@pin9r 2 сағат бұрын
„All the time you have to leave a space“
@911marcus 6 сағат бұрын
Close call 😮
@user199543999 9 сағат бұрын
When the GT4 RS suddenly becomes a G-Class.
@chrispbacon212 11 сағат бұрын
gerade ausm bellof S raus ist es seeeeeehr knapp, da anzusetzen... Du kommst runter, musst hart einschlagen, dann wieder bisschen aufmachen um gerade rauszukommen, denke das hier egal wer welche trackposition inne hat, die sekunde hat jeder zeit, bis jedes fahrzeug wieder handelbar ist, also nach , nicht im s.... macht sinn? :D
@fabpian6644 15 сағат бұрын
@JakeBM4 15 сағат бұрын
Close one, glad all ok!
@B88_f 15 сағат бұрын
Slow ass bikers around corners! 4 fat tyres against 2 slim tyres it’s no content so be especially careful as a biker!
@alfanta 17 сағат бұрын
Genau an dieser Stelle habe ich, weil ich einem Motorrad ausweichen musste, vor 30 Jahren meinen 190E 2.3 16V eingeplankt.
@martindunning364 18 сағат бұрын
You can tell that most people who think this was the bikers fault & talking about checking mirrors have blatantly never ridden a bike in there life!!! Riding a bike and making a bike turn at them Speeds requires a lot of body input and at the speeds you need to look where you want to be !!! That biker will have had no idea the car was there!! Riding a bike is a lot harder than Driving a car !!!! in my opinion the driver did not understand bike lines and mistook the biker pulling in tight to apex as a green light to pass but here is the problem, unless you see indicators and are completely sure the person in front has seen you you do not pass! this i’m guessing was a tourist day The yellow porsche was being aggressive with all his overtakes and driving like that on a TF day will get someone hurt or killed eventually!! Stop Racing on TF days and actually go racing properly don’t forget this is a Public Road / Toll road 👍🏻
@xthilox 16 сағат бұрын
There was no timing or racing .. but yes both sides could have reacted differently to avoid this situation 👍🏼 during tf (especially between cars and bikes) everybody needs to watch out more for the others
@macbitz Күн бұрын
Close call and I'm glad everyone made it home safely. Banning bikes from TF is treating bikers like 2nd class citizens and banning bikes altogether as some have suggested is not a solution, they should be able to enjoy the track just like everyone else. However, maybe more scrutiny on how things could be made safer when cars and bikes mix during TF, is warranted.
@DucaJosh89 Күн бұрын
Ist doch abzusehen das der biker auf der idealline bleibt wo soll der bei der Geschwindigkeit auch sonst hin? 90% der kommentare von Leuten die noch nie nordschleife waren oder überhaupt auf einem Motorrad. Der Porsche hätte den biker selbst wenn der rechts geblieben wäre erwischt wenn der nicht ins gras wäre… überholt an einer stelle wo man definitiv nicht bei Touristenfahrten überholt. Es sind touristenfahrten keine renn Fahrten wann checkt ihr mal den unterschied? Ich verstehe das man versucht schnell zu sein aber was zum teufel gewinnt ihr am ende des Tages? Einen Pokal oder worum geht es bei Touristenfahrten? Um Spass und miteinander. Geht mir so auf den sack das ganze echt sorry leute aber was bringt es uns allen, wenn dadurch ständig unfälle passieren? Selbst auf einem trackday wird nicht alles riskiert Am ende stellt euch jetzt eine frage: Hätte der auch so überholt wenn dort statt Motorrad ein auto gewesen wäre? Richtig nein damit ist die Antwort auf der Hand. Ob der biker das Auto gesehen hat oder nicht riskiert selbst zuviel nutzt aber die volle breite genauso wie die zwei hinter ihm auch Vergessen wird oft auch das dort leute sind die das erste mal auf dem ring sind. Denkt immer daran wenn die runde nicht perfekt wird: Es gibt auch noch ein MORGEN In dem Sinne bleibt alle achtsam und passt auf euch gegenseitig auf
@thecasualpetrolhead Күн бұрын
That was very very close! Looks like old school Megane train video.
