Body Image & Neutrality ASMR
kathy's song practice
Tall Kids by dodie (cover)
4 ай бұрын
You don't have mommy issues! 😉
@EllaBlueberry 5 сағат бұрын
"Yes I do. What are yours?"😂😂😂😂❤
@EllaBlueberry 5 сағат бұрын
Ahahahah I am the second one as weell!!😂 and it still is like this....I only feel attracted to someone when there actually is an age gape🤦🏼‍♀️ "beacause they are atractive!"😅
@laurap4301 Күн бұрын
As usual your rambling is full of valuable insights and wisdom. We should all aspire to ramble so eloquently. And to love each other - and ourselves - the way we love dogs. Yup.
@andreaf8404 Күн бұрын
this video is so nice, love your perspective about this
@Anonymous11133 Күн бұрын
I used this in the past for PCOS symptoms. It's pronounced CHAY-ST Tree. The E is silent. I just call it Vitex. It causes the pituitary to balance progesterone and estrogen. It absolutely does help with estrogen dominance. So glad to hear it's helping you feel better.
@pacarenabananitas Күн бұрын
you're really cute and i appreciate the fact that you sound so honest everytime sorry for my bad english, i'm from argentina
@dianakonwin8770 Күн бұрын
Well, to be fair, not all men are “evil”. Apparently, this woman, his wife, has cheated on him multiple times. She’s the red flag! I mean , he’s not stable either, but their relationship is not healthy. The cheating wife can’t make up her mind about what she wants, and is selfish for putting people through this agony and suffering. Deceitful people never care about others. So not all men are evil, not all women are evil, but there are evil people out there. Before jumping into a relationship, make sure that the person is really ready for it. I hope the woman who thinks she’s in love with the cheating one thinks long and hard before seeing her again. Everyone’s emotional stability is importance here.
@mercanada2795 Күн бұрын
Both my carrier and friendship life went to hell. My carrier-i blame myself for it. The friendships-well, i question the integrity of the people who’d treated me like an option. Well… it is not fair. But i will try to apply the couple of thoughts you mentioned to keep moving forward!
@utkubayrak4166 2 күн бұрын
Pamela Adlon?
@jamehs33 2 күн бұрын
What if we were wholeness when we were born and then at the age of anywhere between 1.6 months to 2 years the brain is capable of creating separation with the idea of a self. That separation causes an emptiness that can never be filled and it feels not nice but regardless we keep trying to fill it with relationships, money, success etc. It doesn't work and if it does it is temporary. Even for the most successful ie Robin Williams, Kate Spade etc. The brain created an idea of a me but nothing is real and wholeness is already everything ❤
@SadieP Күн бұрын
I actually kind of disagree with this because I felt a lot better as a kid than I did in my teens and early adulthood. I would say I’m aiming to get back to that feeling state. Maybe the reason why for some it happens earlier, is a lack of needs being met at a very early age. Gabor Mate talks in his books about how sometimes the “good things that were meant to happen to us, that didn’t happen” can leave more of a traumatic mark than “bad things aka abuse that did happen to us”. It’s also harder to spot when something like attunement or emotional care didn’t happen the way it was supposed to. I don’t think it had anything to do with becoming an individual being. That doesn’t cause pain imo.
@PatriciaPKHeffernan 2 күн бұрын
Wow, honesty is difficult. Thanks for sharing.
@pperimeri9575 3 күн бұрын
mujer tocando a mujer, que placer. ¡hoy me desgasto la morcilla!
@bbygrlpt2 3 күн бұрын
Is that your mom?
@mahmoudshrief1805 3 күн бұрын
What's a woman you are disgusting me
@hojubaby 4 күн бұрын
My friend recently had her endometriosis literally explode and had to have emergency surgery, they had to clean the organs it spread on to and completely remove her ovaries and the whole lot, shes 40 and is now in menopause and is getting hrt. I had endometriosis my whole life and took hormones for 22 years, last five years i didnt give any breaks to have my period. Now im in menopause and im on hrt, ive had all the tests mammograms etc before i started hrt and will continue to be tested throughout the hrt treatment, every six months. My endoscopy completely shrunk and show as little white spots in the ultrasound results. You really need to be careful if youre not in hormonal treatment it might get very serious
@user-dq2gc9zs1w 4 күн бұрын
The blue needoh nice cube is firmer because you haven’t played with it for long enough ❤❤😊😊! I love this vid btw!
