@DP_e-que Күн бұрын
Keep up the good work
@DP_e-que Күн бұрын
Sounds like you skipped some steps 4 and 5 trauma and self will is a killer. The serenity prayer is a tool if you are honest with yourself.
@DP_e-que Күн бұрын
Let go and let God brother. Don't complicate the process. You get up work do AA. God knows who you are . Change people and places and do alot of AA.
@ShadowPilled Күн бұрын
Such a canadian accent
@lylemccomber9460 Күн бұрын
Awesome I am so happy for you to be sober. You just helped me so much
@jnidob9676 3 күн бұрын
Holy shit, your story reminds me of when I was at my worst. Well done getting sober my man 🤗
@daviddastan6105 4 күн бұрын
Your words ring true about we’re not seen by others the way we want to be seen and that’s okay.its just good to be seen and be sober. Healthy or sober brings in contentment and happiness. At least for myself it does. Being aware and alive is real. It isn’t difficult to understand that and when I am sober thing just are the way their supposed to be.
@casper1240 4 күн бұрын
The first drink makes all the other decisions for you
@jannorris4140 5 күн бұрын
But Democrats now say you CAN deny you're a man!! lol .... that party is disgusting.
@chubbywubby90 5 күн бұрын
It's not so bad after the first 2 weeks
@lukedodge2754 5 күн бұрын
The Sober Empire Dude!! Bro I loved your videos!! Please dude make more of that kind of content like those Sober Empire videos 😁🤙
@RICHY8791 6 күн бұрын
I can't stop, I cannot take the withdrawal and the pain of dealing with my life! UK
@ethnocentricfun991 2 күн бұрын
Praying for you to get help to heal
@rigobertoornelas289 7 күн бұрын
Damn true words spoken 💯
@Disappointingyourdemons 8 күн бұрын
When you stop fighting and you surrender is when the real recovery, the real healing, starts. I have been "fighting" this thing called alcoholism/ addiction for all of my teenage and adult life. I've stopped fighting. I've accepted that what I am and I've surrendered. I wqs given the gift of ddesperation. Sounds like a shitty gift but it is truly a blessing in disguise. One day at a time I refuse to let my alcoholism control my life anymore. I am free.
@barrygreen9341 9 күн бұрын
Well done sir for staying sober and for your analysis.
@YurMum-nj7kj 10 күн бұрын
This video sounds a lot like my BPD therapy. It's all connected
@dahof2789 10 күн бұрын
We've never met, but I am proud of you! Keep it up! You're worth it!
@robbatayaki5505 11 күн бұрын
I have a problem : Since I stopped, 18 months ago, I view my drinker-acquaintances with a sense of pity and superiority, that I try to hide ...
@Plan-C 12 күн бұрын
Sometimes, I think it is like a form of possession. Like an autopilot with somebody else driving. I want to drive now. You are a long time dead. 160-odd days now. Loving it. Hold it down bro.
@silviahoffmann158 13 күн бұрын
17 days 19 hrs
@fjade2495 14 күн бұрын
Excellent video!!
@mehDOGIESRATS2222 14 күн бұрын
Tasted like skunk rofl . Let's face it beer is Wessels piss .Ever noticed how a Ginger Beer taste a 1000 times better . I'm on this filtered lemon water buzz at the moment it's fcking awesome lol . The worst thing about drinking is the actions you take whilst shit faced . The feeling of shame and guilt it creates is the worst feeling and people you care about you around you start hating on you . I started smoking weed at high school , it was terrible . I could remember shit or learn fck all . And my teaches started to noticed how shit I was doing . My friends a pisshead and has this sick as 440 horse power lexus , I don't think it makes him happy . He still drinks like a fish . The reality is no amount of booze or drugs is going to fix our issues . I'm can't say I'm free from the chains of my addiction , but sure am starting think twice about it more . I think learning to be just happy without just yourself is the hardest thing in the world . I think many people out there can agree with me on that . I often drink when I'm bored of whatever I'm doing . I guess you could just take a cold shower every time you feel like a drink . Like some sort of torture to reinforce why I shouldn't drink lol . So maybe just maybe subconsciously it turns me off . Sure wouldn't want to hit the cold shower this time of year , it's fcking cold as here in New Zealand . Happy for you man , drugs and booze are nasty shit . Hard drugs are no joke . I put my gf off meth I was that annoying . Haven't touched it since . Exercise helps heaps I find . Better to be addicted to healthy things .
