The new cold war is making us poorer
NATO War Makes Us Poor
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@bascogolfer5210 Сағат бұрын
Long Live One China!
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
The "West" isn't Monolithic Either! C'mon y'all complain about racism and they say racially insensitive things.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
We are not in a cold war. The proxy wars have human beings in them fighting and dying. Show some humanity please.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
Tings you speak of the west in dehumanizing terms.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
China has slums. I have been in China. They have them. Some police carry guns. They do not have 1.4 billion anymore.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
China has slums. I have been in China. They have them. Some police carry guns. They do not have 1.4 billion anymore.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
Migration IS Colonialism
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
Migration IS Colonialism. To be fair it is racist to not equate them.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
China has a right to complain about European colonizing but also "colonized" Vietnam before they hot booted out.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
Why does Obama get a pass? That is Racist complexion privelage. He was building a trading block to box out China.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
Tings you speak about colonizing but you are also a "migration rights activist"???? Migration IS Colonization.
@sportsfisher9677 Күн бұрын
1 party rule is Imperial
@GravityKhan Күн бұрын
Britishers the repressor
@kaiki8490 3 күн бұрын
@tufsoft1 6 күн бұрын
I am English and I lived in Beijing between 2000 and 2012. When CCTV made a documentary about the Old Summer Palace (圆明园) I played the leader of the expeditionary force that burned the palace down (Lord Elgin). Later I moved back to live in Ireland and I wrote to the current Lord Elgin in Scotland and told him about it, he wrote back and said he still has a bottle of wine in his cellar that was given to his ancestor by Prince Kung.
@wesleyclayton1168 6 күн бұрын
Japanese imperialism was much brutal than British colonialism on Chinese people
@misterfu-to4kd 6 күн бұрын
Yes of course we should all learn the correct lessons from history and colonial powers should be held accountable for their actions. However, the problem with people who bring up these issues all the time is that they often have strong biases and do not apply the same standards across the board. Until they do they will lack credibility.
@jennylee740 6 күн бұрын
Never can and never will forget the opium wars
@ricardoavilapaulette7060 6 күн бұрын
In my view, British politicians are trapped in a mindset that can be traced to the already gone (in the early 20th century) British Empire. And continued or replaced (in the second half) by that of the "cold war". With that obsolete mindset they are hurting their people and causing turmoil in the whole planet. Thanks for the nice account of how things really are in China; and for the invitation to correct a situation that hasn't necessarily to be so.
@chowkarhoe 7 күн бұрын
@kasikwagoma6740 7 күн бұрын
As an African I understand your sentiment.
@jparsit 7 күн бұрын
Evil DNA is impossible to change, they never experience poverty.
@Hystericall 7 күн бұрын
Amazing depth of knowledge, wished the woman would have let him talk on further.
@Hystericall 7 күн бұрын
Impressive knowledge of history. Well spoken.
@erictansweebeng5498 8 күн бұрын
Jing Jing, check out Singapore's former Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan on why the use of the term 'Cold War' to describe the current conflict between the US and China is incorrect.
@JayeNi 11 күн бұрын
I’m also a Chines but from Malaysia
@lawrencepak1917 15 күн бұрын
Totally agree with you on US stupidity and hypocrisy!
@mariettestabel275 17 күн бұрын
There are Thinkers who have not spoken yet....
@albyrnes3815 21 күн бұрын
China was indeed a victim of Colonialism! I like seeing China helping other Nations Still under the Thumb of US/UK Colonialism, with your Road and Belt Initiative! US/UK/EU still addicted to War, which only feeds the Wealthy…. While China takes the High Road, acting with Integrity and Respect for others! Bravo! US/UK/ EU still have many lessons to learn, Scum like Senator Lindsey Graham calls for War with Iran, China…… The American people are So Ignorant, they Bash China, not understanding that without China, their economy would be Non Existent….as China holds Hundreds of Billions of U.S. Treasury Bills….. They could Sell them off in One Day, if they were Malicious like US!
@suckAsovUkraine 28 күн бұрын
Mao contributed 100 million Chinese dead through purge, famine, cultural revolution and counter -revolution. LI Ching Ching grand ma was Mao personnal ex-consort.
@williampurdy4178 29 күн бұрын
Go live elsewhere if you feel that way, go live in your Muslim background country, we've live in freedom and safe for yesrs and years and you got some nerve thsy our armies have lost many wars,
@richardliu7499 Ай бұрын
You cannot keep that hate within you. Just let go and move on and see how take over like what Japanese did after 2nd war. They learn and produce goods to be sold worldwide. Get the economy going. A rich and fair country will gain respects as American or Western world are losing it- Their own respect and dignity. China are doing the right things with their foreign polices.
@grandwonder5858 Ай бұрын
There’s no telling how much the US actually spends on its military since the US lies about everything all the time, especially when it comes to its military! But some experts have estimated the US spends approximately $1.56 trillion on its military annually. These experts also pointed out there are numerous military spendings that the US doesn’t add onto its military spendings total, such as nuclear warheads and veteran benefits.
