Which Mario Has The Highest Jump?
Why Modern Zelda Dungeons Suck
Make Pikmin Hard Again
8 ай бұрын
Nintendo ruins its games with DLC
It sucks being a Donkey Kong fan
@MrRazia5271 39 минут бұрын
Now tooie
@evanwright365 2 сағат бұрын
@kitekirax 3 сағат бұрын
why are you pronouncing mario like that? you played mario 64. they literally pronounce it correctly at the very beginning in peach's letter.
@kelPrins 3 сағат бұрын
Can’t you open the blue house with the key from the inside after the clip?
@AndyToons64 6 сағат бұрын
My wife left me - Toad
@TheKruthix 7 сағат бұрын
I remember playing the multiplayer as a kid. Was confused but had tons of fun.
@iamnotme0178 8 сағат бұрын
This hurts my brain.
@xiutecuhtli15 11 сағат бұрын
Im interested in this video but the youtuber accident is killing me i cant deal with this
@Blueyzachary 12 сағат бұрын
I LOVE this game
@RetroPanda13 12 сағат бұрын
The idea of the world being bigger isn't necessarily a bad thing is a little flawed. I agree with you on that but only IF said bigger world had much more stuffs to do. Such as : - More interractions through the level which most of them don't as you take 5 to 10 minutes to get from point A to point B, Terrydactyland is a big offender as this world as such a lot of nothing. The warp pads don't even correct this issue as sadly... there are too few in the game actually. - Collectables to keep you entertained, Tooie is extremely flawed as they put every items in "nests" meaning that music notes now give you 5 per nest and one giving you 20 so overall there are 17 "notes" to collect in each world against 100 in Banjo-Kazooie. Same for all the other items like Eggs and Feathers so the whole "collectathon" lost a lot of its meaning in Tooie. I think the game would have gained a lot for giving us everything in singles. - The lack of "Mumbo tokens", since everything works with Glowbos you don't have much insensitive to exploration, I feel like they should have given us 2 currencies for Wumba and Mumbo : Glowbos for transformations and Mumbo tokens for Mumbo (duh), meaning more collectables instead of 2 Glowbos. It's basically the same issue as the notes. - Abilities are too one-dimensional and... we are given way too much. A lot of them are only used for one single purpose / jiggy and the ones you got in Banjo-Kazooie are barely needed aside from flight in Banjo-Tooie, we are given a huge moveset but I feel like 35% at best are used. An example of why Banjo-Kazooie is a little better, the egg ability is used for combat, to pay the toll in Rusty Bucket Bay, to make flowers in Mad Monster Mansion, to pay the musician in Gobi's Valley, To activate the tree in Freezeezy Peak, knock the golden teeth of Clanker, even used to beat Conga... The moveset stays as limited as possible but it's used to the fullest of potential. While some in Banjo-Tooie I felt like had potentials but never went there, like the ledge grabbing which imo is probably the best ability in the game as it is helping to enhance the plateforming experience of the game. It's a plateformer after all. - A lot of charm has been lost, of course if we keep the bias aside, it was honestly the intent to go to a more "darker" place with Bottles, Jam-Jam being a drill Sgt making you learn about bomb eggs, and using Kazooie as a gun, the Zombie Jiggaling apocalypse... We're like going to a war against Gruntilda and her sisters. However I feel like the game is less "warmer" than BK, you are not going on a fun adventure and I feel like the game is trying to make you feel like you're not here for fun. Heck even the final boss is a TANK the game slapped a big WAR theme on a magical adventure of a bear / bird / witch. Also the no rhyming is a big no no. - A silly one : I liked finding levels to unlock, loved exploring and suddenly branch out to find out there's the frame of a level to complete and unlock. I don't like having to always go the Jiggy Temple to get them, let me explore Isle O'Hags to find puzzles to enter levels ! I prefer the ambiance of Grunty's hideout too, it's witchy, it's cramped but it doesn't take time to lost itself in a big area of nothing and everything have little to no personnality. - I think that all the empty space could have maybe gone to give us maybe even more levels. I feel like instead of 8 levels (like you said BK had 9) and without all the diffenrent locations in some of them, we could have probably have 4 to 6 additional levels in Tooie. Just by scrapping the empty space and the unecessary sub-places within the level where it's huge and only for one Jiggy (like Jolly Roger's bay inside the water or Grunty's industries as a whole that is unecessary huge).
@Singleraxis 12 сағат бұрын
I played Tooie before Kazooie and love everything about the game, the amount of wacky extra's doesn't bother me and backtracking brings me home like games such as Super Metroid. Nothing wrong with utilizing a little of your memory.