@moordt 4 күн бұрын
I'm sorry, diagnosed endometriosis patient here, you can't write in the title that you possibly are healing your endometriosis with something. I'm an expert by now, because one has to educate oneself to get proper care. And there is no such thing as a cure for endo. Please be careful with What you put in the title. Also, had an hysterectomy and still have endo and pain. Endometriosis is not a reproductive disease, that's why. And I'm sorry that you are going through this. Oh, you know that there's no cure. Endometriosis creates its own estrogen. Progesterone sometimes helps to reduce the pain, but it doesn't stop the endo from growing and being a nasty F-er. And the doctors know this, that progesterone sometimes reduces the pain, because they LOVE to prescribe progesterone. They also think they are healing. Until someone with endo loses a kidney or 20cm of bowel like I did. You don't feel the pain anymore, but as I said the endo keeps growing and forming adhesions etc. So, fine to have found a painkiller, but if you do have endometriosis, keep in mind that this won't stop it from growing. I keep adding on to this comment. But my mind is blown. Endometriosis has been studied for years and years, and yes they still don't know much about it, but to think that you have found something that that will help it heal... It's ridiculous. And I think you should have ran into studies and essays and what not that made you realise that it was not this simple. Also progesterone is already something that is used. This being a 'natural' form doesn't change a thing. Why I'm getting off at you now is because it's dangerous what you are saying. You're giving medical advice and pretend to have studied the disease. But if you had all the information you wouldn't have said what you said in the video.
@jgardner4699 4 күн бұрын
She did say some people who have had surgery still have pain. Maybe she could have used another word, it is like a band aid maybe but it gave relief.
@moordt 4 күн бұрын
@@jgardner4699 She gave some misinformation and she's recommending something without giving a warning or the suggestion to see a medical professional first. I don't think that is the way to go. Especially when mentioning endometriosis. There are a lot of desperate people looking for relief. Pain medication is not bad and can be helpful, but one should be fully informed. And that's not what Sadie is doing here.
@SadieP 3 күн бұрын
I said “possibly endo” because as I mentioned im not sure if i have it or not. I don’t think im giving anyone medical advice as this is not medicine it’s a natural supplement. I’m just sharing my experiences to the best of my abilities because I did find something that helped me, that is also not risky to take. So the worst thing that could happen is someone tries it and it won’t work for them. I don’t see the big problem here, if my experience can help someone that’s why i felt the need to share it.
@moordt 3 күн бұрын
​@@SadiePLol I wrote along while watching the video again to point out what my problem points were, but when the video ended and I wasn't ready it deleted my whole story. I see it as a sign. It will be great if the video helps someone. With their period pains. You don't know if you have endometriosis (it does sound like it, but could also still be other things), but in the meantime you end the video with saying that you think that this product might help you cure your endometriosis. And you made that suggestion, that this product can help heal endo, before. I think it would be more helpful and honest if you just keep it on the period pain. I can't explain myself very well unfortunately. What I wrote before and what you said yourself, people are desperate because there is no cure. They would do anything to get rid of the pain. For you to suggest that this might be it, is not good. Because it is not it, as I explained before. Progesterone, natural or not, won't cure endometriosis. It will keep growing and causing havoc. The only thing it might do is take away the pain. But endometriosis patients still need to be aware and monitor the disease. People even lose their lives because they have unchecked and untreated endo in their bodies. Or they lose organs. So I think it is dangerous to mention endo in the title. And say the things that you do about endo. Why I reply again is because there is so much misinformation. The knowledge and care of endo is such a mess already. We don't need more people suggesting that this natural supplement is the next cure. Some extra information: Endometriosis is not a period disease. It has been found in men and babies and women in menopause. And I haven't had a period in 9 years and I still have endo. It