Then is Christianity all about being European to imprison the black Africans, to unalive, oppress their culture, and to enslave them to your lands? The religion the white Europeans have adhered is Christianity whilst for the Africans, they’re Muslim significantly but the rest follows their traditional African faiths. That is your logic?
@Zakeye90 2 сағат бұрын
@Zakeye90 3 сағат бұрын
You can’t be seriously it’s funny because when I tell the kids in the house about the Christian god Santa Claus the kids laugh at me thinking I’m being stupid and foolish and I tell the kids don’t they see the Christians believing in their god Santa Claus and celebrating their god Santa Claus every year in their religion and show you pictures of their god Santa Claus (father of Christ) Father Christmas sitting on a sledge cruising around with flying reindeer flying over snowy hills and climbing down a chimney with a sack and I tell the kids don’t they see the Christians believing in their god Santa Claus and celebrating their god Santa Claus (father of Christ) Father Christmas every year in their religion on Christmas Day on the 25th December, and I tell the kids even these grown ups will argue with you about it and the kids end up with tears in their eyes because of laughter when I’m actually being serious with the kids and the kids end up telling their mum and dad about me being ridiculous and talking nonsense with them, and I tell the kids they need the spirit the Christians have to understand the power of their god Santa Claus (father of Christ) Father Christmas, but at least these illogical Muslims should’ve believed in the power of the trinity if not the power of Santa Claus, I tell the Muslims haw can they not believe in the trinity unlike the powerless god these illogical Muslims believe in a powerless god who cannot become a man or have a son or any progeny, haw can these Muslims believe in a powerless god like that, good thing the powerless god of these Muslims cannot do that, because these people would’ve make a clown out of god and the Christians don’t do that the Christians strictly believe in a monotheistic god and fundamentally believe in monotheism and they don’t make no image of god the most important commandments they also eat pig just like Jesus did and live and behave like pigs haw can the Muslims not see that and then they believe in their powerless one god and call themselves monotheistic haw can people not see that, that’s why I say these people need the spirit the Christians have to understand the Christian god Santa Claus (father of Christ) Father Christmas and the trinity and they need the Holy Spirit the Christian be talking about which I have also been looking for myself. You see thats just something the world could crystal clearly see and it’s only a tiny little drop in the ocean I touched up on and those are meant to be the fundamental teachings and first commandments the very concept and core teachings which Jesus himself with his own mouth preached and not a dude like Paul who Jesus never saw in his life time the guy who was killing the actual followers of Jesus at first then claimed he saw Jesus in a day dream and self appointed himself as the disciple of Jesus and went against the actual disciple and came up with these stories using Jesus name and told everyone they don’t need to follow the laws and abandoned the actual teachings of Jesus and started worshiping these pagan concept and ideas of gods and started worshiping Santa Claus and also started eating pigs and living like pigs and many other man made pagan ideas came using the name of Jesus like Easter and other ideas came from countries thousands of miles away from the other side of world far from the Middle East and all the unknown authors of the bible I didn’t touch on i haven’t even gone into the bible yet and you can imagine what it’ll be like, but I’m not gonna waste my time because I know no matter what I say and haw crystal clear and obvious it is I know you will still go back and worship your god Santa Claus and continue believe and celebrate your god Santa Claus..
@1541965 7 сағат бұрын
You have problem with Prophet Muhammad legally before God marry the divorced ex wife of his adopted son not his son as you lie but you have no problem with Lot have sex with his 2 daughters Genesis 19:32-36 . Incest in the Bible. Genesis 4 - story of Cain.Genesis 20:11-12 - Abraham and Sarah. Leviticus 18:6-18 . incest in the Bible is the one of the son of David, Amnon with his sister Tamar, in 2S.13. The other brother, Absalom, hated Amnon for this incest. Incest Gen 35:22 Reuben son of Jacob make sex to his step mother . Incest Gen 38:15-20 Juda make sex to his daughter in law along the road and he get bastard children from her. Jesus had sex with his Mother Mary to give birth to him Luke 1:35 The angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come over you, and the power of the Most High will cover you. Therefore, the child will be holy and will be called the Son of God. Christian trinity is Father = Son Jesus = Holy spirit. Jesus is Equal to the Holy Spirit Did Jesus come over his Mother Mary in form of Holy Spirit to make his mother pregnant to give birth to him as the son of God? The word upon you or come over you in Greek is epi. Strong Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries G1909 the meaning is on, above, over, against, touching, though, upon. (literally or figuratively) My question again how did Jesus come on, above, over, against, touching, though, upon. (literally or figuratively) his mother to make her pregnant to give birth to him? Sound like incest to me!
@LeeCooper-jw1is 13 сағат бұрын
Hi, nice to see you again. Love your videos darling!
@VACCINE-l4s 14 сағат бұрын
♠We are *born sinless* . At puberty we're accountable only if we're sane of mind and have free will. ♠That's Islam. If you prefer living as a Christian, "sinful" of something you didn't do, go ahead ! enjoy
@VACCINE-l4s 14 сағат бұрын
If you're tempted by taking at jab Islam, just search for *"incest, geno**cide"* in the Bible plus the *degradation of women because of the menstruation* plus the *degradation of the female* by making Eve responsible of the so-called Original Sin [in the Qur'an, Satan was the first culprit]
@Casanova-op1ou 15 сағат бұрын
You're cute & funny 😂❤
@VACCINE-l4s 15 сағат бұрын
♦You rely on Muslim sources. Concerning the Zeid-Zineb marriage, those very same sources tell us *it was prophet Muhammad who got them hitched* . It was *him who ordered Zeid to not divorce her* . ☺And you avoided to mention that. WHY?!