@GooseGumlizzard 12 сағат бұрын
Game is trash. I hated it in 1997 as a kid and I hate it now.
@charliesgamingplace2371 14 сағат бұрын
alph gaming
@4339steelerfan 16 сағат бұрын
I had no idea people hated tooie go figure
@MYNAMECHEF_FilthyFrank 18 сағат бұрын
Banjo Tooie Is just the expansion to Banjo Kazooie, there i said It
@pedrovictorsilvaladeira7877 18 сағат бұрын
now I wonder if it's possible to beat pikmin 2 with only one captain (of corse, after the frist day)
@janelle9998 18 сағат бұрын
I used to play this game with my brother when i was younger. We always played versus mode and not really story mode, and we loved the game. Now its nostalgic and dear to me. Now if I'd come across this game, I'd hate it. I guess it goes to show you how easily you can like things as a kid, even if you enjoy it just slightly.
@mrhalfsaid1389 21 сағат бұрын
Honestly i think you are the only person I've ever heard pronounce Mario as "Meyhrio". I respect it
@sparrowgunther5664 21 сағат бұрын
Love how you used thousand year door ost for the back tracking section. Also, almost everything in this video is why I love Tooie
@spagheleton Күн бұрын
i'm sorry so many of the comments are shaming you for how you talk for some ridiculous reason, you have a very relaxing yet entertaining voice
@gingisnapz7928 Күн бұрын
Plz say Mario right T-T
@beterbomen Күн бұрын
@pressaTD Күн бұрын
Hey guys, I want to start crediting the people who actually find these insane tricks better on this channel. It’s something I haven’t been great at doing but I want to rectify that, starting with this video. All of these tricks were found by the pikmin speed running community, for this run specifically Drought Ender found most of them. So please thank Drought Ender for his hard work because it keeps these olds games alive.
@dasutanehineri Күн бұрын
12:33 i never noticed that the mireclops looks back on its own dead body when it dies. thats kind of fucked up dude
@jdb2002 Күн бұрын
I heard you using male pronouns for Sushi. Sushi is actually a female.
@kefka14 Күн бұрын
I like how you were generous and didn't even count the moves or coins in DK64.
@hogjehyxd Күн бұрын
#15 burger king foot lettuce
@dragonempress8367 Күн бұрын
What? I love the music.
@Schokotroll1 Күн бұрын
Some "Backtracking" is not really backtracking. Like jolly rodger one (heating and cleaning the water), you don't have to get back to jolly rodger, you get the Jiggy in the level you currently are so you don't go back. Same in the cloud level where you water the dinosaur, he gives the jiggy without needing to return to terrydactyl land. Same with Grunty GMBH. If you are future level and change something in a past level without needing to visit it, it's not really 'back tracking'.
@aaronj0seph 2 күн бұрын
super MERIO??? cmonnnn
@Scrubber89 2 күн бұрын
I could only beat her final challenge on Xbox with the back of a spoon. Took all the paint off my Xbox 360 controller.
@Loki_T2013 2 күн бұрын
Love to see the blue pikmin getting some attention. Idk exactly what young me loved so much about them (still my favorite pikmin but young me LOVED them ig) cause at my aunts house, who mind you I'd go to like 2 times a month maybe. That save file I had on her GameCube had something over 10,000 blue pikmin
@danielgoffredo7469 2 күн бұрын
Loved it
@unemilifleur 2 күн бұрын
I had litteraly no issue with the sublever with the 3 emperor bulblax. THE EMPRESS BULBLAX WITH THE GEYSERS THOUGH
@pancakehouse299 2 күн бұрын
Ahh yes, my favourite DK 64 mini game Krazy Kong Klamour
@Kaitri 2 күн бұрын
man i miss when me and the ppl around me were kids and didnt give a shit about if theres gay representation in video games... instead of it being a daily internet theme that always ends with ppl being salty. i miss the good old days.
@rainydays7498 2 күн бұрын
@ruudvandenhove6905 2 күн бұрын
this run went very smooth, too smooth......
@zacharycardon2353 2 күн бұрын
I forever side with Banjo Tooie the superior game and the N64's best. Rose-colored spects aside, the mini games and boss fights are redundant. But back tracking makes me feel like a bad ass, and the world design is breathtaking! 3D platformers like this are why I'm a gamer in the 1st place, and I'll fight for collectathons to my dying day!
@theopoldthegamer4284 3 күн бұрын
This is just an idea, but could you build Brittany's bridge on the first day in the tundra, then build Alph's part on the second?
@UlliNice 3 күн бұрын
@-Quakkerz 3 күн бұрын
Couldnt you have used shadow play area for 3d world?