does not respond to hormone treatment. The only treatment now which can be helpful is excision surgery. All the stories about hormonal treatment are based on false research, like lucrin (don't know the US or UK brand name, the stuff that stops your ovulation) and those things can cause harm. So you were very right in suggesting that people do their own research. The late Dr David Redwine is a good place to start. There are videos with him here on KZbin. Dr Fogelson on Instagram has good information. Dr Mitroi wrote a book, A to Z endometriosis or something. Nancy Peterson worked with Dr Redwine. I hope this product keeps helping you and I hope that you don't have endometriosis. And I also hope that you keep an eye on yourself and remember that you might have endo if you get other problems, lets say with your bowels or something. Lots of love, Marieke
@nadabouhani352 3 күн бұрын
@@moordtI’m a medical professional and I have been suffering the same way for years I think she’s coming from a good place. Nobody should seek medical advice from a youtuber anyway but sharing her experience might be helpful for many of us to at least relieve pain! There are in fact limited studies about endometriosis. I hope that one day we can find a cure. Thank you sadie❤
@nonylcadelina 4 күн бұрын
@PatriciaPKHeffernan 5 күн бұрын
Sadie, you appear to be a ''deep' thinker and serious person as I perceive in your videos. I find many to most people are superficial. Do you think that contributes to your lack of relating to many people? I don't mean to be critical; it's simply my experience in life. You are correct, limrance (sp?) and masking are not beneficial because they are not real. We are 'people pleasing' and as you said we are 'not being real'. Loneliness is tough. So, you might want to try to develop 'light', more superficial social skills or find other people who are more cerebral.
@PatriciaPKHeffernan 5 күн бұрын
Sadie, great responses. However, the email says more about the writer than you. I do hope that you don't take the email to heart. ❤
@PatriciaPKHeffernan 6 күн бұрын
Sadie, you said at times you 'know something is wrong with me'. I disagree. You have differences or simply some different responses to stimuli. ❤
@SadieP 6 күн бұрын
Aww that’s very sweet thank you!! I guess i have some self hate to work on based off of societal norms still!
@JustBrowsing2022 7 күн бұрын
8:08 It’s been confirmed by tech industry professionals that Apple does indeed load updates with stuff to purposefully make old phones die slowly. And they recommend exactly what you said, no new updates.
@JustBrowsing2022 7 күн бұрын
Did you say you got your phone for $800? Or a $100? Cause 800 CAD sure doesn’t seem like a steal! I have a second hand iPhone 8 too, even though it’s glitchy now I refuse to get a new one until it breaks entirely
@SadieP 6 күн бұрын
800! But it was like 4/5 years ago! So at that time it was a steal. 😅
@nonylcadelina 7 күн бұрын
@PatriciaPKHeffernan 7 күн бұрын
You two are beautiful souls. You just gave me a key to understanding my own life experience. Thank you. ❤
@playfullearning1212 7 күн бұрын
Love your videos ❤ Hope you're having a fun summer so far ⛱️ very pretty Sadie 😊
@PatriciaPKHeffernan 7 күн бұрын
P, I can really relate. Later in life, when I was seen, it felt like I was under too bright lights or burning. I know Sadie wants to help you and explains, however, I also know/ have felt that explaining doesn't help. It is therapy and small as steps of opening up helps. Good luck to both of you; it's a challenge. You both understand the dynamic, however, the actions are a different thing. Again my best to you both.
@SadieP 8 күн бұрын
Case update: I’m returning them 😂
@makoplayz2 9 күн бұрын
Honey, you have way bigger spiders than that in Mexico 😂 that my friend is a wolf spider it's found everywhere pretty much.
@Nikkirv7 9 күн бұрын
Is it just me, or has P gotten gauyer😂I love it❤Love you guys!
@hojubaby 11 күн бұрын
i just found out that over explaining is also an autism trait, i always over explain and it annoys the hell out of me as well but i just cant stop it lol, but after reading about this i was like, ok that's actually great to know xD
@chahaksagar 11 күн бұрын
I love you guys, you guys are so peaceful and real I love watching you, it's been years I was 16 or 15 since I first found your channel, I'm 21 and your channel really helped me effortlessly I relate so much just thank you ❤
@eliskatesarova3104 11 күн бұрын
By the way, congrats on your “grandma” cooking era! 😄 It’s a sign of healing I think, that you’re able to cook again. I haven’t realised how privileged I am that I’m able to cook almost every day for lunch AND dinner. In winter it’s a struggle though.
