Day 2 of the Ubuntu Summit 2023!
@prezlamen 5 сағат бұрын
What is happening with Mozilla quantum?
@patryn36 12 сағат бұрын
Unless flathub has redesigned the way it interfaces with multiple drive computers then it is useless to me, their directions to fix that did not work at all since it still did not see the drive that i have my steam library on separate from the os.
@yashagarwal8741 19 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the video my personal take on ubuntu : i like their iso's having two versions one which is genuinly minimal since 6gb is alot for the iso and having an offline iso
@tiagojs Күн бұрын
I was about to use Bazzite 3.0 but the newest Fedora decisions kinda scare me out. I have been using KDE 6 in Arch Linux and not gonna lie I found some bugs here and there and those bugs got on my nerves. My hardware supports Wayland pretty well, but I'm gaming on Linux now and X11 is a nice fallback to have when you're a gamer otherwise I believe I wouldn't take this route. So to summarize what made me quit Bazzite: - KDE 6.0 and it's bugs - Fedora 40 and the X11 controversy - Upgrade from Bazzite 2.5 was broken for some people - Lack of control because of the immutability approach of the Distro Anyway, fortunately Linux is about choice! So I choose Debian 13(Testing) with BTRFS Snapshots with Timeshift and KDE 5.27.10 what should work fine for me in the next months while Plasma 6 gets more mature.
@justinmillertech Күн бұрын
Thanks for your work!
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
WHOA! Thank you so much for the supercomment! That is so nice of you!!! I am glad you enjoy the show and thanks for being part of the community!
@Sunrise-d819i2 Күн бұрын
Honestly distro's breaking compatibly becoming trend these days like ubuntu breaking debs for snaps is not only bad, its toxic an only growing. Xwayland should be stranded for all wayland installs. It don't matter if software is not newest. Compatibility should be uphold stranded for new display servers as its main purpose is to display not break apps. This thread is only making linux seem less appealing to outsiders. The whole purpose of linux was freedom to use whatever you want to use as well with many gaming apps that is driving the user base up makes old saying "just choose distro you like an enjoy" simplicity will die out. This isn't only bad, We are taking steps backwards.
@Sunrise-d819i2 Күн бұрын
older native games still only run on X11 an many games just get ported to linux to run native then forgotten.
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts. Breaking compatibility is certainly not good but in some ways it can be good in the long run like with trying to push Wayland forward for example. I dont think it is fair to say that Ubuntu is breaking debs for snaps though because they arent breaking debs necessarily, but instead they are focused on snaps because debs do have massive flaws and these flaws need something to address them. I like flatpaks better but snaps are bettter than debs in some ways. If you are referring to the app center not installing deb files anymore, they didnt do that for years even when the Software Center was DEB based because it is a different purpose. The Mac App Store doesnt launch when installed DMG files and Windows Store doesnt launch when EXE files are installed. Ubuntu's App Center doesnt have to support DEB files that are downloaded from the internet in my opinion, but they do need to support them in some way which is why they should just install "gdebi" by default. gdebi sole purpose is to install local deb files which is similar to how Mac has a DMG utility. I'd be okay with that. Compatibility on the other hand can't be provided forever . . . otherwise every Linux distro wouldn't be able to drop support for 32 bit hardware. 64 bit hardware has been the goto for 20 years and 32bit hardware isnt made anymore so keeping compatibility with those on new distro releases would be unnecessary but some people got really mad because they wanted to keep using super old hardware. As for Wayland, they are trying to make things work which is why people have been working on it for around 16 years but it takes time. For direct comparison sake, it took X 22 years to become a solid option for those looking to use Linux. Display Server timelines: First release: X = 1984 Wayland = 2008 The point of which Linux became a solid option for a large amount of people was around 2006. X had been out for 22 years and X11 had been out for 19 years at this time . . . yes X11 was the last major version of X and it was released in 1987. There is a reason it needs replacing.
@hiru92 Күн бұрын
upgrade to ubuntu 24.04, just run command "update-manager -d"
@SZF123456 Күн бұрын
And then do a full install anyway because upgrading never works fully, always some odd issue
@russelmendoza Күн бұрын
A Microsoft dev discovered the malicious thank you very much!