@Zakeye90 19 сағат бұрын
Na just be proud of your mother daughter and sisters to walk around like loser with such a cheap valueless weak hearts with no value or self respect and be proud of watching them come out with a thick layer of different coloured cosmetic powder covering their faces with huge fake eyelashes and bright lipstick on talking shit with every man and acting pretty like her poo doesn’t stink and walk around in public with poo stains on her ass without washing after pooing and just freely walk around outside in bikinis and tight leggings showing off her ass to Everyman out there clearly begging for that attention in desperation and just freely throwing herself off to every man in desperation begging for that attention and showing no value for that cheap and nasty valueless weak heart inside of her and having no self respect or any standards and it’s funny when losers like that come out with a thick layer of colourful powder covering her face like a clown with huge fake eyelashes and bright lipstick on talking shit to Everyman and acting pretty like her shit doesn’t stink and walk around in tight leggings and bikinis showing off her ass acting like her poo doesn’t stink, it’s funny when you come across losers with a cheap valueless weak hearts like that and they act like they don’t see you standing there and just walk straight pass you like you don’t exist and the moment she walked pass you all you can see is her ass flashing right in front of your face you can almost hear her ass talking to you screaming at your face begging you to look at it and you can clearly see the intentions she came out with before she walked out of her house, it’s pretty obvious and I see that you would be proud of watching your mother sister and daughter walk around with such a cheap and nasty valueless weak heart with no value and self respect, you just wouldn’t say it but the video you created against those who truly value and respect the precious hearts inside of their mother sisters and daughters and do anything and everything to protect and safeguard the precious hearts inside of their mother sisters and daughters from being influenced or effected by such a cheap and nasty valueless weak heart in anyway shape or form, I understand why such a loser with a weak cwdly valueless heart will be against those who truly value and respect the precious heart inside of their mother daughters and sisters and your completely against those truly value their hearts and fundamentally programmed to protect their precious hearts and work towards strengthening their hearts and increase its status more and have that respect for their own hearts but a filthy a manipulative handicapped cwdly mentality with such a cheap disingenuous valueless weak heart inside of a loser like you clearly doesn’t want that for her own mother sisters and daughters.. and most of the filthy losers with a lying mentality and a cheap valueless weak heart inside of losers like you walk around with poo on their ass without washing after pooing and I’m talking from experience as an alcoholic when I was an agnostic who never believed in any religion or books being from god and lived ignorantly as ab alcoholic and the last time I got drunk and ended up having sex outside at night with a girl like that left me mentally scarred with nightmares the moment she pulled her pants down it was the biggest shock horror moment of my life the second I was hit by a nasty deadly smell of poo coming out of her ass and felt it scrapping down my throat and that was the moment I felt my erection drop and my whole fantasy turned into a real f nightmare in a matter of seconds I was finding it difficult to make it through the sex with that nast smell coming of her ass hitting my nostrils I was struggling to get a hard on with my erection dying every second it was a f nightmare I remember coming home drunk middle of the night at 3am I put the lights on and I literally see her poo patches on my jumper around the belly area I immediately got rid of my favourite top and I’ve come across many girls like that throughout the years of my life every time I unexpectedly ended up having sex outside with one of the girls like that they use to follow us around partying outside getting drunk driving around with these girls in the back seat and they all the same sometimes the poo wasn’t visible but your guaranteed to get hit hard on the face by a nasty rotting away deadly smell of dry poo stains and feel it scrapping down your throat the moment she pulled her tight leggings down, and I’m not making this up I decided to call one of them up and ask her middle of the conversation and her excuse was she normally haves a shower before coming or having sex and that day she just came out to get drunk with no intention of having sex and I just left it to that and carried on with our conversation like it wasn’t a big deal and once she put the phone down I never got to see her face again after that conversation and it’s been over a decade I haven’t seen her and she only lives 3 blocks away from me i know she’s gonna hide her face away from me for the rest of her life after that conversation she’s probably moved to a different town. The first time I had sex outside with a girl like that and experienced this nightmare was at the age of 17 and she was the same age as me I went to school with her and it left me wondering in disbelief I couldn’t believe it what happened to me that night and what I witnessed it left me mentally scarred i couldn’t stop thinking about it asks it took me many weeks to get over it I never spoke to anyone about it just kept it to myself and it seriously scares me when I think about until this day, and then you see them walking around showing off their ass acting like their poo doesn’t stink with all that thick layer of powder covering her face with huge fake eyelashes and bright lipstick on talking and acting pretty like her poo doesn’t stink, all that cannot fool a man like me anymore and make me fall for her shit again but instead it reminds me of all the scary moments of my life and it gives me nightmares and these thought be hunting me immediately and it seriously scares me when I think about, they the most unhygienic people on earth not just mentally dirty walking around with a cheap and nasty valueless weak heart but also physically unhygienic the most dirtiest people on earth and you would enjoy watching your mother daughter and sister to be like that I understand that’s why you created this video against the females who are completely the opposite of all that.
