperium.
@ThatGuyWhoDoesStuff 20 күн бұрын
Helldivers get turned to mushroom food the moment they see a waaagh
@ConradMarbourg3635 20 күн бұрын
Absolute fucking Chads, the epitome of 40k : there is only war. We are all bleeding today, keep faith in the Emperor hahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Jnaathra 20 күн бұрын
Thank fuck I never found it "captivating". More like dark and depressing. Only entertaining in small sips.
@dericksnyder4757 22 күн бұрын
Hahahaha Hell Divers dont even survive each other. 😂😂 Victory by mass attrition baby!! Would love to see them in action though!
@thepoliticalgunnut8018 22 күн бұрын
Brave words for someone in doom bolt range.
@MrMannerless 22 күн бұрын
I like these videos and listen to them while I’m mining in wow, but are you not aware that you repeated yourself almost 7 times in 10 mins?
@AlcyoneSong 22 күн бұрын
They lost their original gene seed… aka the girlfriend left.
@oldtimmy9481 23 күн бұрын
If the Ultramarines are that of Roman Legionnaires. Lunar Wolves is that of the Norman Crusaders.
@MrMannerless 24 күн бұрын
This tragedy was done to them, do not hate them for what was done to them. Boo the Emperor.
@EpicMathTime 24 күн бұрын
He was not wrong, he was being disingenous. He wanted to be worshipped, and eliminating the competition sowed the seeds of that inevitably occurring during his long internment on the throne.
@Stratosentinel52 26 күн бұрын
While I agree that the helldivers are a capable force, their advantages are really one of two things: numbers and super destroyers, but from what I’ve seen of the super destroyers their weapon batteries are positioned for air to ground support. I feel the ship to ship combat was a neglected topic. Are there any examples of super destroyers engaging in ship to ship combat? I’d have to assume not since they have two major weak points, the rear and the top of the ship where there are no weapons. And even if they were engage face to face, the weapons that can aim to the sides and front are limited. You can’t consider ground forces if the space forces can’t get close enough to deploy them. (Also I’m pretty confident that a single space marine boarding a super destroyer is enough to cripple it entirely) Also, as we’ve seen in HD2, there are a TON of weather conditions that affect stratagem deployment and tech (as shown by the robots I forgot the name of) that can prevent their use period. So great, you have a ship with massive firepower in atmosphere (that can only be there for so long, I’ll circle back) but you can’t communicate with it until you figure out what’s stopping comms. Back to the lower orbit thing, the super destroyers can only provide support in atmosphere but can only be there for so long (where the 40 minute mission timer comes from) so the SD is only an advantage for 12 to 40 minutes at a time.
@fredtott4684 29 күн бұрын
I think the "Maraviglia" was the pinnacle of the 3rd's Downfall. It was pretty much point of no return after that.
@guitargangster66 Ай бұрын
Now we're gonna get "there were always female word bearers" fuck 40k these days
@Overanalyse_This Ай бұрын
I'd hate to be chosen as a possible recruit for them. They have THE worst process!!!