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
I said this in the video but where he works was not relevant to finding it, it was just coincidental
@ganuilek Күн бұрын
@BrixTalk Күн бұрын
only old tools not working with Wayland and KDE? Wayland rendered AUDACITY basically unusable for me. The fix was to go back to X11.
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
I did not say it was the only possibility for issues, but rather I said that’s all that happened to me.
@BrixTalk Күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell I wonder, am I doing anything wrong? Does audacity and it's main cursor work for you with kde and wayland?
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
I dont have an answer for you because I do not use Audacity, I do not think it is that good. I use it only when I have to. Have you tried the fork Tenacity? That might work better.
@BrixTalk Күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell hi, I didn't know that this exists. Unfortunately I also didn't find a package for opensuse
@michael_tunnell 13 сағат бұрын
doesnt look like it is packaged for opensuse but there is a verified Flatpak at again, not saying this is a solution, I have no idea lol
@Cootshk 2 күн бұрын
30:33 you can just apt install plasma-desktop-full and change your login manager to sddm when prompted
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
KDE Plasma is not supported in Mint at all so while you can do this, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone new to Linux, I would just tell them to use Kubuntu.
@russelmendoza 2 күн бұрын
The passive aggressive tone against Ubuntu!
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
LOL what?! At what point in the video was I passive aggressive? I think you are just seeing me being tired but I’m curious where you see it that way
@willcoder 2 күн бұрын
My biggest problem with Fedora 40 came from MariaDB jumping from 10.5 to 10.11, on a server running Django 5.x, with a model using a UUIDField. Django changes behavior based on detecting the _version_ of mariaDB that it's talking to... It assumes all UUIDFields on MariaDB >= 10.7 were originally created using a native UUID column type. Sadly, before Fedora 40, with MariaDB 10.5, Django would create UUIDFields as a Char(32)... Then after upgrading to Fedora 40, Django tries to store "native" UUIDs which include the hyphens... meaning 36 characters long... So sad. Max length errors until you fix it (quickly, before any new UUIDs get inserted, or lookups fail for users): first migrate the UUIDField to CharField(max_length=36), and apply to the DB, then immediately do another migration back to UUIDField, and MariaDB will cast the old non-hyphenated rows into its native UUID type, so you don't lose any rows. It's a little hair-raising. I don't blame Fedora maintainers... This is weird runtime behavior adaptation inside Django that I think wasn't fully baked.
@Etchacritic 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been using Fedora 40’s Cinnamon spin, it’s really nice. Not as customizable as KDE, but it’s a lot more intuitive where it counts.
@breadmoth6443 2 күн бұрын
thing is , wayland has already been around for over 10 years, so how much longer until it is"ready" ?
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts, my response to your question is "probably a couple more years". The context of that answer expresses that in a good way because Wayland is very very close to done and when you compare it to the Xorg timeline, it is drastically faster than X development. For direct comparison sake, it took X 22 years to become a solid option for those looking to use Linux. X was first released in 1984. The point of which Linux became a solid option for a large amount of people was around 2006. X had been out for 22 years and X11 had been out for 19 years at this time . . . yes X11 was the last major version of X and it was released in 1987. Wayland is taking a while but less than X and X had nothing to be compared to and Wayland is trying to replace something that has been in use for 40 years . . . its a lot to do.
@breadmoth6443 Күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell its been 10 years though, more than that, by the time wayland gets "ready", it may as well be almost as old as x was or is soon.
@michael_tunnell 13 сағат бұрын
Yes, Wayland is taking a while, in fact its been developed for almost 16 years now. Yea I think maybe it takes 2 more years and a total of 18 years to replace X11 but that is 4 years faster than Xorg did it in and Xorg in 2006 was still far from solid. I dont think it was until 2010 that Linux desktop became average user friendly to use. Here's the thing though Wayland is having to do this while having to implement 4 decades worth of feature parity. If they only need 2 more years to do it then I would find that rather impressive. X was competing with nothing and didnt have to offer feature parity with anything. Wayland has to replace a massive project that has had 4 decades of development and is required to offer feature parity. This is a very difficult thing to do and takes a lot of time. A display server is one of the most core components of a desktop solution so it is going to be a mountain to climb to replace one so I am not all that surprised it is taking so long and a drop in replacement where most people never notice the change is what is needed from Wayland. This is a very hard thing to do at any level but at this level its kind of insane.