@Zakeye90 21 сағат бұрын
I’m just Curious to know what you think and have to say about my last comment I posted here about the Quran and the media and what Islam did to African Americans after what Christianity did to them and haw many of them think it came from Christianity because the greatest artist to walk on American soil played the role black Jesus as an artist using the wisdom of the Quran which conquered the media in the 90s without a single fly being harmed and disabled all the media puppets and turned the tables around for Americans and dominated the media and left the media and the American government extremely petrified of the Quran today more then all military army in every country and all the nuclear bombs on earth put together because it’s a silent and deadly bomb the media and rulers in America already experienced once and felt the unparalleled power and beauty of the Quran and it’s true wisdom and strength which disabled all the media puppets in the 90s and conquered the lies of the American government and the media and turned the tables around for America and left the rulers in America and the media extremely petrified of the Quran today as the world could crystal clearly see and that was only a tiny little drop in the ocean they felt compared to the unparalleled power and beauty of the Quran and it’s true wisdom which conquered the media in the 90s through African Americans with a great humiliating defeat and paralysed all the media puppets like you of the 90s and turned the tables around for America and become the dominant culture in America today this is an undeniable fact about the reality and history of the losers ruling America and the media, since I was educating you about the mainstream media that’s brainwashed a puppet like you I also wanted to educate you about these terrorist and the mainstream media that’s actually sponsored by these very same terrorist like the BBC NEWS 30 years ago it was sponsored by emirates then Qatar, you see these terrorist leaders of the Middle East are the best friends of the losers ruling the west and making money together with their terrorist best friends and watching them build these luxurious terrorist city’s with tall sky scrappers and 7star hotel they call it heaven on earth even in uk look around London city the tallest building is owned by their terrorist friends and all famous football stadium is named after their terrorist best friends they making money together with, and depend on these terrorist for their power and the value of the dollar and pound depends on these terrorist and the land these terrorist live in the only land on earth America will protect more then any other land on earth from being attacked or taken over by any other countries on this planet and they will protect that land more then their very own land in America, we saw what the losers ruling America did to the people they ruling over on 9/11 after being conquered by African Americans they plotted and committed a huge suicidal terrorist attack killing the peoples they ruling over on 9/11 years and then lied and invaded Iraq killing hundreds and thousands of innocent Iraqis over a bunch of lies to have control over the very same thing the land of the terrorist have, the Americans could’ve done that with the terrorist instead of being friends with them but they have no chance because they are all under God’s control and see haw God through his wisdom using the enemies of his messenger to protect the very same land God’s words was revealed on, see haw these losers are rapped around God’s wisdom and having to protect the land God’s revelation was revealed on, and if you think this is just a coincidence then please just Google chapter 28 (surah qassas) verse 57 and tell me if you think the world you see around you today in global politics is just a coincidence or do you see exactly what this verse 57 of chapter 28 mentioned 1400 years ago and ask yourself if your brave enough to be honest inside of your heart if you see haw the enemies of God’s words are rapped around God’s wisdom and haw God’s wisdom is under control of the world you see around you even in global politics after reflecting on the Quran chapter 28 verse 57 because the verse ends by saying most of them do not know and talks about the fruits of all things the people of that land have been blessed with, but the fruits of all things they been blessed with isn’t the point I’m making, the people of that question at the beginning of the verse is the point I’m making which God replies to a that will point out to the world you see around you today, you see talking crap and acting like your shit doesn’t stink will not help you any sensible individual with a reasonable sincere heart will able to see right through thick layer of powder with fake eyelashes and lipstick on talking shit and clearly see that face vividly resembling that weak ugly lying cwdly heart inside of a real loser like that with a stinking character which stinks more then her poo does, you just need to be sensible and use your intellect and have the guts to be honest with yourself inside of your heart and I t’ll become clear to you haw God’s wisdom is under control of the world you around you and haw God through his wisdom using the enemies of his messenger to protect the very same land God’s revelation was revealed, please just Google chapter 28 verse 57 since you read about Islam and I hope you were entertained and educated at the same time by the links I posted on my last comment which tells you everything I mentioned about the power and beauty of the Quran and it’s wisdom conquering the media in the 90s through African Americans and if you too ignorant and lazy to Google the verse of the Quran and you don’t take my word for it then you don’t have to believe me and the Quran but at least believe this guy…kzbin.info/www/bejne/oIXQoXx-Z9CSjaMsi=6zYCA4IY1rJyzp2x
@ChristianRobotHead 21 сағат бұрын
That guy's head is on upside down. REPENT now and follow Christ!
@ChazSmith-u4z Күн бұрын
How convenient to muhammed. He got all these verses when he got "exiting", what does that make allah, muslims?? A pimp?