@Skoopyghost 15 күн бұрын
I always been tall and puberty give me muscles. I still dealt with drug addiction later on in life.
@paulbrown2439 17 күн бұрын
appreciate you being honest about your story..I'm working through similar issues as well
@AustinMurray522 17 күн бұрын
You have great insight, subbed.
@mattriley1426 18 күн бұрын
Very good, your a smart guy, i relate so much with you. Thanks
@Jay1971lion 18 күн бұрын
Amazing story. Thank you for sharing
@Anthonys_S 21 күн бұрын
So proud of you man. Well done ❤️ my fight is with opiates (pain pills not heroin) but even after getting sober for ages I can honestly say the thing that bothers me or freaks me out is I’m terrified to be a sober person , even now it’s like I was under the influence so long I don’t know who the real me is , I was 16 when I started and got sober at 32 but I lost my whole twenties , I just don’t feel like I know who I really am if that makes sense
@timothyslaughter476 23 күн бұрын
People talk about can I have one drink? For me it's I can't even have one sip. One sip hits me in a way where I don't know where I'll be tomorrow. Could be home safe. Could be never to be seen again. It's really that simple.
@mustafabaris9681 23 күн бұрын
It is easier to change your association with alcohol . Think of it this way : Even after you quit , those strong urges will surface from time to time just to test your willpower .. However, human willpower has it's limitations .. If you don't change your association with alcohol those urges will keep surfacing and you will eventually give in and go back to the old same patterns all over again. However, if you work on changing your association with alcohol then the urges will eventually dissipate and you won't have to keep using your willpower to resist having that first drink again ..In fact, you will never want to have any drink without using any willpower.. Think of something in your life that you absolutely despise . It could be anything, some food, drugs, anything. You need to put alcohol under the same category in your mind. You need to change the association , for example, next time when you have a strong urge to drink, instead of imagining how great it would feel right now to open a cold can of beer and just chug it , think of an empty beer glass that has been left on the table for two days, think of all the foams kind of stuck to the glass and the nasty smell coming out of the glass .. Or next time you have a strong urge to have that martini think of the old day when you woke up in the middle of the night after sleeping on the living room carpet sleeping in your own vomit ...When the urge comes, not just think about those nasty associations but try to bring feelings to it , in a matter of minutes, the urges will vanish ..
@Rachey77 25 күн бұрын
Before and after pics are remarkable. Alcohol is evil.
@thomashugus5686 25 күн бұрын
Very low self esteem as a kid with brutal social anxiety. I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and back then not much help. I self medicated with alcohol and drugs. It was rough but I thought I was the only weird one.
@sebz1390 Ай бұрын
I’m on day one and know this is over. These withdrawals sucks. Sweating , stomach ache Nassaues. Never want to feel like this again
@revolverdon 16 күн бұрын
Just hang in there no matter . You're head is spinning you can't think straight. The guilt is overwhelming I know, been there. The things going on in you're mind will stop. What ever happened to get you where you are need to be put aside right now. You are important to yourself and deserve the respect you need Think that the pain you're going through IS YOUR BODY RETURNING TO HOW IT SHOULD BE ! THINK THAT THE PROCESS IS HAPPINING ! Each day as hard as it is will get slightly better. I know ! People are so busy with their problems that they are not noticing what you feel. Let the guilt be pushed aside for now and respect yourself . God didn't place you here without a reason. This will work out and your suffering will have meaning You'll see it down the road. You really will ! Realize your mind can only be an one thing at a time. You control it. Think of not one day at a time , but one hour at a time. If you don't think you control your mind , tell me who does. I want you to get a bucket and fill it with all the stress you have. You can't since it's all in your head. Relax your mind by walking in a few days of a hobby because if your mind is on the hobby or activity it cant be on drinking. Things will get better not drinking. Then you can slowly start the recovering of the things in your life You are important and deserve respect and will return to the person you know you are. Love yourself , things have a way of working out.