@Neil_CHT Күн бұрын
Silly fault but hats off to the Porsche for taking to the grass to avoid him, a move like that could have destroyed the Porsche if it spun.
@chrispayne4250 Күн бұрын
On most race tracks the guy on the bike would be significantly faster then the car but the ring is different it’s barely got any straights just weaving flowing corners non stop.
@till6032 Күн бұрын
überholer muss sich frei halten
@salvadort1444 Күн бұрын
Respect @xthilox how you take the time to respond so many comments, while often ending up with roughly the same answer. Your driving skills are beyond doubt, your videos a pleasure to watch and you deserve many more viewers than you already have.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
thank you very much man 👍🏻 i try my best to get in touch with my community .. but dont have time to do more personal content (what the algorithm of youtube wants ;-))
@FCKU9969 Күн бұрын
bike think: I#m so only one one the Ring.... this should be shown to every biker bevor they are allowed to drive on it
@gamegod7856 Күн бұрын
Spot on! 👍
@xthilox Күн бұрын
not THAT easy. there is no 100% blame on one party ... misunderstanding and luckily no one got hurt/killed
@ENGBriseB Күн бұрын
That was a great proformance from yourself Thilo. Keeping up with the RS. Unfortunately the bike. Obviously too close but no accident. Hopefully something learnt from this.
@danielenticknap7540 Күн бұрын
You were clearly much quicker than the other guy. Why did he not let you go by? Regardless, I’m glad all are okay!
@xthilox Күн бұрын
cause we wanted to have a cool lap together and he was much faster on the straights ;-) glad everybody is okay 👌
@MrROBatLE Күн бұрын
Vollkommen dumme Aktion von dem Porsche. Bitte das Hirn benutzen.
@Toxik_Tobi Күн бұрын
Hauptsache noch mal den Finger gegeben der Biker... Im Namen aller Biker entschuldige ich mich für diese massive Unachtsamkeit und ganz besonders für den Finger.... Traurig :( Als Biker selber keine Übersicht zu haben, was um einen rum passiert und dann anderen die Schuld geben... So läuft das halt nicht.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
Wie beschrieben habe sich beide später die Hände geschüttelt und es ist zum Glück niemanden was passiert. Die „Schuld“ liegt nicht 100% auf einer Seite 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@Toxik_Tobi Күн бұрын
@@xthilox Ja, zum Glück nicht mehr passiert. Ist auch wichtig dass man sich danach noch mal ausspricht. Aber ich sage immer... Wenn man noch Zeit hat den Finger zu zeigen, war man absolut nicht am Limit. Und dann hat man auch die Zeit zu checken was um einen rum passiert.
@tocsa120ls Күн бұрын
diesmal ist der TF GP gut gegangen... was passiert wenn's nicht passt?
@chrisjay7736 Күн бұрын
Hey TF bikers that claim you cant see traffic coming, here is an idea mount a camera on your rear and display it instead of the speedo.
@NerdburgChannel Күн бұрын
If you attempt to overtake a bike through there without knowing the bike has seen you, you are asking for trouble.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
tbh it looked like he saw us coming .. he braked .. it looked like he watched in the mirror .. reacted and went right .. but then it was clear that this was a misunderstandig. praise god nobody was hurt
@CubanRider Күн бұрын
That wasn't a good call on the pass, but excellent reaction nonetheless, saved it from becoming a real bad incident. I'm disappointed by the amount of riders I see who do not check their mirrors here. 😕 Great driving btw!
@triedproven9908 23 сағат бұрын
You cannot reward a bad pass. Yellow rs driver was being way too aggressive at multiple points like when that series of 3 cars yielded for that left turn and the rs driver darts right behind the yielding car to get all of the racing line instead of sticking to the passing line, the inside line. and if he was such a great driver he wouldn't have been braking excessively and xthilo would not have kept up.