@adnanrashtogi4553 Күн бұрын
*Quran , Islam ,Islamic scholars have no answers to two points* 1. Yajuj Majuj - Qur'an - Verses 18:86 to 18:97. As per Quran , these evil creatures are imprisoned behind iron wall built by Dhul Quranain and will come out only on day of judgement - Sura 21:96 and cause fear everywhere, Sura 21:97. Questions - i. So where are these creatures imprisoned for last 2500 years?? Location, province, country, ii. Where is the iron wall, location and country ,?? Can any person, any Müslïm scholar answer these questions??!!! 2. The quran says Müham Mãd undertook a night journey to meet Ãllãh Chapter 17:1-2. The journey took place reportedly in 621CE. one year before Hijra, flight to Medina (622 CE) MøhamMãd, during journey stopped at Mosque in Jerusalem, the furthest mosque as per Qur'an, and then went on flying donkey, al Burraq, to meet Ãllåh. Questions: there were no mosque in 621 in Jerusalem, simply because there were no Müslïms in 621 in Jerusalem. Mohammad had only 75 followers in year 621 and all of them were in Mecca. The earliest record of mosque in Jerusalem was in 709 CE, nearly 100 years after Müham Mãd's death. So which is the mosque mentioned in Qur'an ??
@VACCINE-l4s 15 сағат бұрын
*The Qur'an does not say they are still imprisoned* . Concerning their whereabouts, There were real geographical explorations which almost pinpointed where they had lived. Search for the works of Indian scholar *"abul kalam azad"*
@VACCINE-l4s 14 сағат бұрын
*Your questions presuppose that any Muslims answer is, by default, wrong* ! Once you make the difference between Masjid & Jamie' , you can ask the question!
@adnanrashtogi4553 30 минут бұрын
@@VACCINE-l4s go ahead , you've only just begun!! Start by answering the questions on Yajuj Majuj !!
@VACCINE-l4s 8 минут бұрын
@@adnanrashtogi4553 Do your homework. Why should I answer you?!
@Zakeye90 Күн бұрын
You see that thick layer of powder covering your face with huge fake eyelashes and bright lipstick on talking shit and acting pretty funny like your poo doesn’t stink can’t hide that weak lying hypocritical cwdly heart inside of a real loser like that any sensible individual with a reasonable genuine heart will able to see right through that thick layer of powder covering that face and clear see that face vividly resembling that ugly weak lying hypocritical cwdly heart inside of a manipulative loser who’s stinking character stinks more then her poo does it’s funny who can you believe because there’s others who would say completely the opposite of what you’re saying for example great names like the greatest ufc fighter no doubt khabib and there’s many more great names like khabib who would say the opposite of everything you’re saying about the Quran for example like the greatest boxer Mohammad Ali, then Mike Tyson and then the greatest artist to walk on American soil a young hardcore working talented activist with a true heart of a real soldier who conquered the media and the music industry with a great humiliating defeat in the 90s and turned the tables around for the American government and the media after being inspired by the Quran and used its wisdom to enlighten the African Americans in the 90s and conquer the media using the language of the media to communicate and educate the mind of African Americans using the wisdom of the Quran and sharpen their minds 2pac shakur =(being thankful to god) also the members of Outlawz90 names kadafi Hussain edi ameen napoleon allahamdulillah a Muslim kastro the youngest was 2pac cousins 2pac the great artist to walk on American soil known to play the role black Jesus the Muslims believe Jesus will come an establish the divine laws of the Quran on earth and conquer the world without a doubt. Many African think it came from Christianity and that’s why you see them wearing chains with a cross hanging and others tattooed and love talking about being real every second you’ll hear Africans saying the word “for real” Muslims would see be sincere in your heart and be truthful and honest with yourself deep inside of your heart, the very first verse of the Quran after the opening chapter starts by saying this is a book (the Quran) a revelation revealed for those who are truly sincere in their hearts (those who have taqwa) you’ll also hear every African American evdb white Americans talking about snakes fakes snitchez haters open up the Quran you’ll find kaffir munafiq (hypocrites and disbelievers) perfectly described throughout the Quran the greatest human being who ever lived and walked the face of this earth the messenger of God was surrounded by hypocrites and those who turned against him because of power and wisdom of his message and it’s truthfulness they couldn’t handle and become enemies and disbelieved in his message because they couldn’t handle the truth, and then you had African Americans insulting the girls which came out of the American culture and looked down upon the girls of American culture because of the media and America looking down upon African culture and labelling African Americans as criminals drug dealers rapist murderers and use cops as a weapon to oppress torture kill African Americans who were living in a gloomy atmosphere infested with dark clouds of injustice and oppression until there came the light shining from the horizon in the 90s the greatest artist to walk on American soil 2pac shakur and enlightened the African Americans using the wisdom of the Quran, today these thugs are dominant in America and the dominant culture in America is hip hop, the very same African American they labelled as thugs and looked down upon are looked upto and glorified throughout the media all over the world, and you have faggots like Chris brown singing “these hoes ain’t loyal” talking about the girls in American culture, and we know 2pac was the only artist who dearly loved his mother and dedicated beautiful message for her like dear mama he had soo much love and respect for mother the only artist who truly praises and represented the love for his mother on the media platform and the messenger of God mentioned paradise lies beneath our mothers feet, and he’s only God can judge message was a masterpiece, today the oppressed have become the masters of that nation and the enslaved ones have become the bosses of that nation and that is the seed Malcom X planted which sparked up in the 90s and enlightened