@sebz1390 16 күн бұрын
@@revolverdon thank you for that. Just really does suck, pushed a girl out of my life who really cared about me because of my self centered alcoholism. But I guess what Evers meant to be is out of my control.
@revolverdon 16 күн бұрын
@@sebz1390 You really don't know that right now. Same happened to me 35 years ago. After taking care of myself and getting my self together I met a beautiful 29 year old flight attendant. Been married 36 years she still looks great and she's a terrific wife ! You're girl may still be interested in you after this passes and life stabilizes. And it will. Promise. It simply a matter of time Everytime I see a bottle of alcohol I look at it and see it as my enemy ! I say no way get away , I'm not going to let you control my life ! It will pass and you'll be the victor ! Again and again Remember the bucket .... it will pass and you'll wake up the next morning proud of yourself ! After a while the craving will stop.
@sebz1390 Ай бұрын
Man I’m just like you. Bought the beamer, got an arm sleeve. Blew and engagement and now just blew another relationship. She accepted my problem, but it’s because of my lying and nasty mouth when I drink. Enough is enough, I made the decision to change. Wish me luck. Taking this as a blessing
@Bretisstillaboss Ай бұрын
loooove this - coming on 1 year on June 30th. So effortlessly honest. And when we can get to that place - that is freedom for me.
@joefox9765 Ай бұрын
When one cannot accept themselves or the abuse from the world or their bad decisions and unguidance. It is so available I never heard it that way before. Like many I started with weed and became dependent. I grew up around extreme alcoholics and a very sad childhood
@ndjubilant8391 Ай бұрын
100th like 😊
@ndjubilant8391 Ай бұрын
Thank you, new subscriber here
@butchmichaels69 Ай бұрын
I went to my doctor to discuss my alcohol cravings and difficulty trying to abstain from drinking. I was given a prescription for naltrexone and followed the Sinclair method. Lost all cravings for alcohol after 6 weeks. Surprisingly simple!
@littlesherm Ай бұрын
Thanks for your video and sharing your story. I could really relate. Thank you!
@zelowatch30 Ай бұрын
I miss watching videos like this and not every one being a semi documentary with so much edits.
@ndjubilant8391 Ай бұрын
Check out Terry G Alcohol Free Life
@legs_11.82 Ай бұрын
Progression not perfection. That was an important phrase that I needed to hear, among others.
@1FrenchConnection1 Ай бұрын
Congratulations on your new journey! I’m at 8 months sober and I feel much better. lol love the end with the bag of chips!
@johnkerr7286 Ай бұрын
Took me until 70 to realize I had a problem, when I finished up hospitalized and in a wheelchair. I had to hit rock bottom, lost everything, I was in such a bad place - it was quit or die. Sober now 6yrs - alcohol is a very sinister drug. David, you are a good guy - well done - you caught it early.👍
@siriush100 Ай бұрын
It shouldn't be a fight. You either recover or you don't. Instead of being a slave to your addiction you become a slave to your sobriety. Do some research on rational recovery and Jack Trimpey to learn more if you'd like. It guided me to save my own life.
@siriush100 Ай бұрын
The fear of success is always a greater hindrance than the fear of failure.
@motorvenom7113 Ай бұрын
The background looks like alberta! thanks for the insight man. I am almost one month clean from ❄
@David.Masson Ай бұрын
Good job dude. Keep staying clean. And I'm in Sask!
@philparisi9175 Ай бұрын
I am not getting why that doctor kept you on Valium for that long and used it as a way to treat anxiety disorder on a regular basis not even as a PRN and efficient and much more healthy and helpful way. I’m treating panic disorder.
@philparisi9175 Ай бұрын
You was having big anxiety attacks, and you were treating those anxiety and panic attacks with the booze
@philparisi9175 Ай бұрын
I’m not understanding how a 24-year-old has enough money or enough credit to buy an $80,000 car must not have been paying rent or something
@Mark-eg2yd Ай бұрын
Don't know how Canada works but if you're salary is big enough I don't see how it's not possible. He never mentioned money being an issue so I suspect his family helped him too..