@uwesenft9304 Күн бұрын
Ich finde der Motoradfahrer hat nicht aufgepasst. Er sollte bei dem gelben Porschefahrer Dank sagen.I Eine sehr spannende Verfolgungsjagt, ganz großer Rennsport❤😊
@tluehrig 5 сағат бұрын
Das stimmt so nicht. Auf einem Motorrad bist Du körperlich viel mehr gefordert, als im Auto und Deine Sicht nach hinten ist recht begrenzt - überhaupt nicht mit einem Auto vergleichbar. Man ist auf einem Motorrad aus vielen Gründen der Schwächere, nicht nur wegen dem fehlenden Blech. Unter anderem wegen solchen Fehleinschätzungen von Autofahrern werden viele Motorräder „abgeräumt“ - da fehlt einfach jegliches Verständnis
@MLN1337 Күн бұрын
ja leck mich am arsch. Ob man da unbedingt überholen muss ist mit auto gegen auto, schon schwierig =D . Aber guter Save. Der Biker hätte großes aua sonst gehabt :D.
@CJ-zi9fg Күн бұрын
Cars fault 100%. He nearly killed that biker. I've done over 100 laps of the ring in a car and 0 on a bike. You need to respect bikers a whole lot more than a car. End of. Pass them how you would want to be passed
@xthilox Күн бұрын
It’s not 100% on one side. Glad nobody was hurt
@gamegod7856 Күн бұрын
The rules about driving on the Nordschleife during touristenfahrten conditions are clear and unambiguous. You should always drive on the right, as if there were 2 lanes, only going to the left "lane" to overtake. You can use all the tarmac width and drive racing-like trajectories: outside-apex-outside when there are no vehicules coming behind you. The biker should have made sure that there was no traffic coming behind before comiting to such trajectories. The rules are the same for everyone, the biker blatantly disrespected the rules at his own peril!
@finnsxc3610 Күн бұрын
It is not a racetrack , prepare for everything , if you drive there as a racetrack this happens !!!
@th3orist Күн бұрын
i think even if the biker might have not checked his mirros enough, the porsche was way too pushy towards the biker. It might have been "ok" (not really) with another car, but a biker, you keep a healthy distance and that particular part of the track is extremely fast and there is no room for error basically. So i say its on the Porsche.
@Florent-R Күн бұрын
Looks like the biker did it on purpose!! Absolutely not in the right path !
@xthilox Күн бұрын
Nobody risks his life on purpose;-) glad everybody is okay 🙏🏼
@Florent-R Күн бұрын
@@xthilox yes of course thats all that matters, but damn !
@germerican100 Күн бұрын
If you re chasing laptimes, Go do trackdays. Ouh wait there’s none for bikes on NOS. Not a good part of the track to overtake a biker. Anyways when you’re going there your willing to accept the risks that come with it.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
I think this has nothing to do with laptimes. But glad that everybody is okay 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@Florent-R Күн бұрын
Biker’s fault 100%. He was going in the grass if the car wasn’t here. Wtf !!
@xthilox Күн бұрын
its not THAT simple and not 100% on one side.
@triedproven9908 Күн бұрын
Bike was in the right, porsche driver wrong. Bikes going to use all the track porsche driver should know this. Driver should have used more caution for his 2 wheel'd friend.
@gamegod7856 Күн бұрын
"Bikes going to use all the track" and then do it wrongly, they shouldn't "use all the track", the rules about driving on the Nordschleife during touristenfahrten conditions are clear and unambiguous. You should always drive on the right, as if there were 2 lanes, only going to the left "lane" to overtake. You can use all the tarmac width and drive racing-like trajectories: outside-apex-outside when there are no vehicules coming behind you. The biker should have made sure that there was no traffic coming behind before comiting to such trajectories.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
its not that simple. the "fault" is on both sides. thanks god that everybody is okay
@triedproven9908 Күн бұрын
@@xthilox Brother love your vids but trying to pass a bike on the outside of a corner exit? Getting pushed off is imminent. The biker can't change his course especially if he's getting all of the track. If he tries to turn in more he loses the front or upsets the bike all of which puts him on the ground. You have to yield for the bike.