@breadmoth6443 2 күн бұрын
glad this has proper audio - i don't care if the mic is in the shot , i can hear you better. maybe you should also consider some foam padding on the walls, that could also improve things.
@Starcom70 2 күн бұрын
Is anybody going to cover the fact that the Ubuntu 24.04 installer does not support LVM if you choose custom partitioning during the installation process.?
@michael_tunnell 2 күн бұрын
I didn’t know that was a thing to cover 🤷‍♂️
@ShaunakHub 2 күн бұрын
I am curious to know about this obsession with yaml files for configuration. For a layman like me (and I think Linux as a community should try to grab more people like me if it wants to gain more market share since we are greater than 99% of users 😀) it is often very tough to write it / copy paste and then edit it as one extra / less space here and there and the config wont work. I wonder why people haven't thought about a better option... It is kind of funny how Nextcloud stole the thunder from the big boys (Ubuntu & Fedora) with their release!
@willcoder 2 күн бұрын
God I hate YAML when it's longer than one screen, or with more than 3-4 levels of indentation.... It's seriously fragile, and config doesn't need more ways to break.
@fishofthepeople 2 күн бұрын
I heard Github Colorado
@solidandshade 2 күн бұрын
Yesterday I backed up my files and booted with Fedora 40 usb with the full intent of using it as my daily driver. Nope. Gnome desktop + wayland still flickers with nvidia. Also weird bugs like only top left quarter of the youtube videos displayed on my screen (4k video, 4k monitor with 200% scaling). Then I checked out Ubuntu. Aaand both windows and mouse cursor randomly flickers as well. And mouse cursor moving super slow when playing a video. I went back to my xorg mint cinnamon.
@michael_tunnell 2 күн бұрын
understandable decision and yes, Nvidia still has issues with Wayland. I covered some news on a previous episode that will fix that in a few months or so but right now it is still an problem. I am curious if you have tried Plasma and have the same problems. I think you might with Fedora 40 KDE as it will have Wayland only but Kubuntu 24.04 supports X11. It's not Plasma 6 but Plasma 5 is very good too so I think Kubuntu is worth looking into if you haven't. Alternatively, just keeping Mint Cinnamon is a solid option too. :D
@solidandshade 2 күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell Last time I tried Kde was few months after debian 12 came out and I had very similar issues. But no, I have not tried it on Fedora yet. Also I just tested these on live USB. To be fair maybe if I had fully installed and updated, it could work out (I did this with debian and it didn't). I am going to wait for a bit more. Mint works for now but Clem says he will eventually move to wayland too. I hope Wayland gets good with nvidia drivers very soon.
@DCM777. Күн бұрын
Modify /etc/default/grub and add nvidia_drm.modeset=1 in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Regenerate grub.cfg by running grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg Reboot. The line will look like this : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet nvidia_drm.modeset=1 "
@tulsatrash 2 күн бұрын
The pak it flat.
@user-us2qt5hx6o Күн бұрын
@jorge86rodriguez 2 күн бұрын
I am also on kde fedora 40. I love fedora because it has all latest technology and is stable. I do not have the patience to use arch X_x
@fuseteam 2 күн бұрын
Did hear that right? Bazzite has steamdeck support......
@rallealyt 2 күн бұрын
I updated 4 different machines (only two had the same hardware) from Ubuntu 23.10 to Ubuntu 24.04 Beta, using terminal, with zero problems.
