Carl Jung: What Sartre Got Wrong
Carl Jung: Why Do UFOs Exist?
Should Christians Be Forgiving?
How Inclusivity Is Making Us Weak
The hidden roots of your pain...
@imerflores1167 Күн бұрын
Molech is there to condemn human sacrifice. No man or human can die for the sins of others. The Almighty despises it. Unfortunately, Christianity is based on a man that died for other peoples sins. Thus a human sacrifice.
@One-Ruler-1Victor Күн бұрын
Because Israel never obeyed!!!
@הודיהמתנה-פ9ה 2 күн бұрын
מה זה השטיות האלה?? איפה בדיוק כ תוב בתנך את השטות הזו ?אני מכירה את התנך הישן, אתם שיניתם את זה למשהו אחר , יהודים העתיקים לא עשו את זה לילדים שלהם מעולם בכל בהיסטוריה היהודית שהייתה,תראה לי הוכחות לכך.הוכחחת מר אני יודע הכול על עם יהודי ןישראל רק אנו יודעים על עצמנו ויכולים לבקר את עצמנו. אתם לא 🙄
@l27tester 2 күн бұрын
Because religion makes you evil
3 күн бұрын
Isn't parental deity religion all based on the manipulation, as well as the masturbation, of infantile and childhood attachment? Which is an extremely potent and profound neurological drive. If it fails in its attachment projection… life will fail as well. Life is just way easier with parents. Real or imagined. Folks to care about us and protect us and provide for us. And most importantly have plan for us. Especially given our significant existential vulnerability. This is why everyone in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Empire is either your Mother or Father or Brother or Sister. This is just attachment manipulation. We are born into a parental context. It is the only reality that we know.. So we then project that context onto everything we don't understand. Wasn’t Yahweh originally a Storm God? The greatest psychiatrist of the 2Oth century, Carl Gustaf Jung, called this neurological attachment: "Infantile Familial Archetypes." It is largely a matter of brain chemistry. Especially Dopamine. This is basically what all Hollywood psychological manipulation is based on as well. The manipulation of what Jung called Infantile Parental Deities. Hollywood just doesn't call them Deities and Saints but rather Movie Stars. But psychologically it is all the same thing. Such as all of their Jesus competitive Super Heroes? For many folks life just feels more secure with parents somewhere in the picture. Which is something we are all born hard wired to do.💙
@AlexPuthiyamadam-e8f 3 күн бұрын
Thiel Cove
@kawaii_princess_castle 5 күн бұрын
Thank you very much!! I think that maybe the process is not to integrate the shadow rather to purify yourself in other words eliminate your inner evil Also people cannot understand Christ without putting into account Sophia Pronoia, also called Piscis Sophia!
@frankyymilkyy9001 5 күн бұрын
TL;DR: Žižek hates Lacan's style and approach. "It was simply made as a documentary supposed to present Lacan theory to a white public I think for the second channel of the french state tv... what I appreciate is inversion/reversion of the role between public <???> and private, this total <???> disappearance of this warm human person. This for me is the idea of ideology; the central idea of ideology for me is not this idea determining you're a cristian, you're a mirxists, whatever today, liberal, i don't know, but the idea is precisely that ideological propositions do not determine us totally, we cannot be reduced to our public image, there is warm human being behind. I think this is ideology at its purest. The most horrible anti-ideological act for me (and really horrible, terrifying) is to fully identify with the ideological image. The ultimate act is what we think is our true self, there is the true acting, and usually our truth to that to which we are really committed existentially is in our acts not in what is supposed to be behind the act. So again my point is that I like philosophy as an anonymous job. Look the way he moves now and so on these gestures, I find this ridiculous. He emphasizes "one cannot say all the truth, it's impossible materially". This ridiculous emphasis... I think it's a pure fake and empty gesture as if he makes a deep point there; he does not. I read Lacan in a very classical way, what interests me are his proposition, underlysing logic - not his style. His style is a total fake, I think. I try to forget it, I try to repress it. Maybe it works as a strategy as a certain point, why not: first you have to seduce people before <???> statements. But I hate this kind of approach. I'm a total enlightment person, I believe in clear statements and so on. And I for Lacan, because again to make it very clear, it's not like Lacan is just bluffing in the sense that there is nothing behind this obscurity. The whole point of my work is that you can translate Lacan into clear terms. Well, at last, had enough of this."