@triedproven9908 23 сағат бұрын
@gamegod7856 ok then if you are right in your thought process where should the biker have noticed the traffic and yielded? During the long right sweeper where they rolled up on him? In the middle of the switch backs? Or exactly where he did after navigating high speed twisties waving his fist in discust. That area of the track is not even a passing place for cars let alone a bike man come on.
@xthilox 16 сағат бұрын
@@triedproven9908 I meant .. it really looked like he saw us coming cause his head moved like he was checking the mirror.. then braked and moved to the right and decreased speed like he wanted to let us pass. But then in the next second (as to be seen) it was a big misunderstanding and both were lucky that they reacted like that 🙏🏼 if he checked the mirror he could have let pass .. and on the other side the RS could clearly have waited for a sign to pass or till the straight 🙏🏼 glad nobody was hurt
@chickengeorge_8261 Күн бұрын
Bikes shouldn't be allowed on the nurburgring
@jblamires Күн бұрын
It can't be easy to have such a good driver behind you. Even if I was quicker on the straights, I'd prefer to drop behind and try to learn from them. Not sure who, if anyone was at fault here, but I'm glad everyone survived unscathed to lap another day.
@traceofmaze Күн бұрын
Just because you should drive at the right side, its not a permission for faster cars to overtake everywhere - its just selfish at this part of the track to overtake just for the love of BTG (and everywhere else too). Everyone knows this section is really fast, small and bumpy. The car behind is responsible , never the car in front. This rule also applies to track days. If you want to fight, go for a real race.
@gamegod7856 Күн бұрын
The rules about driving on the Nordschleife during touristenfahrten conditions are clear and unambiguous. You should always drive on the right, as if there were 2 lanes, only going to the left "lane" to overtake. You can use all the tarmac width and drive racing-like trajectories: outside-apex-outside when there are no vehicules coming behind you. The biker should have made sure that there was no traffic coming behind before comiting to such trajectories.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
it "simply" was a misunderstanding. it really looks like he saw us coming and reacted that way (mirrorcheck, moving to the right, braking) .. but it was not like it seemed. thx god nobody was hurt
@XuLiaNGZ Күн бұрын
No se quien tiene mas culpa, supongo que un poco los dos. No hay que olvidar que TF es para todos y toda clase de conductores. Por suerte no hubo heridos y todos felices. Gran vuelta como siempre un placer verte rodar.
@E92_ringtool Күн бұрын
Ganz ehrlich, man muss besonders auf der Nordschleife immer mit der Dummheit anderer rechnen und für diese mitdenken. Dann kann ich da nicht so gottlos drauf halten als ob keiner da wäre... Ja, der gelbe überholt ordnungsgemäß links. Ja, er ist deutlich schneller. Ja, es ist auch mMn nicht sein Fehler. Aber langsamerer Teilnehmer fahren auch nicht nonstop im Rückspiegel. Daher würde es einigen Fahrern am Ring gut tun manchmal das Messer aus dem Mund zu nehmen und 2 Sekunden halt 2 Sekunden sein zu lassen... Meine Meinung... 🤷
@xthilox Күн бұрын
Zum Glück nichts passiert .. „Schuldfrage“ ist hier eindeutig .. „eindeutig unentschieden“ ;)
@E92_ringtool Күн бұрын
@@xthilox Ganz der Makler, immer für beide Seiten da ;)
@xthilox Күн бұрын
@@E92_ringtool :-D haha .. naja ich dachte im ersten moment auch er hat uns gesehen...aber ja, ich hätte auch nicht reingestochen ;-)
@laokoon3141 Күн бұрын
On TF you have to stay on the right side as long as there js noone behind. If you want to drive racing line you have to be sure there is noone who wants to overtake or go for a track day with its own driving rules.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
A misunderstanding which nearly gone wrong. I Won’t blame just One Party.
@gamegod7856 Күн бұрын
Exactly!!! The rules about driving on the Nordschleife during touristenfahrten conditions are clear and unambiguous. You should always drive on the right, as if there were 2 lanes, only going to the left "lane" to overtake. You can use all the tarmac width and drive racing-like trajectories: outside-apex-outside when there are no vehicules coming behind you. The biker should have made sure that there was no traffic coming behind before comiting to such trajectories.