@DanI-xf6ym 2 күн бұрын
Hi Michael and Everyone! You mentioned running Fedora 40 pre-beta. I did the same thing, but I decided to re-install from scratch after learning about the liblzma exploit that existed in Fedora 40 pre-beta. I don't know if you narrowly squeaked by the window of the exploit being in the repos, but I would definitely check for any malicious activity on your system (Unfortunately the hacker(s) made looking at the SSH logs almost useless as well.). This exploit seems to have been very well developed over a long period of time, barely being detected at all, just by sheer luck... I don't mean to make everyone paranoid, but the security conscious person in me didn't like the idea using a system "someone" (some many probably...) had backdoor root ssh access into, even if only temporarily. I believe it was also able to work around firewalls as well. I would just check the timing on when you upgraded and when the exploit was removed (When liblzma/xz were brought back down to version 5.4.x, vs. 5.6.x). I'd imagine you already know this stuff, but for those here who didn't, please consider this a PSA to be careful and maybe as a justification to re-install from scratch if you used pre-beta Fedora, Ubuntu 24.04, or Debian 13, or derivatives. There are a few good videos about the exploit on the KZbin Channel "Low Level Learning" as well, which I'd definitely recommend for the curious. Good luck, I hope you're all fine, but just wanted to give you the heads-up, Dan
@whywhatwherein 2 күн бұрын
interesting, but it's a bit of TMI
@michael_tunnell 2 күн бұрын
What part was TMI? It was a monster size episode so I dont disagree but which parts specifically lol
@whywhatwherein Күн бұрын
​@@michael_tunnell No, that's not it. I felt like the topics were all interesting; it just felt like too many in the same video.
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
LOL oh I gotcha. I saw TMI as "being excessive" on a specific topic as in I made a topic go too long and be boring. If you just meant TMI as in too much overall then yea I could see that since it was a pretty long episode. The reason I laughed though is because it amuses me based on the history of this show. You are saying there are too many topics and if you go back far enough you will find that some episodes ranged from 12-25 topics and the duration of these episodes were minimum 35 minutes with the longest being 1 hour 10 minutes 51 seconds. LOL adding to my amusement is that I removed 2 topics slots this episode because I knew it would be a long one 😆
@louisfifteen 2 күн бұрын
We know Michael and we appreciate the time and effort you put into your work. I hope you recieve the support from the viewers you deserve. Just installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and I'm very hapy with it, but I'm also torn between Fedora and Ubuntum so we will see which one wins.
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
Thanks a lot! I am working on trying to build up this channel more and more so if all goes well then it should get much bigger. :D
@fuseteam 2 күн бұрын
Flathub: i'm the appstore for Linux Snapstore: i'm the appstore for Linux
@FrozenFlames243 2 күн бұрын
huh their battle will be legendary
@J-wm4ss 2 күн бұрын
flathub >>>
@Etchacritic 2 күн бұрын
That’s the great thing about Linux. We can have two, or three, or 10! 😊
@bhargavjitbhuyan9394 2 күн бұрын
Both are very inefficient. I tried some flatpaks but they use more resources. Like ram and storage.
@bhargavjitbhuyan9394 2 күн бұрын
​@@J-wm4ss Native Binary Packages>appimages/potable tar>flatpak>snaps.
@AhmedMohammed23 2 күн бұрын
just installed fedora 40 kde except for lenovo fingerprint sensor i'm very happy man
@GabrielGabeRodriguez 2 күн бұрын
Using fprint-open on popos, I'm sure it's the same for fedora
@AhmedMohammed23 2 күн бұрын
@@GabrielGabeRodriguez taking up your advice after research i found out my device (goodix fingerprint device) is on the unsupported list for fprint thanks anyway
@AhmedMohammed23 Күн бұрын
@@GabrielGabeRodriguez after some research i found out that my fedora comes with fprint but it doesn't support my sensor it's listed in their page for unsupported devices thanks anyway
@llomellamomario 2 күн бұрын
"Flathub is the appstore for linux" Well, and most of them are, for the lack of a more succint and less ahole way of saying it, a blight and a pest that should be erradicated. Sorry but it only has made me confirm the decision to steer away from it.
@sparxz2145 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for pointing out the poor choice of name of DSL. It comparable to Matrix previous being called "riot", and as you pointed out many times before "GIMP", etc. If they hired you as a marketing consultant, they could have had standardised "AWESOME" names instead. LOL.