@shyamdevadas6099 Ай бұрын
I have to add that the latter half of this video seems to ignore the actions of China that can be justly considered as provocative. This goes beyond military expansion. Belt and Road has an expansionist component, as do the construction of artificial islands and maritime harassment in the Philippines and Taiwan.
@shyamdevadas6099 Ай бұрын
I agree that collapse is probably exaggerated. When I was in grad school over 20 years ago, many were predicting collapse. When we visited China in 2007 (which included a visit to Renmin Daxue), few of the future issues were being discussed. Personally, I don't buy the predictions of total collapse. I think the biggest challenges are demographic decline and the real estate bubble. These are tangible issues that will need to be dealt with. China may exacerbate the issue if they choose an adventure in Taiwan. But, in the end I personally believe that the country will somehow adapt.
@ironhand9096 Ай бұрын
China isn’t my enemy. Just wish the media would stop promoting the American propaganda.
@shanewilson2484 Ай бұрын
North Korea hasn't collapsed even though its citizenry has stunted growth on average compared to South Korea. If Xi gets more authoritarian it will help entrench his regime not collapse it. Gorbachev liberalised the information and political space and that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and its communist ally political leaderships in Eastern Europe.
@jmwSeattle Ай бұрын
Collapse of CCP not China. Slowly at first then suddenly. Bumped out.
@ramongabutina8015 Ай бұрын
Let's have a credible public opinion survey.
@afzaalkhan.m Ай бұрын
Brilliantly exemplified
@PahatRout Ай бұрын
Because of her past history, in such a confrontation, Japan will be the first to be wiped out by China.
@francisPello Ай бұрын
Is john a chinese citizen?
@awjames1121 Ай бұрын
War and economics experts suggest that why not we all presume that usa defaults on 31.4 trillions usa dollars very very hugh financial debts troubles now and crisis now, is actually means usa is actually a bankruptcy nation now,,??? And collapse anytime when enemy of usa just poking the balloons air off usa,,?. And all gas in the balloon sure automatic becomes like like a piece of plastic balloon jacket,,,?.. And usa overprinted 500 trillions usa dollars very very hugh financial debts crisis now,,?.. and usa dare to overprinted BUT not dare to assure and guarantee its overprinted dollars trustworthy now,,??. Means usa has no more gold bars or gold coins to assure and guarantee usa dollars anymore now,,,??. So we ell use our common sense knowledge and wise judgements on usa,,?. Will usa survive or not,, you all guess,,?.. And for uk and European nations,, we all know, uk is actually broke and broken,,?. And European nations are all drag down by usa,,,???. All in very very terrible bad shape now,,,?... So we suggest that we all just imagine usa, uk, and European nations,,???... can usa and gangs , recover or not able to survive at all times,,,???......????.
@marcv2648 Ай бұрын
MAGA is a peace movement. We have said that from the beginning. No new wars. If you want peace, then vote Trump. The Democrat party forced us into conflict with Russia by virtue signaling Slava Ukraine. And all because Hillary Clinton blamed her loss on Russia.
@kanpakloykan7105 Ай бұрын
The US & the west progress at the expense of other civilasation & have ulterior motive on the pretence of helpong other people. This Confucius had predicted will collapse within their life time
@LividDivid Ай бұрын
This guy is a joke
@charlesyang4923 Ай бұрын
Well said. The future of tricontinental integration ”Looking at the past for a basis of hope and action for the future”. I would also add “Action taken today leads to tomorrow’s results, and any leader MUST behave both a)a student of the history and b)a visionary of the future”. That’s how human race advance not just technologically but culturally as well as consciously.
@wonderplanet343 Ай бұрын
The starvation under Mao was considerable, so I can’t trust John’s thinking. Yet he has good ideas that USA should seek peace not conflict. ❤
@markfischer3626 Ай бұрын
China's GNI in US dollars is 4 trillion dollars a year based on a GNI/GDP. ratio of 0.5 PPP of 4.0, and a claimed GDP adjusted for PPP of 17 trillion a year. It's claimed debt to GDP ratio is 300 percent or 51 trillion dollars. It could be as high as 100 trillion dollars. Industry, money, export orders are fleeing China like rats deserting a sinking ship. Its aggressive policies have made enemies all over the world. It's trade war with the US has been joined by Europe, Japan, South Korea among others. Falling factory gate prices and rising unemployment indicate a depression that will never end. Every one of its hairbrain schemes have failed including the petroyuan, one belt one road, AIIB, EVs. BRICS should be called BROKES. Tell me one ray of hope.
@awjames1121 Ай бұрын
We all just thinking smart,,?. You daydreaming that china is going to collapse,,,?.. But you overlooked the fact that usa defaults on 31.4 trillions usa dollars very very hugh financial debts troubles now and debts troubles and crisis now,,,???.... and usa even approaching china to help usa, and buy more usa debts bonds notes,,,?.....