@718Insomniac Күн бұрын
Was that a normal racing line for the motorcycle? I can understand why the driver went for the overtake, and even if it wasnt a public day, thats still huge risk factor overtake. Also, Xilox racing lines are like butter compared to the yellow porsche. I bet his tires did not appreciate it, hahaha. Good stuff man! Imagine if you could compare tread wear loss at the end of a run to your rival! For more bragging rights, hehehe =]
@lwolive Күн бұрын
There are no racing lines in TF. For insurance purposes its a 2 lane, one way toll road. In Germany you should be in the right hand lane unless overtaking, and you should not pull into the left lane without checking mirrors and indicating. That said, the yellow Porsche driver was at fault for assuming the bike had seen him and was consenting to the overtake. The biker should not have swapped lanes without checking mirrors. So this is definitely 50:50 but its a game people can pay with their lives. Theres no prizes awarded for TF and everyone has paid the same for the lap. Just my $2 anyway
@rootless3339 15 сағат бұрын
You mean the driving line of the Xilox is much better than the Porsche in front of him? Indeed, the steering and "racing" line looks quite abrupt to me sometimes but I'm far from a specialist :). So you also mean tread wear of the Porsche in front would be way more since steering angles and throttle etc.?
@lwolive 11 сағат бұрын
@@rootless3339 there are no driving line or racing lines during TF, only on closed circuit trackdays or races. If an accident occurs, police will investigate and apportion blame accordingly. The main issue is that once again, someone has nearly died because irresponsible drivers are chasing some imaginary laptime during public TF sessions. If you play with feathers you're gonna get your arse tickled eventually
@rootless3339 11 сағат бұрын
@@718Insomniac forgot to tag you!
@rootless3339 11 сағат бұрын
@@lwolive indeed, hence the “racing” line but thanks for making it clear!
@Mateusz-jl1sv Күн бұрын
Bikes and cars have absolutely different braking points, tracks etc. Most of the drivers don’t understand that. There should be dedicated sessions for each kind of vehicle.
@augustortiz Күн бұрын
Racing incident
@xthilox Күн бұрын
During tf there are only official street rules 😅
@barisbalta Күн бұрын
Everything happened just like in 10-15 seconds. Porsche was in bike's mirror like in 7:30 and incident happened in 7:42 . There was enough time to check mirrors. I believe that Porsche driver assumed that bike was aware of him/her which is a misjudgement. Biker also wasn't aware of the surrounding traffic. Common mistakes in TF in both ways. Luckily no accidents and everyone is safe. 🙏🏻
@Leghes Күн бұрын
The boy with the motorbike should sell his motorbike and buy a bicycle. Unable.
@xthilox Күн бұрын
please don't make those harsh judgments when not having done a meter on a bike/this track ✌🏻
@MrPyrofreak99 Күн бұрын
Oh man oh man, gut das nichts passiert ist, am besten immer ordentlich lichthupe geben vor dem überholen wenn man deutlich schneller unterwegs ist, ich fahre selber ab und zu bin aber auch anfänger, manchmal guckste 10 sek nicht im spiegel weil dich auf die strecke konzentrierst und dann saust da einer mit n affentempo an dir vorbei :D ist nicht immer einfach sich auf alles zu konzentriert , grad wenn man die stecke noch nicht ganz so gut auswendig kennt, aber sehe hier auch eher die schuld an dem biker, obwohl ich selber fahre, aber anderseits hätte der porsche auch noch kurz warten können, sind halt keine trackdays sondern touristenfahrten... das sollte man nicht vergessen
@xthilox Күн бұрын
ja das war wirklich sehr knapp .. wird für beide ein Erlebnis "fürs nächste Mal" sein ;-) Gott sei Dank ist nichts passiert 🙏🏻
@DerMopedTyp Күн бұрын
As a biker on the Nordschleife, I actually see the fault more with the motorcyclist. The Porsche driver reacted extremely well, but could perhaps have been a little more patient. The biker could have been more attentive and not let himself drift out so far.