@michael_tunnell 4 күн бұрын
I think you are trying to make fun of me with the "AWESOME" part as it seems sarcastic. I don't care about that but your comment includes inaccuracies and misinterpretation of what I said about DSL. I didnt say DSL was a poor choice, DSL was a name that was very accurate but it's not really all that true anymore because TinyCore was bigger than DSL and is now significantly smaller than DSL due to this change. DSL is also not trying to be a mainstream professional project so it doesnt really matter. I warned that I was saying it because I have had hundreds of people thank me for making a clean language show so they can listen to it while their kids are in the room and never have to worry about it. The amount of crap I was given because I am a polite person is pretty sad and silly. Riot was the first name of the Element client, Matrix protocol was always just Matrix. Though the Matrix name is not a good name because they are competing with the name of one of the most popular movie franchises ever made. Element is better than Riot and I covered this on TWIL years ago when they changed it to Element but it's not the best name ever and doesnt really matter since the Matrix name isnt good either. GIMP is a objectively terrible name for any project that wants to be taken seriously . . . and the original developers purposefully chose it as a joke and left the project before the 1.0 was ever released over 25 years ago. It's a bad name, they knew that, and didn't care . . . then they left because they dont care about it and no one has been willing to fix the name so GIMP isn't taken seriously by the industry and never will be. It is what it is.
@sparxz2145 Күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell Hi Michael, I am a long time listener to TWIL, and look forward to you professional up beat delivery. I sent you a message last year (and you responded) about my drawing attention to importance of "clean shows", having a wider appeal then many who don't. I take correction on Matrix protocol vs Riot come Element, clients. We share dislike of bad name unnecessary overhead. I was going to say your show is really "AWESOME", but you might take offence, so I'll just say it is good enough instead. Just kidding ! Your show is better than "AWESOME" ! LOL - I look forward to next episode of TWIL.
@michael_tunnell Күн бұрын
First of all, why the "AWESOME" in quotes? If the show is awesome, why must it be surrounded by quotations? LOL Seriously though, thanks for watching the show, I am glad you enjoy it. To clarify something, when I said I received a lot of hate, I was not including your comment in that but rather this episode had many comment threads yelling at me for censoring myself or whatever when I didnt even censor myself LOL the internet is weird. The latest episode was released yesterday and it is a very good one I think. I put a lot of editing effort into this one lol you should go watch that one immediately :D
@sparxz2145 Күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell In the Linux-sphere, it is a minority of shows, that do it clean. I had to stop listening. I am just down to two now. TWIL & Ask Noah. Keep up the good work.😉
@michael_tunnell 15 сағат бұрын
Well there is definitely one missing in your list then and that’s Destination Linux 😎
@AndersJackson 6 күн бұрын
Hm, I might transfer from Ubuntu to Mint now. I thought KDE had bad support for Wayland. KDE is a good DE, but I think GNOME is easier.
@michael_tunnell 6 күн бұрын
I agree that GNOME is easier but that’s because it’s so much more limited than KDE Plasma. KDE’s Wayland support was good in Plasma 5 but it is great in Plasma 6. A couple notes though, Linux Mint doesn’t have GNOME as an option , in case you switch you’ll likely want to use Cinnamon. Lastly, Ubuntu’s GNOME implementation is very different from the default offering that GNOME gives so it’s a pretty big difference in ease of use comparing to vanilla GNOME
@AndersJackson 6 күн бұрын
(It would be nice if you marked support companies part of your video. For transparency.)
@michael_tunnell 6 күн бұрын
I do that in the video, I say sponsored by in the video and it’s also the first thing in the description
@AndersJackson 6 күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell ok, I have no problem with sponsors, but it is good to have it marked from the real content. Except this, a great channel with good information, thanks!
@michael_tunnell 6 күн бұрын
I think it is fair to say it could be more clear but I try to be transparent. I suppose the wording of this one needs improvement. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for watching and the kind words about the content. Expect more content coming soon. :D
@AndersJackson 6 күн бұрын
Gnews are mail/net news application in GNU Emacs.