the African Americans and conquered the media with a great humiliating defeat and turned the tables around for the media and America, this rapid growing of African Americans which sparked up in the 90s gave African Americans their very first black president like barak Obama first time in history of America and Obama is a puppet who would be fooling himself if he thinks he made himself the first black president infact it was these hardcore working talented thug artist who accomplished this goal like pac mentioned in changes “we ain’t ready to see a black president” also mentions about the war in Palestine back then in the 90s “war in the Middle East” in his message changes, 2pac shakur= (being thankful to God) learned the realism and originality of his amazing character from the greatest human being who ever lived and walked the face of the earth the messenger of God and he had huge respect for all the prophets including Jesus just like Muslims do, today they are dominant in America and the dominant culture in America is the African American culture, after all the racism the KKK cops brutality the assassination of Malcom X they also wanted to assassinate 2pac but miserably failed and got conquered at the end they tried everything to stop this rapid growing of African Americans even wanted to ban rap using the law and many court cases but 2pac was too sharp and wise for their hypocrisy and lies. Today the oppressed have become the bosses and the enslaved ones have become the masters of that nation and this is exactly what Islam did to African Americans after what Christianity did to them but many of them think it came from Christianity because 2pac played the role black Jesus using the wisdom of the Quran. These links are just a small sample the huge impact the Quran had on the media and America in the 90s far more for greater then what I’ve said these links are small examples…, kzbin.info/www/bejne/g5_QfZ9se9Jkg68si=YVNnmZ18BVzjJvTv … and this message is for all the sensible individuals with a reasonable sincere heart…, kzbin.info/www/bejne/m4nZc515hJZsh7ssi=WgFdOFyiCDMhlc3I ….. and if you think this loser talking shit to you is entertaining then I recommend you to to watch these lyrical soldiers they will definitely entertain you and sharpen your mentality at the same time because this here in the video her mouth stink more then her poo just watch these soldiers they are guaranteed to entertain you and sharpen your mind if you listen to words coming out of these talented soldiers and analyse every word …kzbin.info/www/bejne/jabSdGNqhL2Yb68si=X94f8F1GJaGq_JYt and this message is for all those suckers who love politic and their politicians who don’t give a f about them and believe everything these politicians tell them on media, the concept of this messages being depicted will definitely wisen you up and entertain you at the same time…kzbin.info/www/bejne/d4e8qZRvbJmBf6ssi=UWgwKFsHbia5smal and no doubt believe me the unbelievable level of assurance and confidence the Quran will fill your heart up with and sharpen your mentality is a miracle itself about the Quran and once your enlightened by it there’s no money or materialistic power or anything on this planet which can overcome it and win over it but instead all these social media fame the media platform will become a joke to you and you’ll see it like a child’s play and treat it like that, remember after failing to assassinate and ban rap and imprison 2pac these losers controlling the media begged and offered the greatest artist 2pac to work with them in creating a movie about Islam and 2pac to act against the Muslims in the movie and he refused them and all their money all this media hype and fame was like a child’s game for him just exactly like the same lenses every Muslim see the media and these celebrities through it’s a joke to them watch this you’ll see what I’m talking about…kzbin.info/www/bejne/j5TQn4Osj8-elZYsi=sIwbMOQrufM4OVzP and if you thinks it’s not Islam then please tell me what you think this is and listen to napoleon 3rd or 4th on this message…. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rGaqiJuEmcubgrMsi=MluFzMjsGJbA_Shv and this personally from me to the girl in the video with that ugly stinking personality this is one of my childhood favourite messages all his messages are equally good on different levels I f grew up watching this transformation of African Americans which sparked up in the 90s and haw a young hardcore working talented activist with a heart of a soldier like 2pac conquered the media with a great humiliating defeat and left the mainstream media news channel looking completely foolish and confused after reporting his death on their news channels it’s funny until this day people are still wondering and talking about weather 2pac is dead or alive he even named a song called dead or alive and others saying his in cuba and his albums haven’t stopped coming out every year anyway edi will mention it on this message Im saying too much this is personally from me…. kzbin.info/www/bejne/nYCnp3SViMmLebssi=4hnUiVSxu8Iv0vnz and this message is for all African no doubt another soldier who worked hard to keep that African spirit alive and grow hugely in early 2000…kzbin.info/www/bejne/rojbk4aweZWMqc0si=-4z_h3OCJ9lDM0h1 … these are real soldier…kzbin.info/www/bejne/p2WomnV8itV5jsksi=qBM_rLN5HD2vRYym
@Zakeye90 Күн бұрын
@zachlebronBbc Күн бұрын
i like your tshirt😂👌🏿send me one too
@ApostateofAllah Күн бұрын
@@zachlebronBbc it’s a great shirt! I bought it off of David Wood’s shop.
@zachlebronBbc Күн бұрын
@@ApostateofAllah Thanks will get one too 🙏🏿appreciate you girl God keep blessing you 👐🏿
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
To all the Moslems in the chat , Your PDF prophet Mo Ham Mad is burning in Hell, Allah (satan) will be joining Him, not to late for you to come to JESUS and avoid going to that awful place. Shalom
@Revertjess Күн бұрын
Why do you have so much hate in your heart bro ? Horrible things to say.
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
@@Revertjess No hate just telling the Truth in Love. Only JESUS saves. Shalom
@Revertjess Күн бұрын
@@SamsonZionist I don't see any truth in any of your comments, I've seen many of your comments on this channel. None of them make any sense. You are clearly hypocritical, because most things you are stating are actually in the bible itself.