@chrisschwanger8248 5 күн бұрын
My guess is not even Lucifer would hurt children the these people do. Try to blame someone else for your nasty
@oo1o11o 5 күн бұрын
@timy9197 5 күн бұрын
This feels more like fear mongering more than anything. The only people who fear diversity are people who were comfortable without it. The first time segregation came to an end people had the same reaction. They word for word used the same talking points once there was diversity in the work place by implying things were more efficient when they were more white. You can focus on both. That’s why these videos never have any data or statistics. Just vague scenarios.
@jjt.9999 6 күн бұрын
@pl1676 6 күн бұрын
Well, actually Nietzsche was right about self-tyrany but I am standing still on the stoic side as Nietzshe on his critique he was overesteeming the individual's will and it can get as destructive as far as it can go. Should Nietzsche care about anyone else's power or power balance at all? Short answer: No. Stoicism applied well is actually a way to sooth our sufferings, keep us strong while being defeated and to keep ourselves motivated after success. Remaining humble when faced to undoubted victory of yours or/and remaining your self-confidence when faced with perish. If this could be measured in any way it would be measured with gold weight.
@mikeyrobles2977 7 күн бұрын
Lord of the Rings Saturn, Father Time, Chronos, Grim Reaper, Saturn Moon Matrix, Satan,First Burnt out Sun.
@pbeapbea5206 8 күн бұрын
So true about the procrastinations pulling one away from true self. Thank you so much for providing such insightful content.
@meekosaga 8 күн бұрын
yes, yes it is.
@giovannilagunasloko 8 күн бұрын
This is stupid weight of heart anubis will judge you
@Theophanes-qw3fs 9 күн бұрын
@michaelkottler 10 күн бұрын
This video and forum are dominated by blatant misinformation in an attempt to link socialist policies with autocracy, fascism, eugenics and every other horrible aspect of Nazi-like totalitarian societies like those envisioned in 1984 and Brave New World. The truth is that socialist policies, which have been at the heart of ALL of the USA's allies' ascent from envying the USA's once-high standard of living to now enjoying life in a superior way so that if if US citizens were made aware of how far the USA has fallen behind, they'd be clamoring for positive change, are infinitely superior to the the kind of supply-side hyper-capitalism we've been burdened with now for generations resulting in the USA ending up at the bottom of the list of the top 15 nations in terms of standard-of-living including averages income, education, healthcare, atc. (and to a lesser extent, the USA, i.e. Social Security, the military, public highways, libraries, schools, dams and so on). In short, I call BS. And btw, even if Huxley did buy into eugenics for five minutes he ultimately warned AGAINST it (e.g Brave New World). Maybe y'all should read a bit instead of repeating verbatim material from another online propoganda source which you fail to even cite.
@tylermacdonald8924 10 күн бұрын
How are you going to do anything of substance in a single minute?
@ZoneTheory73 10 күн бұрын
Zizek is totally right. Elsewhere he critiques Lacan's own obscurantism, because he believes that both thinkers are obscure, but Lacan has some substance underneath the obscurity. I've seen how Jung goes. It reduces to pragmatism, the obscurity of mysticism, and a false imputation of balance. Only nothing is actually balanced, in reality. That's why we had to invent psychoanalysis in the first place. Also I'd love to see a textual citation for your complete shameless asspull at 3:24. Sounds totally baseless and irrelevant to me. Zizek is certaintly not a reserved, careful empiricist.
@ThoughtsonThinking 11 күн бұрын
Shadow Work Course:
@themelancholia 11 күн бұрын
Ayn Rand is what happens when one pretends economic classes and power imbalances and capital don't exist.
@taofik37 11 күн бұрын
Wait.... the Hero is also the bully? Mmmmhhhhhh, looks like the hero is NOT that good, huh?
@fieuline2536 12 күн бұрын
Everything now is more competitive than it used to be. Jobs require more experience and education. Universities require better grades and more extracurricular experience. Expertise and the expectation of expertise are quantifiably much higher in 2024 than they were in 1950 and the comparison is not close-for everyone. Claims like those given here simply confuse resentment and ressentiment for reality
@TwinAquarius484 12 күн бұрын
Exactly. The system literally started making it harder for non white folks to succeed is now detrimental to all people in this country.
@ClydePRiddlesbrood 12 күн бұрын
Forced inclusion equals loss of individual freedom
@timy9197 5 күн бұрын
Freedom for who?