@walter_lesaulnier 7 күн бұрын
I'm glad I never used global themes- I like to mix and match parts of different themes. NO theming component should ever be able to run code- it is insanity to allow it. Especially when theming stuff is usually community based.
@ThePlayerOfGames 7 күн бұрын
Mandatory comment to hack the algorithm 🤓
@RichardLucas 8 күн бұрын
I don't think this is going to stop. It looks like a lot of things in the modern world are in an unstoppable doom spiral. I think this little niche isn't anywhere near alone in this. Sorry for being cynical but I've been around for 52 years and have seen _nothing_ that sucks about business, culture, or politics change for the better without some external force. If we even had an external force that could change things now (don't look to congress, ffs), it would also be catastrophic for the system we've built. We're in a literal doom spiral. It will stop when it all collapses under its own weight. For example, if I say to you, "Don't buy any games that require you to be online to run them", will you do that? No, probably not. So it's not just _them_ who can't stop. We can't stop, either. And they're just games.
@jkotran 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for your insight and thoughtful presentation.
@brads2041 8 күн бұрын
I love the ui teeks in the latest LibreOffice 😊
@paxdriver 8 күн бұрын
Tails update info is the sole reason I checked this video, fyi. No info whatsoever, disappointed.
@michael_tunnell 8 күн бұрын
This episode is from 3 years ago, what kind of update info were you expecting from a 3 year old coverage? Instead try the latest one from 3 months ago,
@guilherme5094 9 күн бұрын
@RichardLucas 9 күн бұрын
Yeah, innovation for its own sake is not rational, but go ahead. If you were in an enterprise environment, it would make sense to have an urge to stay ahead of competitors. But if you're competing for the sake of competing in open source, I think maybe you haven't understood the culture or the fact of what makes open source different. If Redis already works for you, then so will Redict. There is no automatic need for moar. If Redis doesn't work for you, then Redis doesn't work for you.
@linux42069 9 күн бұрын
I'm a big fan of lxqt. I love the ability to switch the wm base from open box to any other window manager
@michael_tunnell 9 күн бұрын
I agree, that is a really cool feature of LXQt
@MyReviews_karkan 9 күн бұрын
Man, I wish Bazzite was based on Arch. Not that I really care which distro it is, but I've had this endeavourOS install for over two years now and I have so many things everywhere across 4 drives and I'm scared to move and mess things up. Lol If Bazzite were based on arch, it would be an easy switch.
@VitisCZ 9 күн бұрын
Explicit sync fixing the stuttering issues on wayland? I'll believe it when i see it. It's not just problem with nvidia(while it's the most prominent there) it happens on intel igpus and amd gpus as well when different windows refresh at different rates
@Hinipe 9 күн бұрын
I'd like to see some benchmark comparisons between current and 2.0 LXQt versions. And I look forward to run LXQt 2.0 regardless.
@tmendoza6 10 күн бұрын
Damn it I love Linux
@ShaunakHub 10 күн бұрын
One of the biggest problem I have with Ubuntu Touch / UB Port is that there is no e mail client on it which can access Gmail/ Outlook account. Which honestly does not make sense, at least for me to use it. I bought a used Poco F1 specifically to try Ubuntu Touch, and was disappointed. After more than a decade of dev, I feel a decent mail client should have been a priority...
@0ctatr0n 10 күн бұрын
Like the smash button has been way overused.. a joke only works a couple of times. Change it up a bit, maybe "Up that thumb button"? Or Smash your thumb? no thats not it .. Up your thumb?... oh that sounds lurid welp you all know what I'm failing to say here.. Change out the script a bit more it's getting a bit tired.
@Hinipe 9 күн бұрын
Button up that thumb smash?
@michael_tunnell 9 күн бұрын
You don’t like it, some people do. Can’t please everyone. Besides I’ve been saying this for over 200 episodes, it’s now expected by many
@0ctatr0n 9 күн бұрын
@@michael_tunnell Time for an online survey!
@yash1152 10 күн бұрын
came here only for LXQT update news
@michael_tunnell 10 күн бұрын
That’s cool, feel free to stay 😎