@stingray4980 Күн бұрын
The Muslims seeking guidance from Mohammad were, amazingly, more moral than their prophet or their God. Only in Islam is this possible!
@VACCINE-l4s Күн бұрын
☺Many *Christians are genuinely surprised* when we point out to incest, porn & *multiple* explicit geno**cide orders in the Bible.
@adnanrashtogi4553 Күн бұрын
Quran and Islam have no answers to two points. 1. Yajuj Majuj - Qur'an - Verses 18:86 to 18:97. As per Quran , these evil creatures are imprisoned behind iron wall built by Dhul Quranain and will come out only on day of judgement - Sura 21:96 and cause fear everywhere, Sura 21:97. Questions - i. So where are these creatures imprisoned for last 2500 years?? Location, province, country, ii. Where is the iron wall, location and country ,?? Can any person, any Müslïm scholar answer these questions??!!! 2. The quran says Müham Mãd undertook a night journey to meet Ãllãh Chapter 17:1-2. The journey took place reportedly in 621CE. one year before Hijra, flight to Medina (622 CE) MøhamMãd, during journey stopped at Mosque in Jerusalem, the furthest mosque as per Qur'an, and then went on flying donkey, al Burraq, to meet Ãllåh. Questions: there were no mosque in 621 in Jerusalem, simply because there were no Müslïms in 621 in Jerusalem. Mohammad had only 150 followers in year 621 and all of them were in Mecca. The earliest record of mosque in Jerusalem was in 709 CE, nearly 100 years after Müham Mãd's death. So which is the mosque mentioned in Qur'an ??
@ChazSmith-u4z Күн бұрын
You muslims are very good at changing the topic from your cult believe. Are you ashamed of muhammed - allah - quran???
@VACCINE-l4s 15 сағат бұрын
@@ChazSmith-u4z Read my other replies to her on the topics she mentioned
@ChazSmith-u4z 5 сағат бұрын
@@VACCINE-l4s No, not interested of your comments. I came to listen to AOA and you are not staying on the topic. You are just trying to distract people just like muslims do but it's not working
@DiMatteo6633 Күн бұрын
Guys please don’t forget to like and share! Show this sister some love!
@ApostateofAllah Күн бұрын
@@DiMatteo6633 thank you 😊
@1541965 8 сағат бұрын
@@ApostateofAllah @4:37 you said Ziyad Who is Ziyad? No Ziyad in Islamic tradition?
@1541965 7 сағат бұрын
@@ApostateofAllah You have problem with Prophet Muhammad legally before God marry the divorced ex wife of his adopted son not his son as you lie but you have no problem with Lot have sex with his 2 daughters Genesis 19:32-36 . Incest in the Bible. Genesis 4 - story of Cain.Genesis 20:11-12 - Abraham and Sarah. Leviticus 18:6-18 . incest in the Bible is the one of the son of David, Amnon with his sister Tamar, in 2S.13. The other brother, Absalom, hated Amnon for this incest. Incest Gen 35:22 Reuben son of Jacob make sex to his step mother . Incest Gen 38:15-20 Juda make sex to his daughter in law along the road and he get bastard children from her. Jesus had sex with his Mother Mary to give birth to him Luke 1:35 The angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come over you, and the power of the Most High will cover you. Therefore, the child will be holy and will be called the Son of God. Christian trinity is Father = Son Jesus = Holy spirit. Jesus is Equal to the Holy Spirit Did Jesus come over his Mother Mary in form of Holy Spirit to make his mother pregnant to give birth to him as the son of God? The word upon you or come over you in Greek is epi. Strong Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries G1909 the meaning is on, above, over, against, touching, though, upon. (literally or figuratively) My question again how did Jesus come on, above, over, against, touching, though, upon. (literally or figuratively) his mother to make her pregnant to give birth to him? Sound like incest to me!
@mariathas5610 Күн бұрын
Thank you sister for bringing out things from Quran with such actions. Muslim folks think differently. They try to justify every negative thing from the Scripture. Can those negative things appear in a Holy Book. Examples in short; 72 virgins available in paradise for Men Only; Men can marry 4; Honor KILLING ALLOWED; KILL disbelievers; Breast feeding allowed to other males. Now go to the errors. Mary is Aron’s sister; sunset in muddy water; Sperms coming out of backbones etc,;mistake in creation of heaven and earth. / Allah is a big deceiver; Allah has 99 names; Saying lies allowed at certain times. Don’t be friendly with disbelievers. Now come to hard to belief matters. Mohamed went to Jerusalem in a flying horse ,overnight and came back. ….Jesus never admit to kill anyone or fought battles for the religion. In the Old Testament some verses about killing children written by moses. Muslims has two things against Christianity. Trinity and Jesus not God. Compare Mohamed or Jesus , who is more reliable.
@Revertjess Күн бұрын
I can see you have never read the Qur'an, you have no knowledge at all. Read the Qur'an before you make false statements.
@brishnevk4823 23 сағат бұрын
​@@Revertjess this is an Information age bro .. non muslims know more about your Islam than you muslims who Sugar coat the islam withiut reading Tafsirs 😂😂
@Revertjess 19 сағат бұрын
@@brishnevk4823 okay, tell me what the Qur'an mentions that the bible doesn't?