@eliskatesarova3104 11 күн бұрын
This time I did not enjoy it that much because I’m vegetarian 😅 But I do relate to the Mexican food cravings. I started to grow cilantro in the garden for the same reason as you mentioned - it can’t be found in the area I live in. About Indian cooking, I recently found out that you’re supposed to put first oil (sunflower oil or ghee butter, not olive oil), then spices and then the onions and tomato paste, so odd but it’s supposed to make the spices more fragrant! It is also boiling hot in my country, even though I’m located way more in the north than you.
@danielczene566 11 күн бұрын
vidieos, please,¡!
@playfullearning1212 12 күн бұрын
Love your videos ❤ You're amazing so calmly watch you since you both started your channel. I am always looking forward to seeing your videos, relax me love it 💞 you two are my favorite KZbin couple! I especially enjoy the beach videos of you and P😊 😊 I could listen to you both for hours, you two have the best personalities and energy the best ❤ very beautiful couple the cutest 💖 stay yourselves and strong 😍 you deserve 1 million subscribers 😊
@marcialovejoy9926 12 күн бұрын
Sadie I am going to try these recipes. Thar would be great to share recipes with us. Here in oregon it has been over a hundred degrees.
@mahedmond 12 күн бұрын
@bostonbound2323 12 күн бұрын
You are using the word "stir fry" incorrectly. Stir frying is cooking things at high heat with oil. In your cooking, you are not doing that or you would be burning everything. You are sweating the onions so they become soft and translucent. The tomato paste and spices are also not "stir fried" or you would be burning them in a second. You are just cooking them at prob medium/low heat.
@veronicawilliams9275 12 күн бұрын
so what?
@SadieP 12 күн бұрын
Oh really?! 😂 I thought stirring and cooking things in oil meant “stir frying”
@nonylcadelina 12 күн бұрын
@Ruza.Liza. 12 күн бұрын
Thank you, Sadie!
@nextyist 12 күн бұрын
Hi Sadie thanks for sharing this. I make these when I have leftover chicken or beef, same recipe except I don't put garam masala (just paprika powder, garlic, salt and black pepper as spice) and I add sriracha, mayonaisse and some chopped parsley. I like your vlogs and recipes :)
@luckygardeniasdashboardcon9214 12 күн бұрын
Looks delicious!! Please more recipe videos!!!
@SadieP 12 күн бұрын
No garlic in this recipe though as I find it nauseating 😋
@nabilananou5764 13 күн бұрын
This tittle is just bringing me back to a moment when i had to say good bye to a guy i was seeing for few months and littelly fell in a love with when i had to go back to my country, that farwell was too emotional for the both of us but i have never ever thought in a million times that could be the last time i would ever seen him again, even though i did all it takes to get back to his country which i did but it was already over, two years had passed by and i still feel that pain
@muratdogrusoz5705 14 күн бұрын
06:43 great .
@aspookyspookynight 15 күн бұрын
An early version of dear sadie and p! :) always interesting to hear about you both. Can't believe i haven't seen this video x
@melissaonorati2243 16 күн бұрын
That is soooo cool to see the fish on the right side after you swam and to add on more cool stuff, I love your video transition of being under the water then being in the car instantaneously!
@melissaonorati2243 16 күн бұрын
Sadie and P please if it's ok with you, travel more so we can see more of Italy and the both of you having fun, be Blessed.
@RelentlessKaos-e8j 16 күн бұрын
Cute cat love the wide eyes
@amazonionavalon8252 17 күн бұрын
So atmospheric and je ne sais quois dearest Sadie & P. Feel like i was there with you eating tasty pizza by the sea ❤
@sheeloves5046 18 күн бұрын
I miss seeing you both kissing at the end of the videos you made. Love lots Sadie & P 😊