@kennedymontoya9962 13 күн бұрын
Inclusivity is not making society worse. It is in fact making it better.
@BrotherTree1 13 күн бұрын
Depopulation is not "better".
@madamebutterfly851 13 күн бұрын
How so? How are things better today versus say 20 years ago? Did you listen to the video at all???
@timy9197 5 күн бұрын
@@madamebutterfly851where does anything in the video show any actual examples of the difference between now and 20 years ago? The video is 1 minute long.
@taylornicole8706 13 күн бұрын
Yes. Thank you. Please continue to make these vids!
@globalgregors 14 күн бұрын
Great little essay. To respond to the aspects of Sartre that you found puzzling… it is helpful to consider Sartre in the context of his wartime experience, particularly of captivity and peril. Perhaps the lyrical beauty and sublimation available in the Other would simply be eclipsed by the lingering and confronting horror of occupation and witnessed cruelty.
@muldrewdennis2837 14 күн бұрын
Don't worry about whether there's a God. It's easier to prove Christians are evil.
@margaretyoung991 15 күн бұрын
No evidence a God named Moloch ever existed. The same letters can be translated different ways in an attempt to separate Yahweh from child sacrifice. Read Ezekials Statutes that were not good and Paul's praise of a man best known for offering his first born child as a burnt offering.
@ThoughtsonThinking 15 күн бұрын
Shadow Work Course:
@Interdacted 15 күн бұрын
I was suicidal since I was 5 years old, but it wasn't really suicidal. I just really wish my dad's condom didn't break. And then becoming older it's just... Understanding how I came to be. "I threw ur moms Harvard diploma away." it's past doesn't matter. . . So :eyes roll, look into the abyss.: If my moms sister didn't get jealous, she'd prob not feel down on herself, and try to piss them off? Her sis and dad both told me about basically wanting to kill the dude. So it's like. . . If one step never happened, I wouldn't be tormented living. And our family would have another blissful existence. Who knows I'm the problem anyways.
@Interdacted 15 күн бұрын
I also don't think mental illness is real, but the voice in my head said so. And it's all I got. So it... might be true?
@cynthiagonzalez658 15 күн бұрын
Now, women call it " My body, my choice"‼️
@AnatolyPotapov 16 күн бұрын
How does confronting the reality of death by itself enhance life’s meaningfulness? Yes, confronting death aids in grasping one’s life as a whole, and in cutting away the delusion that a sane life purpose is exhausted in efforts to secure its endless earthly perpetuation, but this whole’s meaning comes only from making that whole _for_ some purpose that isn’t delusional. Can it be meaningful if this life is _for_ the nothing it (and every other human existence, individual or collective) will become, if that is taken to be its actual destiny?
@RichardBrent90111 17 күн бұрын
This video changed my life for the better!
@ThoughtsonThinking 16 күн бұрын
That's great to hear! How so? Would love to learn more 🙏
@RichardBrent90111 16 күн бұрын
I realized I needed to find the things that excited me throughout childhood and early adulthood, as after a tragic illness happened to me, I had schizoaffective trauma from brain swelling. I haven't ever let me let go of my past since then and reclaim my literary dreams of becoming a great writer till now.
@ThoughtsonThinking 16 күн бұрын
@@RichardBrent90111 I'm very glad to hear you overcame the brain swelling Richard. Can't imagine how difficult that entire ordeal must have been for you, but thank God you got through it! God bless 🙏
@RichardBrent90111 15 күн бұрын
@@ThoughtsonThinking Thank you much appreciated
@TyraSaysTuMadre 17 күн бұрын
There is a Colombian saying called “suerte o muerte” , if you find any info* on it I think it connects. 🤍 mortality is very meaningful bc of the unexpected events we are graced with.
@ThoughtsonThinking 16 күн бұрын
I think it translates to "do or die"
@ThoughtsonThinking 17 күн бұрын
Shadow Work Course:
@gnomefuel 17 күн бұрын
here cause i had a dmt trip of a lil sparkly pixel mario with boxing gloves upper cutting strands of dna as he was climbing them like jacob’s ladder. thanks for this
@Arielflight-yy4wt 17 күн бұрын
Life is a dream because it’s the only thing that makes sense
@yeh2319 17 күн бұрын
Some movies have deep saturn symbolism