@Foundonetruth Күн бұрын
you are too boring . I was waiting for the questions and then gave up. Useless
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
The Truth hurts I know. She is slaughtering Mo Ham Mad!! the PDF
@Foundonetruth Күн бұрын
@@SamsonZionist wow you are so funny.
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
@@Foundonetruth I know right! but its still the Truth,Momo the Pedo got slaughterd.
@brishnevk4823 23 сағат бұрын
When Mohd got bored he started Marrying ladies and when Allah got bored he sent Ayat for Mohd Marriage 😂😂😂
@Foundonetruth 22 сағат бұрын
@@brishnevk4823 wow you are so funny. Your parents must be proud. I guess Jesus would applaud how you act.
@jaimeharvey1310 Күн бұрын
❤ this hirlious but true!👍😂😀
@amosfwo4609 Күн бұрын
Your level of hypocrisy is unmatched
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
I agree Allah and Mo Ham Mad's level of DECEIT is astounding!!
@ismaelmahmud6094 Күн бұрын
Who's word it's.? Not man made or created words. .
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
Well , it was written by some one right? ,or did the 44 different versions of the Koran fall out of the 7 heavens?
@brishnevk4823 23 сағат бұрын
Even the Quran is man made and written after Mohd died .. 😂😂
@ismaelmahmud6094 22 сағат бұрын
@@brishnevk4823 wrong,the Qur'an was written at the time of the prophet Muhammad,but only after the death of the prophet. The Qur'an was completed because it was part written down and part memories. The word of God will remain us until before judgement where the Qur'an will be lifted to heaven. That is the proof the Qur'an is the word of Allah NOT MAN.
@Revertjess 19 сағат бұрын
​@@SamsonZionist Wrong, the Qur'an is one and only one. You can travel anywhere in the world and find more than 200 million Muslims that have all memorized the exact same book, no different. It's a true fact, you can't change the Qur'an, you can burn every single copy of the Qur'an in the world. And 24hrs later, there will be more than 200million copies all the exact same ayats and surahs. Unlike the bible, no Christian in the world has memorized it, from the old testament to the new testament. The bible has over 100,000 different copies. That's the truth!
@brishnevk4823 14 сағат бұрын
@@ismaelmahmud6094 if the Quran is Written at the time of Puppet Mohd ... Can you show me that Quran ? Who is having that 7th century Quran ??
@MuslimforAllah. Күн бұрын
Do not interpret the message of the Quran from outside source. Allah alone provides the explanations in His verses, without the need for external assistance. It is clear that adopted sons are not biologically related, and if they are your stepsons and have not consummated their marriages, it is lawful for their stepfathers to marry their former wives if they choose. However, it is unlawful for a father or stepfather to marry these women if the son or stepson has already been with them.😐 It is hypocritical to advise others not to follow shaykhs and scholars while using their flawed interpretations to attack Allah's words. Instead, do your own research.👎 You claim to believe in the Holy Spirit, yet you don't seem to fully understand what the Holy Spirit is or its true concept. If you're interested, I can explain what the Holy Spirit truly represents.😎
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
That's rich a Moslem trying to teach us who the Holy Spirit is , so sad!!
@ChazSmith-u4z Күн бұрын
@@SamsonZionist Muslims cries when they hear the truth about their cult leader mo. In the same time they seem to be ashamed of him bc they change the subject so fast
@MuslimforAllah. 23 сағат бұрын
@@SamsonZionist I follow the Quran alone, as it explains what the Holy Spirit is. But if I ask you who the Holy Spirit is, you may not be able to explain it, yet you believe in something you don't fully understand. How can you claim to believe in something without truly knowing it, and then declare it as the truth? In reality, everyone in this world is a "Muslim" in the sense of submitting-whether to an idea, religion, or concept. The term "Muslim" simply means one who submits. You, too, have submitted, but to Christianity. So, while you are a Muslim in that broad sense, you are not a Muslim who submits to Allah, the One God
@SamsonZionist 23 сағат бұрын
@@MuslimforAllah. I follow the Bible which is written thousands of years before the Koran. We know who the Holy Spirit is, Sadly Moslems do not know who He is. In ''Moslem'' reality everyone is a Moslem, not in the Real reality though as Christians our faith is in the Savior of the world, JESUS CHRIST , King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I thought Moslem meant one who says Shahada and accepts Mo Ham Mad the pedophile false Prophet and His god a-Allah(aka SATAN). So you see we Christians can never submit to Satan(aka ALLAH) hence we can never be Moslem. Shalom
@Revertjess 19 сағат бұрын
​@@SamsonZionistwhy are you running from my replies to your comments? If you want to call prophet Muhammad a pedophile or talk about child marriages. Then let's talk about it. I would love to debate about it.
@MuslimforAllah. Күн бұрын
The Quran is not preserved in Jannah (Paradise), but rather it is safeguarded in the hearts and memories of human beings. The term "maḥfūẓin" refers to those who memorize and preserve the Quran, known as Hafiz. These preservers, found all over the world, come from various cultures and ethnicities, yet they all share the common bond of having committed the Quran to memory. This widespread memorization of the Quran serves as a testament to the fulfilment of Allah's word and stands as living proof of His divine revelation.