@triedproven9908 Күн бұрын
As a biker if you are riding at speed you know the only path the bike goes is outside inside, outside. A bike literally cannot turn in while exiting a corner. The physics don't allow it. If you brake you'll stand up more pushing you out. The only thing you can do is follow your line. The porsche driver should have waited for a better place to pass, like a half a second later when the bike would have yeilded after exiting the corner.
@martindunning364 18 сағат бұрын
I’ve just watched your laps of nordschleife and you take the exact same line as the biker in the video, Shocked that you think the biker will have been able to check his mirrors at such a fast section of track, it’s not like he would have been sat up , you can’t see your mirrors properly when you are tucked in or leaning or looking where you want to be
@DerMopedTyp 13 сағат бұрын
@@martindunning364 @triedproven9908 i'm not saying that the Porsche did nothing wrong, but the motorcyclist could have noticed that two Porsches were approaching from behind. Most motorcyclists don't look enough in the rear-view mirror or don't look at all. And he definitely pulls out too far, even for the ideal line. It looks as he is setting the apex too early and the Porsche sees this as an overtaking confirmation
@triedproven9908 5 сағат бұрын
@@DerMopedTyp the bikers line doesn't change and is set from the entry of the corner. The road kinks back right at the exit. There was clearly never anywhere for the rs driver to pass there.
@DunkenBE100 Күн бұрын
Schwierig, der war sowieso ständig etwas drüber bei einer suboptimalen Linie… und überholt zu aggressiv…viel Glück gehabt..
@xthilox Күн бұрын
ja so ein OEM RS fährt sich leider (oder zum Glück) nicht so präzise wie unsere Apparate ;-) .. Aber JA .. haben beide viel Glück gehabt. Es sah aber echt so aus in dem Moment als wenn er uns gesehen hat und Platz macht .. aber ja...hätte auch kurz abgewartet ;)
@MrMegacurie Күн бұрын
@@xthiloxSeine vorausschauende Fahrweise zeigt sich schon @1:39
@xthilox Күн бұрын
@@MrMegacurie naja nur weil er dem Wunsch des Audis nicht nachkommt, dass wir ihn rechts überholen und die Regeln nicht kennt, würde ich jetzt nicht daraus ableiten das der GT4RS nicht vorrausschauend fährt.
@alexstewart1212 Күн бұрын
GT4 RS did well to react like that after the mistake. Bravo
@ToraxXxBS Күн бұрын
Ich bleib dabei. Motorräder und Autos haben nichts gemeinsam auf der Strecke zu suchen.
@traceofmaze Күн бұрын
Warum? Beim Fahrradfahrer legst Du es doch auch nicht drauf an, ums Verrecken zu überholen. Dann geht man halt runter vom Gas und überholt, wo es sicher ist. Hier war klar die "Bestzeit" bzw. das Rennen gegen xthilox der Auslöser.
@ToraxXxBS Күн бұрын
@@traceofmaze ich bin auch der Überzeugung, das Radfahrer nichts auf der Straße zu suchen haben... Und ja, ich fahre selber Fahrrad und zwar nicht auf der Straße. Das Argument zieht bei mir nicht 😅
@ToraxXxBS Күн бұрын
@@traceofmaze zumal man Straßenverkehr wohl kaum mit Rennstrecke vergleichen kann ...
@Toxik_Tobi Күн бұрын
​@@traceofmaze Was für ein Rennen? Die fahren einfach einen 2er Train und das Motorrad ist halt deutlich langsamer. Klar musst du als Überholender sicherstellen, dass es sicher ist. Aber dafür hat man Spiegel und wenn da plötzlich zwei Porsche hinter einem sind, die da vorher noch nicht waren und man geht voll nach rechts, dann muss man halt davon ausgehen, dass die vorbei gehen.
@traceofmaze Күн бұрын
@@ToraxXxBS Ich teile Deine Meinung über Radfahrer ;-) Ich wollte nur verdeutlichen, dass du mit 1,5 to gegen 200 kg einfach lieber auf Nummer sicher gehst, bevor du wegen fahrlässiger Tötung dran bist.