@ApostateofAllah Күн бұрын
@@MuslimforAllah. cool story but no, you’re wrong. The context of the word in that aya is preserved.
@MuslimforAllah. Күн бұрын
@@ApostateofAllah Exactly👍😎
@nithinchandran3115 Күн бұрын
@@MuslimforAllah. LOL, your contradicting your ALLAH🤣😂 By the way, your Quran was corrupted during the times of Rashidun. Uthman burnt all the written quran, recompiled again. Hadiths clearly mention that. Ayesha even has hadith that her Goat ate a leaf on which verses regarding adult breastfeeding and stoning to death was written and lost.
@Atharva1973 Күн бұрын
God begetting a son means 2 gods😮 Trinity is irrational like a pregnant man, sqaure circle, confusing. Can't be from God
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
A 7th century Caravan Robber and PDF who claims to have received revelations in a cave that is rational?
@Atharva1973 Күн бұрын
@@SamsonZionist Deceptive Paul preached to tell lies for your cause. Trinity is pagan, Hindus also have their own trinity
@nithinchandran3115 Күн бұрын
​@@Atharva1973 These are your claims, does Quran mentioned all what you said? Quran was revealed about 500CE, 300 years after canonisation of gospels we have. So Allah in 500ad and hereafter is asking Mohammed and Muslims to go to "THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK " if they have doubts about the revelation of Allah regarding previous prophets and messengers. Which means God's revelation must be verified with Christians and Jews using the Torah and Injeel. Thus confirm that Gospels and Torah are accurate 🤣 👉Quran 2:2 : This is the Book of Allah, there is no doubt in it;2 it is a guidance for the pious 👉Quran 5:47 : So let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed in it. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the rebellious. 👉Quran 10:94 : If you ˹O Prophet˺ are in doubt about ˹these stories˺ that We have revealed to you, then ask those who read the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt. Quran affirms the Gospels 🤘👐🙌💪
@ChazSmith-u4z 23 сағат бұрын
@@Atharva1973 Read s36.14. If Bulus was preaching lies as you claim, then your allah is really the devil, because he sent Bulus, the third messenger😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
@sheep1447 2 күн бұрын
Islam is barbarism.
@satyakumar5336 2 күн бұрын
We need more videos like this.👌 If muslims read and try to analyze Quran, they immediately leave islam.😂
@DebateMe-ry5mt Күн бұрын
@christislove9844 2 күн бұрын
@Türkiyedelicacies 2 күн бұрын
Lord bless you sister, keep exposing Islam. We who live in Islamic country can't do this, so we're counting on you who live in non Islamic country
@أرسلنعلي 2 күн бұрын
God bless you my sister in Christ 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌
@SunnySingh-n1l 2 күн бұрын
Love your sense of humor 😂
@onlignebridge4224 2 күн бұрын
*If you have testicle pain, then you can claim Islam* is your business !
@nithinchandran3115 Күн бұрын
Wasn't Quran revelation for all of mankind? Islam is everyone business. Your embarrassed and disgusted with your own Quran.
@VACCINE-l4s 2 күн бұрын
*Are you trying to divert our attention from geno* **cide, incest, Ezekiel's porn in the corrupted Bible* ?
@judahlion2517 2 күн бұрын
Ok let’s say the Bible is corrupted. Remember it’s the Quran that claims to be all perfect and most holy. The Bible never claimed such
@umarmujaahid1136 2 күн бұрын
Which is why you shouldn't "follow" the book. Don't take it seriously. ​@@judahlion2517
@mikemental8285 2 күн бұрын
Tell me more, please.
@VACCINE-l4s 2 күн бұрын
@@mikemental8285 Google up : *"geno**cide in the Bible" & *"incest in the Bible"*
@remove122 Күн бұрын
Islam child marriage
@VACCINE-l4s 2 күн бұрын
Indeed, some of the companions of the prophet had their own personal complete or incomplete copies of the Qur'an *onto which they used to write down notes/interpretations* which is completely legal. I have a copy of the US constitution onto which I jot down some remarks, explanations. *Does this mean the US first law has many versions* ?!
@mysotiras21 2 күн бұрын
LOL!!! Muhammad NEVER EXISTED, and neither did his family or companions. Islam is one massive HOAX.
@mikemental8285 2 күн бұрын
Hadiths tells us that some were burnt. Destroyed. Or even eaten by sheep. Perfect preservation is myth that is strangling itself
@basmalaemasha6919 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for making me abetter Muslim ❤
@SamsonZionist Күн бұрын
But a better Moslem just means that sadly without JESUS , You get cast into Hell and that is awful, while You have time repent , Believe in JESUS alone for SALVATION and You will be saved. Shalom
@BaphometBuster 2 күн бұрын
Full support to your channel
@Beverly-b8r 2 күн бұрын
@MARSMAN21 2 күн бұрын
islam is a lie, Christianity is the truth
@Beverly-b8r 2 күн бұрын
@Beverly-b8r 2 күн бұрын
@zarabees2123 2 күн бұрын
Apostate of Allah , you are like an empty barrel, kzbin.info/www/bejne/hYS2kmSahLCZrJosi=2-oylDCE7b7Kq_7k